Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
And it looks like we got our guest speakers on the call already. And guys, I'm telling you right now, you better take out your notebook and your pen and be ready to take some notes because this couple right now is on fire. They're coming by way of Puebla, Mexico. They are from Palm Desert, California, but they are on vacation. And guys, I got to tell you, they remind me so much of me and Susan when we first got in the business, because they also have three daughters and they are just so beautiful along with this beautiful wife. They are just killing the game. Listen to these stats, guys. They go by the name of Desert Heat. And so if you're feeling a little hot right now, that's the reason is because they are bringing the heat big time. We can feel it all the way in Riverside, California. Guys, man, thank you so much. Such great leaders. Raul is actually a former school teacher who made $42,000 a year. Right. And Noemi, she was a former bank teller at Bank of America, B of A, and they didn't give me her annual income. But I bet you it's about next to nothing what she was making. Right. And actually, their upline is our good friend, as well as they are, Michael Pyatt, Senior National Sales Director of Primerica. And Raul and Noemi are actually NSD's National Sales Directors themselves. So, guys, in order to get to National Sales Director, you have to help a lot of people, a ton of people. You actually have to promote at least six brokers into the business. You've got to promote them to Regional Vice President, in other words. So they've already done that. Their current 12-month cash flow, guys, get this, $480,000. So, yeah, give that a hand. I mean, that is huge. That, guys, that's $40,000 a month is what they're making into their bank account. I know that excites the heck out of people. And they ain't stopping there, guys. They're on their way to half a million, $600,000, $700,000, and a million-dollar run. Right. And we're rooting them on because we know what it feels like. They've been in Primerica. Look at how young they are. They look like kids, but they've been in Primerica for 21 years. Right. And the last stats I'm going to give you is this month, OK, the month of June. All right. Their base shop recruited 92 people. They wrote $57,000 in life insurance premium, and their cash flow was $45,000 into their bank account last month. Right. And here's their, yeah, that's awesome. And year-to-date, here's their year-to-date stats. In their base shop, they've recruited 815 people so far this month, giving 815 people an opportunity to own their own business. That's incredible. Those numbers are mind-boggling. Right. And they ain't done by no stretch of the imagination. They've written $402,000 in life insurance premium up to this point, halfway through the year. So they're on track to write a million dollars in life insurance premium. That's covering people, you know, in case they die. You know, they're delivering checks for $50,000, $100,000, half a million, a million dollar checks to people who pass away because our company delivers. And their year-to-date cash flows at $270,000. So if you double that, because we're halfway through the year, they're on track to make $540,000 this year. But I promise you, you'll see them make at least $600,000, if not $700,000 by the end of this year. So, Raul and Naomi, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and helping the Master Builders second phase get to another level. And so take it away, guys. Talk to the team and treat us like we were your base shot. All right. All right. Thank you so much, Coach Art and Susan. You guys are amazing people, man. I want to share something. First of all, I'll give you guys so much props, man, and so much recognition because you guys, man, have been a huge part and a huge component. You know what? When we did the West Coast Convention and we did a talk right there, I'm like, oh, dang, dude, we totally forgot to say Susan and Art Caron. I apologize for that because you guys deserve a lot of respect and a lot of credit for our success. Thank you so much for opening up your doors when we needed somebody to help us out. Our team was really, really small. It's still small, right, in our eyes, compared to what, right? And but we really needed leadership. We really needed somebody to plug in. Our coach and mentor was going through his, our coach, Michael Pyatt, was going through his really dark times, battles, you know, with going through his divorce. And he really was out of the business for like six years. And we were thinking, you know what, we got to do something about this. We got to figure out a way to plug in, to find somebody, a leader that we respect, that we admire, that is willing to help us out. And without any hesitation, guys, your coach, your coach, Susan and Art Caron, said yes, they opened the doors and we started working together, collaborating. And we learned so much from your leaders, so much from your coaches that that is part of our DNA and part of the blueprints that we have of success. You have it with you. And I know sometimes you need to hear from somebody else, but I bet you any, I bet you that you're going to hear things that you've already heard and you've already, you hear it all the time from your coaches. But it just, it just so happens that it's really good to hear it every now and then from different leaders and everything. But, but a shout out to Susan Caron, shout out to Art Caron for being amazing, giving, selfless, humble leaders that, man, they know what they're doing. And we're really excited to, and honored to be asked to speak in their Super Saturday. So hopefully the message that we give you is something that really, that really impacts you, that really, you know, that really inspires you to move you to the next level. And it is going to inspire you because after you hear my story, I know her story, she's going to share it right now too, but after you hear my story, you're going to be thinking, what, man, if this guy can do it, if this guy's making 40, $50,000 a month, guys, man, I'm going to make $100,000. I'm going to give you guys so much hope, man. I'm going to, I'm going to make $150,000 a month, man, because this guy is just so average and ordinary and, and his background is very, very, very, very, very basic, right? So me, where do I come from, guys? I come from a background where all my, my parents, I don't know any business owners, all of our, all of my family are all employees, 75% of them work in the, in the fields, in the gray fields, okay. And, and so none of them have like this, I don't know anybody, not even friends. Okay. So that's my family friends. How about friends? You would be thinking, well, yeah, he probably had a hookup. He probably had a friend that, uh, that was making a lot of money too. And, and he, you know, he also, he also hooked them up and showed them the way. Right. And guys, I'm going to tell you something, man. I didn't know any of the highest incomer that I knew was my coworker. He was a high school teacher. He was making $60,000 a year. He was making $60,000 a year and he had been teaching for 21 years. And I said, well, I guess that's my future. Right. I said, I guess that's, that's what I'm going to be making later on in life. And, uh, and I'm so glad guys that I'm so glad that, uh, that I met Primerica. So how did I meet Primerica? So first of all, I, I, um, I, I, my first job was a cricket picker when I was, um, when I was 13 years old. So I picked grapes. Uh, my parents, my dad said, Nijo, I'm going to show you what hard work, what hard work is all about. I'm like, dang, this is crazy. Uh, uh, first of all, he was breaking child labor laws. Number two, it was, it was, it was like the worst type of thing you could do for your, for your 13 year old son. Right. Because it's, I don't know if you guys have been to the Coachella Valley, but it's 120, uh, 120 degrees in the shade. Right. And the, and the grape vines, there's like, it's like 50, 50 shade, you know? Um, and, uh, and, and it's something that, that, uh, you should never put your 13 year old, uh, through. Right. But, uh, but I did it, I did it for three years on the corrida, they call it a corrida, where you, you work, um, uh, three months in the Coachella Valley, picking grapes, packing them up and sending them out to, I don't know where they go. Right. And then you go to Bakersfield and you do another three months of crazy slave labor. It's Monday through Saturday, 6 AM to 5 PM. And, uh, it's not good. Right. So, uh, so that's what I did. Um, and then I, and then I said, man, this sucks. All right. I was definitely motivated to go to school and that's what my parents goal was. So I went to Cal Poly Pomona, got my bachelor's degree, became a high school teacher. Guys. And, um, and then I thought I'd made it. I thought, man, this is it. This is what they talk about all the time. This is, this is, I was making double the income of my dad and I was single with no kids. Right. And, and, and by the way, I was broke. Right. Cause I, cause, cause it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how much money you make. It's how much you keep. It's how it's, it's what you do with it. Right. So, um, so I was broke. I was paycheck to paycheck. I had student loans. I was drowning in debt. I couldn't save a thousand bucks. Never. My checking account never had a balance or over a thousand dollars, um, except on the first of the month where they paid me once a month, they paid me $4,200 into my paycheck, but in, in less than a week, that money was down to less than a thousand dollars and I had to live off of that for the rest of the month because it was on a, on a monthly basis. So, um, so, so then a year into it, a year into Primerica, I mean, a year into teaching, somebody invited me. I worked at JCPenney's part-time during Christmas season and the manager there invited me to a Primerica meeting. She was in Primerica. She invited me and then, and then I went and I saw, this is two, two big things that I saw guys. I saw Michael Pye do a presentation and he talked about how much money he made last month. He made $57,000 last month and I, that caught my attention, but it wasn't as important as the other part. Okay. So this is, this is a something that I want to share with you guys. Okay. The first part caught my attention, but I didn't believe it. Okay. So that is pretty much everybody that you recruit. So I want to, I want to share with you guys that when you recruit somebody, the first thing that they're thinking is they're thinking small. They're not thinking big. They don't, they're, they're, they're self-esteem and then there's business esteem. Okay. So people's business esteem is very low when they start. They don't believe that they could make 30, 40, $50,000 a month. It sounds great. You could talk about it, but they don't believe it. It's something that you as a leader are going to have to pour belief into them until they start getting it, not only getting it, but also believing it that they could do it. That if it could happen to you, it could happen to them as well. They don't care about how much money you make. They care about how much money you could help them make. Right. That's what it's all about. It's all, it's about what are their goals? Hey, what are your goals? If you were making 50,000 a month, what would you be doing? Who would you help? Where would you travel? Talk about their goals. What do they want? Right. Because once they start talking about what they want, then they're going to realize, dang, my goals and dreams are here. Right. My goals and dreams are here, but my income is here. So what do you need to do to achieve your goals and dream? You got to raise your income. So check this out, guys. Write this down. Okay. Your number one wealth building tool is your income. Your number one wealth building tool is your income. So since that is true, then what should you do? You should make more income, more of it. Right. You should make more money. That's what you should be doing. You should be thinking of ways to make more money. So this is a good thing to say when you're talking to clients. Right. You should say, hey, did you know that your number one wealth building tool is your income? Right. So you should, so then if that's the truth, then you should make more of it. Let me ask you a question. Right now, right now, right now, do you have a way to make an extra $3,000 on a part-time basis? They're going to say no. Okay, great. So if I could show you how to make an extra $3,000 part-time on a monthly basis, then would you be open to the opportunity? Would you allow me to help you? Would you allow me to show you? Because I'm confident, right, because now your business esteem was low, but now it's high, right? You're confident that you could help them out, so you're going to say, I am confident that I can help you do that. All right. So all you got to do is look, it costs over $2,000 to get your life license, security license, and mortgage license, and primarily all you have to pay is $124. Do you see value in that? Do you see value in that? Okay, great. Then let's get the ball rolling. How are you going to pay for the 124 with a Visa or MasterCard? And bam, let's recruit them. See that? So I see that this is being recorded, okay, so this is good. You guys could watch the script and the whole series of questions later on, but you got to have a way, okay, a way to get people to say yes without getting too much into it. You got to use social media to recruit, okay? I know I'm deviating from the story, but this is good little points that are just popping in my mind that I want to share, okay? Here's another one. One of the ways that I personally get new directs right now is through YouTube, right? People right now watch a YouTube video and then they message you and say, hey, how does that work? How do you do that? We have people in our, so then what you do is you recruit them, you do an interview. Are you interested? Okay, great. When's a good time that we could jump on a Zoom meeting? Are you available right now? Also, that's another tip. Be urgent. Don't wait until tomorrow what could be done today, right? Americans, business and procrastination don't mix, okay? Never say tomorrow because tomorrow is not even guaranteed. You don't even know if it's going to happen, right? Why do tomorrow what you could do right now? So when you're booking appointments, hey, do you have time right now? Are you available right now? If you're available, why not throw it out there, right? They might be available to jump on a Zoom meeting right now. We have teammates like Chyna and Jordan who Instagram didn't work for them, right? We've been, for many years, Johnny Avila in our team, he's been with us for three years and a half. Johnny Avila is my cousin. He's working with Jackie Cabrera. They're engaged. They're our next regional vice presidents. Last month they did, out of the 90 some recruits, I think they did like 60 recruits in their team. And one of the things that he started, when he started, he started recruiting 5, 10, 15 people per direct a month when he started through Instagram. Well, guess what? Now there's TikTok, all right? So the younger crowd, now 18, 19 years old, they've been doing TikTok since they were 13, 14, 15 years old. Now they're 18, 19, 20 years old and they're using, they use TikTok. To generate their traffic and leads to build their Primerica business through the recruiting. And that's what really has created our recruiting explosion lately. I mean, dang, these girls are killing it, man. But maybe one day, coach, we could do like a training more specific on what they're doing, because I'm no good to teach you. I'm a Facebook guy. You know what I mean? So these guys are really killing it. I mean, for example, China Contreras recruited 75 directs in one month. That was in February, I believe, or March. It was March. 75 directs in one month. And then we have Jordan Johnson who recruited 76 directs. Broke China's record. And that's, by the way, the national company record in the whole entire company right now. Jordan Johnson, if you look it up. But anyways, man, when I started, guys, and the point of all that is to say this, back to where all this started. I joined Primerica for two things. Number one is I saw the big income, but my business esteem was low, so I didn't believe that. I saw good for you, Michael Pye. You know, back then I used to think like this. I don't think like this right now, but back then I used to think, well, of course he's making that type of money. He's white. That was my mindset, right, back then. But me, Mexican, Mexicans don't make that type of money unless they're doing something illegal. You know what I mean? So I didn't believe that, but I do remember that slide. I only remember two slides. That's definitely one of them that I remember. So definitely shows a big picture to new people, right? Number two is I saw the magic of compound interest. They told me if you save $200 a month, and I said, I can't save $200 a month. Then he said, can you save $50 a week? And then I said, $50 a week? Yeah. You know what? I could save $50 a week. That's easy. And then he said, well, that's $200 a month, dummy. So then I said, oh, well, dang, if you break it down in a week, then that means I could do it. All right, cool. So he said, if you save $200 a month for 35 years, that's $84,000. If you put it away, that's $84,000 out of your pocket. If you put it away at 3%, it's $160,000. At 6%, it's $270,000. But what do you think is going to be at 12%? And then I said, dang, I'm a math teacher. I'm pretty smart. $500,000. And then the guy said, well, it's actually $1.3 million. And guys, let me tell you, man, I grabbed onto that and I said, I need to learn this. How come I'm not teaching this in school? Where did he get 12%? And all these things started going through my mind, and I started part time. Never thought that I would leave teaching, right? Right now, watch. There's a room full of people, and then there's some people on Zoom. If I was to ask you, just answer it to yourself, okay? But I'm going to tell you right now, maybe you could raise your hand if you're in your digital hand or your hand if you're in a room. And I'm going to ask you a question. When you joined Primerica, honestly, okay, be really, really honest with yourself. Did you join and saw, maybe you saw the big picture, but in your mind, you only saw that you could make extra money on the site? What did you see? What did you see? And guys, I've done this with different groups, and about always, about 90 to 95% of the time of the people in the room started on a part time basis. They started just like me. Never thought they would leave teaching. They just wanted to make extra money. In my mind, I was thinking, I can make extra money on the site to pay down my student loans, because I thought Sally Mae was going to live with me, this old lady was going to live with me for the rest of my life. I thought I would never pay her off, honestly, guys, before joining Primerica. So my first year, I only made $8,000 in Primerica. That was my first year. And I used all that money to party, part of it, half of it, right, and the other half, I used it to pay down my Sally Mae student loans. Then that year, I went to a Primerica convention, and I saw these things. I saw this, guys. I saw a way to make unlimited income. They told me, Raul, you can make in a month what you make in a year. And I saw that in the convention, and that's why, guys, look, write this down. You've heard it a thousand times, but do you believe it? You know when you know when you believe it? You actually do it. And this is what they told me. They told me, big decisions are made at big events. Write that down. Big decisions are made at big events. This is a big event. So how do you know you believe it? Well, you have minimum ten people in the room or on Zoom that are in your team, right, because you know that they're going to hear something from this guy that they've never met, Raul Avila, from Coachella, great picker guy, and then they're going to catch something that is going to change. The rest of their life, because it did to me, guys. It did to me. I went to this convention, and they said, you can make unlimited income. And I said, what? You mean I control my pay rates? I don't have a boss telling me what an hour of my time is worth? Dang, unbelievable, right? I could make in a month what I make in a year. I said, I'm doing that. I'm grabbing onto that dream right there. Then they said, you can make passive income. You can make passive income. You can make money while you sleep. You can make money while you're at your daughter's soccer game. You can make money while you're on a date with your wife. You can make money while you're on vacation. You can build a business that works whether you work or not. And guys, that's another dream that I grabbed onto that I said, wow, I got to do this. What am I doing teaching, right? Then another dream that they sold me is they sold me on the dream of having ownership. That means that I could leave a business to my children's children for generations to come. In the West Coast Convention, I was talking to the team, Coach Art. In the West Coast Convention, I was sitting right behind Walker. What's his name? Lawrence Walker. Lawrence Walker was right in front of me and on the chair right in front of me. And I asked him, hey, Lawrence, tell me a little bit about your journey with your kids and you being a second generation in the valley of ownership. You know what he told me, guys? He told me that he has kids that all of them are in primary. They all have the ring. I don't have my ring with me, but they all have the ring. And I'm like, dang, that's a dream come true. That's exactly what I would love to see with my daughters, right? And then he gave me tips on how to recruit your kids in the future. He said, take them to all company trips. Let them buy all they want to buy. What do you call it when you order food in your room, right? Whatever that's called. He says, room service. He says, order all the room service. Let them have a blast in these primary trips. And then when they grow up, they're going to go into a big bad world and the world's going to be like, it's going to beat them up. And the world's going to be like, man, this is nothing like primary. What am I doing out there? What am I doing? And why am I not in the business like my parents' business, right? So anyways, guys, I grabbed on to ownership. I grabbed on to unlimited income. I grabbed on to passive income. And then the fourth one that I grabbed on to was that I could be somebody that I'm proud of. That I could be in an environment that I could grow and have examples of leaders that win, that are good examples of how I could raise, how I could have a marriage, how I could raise my kids. And I just planted my flag, guys. At that moment, I planted my flag and I said, this right here is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. And then I decided to start my journey. So was it easy? Heck no, man. My first two years, I struggled. I had sold a house to go full time. I lived in Burbank. My office was in Burbank, California. That's my current coach's office, which is Michael Pyatt. Then I moved back to the Coachella Valley, where I'm from, which is Palm Desert, Indio, Coachella, where they do Coachella Fest. And I started, I moved and I connected with an RVP there to help me out to grow my business. His name was Juan Teja. I'm very grateful for everything that he did. Also, he's another unselfish leader that opened up the doors and helped me out. And I was struggling, guys. I couldn't, you know, I couldn't, I was struggling learning the business. This was my struggle, right? It doesn't have to be your struggle, but you know what? Everybody's going to struggle. Everybody's going to have a fight. Everybody's going to have a journey to success, right? There's going to be a story that happens to you. And the thing about it is that you have to know how to respond to your story. You have to know how to respond to your adversities, to your trials, to your tribulation that you're going to have. Nobody's excluded from it, right? The Bible says it's coming. So, since you know it's coming, then you have to prepare in advance how to respond to it. How are you going to respond when adversity strikes? How are you going to respond when your chargebacks show up and your people don't show up? How are you going to respond when you have a Zoom meeting and nobody plugs in? How are you going to respond when your teammates are talking bad about you and then they leave you, right? To leave you to another company, right? How are you going to respond after you gave them your heart, right? Your time, your treasures, right? How are you going to respond when people backstab you? How are you going to respond when, like me for example, when your girlfriend back then doesn't support you, right? And calls you names like, are you a millionaire yet, right? How come you're not making no money? How come I'm paying for your lunch all the time? That used to happen to me, by the way. How are you going to respond with negativity when your parents say that this is a pyramid scheme, right? How are you going to respond to stuff like that? How are you going to respond when you have a loss of a family, when one of your family members is in the hospital? How are you going to respond, like one of our teammates, his sister got diagnosed for cancer. How are you going to respond if something crazy happens, guys? How are you going to respond? That's what matters. Because the way you respond to adversity is everything. Mental toughness is a huge piece of your Primerica success puzzle. Mental toughness. How tough are you mentally? And how do you develop mental toughness, by the way? You have to go through tough times, right? You have to go through, you have to build callus, right? So, like if you, you know, and my dad's a gardener and if you see his hands, his hands are like, they look like rocks. They don't look like soft and cuddly like mine, right? My dad's hands are like rocks and he has callus. So, if he gets a shovel, he doesn't get no more blisters anymore, right? My hand, if I get a shovel and I shovel for eight hours today, I'm going to get blisters all over my hand because I don't have callus. So, and the mind also works the same way. You build callus. You build toughness. Mental toughness is having callus in your mind, okay? So, how are you going to do that, man, when tough times come? So, let me take you through a couple things that I went through. When I met my wife three months into networking in that office in Indio, I met my wife. We got married 11 months later. We started having babies right away. And then Ruby, my firstborn daughter, when she was less than one years old, we went through our dark times, guys. We couldn't pay our bills. We were talking about divorce all the time. We were going through tough times. But then this is what happened. Something, a rock bottom moment happened. Intervention happened. My mother-in-law did a meeting with my parents. My mother-in-law did a meeting with my parents that I didn't know about. I found out because my dad calls me in the middle of the meeting and he says, I can't believe this is happening. Let me call my son. I get a call from my dad and I answer and he goes, mijo, come to the house right now. It's really important in Spanish, right? And I said, dang, my dad has never called me with that tone of voice. My dad is very cool, very mellow. And I thought something crazy happened. Somebody got cancer. Somebody died or something like that. So, I went to the house and as I enter the house, I see my mother-in-law, my wife, little baby Ruby, less than one years old. I remember she just turned 16 yesterday. And then I have my mom and my dad. I remember this like if it was yesterday, guys. And my dad looked at me with disgust and he started talking right away, mijo, siéntate. Your suegra is telling us that you, because I used to live with my suegra back then, that you ain't providing for your wife, you ain't taking care of your kids, and that you're struggling financially, you're always asking for money. And at that time, by the way, guys, my dad had stopped lending me money. I would always ask him for, hey, dad, tienes 20 dólares so I could put money in gas, right? And then one day, guys, he said, no, I don't have it. And I'm not going to give you no more money. And I was like, what? You're not going to help me? 20 bucks? I'm not going to do it no more, mijo. Maybe somebody told him that by helping me, he was handicapping me. And it was true. He was handicapping me. He no longer gave me money. And in that meeting, he said, I never taught you that. I never showed you. You always had food. You always had a place to live. And you always had protection. I never not showed you that. And now you're telling me that you're not providing, right? And that you're behind in your rent? You're behind in your office rent? $10,000? What's going on? I'm very ashamed of you. You change this now? You leave Primerica? Or we're going to have to do something about this? And I'm like, what? That's crazy, right? My mom then said, mijo, it's okay if you quit. It's okay if you quit. Nobody's going to call you a loser. Nobody's going to call you a quitter. You gave it everything you had. You just got to understand. You got to see it, mijo. Primerica is not for you. That's what I got. Crazy intervention, right? And then, to top it off, my suegra said this. She said, Raul, if you can't take care of my daughter and my granddaughter, that's okay. Give them back to me. I raised three kids on my own. I'm going to have no problem raising a fourth one. Oh, shoot. Guys, that's crazy. And I got to tell you, guys, that was the lowest point in my life. Not in my career, Primerica career, in my whole entire life. And that did something in me that I'm telling you that I don't even know how to explain it. But all I know is that from that day forward, I realized that it was me. I was always blaming others. I was always never taking responsibility. I was always shifting the responsibility, right? And let me tell you something. When you give responsibility to others, they grow. Because if they take the responsibility, they're the ones that are growing. But when you take responsibility for your life, for your actions, for where you're at, right? Don't blame your wife, your husband. Don't blame your upline, your downline. Don't blame nobody. The reason you are where you're at is your fault. That's when you start moving forward. And guys, that's the number one thing that I did. I took responsibility. So, tip number one, big tip, okay? Take responsibility for where you're at in your business. It's your fault. Whether it's really good, you're doing good, great. It's your fault. And if you're a great leader, you're going to say, it's because of my team. You see what I mean? It's because of my team. You actually give shout-outs to the success that you're having. But if you're not doing good, if you're struggling, if you're having a hard time, if you are where I was at back then, then it's your fault. You got to take responsibility. It is because of me. If it's going to happen, it's because of me. If it's up to me, it's going to be up to me, right? So, that's where I started, man. And then I started building a discipline. Here's another big tip that I did back then that I still do now. I literally still do it now, okay? I'm going to show you what I do now. I have an app, okay? Is this my phone? Where's my phone at? All right, check it out. I have an app. It's called Done, D-O-N-E, okay? In this app, okay, this app allows you to put the five most important habits, things that you must do, that you must complete on a daily basis for you to win the day, right? Win the day. Mine currently, these are what's on the list. Number one, I have to do my Bible study every day. Every morning when I wake up, I have to listen to my Bible study and read the Bible app. The devotional for today is called J. Vernon McGee. Then I do a podcast. I listen to a podcast, which is J. Vernon McGee. Boom, once I do it, done. Done for the day, right? These are the most important things that I should be doing in my business, okay? Number two, I got to check all my Primerica emails. You know, as RVPs, you're going to notice, right, Coach, that you get a bunch of emails, and some of them are not important, but some of them are really important. They can cost you a lot of money, and so I got to check my Primerica emails on a daily basis. Next thing that I do, I got to read 10 pages a day. I got to personally develop every single day and become a better leader. I got to become a better leader, right? I got to have things inside of me not only to overflow, so that it overflows in me so that I could coach people, but also I got to have enough inspiration in me so that I could get something out of people. Your job as a leader is not only to pour into people, but your job as a leader, even greater than that, is to pull something out of them, which is work ethic, which is inspiration to get it done, to fight for their goals and dreams, and go for it one more time, right? Not quit. You got to pull stuff out of your leaders, too. Number three, I have to make minimum 50 phone calls a day, phone calls either to my clients, which is my team members, or to my customers, which are what everybody in Primerica calls clients, right? My clients are my agents, right? How connected are you with your agents? I call them, call them. 50 phone calls a day, and I count them. I literally count them. So, I go to my call log, right? So, right here, I go to my call log, recent calls, and then I start looking how many calls did I make that day, because it's so important for me to make sure that I'm locking in, logging in minimum 50 phone calls every single day to just make phone calls, right, to connect. Next one is I need to do 50 push-ups every day, and actually, I should raise that already to 100 push-ups every day so that I could be fit, right? So, the first two I knock out in the morning is my push-ups and my daily devotionals, and then the last one I should be doing every day is booking. This is for me, okay? Don't copy me. You got to build. So, for some of you, you need to close every day, right? For some of you, you need to book 10 appointments per day. For some of you, everybody's different, so don't copy me. Build your own list. In fact, go to Coach Art and Susan and ask them, what are the five must-dos that I must do so that I could have, so that I could get my business going, right? Some of you are too focused on personal development, but you don't take no action, right? So, that's what I used to do. I used to be a personal development junkie, but I was getting no results, right? So, and then the last one is book seven appointments on a daily basis. That's my last one. All right, guys? So, that's another thing I started doing, changing, right? After that intervention, I started changing the way I do things. I took responsibility. It's up to me. Let me do what I have to do. I have a monthly goal, but what do I need to do on a daily basis to achieve that monthly goal? Does that make sense? And that's when I started doing my daily must-dos. And then, what's his name? Miguel Illich copied me, man, and he calls it the bucket thing, right? He got it from me, by the way. But anyways, that's a whole different story, and I'll talk about it later. No, I'm just kidding. I'm joking. But anyways, guys, now I want you to hear from my beautiful wife, all right? I got to tell you, man, she's one of the most mentally tough persons that I know. And Coach Art, can you tell me how much time do we have left? What is the timeframe here? You've got like 15 minutes. Okay, go for it, baby. You're going to hear from one of the best in the whole entire company, guys. Check it out. Listen to my beautiful wife, Noemi Avila. Go for it, baby. Thank you, guys. Thank you. I want to thank the Carry On family for inviting us. When your daughter reached out to me, Cassandra, about plugging in, we said, of course, because you guys have done so much to us. And I'm not talking about so much the business. It was about your lifestyle. It was about the marriage, how you guys treat each other, the world-class family that you guys are. And that just gets me very emotional to talk about it because that's the dream of every woman, to have a successful family. And obviously, that will trickle down to having a successful business. I want to talk to the new people. If you've been in Primerica under these great couple for less than a year or less than a year, minimum less than a year, I want to talk to you and to your heart. And why is it important for you not to quit? It's important for you not to quit because if you are like me, you came in with zero business experience. You just came in with a dream. And that became your down payment. And then you start working for what you want in the business, like booking appointments, getting your first promotion, getting your next promotion, self-developing. And three main things that you're going to learn in Primerica that I feel I've learned and I'm still developing are my people skills, leadership skills, and sales skills. These three skills, every day, sharpen your sword. Become a great people person. The person you want to recruit first, they have to like you. Become likable to people. It's not my way or the highway. It's us. We've got to get this thing to the next level. Number two, sales. Everything is sales. If you look around, the media is selling us something. And if you don't know the truth, you're going to buy it. The media is selling us something. Our coaches are selling us a way of doing business, heading towards the right direction. So if you don't know the sales process, you've got to know it because we've got to become professional when we're at the kitchen table. And when we're selling someone that follow me, you can do this business too. And thirdly, the leadership skills. I can't tell you enough. Everything falls and rises on the leader's shoulder. It's because of you. And if you're not where you want to be, like Raul mentioned, take responsibility. The toughest pill to swallow is the responsibility pill. And you've got to take responsibility. Your numbers are not where you want because of you. The recruiting is not where you want them to be because of you, because of me. So we've got to take responsibility because those who take responsibility grow. And then I want to talk to you about one of the things that I say all the time for people that come to me and say, I want to really go full-time. I want to know why you want to go full-time. If wanting to go full-time is because you want to be an RVP, welcome. There's no better time than the time you made the decision. But if you want to go full-time because you were laid off, you have nothing else to do, you shouldn't be full-time. Full-timers, this is it. You burn all boats. There's no going back. You're planted and you say, I'm going to go RVP. I'm going to get the ring. I'm going to build a big hierarchy. That's why you go full-time. But one of the questions that I get asked a lot is, okay, if I want to go RVP, what are some of the tips you can give me? Well, the most important tip is your faith to me. You have to know that this is where God wants you to be and there is no negotiation. It's you and God coming into your first partnership and saying, look, if you back me up, I commit to you, which he will, he's going to back you up, that I'm going to give it all I got regardless of what I'm going through, regardless of what I feel, see, or comes against me. That's like the seal deal conversation. No matter what, I'm still going to do it because God cares for you, but business doesn't care. But if you have God, you can overcome anything. You need to know that this is where God wants you to be and you need to know that it's non-negotiable. You will not go back to a job. You will not slow down, even if it gets tough. One week, one month doesn't dictate your future, but month after month does. That's why we have to shift all the time and do it different and do it better. So number one is, where are you at? Where are you with your relationship with Christ? Where are you with your faith? Are you reading the Bible? Because when you read the Bible, hey, your coaches, we pour so much belief to our team. I know the carry-ons do because they did it for us. But at the end of the day, it's the scriptures, it's the truth that you know about what God says about you that's going to get you through anything. He says, you're the head and not the tail. You're above and not beneath. You're blessed going in, blessed coming out. Although you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall fear no evil, for He is with you. He's going to deliver you. He's going to approve you. He's going to take you through. There's a scripture that says, although they push me with violence, your right hand pulled me back up. So we need to believe those things. Even when we're at night, when we're at night worrying, crying. I remember one time I was stressed about where my business was at. And I went to the scripture and the scripture said, he who watches over Israel never sleeps. And that got me so excited because I said, my God doesn't sleep. My God is attentive 24-7. So it doesn't matter where you're at. As long as you know that you know that you know that it's you and God, you will build it right back up. Another thing, you have to be mentally tough. This business is going to challenge that in you. And unfortunately, the enemy uses those around you, the most influential people around you, like your parents, your friends, to talk you out of Primerica. It's not them. You got to recognize that it's the enemy using people to discourage you. But when God approves you, who can discourage you, right? Only yourself if you buy into it. I remember Michael Pye looked at me in the eyes when he first met me and we started getting serious coached by him. And he said, you know what I mean? I have zero doubt you will be a millionaire in Primerica. And guys, I totally was sold into that. I said, you know what? I don't know how long it's going to take. I don't know how tough it's going to be. But he sees something I don't see and that's what I want. So I'm going to buy it. Borrow your leader's beliefs. Sometimes we don't have beliefs into ourselves. My dad passed away four years ago. He, unfortunately, was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. He had a Primerica policy, goes in for a colonoscopy, refers a checkup, and they did a colonoscopy. And unfortunately, the doctor gives him the diagnosis that he had stage four cancer. He passes away 30 days later. And I grieved hard because I never had my dad. So him dying, I felt like the hope, I was going to bury the hope of one day spending time with him. And that's not from the truth, but I also spent a lot of time with my heavenly father and he has given me affirmation. So when you come into the business, maybe you come from a background like I, where your father doesn't speak truth and lies into you. But thank God for Primerica because Primerica built the people like you and I to now be that to others. Be what you would like your leader to be for you. I love the fact that I get to spend time with people, talk to people, mentor people, pray for people because I wanted a kind of like a lifeline, someone that could be there for me anytime I needed help. And sure, Susan and I have been there for us anytime we need help. A question, going through something in business, they've never said, no, I don't have time. They've always made time. So if you're not successful in their organization, it's not because of them. Take responsibility. Another thing is for new people, I tell this to my team all the time, if you quit, please don't say that Primerica didn't work. Take responsibility. You were the one that didn't work because it can be possible that we're in the same office and you're making this and I'm making this. We come from the iShop every day. We're committed. Like before this meeting, we had a Zoom with our team. So you have to grow and develop yourself to get to the next and the next and the next and the next and the next level. We got to be like, you know, Neal Griffin says, up, up, up in a down, down world. And you have to face it till you make it. Not fake it. Face it till you make it. You have to have trust. You have to see those things that are not as though they are. And if people are being brutal with you, then you get really tough and you combat that with massive results. The best revenge is massive results. You want to get to a point where you are bulletproof, you've developed your leadership, you're living your dream life. And not to give back on people, but to prove to yourself that you did it. To prove to you that you only needed God and yourself. It has to be evident. I told the Lord, if you don't help me, like, there's no way I'm going to do it with just my strength. I really need you. So trust in him, trust in the people that God has put in your life, right? There's a reason why you're in that office. There's a reason why you're under Susan and Art. There's a reason why you're hearing this. It's not by accident. This is a mistake we make. We take Primerica as a common thing. There's nothing common about Primerica. It's a powerful business that changes people's lives. It has sure changed me. And I'm going to finish with this. About two weeks ago, Coach Art, my sister, went into the hospital because she had a really bad pelvic pain. And they told her, we don't know what it is, but we see a mask the size of an orange, and we are believing that there's a high probability, you know how they say, that it might be cancer. Well, that kind of messed up my sister for two days. And she calls me, she's crying, and she's like, what am I going to do? This is impossible. This is ridiculous. She's only 33 years old. You know, she's only 33. She's not married. She doesn't have kids. So all these things are going through her head. And all I could feel in my heart, that's why you have to be faith strong, was she's going to be fine. That's what the Lord spoke to my heart. And I kept telling her that you're going to be fine. Come to my house. And she came over to my house, we prayed, and I said, look, let's call my, I have a cousin in Mexico, Puebla, who's a doctor, let's call Danny and Xochitl. And they told her, come on over tomorrow, you need to come tomorrow. So on a Saturday, she shows up, they do the biopsy, the blood and ultrasound. And on Monday, they did the surgery. It wasn't no cancer, it was just a cyst, thank God. But what I'm trying to tell you here, that one of these days, someone's going to call you and they're really going to need you. And you're going to have to put up five, $10,000 to help them get through something like that. They're going to need you guys. I don't know why, but you're the one. I don't know. Stop complaining. Why do I have to book appointments? It's you. It's you. But if you can't take it, don't worry. God can find another Noemi. God can find another Raul. God can find another Art. God can find another Susan. You have to take that serious. No, Lord, you don't need to find nobody else. It's me. I'm going to make sure that those who are attached to me are financially taken care of. So, we put her on a plane, she went out there, paid for her surgery, and she kept saying, I'm going to pay you, I'm going to pay you. I'm like, don't worry. Don't worry about it. That's why we work so hard. Are you kidding me? I mean, I would do anything for my sister, and you would too. You would too. But just to give you an example of how life throws you things, and if you're not prepared, it's going to wipe you out. It's going to wipe you out, and you are letting it. Forget about being bullied in school. We're being bullied in life, and what's worse is that we're being bullied by an invisible bully, and you allow it time after time to speak to you negatively, and you take it and take it and take it, and it reflects in your results. If I serve a great God, you know, I'll tell you today, Art, the results of every individual is determined by the voices who they're listening to. If you're listening to faith, if you're listening to God, if you're listening to your coaches, of course you're going to have results. And if you're not where you want to be, ask yourself, who am I listening to? And change those voices and listen to the right voices. It's whoever you agree with. The other day, Raul said, we have the voice of truth, and we have the lies. And the one that will win is the one you. You pick. This one or this one. This one. Decide to pick the voice of truth, and the truth is that, yes, you can do Pre-America. Yes, you can go RVP. Yes, you can live your dream life. Yes, you'll be there for when your sister or your brother or your kids need you. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. The answer is yes. You can do it too. As soon as we cross over a million, I have to say this because it's a declaration for me. As soon as we cross over a million, we are establishing and building, starting building ground, an orphanage in Mexicali. And God has put that burning desire in the hearts of me and Raul. And every time I want to give up, I'm reminded of those kids. Every time I want to give up, I look at those pictures, at the pictures, and I say, no, you can't give up. I don't give you permission to give up. And that's what it takes to win, guys. I love you guys with all my heart, and you guys are so blessed to be under Art and Susan. And I've talked to you last. I know I talked to you on the phone about a month ago, Raul. But man, just to see you guys and the growth that you have worked on yourself so much and the message that you deliver, I can see why you guys are having so much success with you and your team and your hierarchy, man, and how much bigger it's going to get, man. The sky is not even the limit. You guys are going to go through that. And I'm going to let Susan say a few words and close you guys out. I'm going to get back over there with our team. We're going to do some recognition. And thank you so much for helping us out, okay? Wow, wow, wow, wow. Both of you absolutely killed it. Just watching and growing with you as young adults and now looking at you as the mother and father that you are to your children, the godly woman that you are, Noemi, absolutely just gives me pure joy. There's no doubt in my mind, like Art said, that a million dollars is there for you and beyond. I really believe that we in our lifetime, in your lifetime, that we will see somebody make a million dollars a month. There's no doubt. Because I think what we're doing right now with the campaign on how money works and the right attitude, the right mindset, you know, being a fully serviced office like you guys have in the Valley and how many people that you have impacted their lives, right? The regional vice presidents that you have. And you're just getting started and you're so young, right? I just, I'm so proud of both of you and I love that you work on your marriage daily. Never give up. I really believe that it is that way here for us, God, family and business. And sometimes it comes in different ways. Sometimes it's a little bit more family and then maybe a little bit more business. I know you're vacationing right now, man. Just know that you deserve where you're at right now because of all the hard work that you two have put in. I just love your transparency, Raul, and sharing your story with our team. And so many people can resonate with that. I really believe that this is probably the best training that we have had all year long, right? And you guys will have your daughters. They'll love the business. They'll love being in business with you guys because I look at our children and they love being in business with us because we sold them that, right? That it was going to be amazing and we have an amazing life now. But, man, thank you so much. Go enjoy your day. Happy birthday to your daughter, right? And I look forward to seeing you guys soon, man. God bless you. I'm looking forward to celebrating that million with you. Noemi, send me information. I would love to help you support your Christmas event. I know that you guys do that. And rally around that because I think that that's what family and friends do, right? Is give and give and give and give until you can't give anymore, right? So, I love you guys. Thank you so much. God bless. Thank you. Thank you. Love you guys. Thank you. Love you guys.