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BIG HITTERS 2023January23 Pre-call with Alex Makavand & BHC with Omar Oropesa

BIG HITTERS 2023January23 Pre-call with Alex Makavand & BHC with Omar Oropesa

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Alex is discussing recruiting tips and the need for a change in thinking. He mentions the importance of looking at recruits, licenses, field training, and promotions. He emphasizes the connection between field training and promotion, stating that field training equals promotion. However, he notes a disconnect between recruiting and licensing, suggesting a need to connect the two. He emphasizes the importance of adjusting and thinking differently to improve results. Hey, how you doing man? I'm doing good. This is Alex. What's up? Yes, sir. Big Omar Omar I'm down here in West Palm. Oh, are you? Yeah, if you're going to be around this week, I'll be down for at least the next two or three days uh Other than tomorrow i'm available. So Call me after the call is done All right, I actually was looking at maybe driving up there today and look at some new cars Right near. Oh, yeah Yeah, well, let me know i'll be around we'll be i'll be around he'll be over there doing the uh at his art studio working on some stuff, but uh We can go over there or if you're going to be up this way I could Just let me know i'll uh Call you around 11 o'clock is when i'll know Okay, perfect cool So alex you said you have an eight hour day by noon, huh? Yeah I know it's insane. But you know If I don't push myself to you know, get things going You know, then you end up waking up around noon around one o'clock and stuff like that so I hate that yeah Yeah Yeah, that's definitely uh a way to get more Discipline because i'm like I wake up with the crack about 9 29 30 I probably get out of bed about 10 30 I gotta work. You may stay up a lot later than him though. Omar I am up. I mean, I usually go to bed about one o'clock Yeah, so that's the difference Yeah, yeah Some people just more productive up first thing in the morning others more productive later in the evening, you know, I think it's Yeah, you know, I like the the peace and quiet and just kind of Getting my mind straight and get my body straight and I'm at the gym by by 6 a.m. Every morning now today. I'll go later obviously, but You know try to get that in so Hey I used to joke with people when I was really working the hardest they used to ask me So like what are your hours and I said I work half days And they you work half a day. How do you make all this money working half days? I said, yeah, I work from 12 noon to 12 midnight. That's half of a 24 hour day, bitch There you go That's what I used to tell them all yeah because it was true it was true like I would work from 12 noon I would leave my house at noon But I was out on appointments and I didn't get home until midnight. So I mean that's 12 hour days, you know Yeah. Oh, yeah I know. I remember if I got home around 10 30 or 11, I felt like man, this is too early guilty. Yeah, right, right And lisa would look at you like what the hell are you doing home so early Exactly so hey anything in particular you want us to cover other than recruiting Uh, just so alex you're going to run for about 12 minutes here on the recruiting tips You just give us your best recruiting tips with how you're getting your guys how you get them Uh going right out of the gate and that type of stuff um and then if you you run with that for You know 10 12 minutes. I might if you Stall out i'll jump in with another question. But and then we will uh switch over to the main call and uh you and I and uh Larry will be asking omar some stuff um as he uh heads up the main call there, but Uh for your part here this next 12 minutes We'll just do the uh, your best recruiting tips getting people and what you do with them out of the gate Got it All right, here we go. Five four three two One welcome to our pre-call recruiting tip segment with snsd alex magavan Alex is a million dollar earner and circle of champions member Alex, what recruiting tips do you have for us today? Hey, good morning everybody. All right, man. I'm so excited to be here. Thanks for joining us. Uh, You know, uh, you know, i'm just going to give you what? Changes we're making and I think that's kind of important to uh Always be thinking about not not what what status quo is and what is it that you've always done? But what is it that you're doing now? And what is it? What is it that you're doing differently now? So the thing I want to put out there is uh, here's what we did We took a look at all of our rvps And we went back 10 years Okay, so we said let's take a look at now some of the rvps obviously haven't been here even for 10 years but you know, we did that for you know, some have only been rvp for two or three years or something like that, but Either way, we went back 10 years and we said how many recruits did you have? You know in the year 22 and how many recruits did you have in the year 21 and the year 20 and so on and so forth And so let's say somebody had you know 400 recruits in the year or 600 recruits or 100 recruits in the year And then we said all right. Let's also take a look at how many codes And that's the that's old school way of saying, you know licensed agents So how many codes do you have? Did you end up with by the end of the year? So we started to look at those two numbers. How many how many recruits did you have all year in 22, for example? And how many code numbers did you have in your base shop? On december 31st of 22 Same with 21 same with 20 again. We looked at 10 years And the thing that popped out the thing that really was was, you know something that we already kind of knew But it was it was good to see in terms of real numbers Was that even though people were recruiting and field training and getting people licensed and you know There's just kind of everybody we've got our heads down and we're just kind of plowing through the overall number within the base shop For you know for some people it was there was growth, but it looked like You know somebody had 75 code numbers At the end of 21 22 They also had 75 code numbers at the end of 21 at the end of 20 at the end of 19 And so that number didn't seem like it was really budging. It was really moving And so that for me that was an eye-opener to see the numbers in black and white and so You know, you know, I sat there and I said well, you know It's it's our it's the way we think That got us to where we're at And we can't get out of this situation Continuing to think that way I think einstein said that said whatever problem that you created with your thinking you can't get out of that problem with the same thinking And so so we're really going back to the drawing board now when I say going back to the drawing board I don't mean throwing everything out throwing the baby out with a bath water That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about you know That could potentially be necessary for some people for some of us, but for most of us. It's just an adjustment It's a tweak. We've got to say okay What is it that we're doing and what is it that we need to do differently? so that's sort of my that's sort of my introduction to to uh, To the change that's taking place and again the thing i'm about to tell you it's not really you all know this This is nothing different But it is a different way of thinking for us And so we said all right, let's look at those four areas of recruiting field training licensing And promotions and this is what you know, everybody's talking about, you know, glenn every time you talk to glenn He's talking about that all the slides all the company, you know, everything has you know The the tip of the sphere the sphere that this everything has to do with those four areas recruiting field training licensing and promoting a new person And so how do we do that? And then of course within that is also, you know Retaining the retention and I believe the retention is in there as long as people are getting licensed and people are getting promoted So then we said all right Everybody talks about you know, how many recruits how many recruits how many recruits how many recruits we're talking about that? But in the same breath, we're not talking about how many licenses how many licenses and maybe some of you are And in the same breath, are we talking about how many of those people are getting uh field trained? How many are finishing their three by three? How many are getting their field training bonuses? Or at least banking them and then by the time they pass their test They're getting them and how many of them are going to district Now again, this is nothing that anybody that's listening. We all know this Then I said, okay. Well There's a disconnect here There's a disconnect between you know How many people are coming in and getting recruited and how many people are getting promoted which is let's say the finished product Uh, and so this pipeline there's something wrong with it It's like trying to carry water with with a bucket that's got holes in it Or or even carrying water with a sieve, you know You you dunk it in you pick up all this water and then it's all gone or most of it is gone So so what needs to change what needs so then we said, okay Here our thinking allows for this and let me see if I can get this out, you know This is in my mind. This is so important we When when somebody gets field trained Their promotion is a done deal Okay So so we could say we could easily say field training equals promotion Most people that do their field training, you know If they do that, you know, I don't know if you guys have whatever your system is whatever your promotion guidelines are You know, most people have a fast track promotion guideline for a new person They come in they do three by three five by five whatever they have to do And they go district and oftentimes people become district leaders or they get their district promotion Before they're even licensed. So in our minds we are allowing for that to happen. We're saying it is possible for somebody to to Somebody brand new to get promoted and that promotion is the same thing as doing field training but what we're not allowing in our thinking is that recruiting equals licensing I I don't know if this is making sense, but but we're not connecting those two things together We're saying recruiting is recruiting And licensing is licensing And those things are something completely different and there's a you know There's a percentage there's a ten percent twenty percent thirty percent And I think a lot of that has to do with our thinking. It's our thinking that says well, that's okay That got us to that place and and it's our thinking that's going to continue to to Uh grapple with those percentages As opposed to saying no, no, no, no, no a recruit equals a license And how how do we connect those dots and that's what we're talking about right now That's what we're pushing that a recruit equals Every recruit does field training every field trained person gets licensed. Every license gets promoted now Look, I like I know I wasn't born yesterday. I only look like I was born yesterday I understand, you know human name been here almost three decades now 30 years of my life I'm only 32 years old. So, you know, I don't know how that works out but somehow Somehow we're going to crack the code on this and this as a company we need to work on this We need to we need to stop accepting the fact that those percentages are okay Because because there's a time in my career. I said, well, you know the numbers of the numbers, you know It is what it is law of large numbers and all those things are correct. All those things are true I'm not i'm not discounting any of that stuff. I understand human nature. I understand people quit before the ink dries Uh, you know, I I understand, you know People get people join gyms on january 1st and it's crowded in the gym and then you go back April 1st and then this so the same three guys that were there back in december, you know, I I get all of that I get all of that but but that's all part of our thinking and it's part of our Vernacular and part part of our what we say and what we think So, how do we fix that and how we and so right now we are working on that and I just wanted to put this out there In primarica land and and I know there's brilliant people out there And and somebody's going to say here's what we're going to do so that we can absolutely bring up our percentages So it doesn't look if you have 50 codes in your base shop right now And a year from now you have 50 codes or 30 codes or 40 codes and then a year from that You know, then it's a job. It's just a job You know you show up and you do what you got to do and you try to maintain it and you build relationships and you know That's not what this was designed for. That's not What what our our our business model should look like we need to go from 50 codes to 100 codes To 200 codes to 500 codes to a thousand codes And that's that's the very case. I just wanted to throw that out there and you know, get your thoughts on that All right, alex, thank you very much, uh That's going to put us right here at the time limit, so To download alex recruiting tips and more visit our website at ydellonwinning.com Just click on the big hitter link at the top of the website And enter username priuser in the password go go go both all lowercase Lowercase Now, let's do our sound check with our call speakers. We got omar or a pesa Good morning, brother. I'm here Good morning, and larry Hey, good morning. Good morning guys. How are you guys? How are you doing? Hey, larry unbelievable, baby Hey, you know, uh alex you're putting a good issue on the table and the thing is it's it's not recruiting It's recruiting growth the fastest way the bottom to the top is recruiting growth and really all those four things Those cornerstones those are the four things you've got to have cooking To have recruiting growth, but when people think about just recruiting they wind up, you know, recruit recruit Recruit recruit and they don't go anywhere, you know, they reach a level they don't go anywhere But when it's recruiting growth, then you realize hey, we got to train them get a license and we got to promote them And that's what's going to give us our recruiting growth. And if we don't get recruiting growth, we're never going to be like omar We're never going to be like alex. We're never going to have a million dollar hierarchy. So anyway Uh, that's that's what I was thinking about while you were talking Awesome good stuff And i'm also thinking about starting a podcast on recruiting. But anyway at some point I just I've got to see if I can squeeze the time in to do something like that. I'll get you guys to help me Awesome All right, well we are right here at the go ahead go ahead omar hey larry are you at the art gallery today No, sir, but I will be over there, uh uh, this is one of the days I paint i'll paint for like six hours three days a week, so When i'm when i'm in florida anyway, so Yeah, and then sunday I go to aspen But it's a tough life What a rough life aspen calm beach well yesterday yesterday adam and I uh Went over and had breakfast. I was thinking about you omar We were having breakfast over at the breakers in the big circle dining room But Yeah, it's like you want to pay the price $175 buffet, but you know, how often do you go? Okay. Well, I appreciate the invitation Hey larry larry, uh, do you get blisters on your fingers from painting for six hours? No, I've I got i've got uh, i've got a lot of help Yeah Uh rough life rough life, I love it Omar may be up here later today looking at a car dad. Oh, really? Yeah, I am. Okay. Yeah. Yeah Okay, you haven't seen my new range rover I told you was coming It came and so it's it's fantastic, but I'm, i'm too rough and tumble to drive a Bentley Or a roll A range rover is like the Bentley of the suv buddy. You're not roughing it range rover Hey, doesn't Bentley have a suv now They do they do and they even have the regular version and the long version that kind of they're trying to Like go up versus range rover with it Yeah Well, it'll be fun to see the it'll be fun to see the race You know, everybody's got to grow, you know the car business. It's just like our business You got to grow you got to have new stuff. You got to try things, you know, and so uh new frontiers so Okay, adam All right, here we go five four three two one Good morning, monday morning conference call crew. Welcome to the big hitter call. This is adam. Wydell. It is monday january 23rd 2023 Let's say hello to our speakers. Good morning. Omar Good morning. Glad to be here guys Good morning, alex. Alex will be on with some questions. Good morning. Alex. Hey, good morning everybody. Welcome And good morning larry Hey, hey, hey everybody excited to be and uh to be here To be with these friends and i'm thankful to god that in 1975 He brought me to primerica I could have gone to any other type thing, but what became primerica but by the grace of god like all of y'all here he shuffled me over to this spot and what a wild Incredibly successful fun ride it's been and uh, you know, it never happened if I hadn't gotten to the right place And got plugged in with the right people. So i'm very grateful adam, uh Sitting here this morning and excited about the future and primarily because of These two great leaders that are on here today, you know, we've got mature Uh gung ho experience wise leaders driving these things, uh driving the growth for our new generation, so Uh, i'm glad to be here All right Fantastic as of today there are over 100 rvps and above With 30 or more in recruits and 59 rvps and above with 30 000 or more in premium There are 58 below rvps with 30 or more recruits And seven below rvp with 30 000 or more in premium The top five base shops are five harvey grahalis with 65 or 65 by 71 four princess and george, mitchell 41 by 76 Three lakeisha edwards at 46 by 78 to mario and franny arizon 108 by 98 and number one jamie and janet gomez 146 by 149 On today's call we are spotlighting snsd omar or a pesa Omar is a million dollar in earner and circle of champions member He is one of the biggest primarica builders over the last two decades last year his hierarchy Had over 23 000 recruits and over 18 million in premium Omar is one of my favorite guys in the company and I am happy to have him on here today So let this call get the call started larry. I'll turn it over to you Hey, hey, hey everybody, by the way, omar, uh, come by and see me today when you come up To I will I will Yeah, I will and so You know, the thing is I you know, I would be uh Remiss if I did not have an extra shout out to the arizons And the gomez's for being over a hundred by hundred Already, you know big leaders are priceless folks are bit priceless in your they're not like everybody else And without the big leaders without the big hitters Yeah, you know your team your hierarchy goes nowhere. It's great to recruit the masses, but you do that With the idea of every single one of them has a chance to do something great But when they turn into a great leader, I mean they deserve honor. They deserve respect. They deserve Uh the spotlight because very few people it's not that very few people can do it But very few people will drive themselves to do greatness, but greatness electrifies everybody else and so You know, thank you for mario and franny. Thank you for jimmy and janet And uh, you know our other great leaders and Thank you, uh, alex mack a man for the recruiting tips this morning But right now folks the major spotlight on the stage is for omar or a pesa omar Is the biggest builder to my knowledge in the company for the last what decade two decades, whatever? He's building a super hierarchy or has built a super hierarchy and it's not by accident It's by it started with a light bulb that went out of his head. He'll tell you at the uh, the y2k uh Party that greg fitzpatrick had out of his place uh to celebrate and You know omar looked at that and realized greg is overriding everybody here and you know, I can do the same thing And omar went out and you know, he just became a superstar uh what alex Pointed out the four corners to the recruiting training licensing and promoting People, you know, not just doing one of them But and you know when you do that you can get what omar has which is growth growth the excitement the adrenaline You know comes in from growth because your income is going up you have happy things You have more good things happening than bad things happening you have more happy people in the bay shop than you have, uh, you know stale people in the bay shop and it just makes everything new Fresh exciting that comes from one thing recruiting growth because you got to be doing Everything, you know the product lines and the this and that you got to be doing all of that good enough to have the growth and And uh omar's omar is the guy Uh, who's done it better than the rest of us here over? uh the last Decade or two and so omar always exciting to have you on and if you would omar rattle off your statistics because one of the great things that omar has every done always done which i've ever seen any Superstar leader the best of the best of the best know the numbers Better than anybody else and they monitor them pretty much every day They have their finger on the pulse and i'll tell you that sandy weill While the stock market was open, you know He took that nothing company and took it to the number one company in the world in the late 90s uh city group When the stock market was running Uh every 15 minutes he would have you know from nine to four he had somebody come up to it and give him You know their stock price and uh how the market was the numbers would come to him every 15 minutes during the day He knew the numbers and he took the books home at night so he could study the numbers And uh, you know, there's no accident that company had that kind of growth and it's no accident The company's uh hierarchies that grow inside Primerica and I always had a where I never wanted anybody else to know more about my business than I did So that's why I was a maniac on numbers But uh omar knows his numbers and that's one thing you can do you say well, I can't do this. I can't do that Well, you know your numbers And that tells you you don't have to be a genius. You have to look at the numbers and I asked jamie diamond At a uh as we were walking on stage, you know When they have a at a convention one time where you have the million dollar earners go on stage and you know And they back then we had sandy and uh, uh jamie go up, you know Part of the parade and I was standing we were standing on the stairs waiting to go in. I said, you know Jamie when you do these, uh monthly planning groups What is it that you guys? You know talk about because that was one of the big keys for sandy. Wow Where he took that company and skyrocketed it to the number one in the world and he would have all the Face-to-face 24-hour summit meeting of all of his different companies Once a month the planning meeting and I said, what do you guys do the planning meeting? And what do you look at what's the important things because jamie looked at me like I was the dumbest guy in the world He said we look at the facts We look at the facts And that's what the numbers are the facts and the facts will tell you What adjustments you need to make what you need to fix what you need to do more of you know, what's working? What's not working? And so congratulations omar for doing such a great job of this over the years staying. I tell you stay on track And uh, that's how you call the right shots and so, uh congratulations omar and uh Um How you know, where are you now in the development of your your organization? Well, we got 102 rvps today We're right at eight. Um thousand licensed agents We did last year in 2022. We did. Um 23, um Thousand recruits we did about 18 million 900 grand in premium We did about a hundred and twenty million dollars in investment volume and uh, we licensed on average about 329 people a month Which is crazy because I remember when we used to license that in a year and I thought whoa, man, we're growing Now we do that in a year. I mean in a month And it's like we're just getting started. It's crazy. You know last year I re-engaged again After a long hiatus I would call it And um, I recruited some new guys Personally And I went out and you know what larry nothing's changed. It's the exact way it was 10 years ago 15 years ago People out there are hurting they're in debt. They're drowning in debt They need more income. They got the wrong life products or no life products. They know nothing about investing And and uh, they all need more money. So so nothing has changed So last year I chose to go out and recruit some new people and train some new people And I did it old school. I didn't do zoom. I didn't do none of that bull crap I just I went out kneecap to kneecap eyeball to eyeball. I met the people I talked to people I grew relationships with them And we we grew our numbers in our base shop. We grew our numbers in the hierarchy And um a lot of guys in primarica last year were A little down in income. We actually were up in income last year And uh, we're just concentrating on growing. We just had an event this weekend with mike presler He did an Amazing job lit it up he uh really worked with our guys and grew relationships and really moved people and Fired people and I think Our hierarchy is just getting started. I think over the next five years. We will triple our numbers. We will have 20. Um, 5 000 licensed representatives And uh, i'll be making four million bucks a year. That's that's what I really believe will happen Well when we go to the breakers for breakfast you're buying brunch, okay For me My pleasure anytime buddy anytime let's let's just get that clear, okay But now what uh, you know you you monitor you go to your rbts your your offices your things and uh, What's what are you most excited about this particular year? I'm really Excited about growing my base shop, you know, usually when you've got a big hierarchy Uh, you know, everybody talks about the hierarchy because normally when you've got a big hierarchy You're not really running a base shop a lot of the time But um, I am pumped up about getting some brand new vice presidents that are direct to me out of the base shop I am pumped up about getting some people that i've recruited directly getting them out of their job You know, I was with um or render last week he actually drove over to visit me here at the new house and I gave him the whole grand tour and We went out to lunch at my country club with a couple of my guys And he was talking about listen, we got to change the word recruiting to rescuing He says when you're recruiting people You're trying to get them to do what you want them to do Like when you're recruiting to the army or the navy the air force marines you're recruiting to a job When you're rescuing you're trying to get them out of wherever they're in And so there are some people that I have in my day shop that I truly want to rescue out of their jobs and get them into Building a big base shop and and then eventually growing a hierarchy. So that's what i'm most pumped up about If you ask me, you know, what's the number one thing I'm most pumped up about related to my business I would tell you Is to get my base large again And to start promoting out this year. I have three potential people That I believe could get promoted this year if you know, they listen and work hard and then I Have those wild Hard people that if they just made up their mind they could do it too So I think we're getting ready to have an explosive year this year okay, we've got two superstars with uh, alex and adam, uh of asking questions and probing and getting uh, the the really interesting useful Information out of our guest speakers and so i'm going to let them Uh have at you right now all marva. Thanks so much for getting on this is an exciting time In the life of everybody in your hierarchy and it's not by accident. It's by Design and that's the great news about the company is you can Live your life by design and uh, you know, you got to search yourself you got to push yourself, but uh, you know, you have to push yourself for the mediocre lifestyle, too, so let's uh, go and see if See what kind of things that uh adam and alex can come up with and folks what we're listening to on these calls Is for the things That allow you to go those little things allow you to go From mediocrity to greatness and how you can jump over and stay over that fine line between mediocrity and greatness Because you always want to make sure you can't guarantee greatness, but you can guarantee you're doing the things that'll give you a chance At greatness and greatness is where all the enjoyment And satisfaction and fulfillment in life is so adam back over to you and uh, Alex All right, i'll jump in with a question go ahead go ahead alex go ahead All right. All right. Let me let me jump in real. Thanks. Thanks guys. Hey, this is alex. Uh omar, you know ever since I remember Uh, you've always been you know A numbers guy. I mean you you've been a lot of things but you're you're a maniac when it comes to numbers and I remember 10 years ago, you know 15 years ago, you'd be Rattling off your numbers and you're recruiting and you're licensing But the question I have for you is this You you're a guy that has a high standard Okay, you don't you your bar is is high and you don't allow that Bar to be lowered Okay, talk about that a little bit. You know, how do you how do you combat? How do you? Battle against your some of your people that want you to lower that bar And want you to sort of acquiesce and just kind of come down to the absolute lowest common denominator and then just kind of say hey Who cares, you know, just just promote out, you know, just just itty bitty people and let them do what they do I don't care. I just want to promote talk about your standards and how you hold the bar high Well, I mean the number one reason that I don't just hey this guy's grieving let's promote him to rvp or The old he's worked with me for 12 years, even though he doesn't done the numbers and he hasn't done the work Let's just give him a chance At rvp the reason that I don't do that ever Is I view it once you're a vice president You can actually leave my office if you wanted and now Any person that you recruit if you're not a true leader and you've left the office and you're not around me So those new recruits have no chance. They have no chance Unless they've got a leader that knows what they're doing. So that's number one number two is um Once you get promoted to vice president, that's when you got real Responsibility that's when you got overhead you got to pay for And if you're not doing the job as a regional leader and you're not making money and you're not competent and you haven't done the work Me promoting you almost guarantees you to eventually quit the business when you can't pay your bills I'd rather keep you In my base shop as a regional leader Uh learning growing developing i'd rather you quit as a regional leader than quit as a regional vice president I mean, I mean that's one of my deals Is that once you get promoted to vice president in our hierarchy? under the way that I do it those guys they don't quit because If they can earn their promotion the right way and they're growing the number of licensed representatives on their team They can promote people to district leader They're competent In the areas, which is why they're making money Then you promote them to rvp and then you watch them, you know, really do great things. So, um art williams used to always talk about the Pile test, you know If my pile of money is bigger than your pile of money Then why would I listen to you? So when anybody comes to me on my hierarchy and it rarely ever happens that hey, we should lower the bar We should do this. We ought to do that I just go when you got more money than me and you got more vice presidents than me and you got more licensed Representatives than me then we can chat. Otherwise just shut up and get back to work And I really have that attitude about it because I really believe the way we do it is good and it works Yeah, see omar you come from the position of strength you come from position Uh, you know, you're not begging. You're not hoping You know, I see people, you know promote someone to district in order to keep them if we're promoting To save someone from quitting I think that spells disaster whether it's promoting to district or promoting to rvp And I just I just I love your attitude, you know You know the beauty of primarica Is your promotions are earned? They are in writing. We tell you exactly what you got to do And as long as you go do it, no matter whether you're black white yellow green overweight skinny Poor rich we don't care We're going to promote you but i'm not going to promote anybody If they tell me, uh, you know, you either have to promote me or i'm going to quit then Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. I one time had a regional leader a regional leader come to me and he demanded to get promoted to rvp Because he had one leg And the one leg came to him license so I literally told him I said you got one leg, which you would lose in replacement and um You've licensed nobody. Why would I promote you? Well, if you don't promote me i'ma quit I said Well, I wouldn't do that if I was you because you do have one good leg and if you go grow another good leg You can get promoted rvt And he quit and out of that I got rick who is half a million dollar earner today I got evelyn who's a A 300 grant earner today. I got jay who's uh, uh A one a 100 grant earner today. I got brant that is a quarter million dollar earner today And those are just a couple That that leg he quit I told him not to quit. I asked him not to quit a lot of times people are closer than they Believe they are And he was of the attitude if you don't promote me i'll never get promoted and i'm like you haven't done anything yet But you do got a good base there going with that one leg And he resigned and then he went to work in mortgages and then he tried to recruit our guys away to mortgages Nobody left with him. He had no credibility with anybody because everybody knew He didn't earn the promotion. I actually had a meeting With everybody and I went over his numbers publicly And then I asked everybody else. Would you promote this guy to vice president? There was unanimous. No, I said, that's why I didn't And that's why nobody left with him and today who knows where he is. He's probably flat broke While you know i'm wealthy and if the guy would have just listened to me he probably would have gotten wealthy So I don't promote anybody Unless they earn it But when they earn it i'm glad to promote them. I'm quick to promote them And uh, i'm really not flexible there That's fantastic. All right adam take over buddy Yeah omar you uh And i've heard you talk about this before but and then you said you're getting your base shop going again excited about it this year Talk about what you're doing with these people right out of the gate Uh and making sure that's when you're not promoting guys out so you can keep keep an eye on these new people but Talk about what you do with the people right out of the gate the new recruits And how you're keeping track of them if y'all use the group me or whatever what you do for competition Because that stuff does not happen on its own That mindset out of the gate does not happen on its own and I know you, uh have a lot of things set up and a lot of uh, like Like you said with the way you set your standard But you have a lot of things in place and a lot of things set up where you get their mindset uh right out of the gate in the right direction and a way they can they can uh Be accountable with their numbers right out of the gate. So Talk a little bit about that Well, here's I mean When when um, I recruit anybody I have a couple goals in My mind, okay, and it's all al williams stuff, man I mean, I grew my whole business the art williams way Because you know a pile test right? He's got more money than all of us at it combined So why would I try to outsmart him? and um So one of my goals is I recruit you and I immediately want to get to know you, um, like Like I really want to build a relationship with you because If you get to know people, you know What their why is what inspires them what motivates them, right? So number one is Grow that relationship now you do that not just without working you do that while you're working the business So my goal is to get them out on appointments um in the right market And and like have them with me watching me learning me recording the presentation After every presentation we'll review. Hey, listen, what you get out of that presentation? Do you have any questions? Do you know why that I did this that or the other? and then When they like yes me like yeah, I got it. I got it. I got it. Then i'll ask some questions Okay, if you've got it then explain it to me And then they look at me like oh crap I really didn't get it and then I tell them listen, you got to communicate with me clearly communication is very very important, so i'm building a relationship With them while we're working the business and growing the business and getting recruits on their team or spending time at their house Or at the recruits house doing their new recruit orientation Getting their list lining up appointments. I am not building relationships With recruits they do nothing. Okay, if you're not lining up appointments If We're not working. I'm not going to call you. Hey, let's have lunch. I'd really like to get to know you better, right? like like There's only x number of hours in the day So you've got to invest your time wisely and invest in what the people that are doing what you ask them to do For example weekly training. We started last year doing live weekly trainings, right? And pretty much I told everybody like if you're not in training I mean if you're still on zoom now if you live in another state or you live two hours away Different story, but if you live within an hour ride And you call me and you want me to help you do whatever it is You want me to help you do if your ass is not in live training? I'm not going to help you Because that's the trade-off you get me and all my knowledge and all my wisdom and all my know-how As long as I get you once a week in my training and you lining up training appointments one of the other critical goals that I try to do with the new recruits that i'm recruiting is I want to get 10 to 12 licensed people under them I've learned that's the number that kind of gets them locked into the business that kind of gets them looking at it Like wow, I am growing a new little business here And it gets them motivated on getting to the next level where they can get 20 licensed reps 30 licensed reps 40 licensed reps normally 40 to 50 and and you can get promoted to vice president, you know And so one of my primary goals is if I recruit you i'm going to get 11, 12, you know, 11 12 13 Or work with you to get those licensed agents On your team and in order to do that, we got to recruit a lot of people We got to go on a lot of training appointments and then we get them The exact way that i'm talking to my direct i'm talking to their recruits that i'm recruiting And i'm explaining to them about the weekly training and you got to get people plugged in If you don't get them plugged in no matter how good they are, they're going to quit the business So one one way that we get them plugged in is we use whatsapp Um gruteny went out with the rotary telephone there, uh adam And even what that's kind of older now. Everybody's moving a telegram, but we use whatsapp And we get all the new recruits on our whatsapp chat so that they know what's going on when rich closes a life app when Amy closes a rollover when lauren recruits a guy or whoever They're watching the activity happen in the base shop and and that might move them to hey, let me get off my butt, you know So we get them on whatsapp. We get them in weekly trainings And then in between We're getting them out on appointments. We're calling them talking to them texting them And then when they get their life license My whole philosophy is start working on your next license. I know a lot of people in the company say don't do that You'll distract them You'll get them off track I'm, like listen the earlier you get them licensed the less distracting it is If you're trying to get them investment license when they're regional leaders And they're trying to get promoted to vice president That's distracting When you're trying to get them investment license when they got 89 licensed reps on their team, that's distracting But if they just got promoted to district leader, that's the least distracting time You just got to make sure that you're talking to them About keeping both oars in the water You know, I always view it like you're in a rowboat you got a left oar and a right oar And your left oar is you're working the business oar you're recruiting your training appointments You're plugging into training and your right oar is your licensing process and if you've got Both oars in the water and you're stroking both oars then you can get to where you want to get to If you only got one oar in the water You know, you have those recruits that just love to get every license under the planet earth, you know They got 19 licenses and zero recruits Those guys never make it in the business And then the opposite if you have the other oar in the water the one that went out on 89 training appointments But never got life license. Well, if you don't get life license, you don't make it so I talked about keeping both your oars in the water Stroking your oars the right way and moving ahead. So those are the basic things that I talk to people about When i'm working with them All right, well i'm glad and i'm glad to hear you say that about the group meet omar because we still have people get on regularly that still use the group meet and I thought I would uh get your opinion on that because I know that there's uh, there's a lot better apps out there and things for people to use so I'm, glad that you uh that you jumped in with that. Uh I'm going to jump in real quick and then i'll let alex uh Ask another question, but i'm going to give the mid-call announcements here There's a fine line between mediocrity and greatness. Here are three tools to give you that extra boost this week First check out larry's latest vlog It's not the plan. It's the adjustments on ydelonwinning.com Second check out larry's podcast four new episodes with fabian fabian dittrich Released this week on the million dollar mastermind podcast If you're wondering if you should listen, we have over 1.2 million downloads With over a hundred thousand so far just this month, so don't get left behind Listen to this week's call on our replay line or download the call on ydelonwinning.com Click on the big hitter link at the top of the page and enter username P-r-i-u-s-e-r and the password go go go both all lowercase The replay number for this call is six six seven seven seven one Seven nine oh seven and the pin is nine eight two seven five five pound To stay in touch with larry ydel follow on instagram twitter and facebook And be sure to follow at big hitter club on twitter for all your big hitter updates And be sure to leave your thoughts and comments on this week's call All right, alex you want to jump back in Yeah. Hey, uh You know what omar? There's nothing wrong with group me. I mean I still use my fax machine and uh, And you know I use my carrier pigeon. I use that all the time man, you know, you'll be you'll be receiving a pigeon here today Hey You know, uh omar as you're talking i'm thinking about how all the secrets of winning Are right out there. I mean the writing is literally on the wall And people see it constantly. It's constantly in front of their faces yet Most people miss it You know, you know if there's a meeting you call a meeting omar calls a meeting there's no doubt in anybody's mind That omar or face is going to be there He's going to show up. He's going to be early He's going to probably be in his office an hour before the meeting starts and you know Be getting prepared mentally and physically and all that But can we say that about the average person? Can we say that that it's a guarantee? That You know, johnny or betty or jose is going to actually show up You know, I look at some of my regional leaders and even sometimes rvt's and I and I and I go well There's a meeting coming up But I don't know. I mean if I was a betting man and i'd say will this person be there? Or are they going to roll in 30 minutes late or are they going to? You know stand in the back or be right at the threshold stand right at the door So they could have one foot in one foot out What are your thoughts on that about how everybody sees exactly what they need to do and they're they're shown and they're told Yet the average person doesn't do it I think people have limiting deletes And if they really believe that they could live the alex and the omar and larry lifestyle That they would do all those things I believe they'd never miss the meeting and they'd arrive early And they would make calls and they would get people in every training and they would recruit people But they have limiting beliefs and and i'm not a shrink. I'm, not dr um phil And I just can't take the time to lay them on my leather couch and ask them, you know, why do you? Think you're a loser right because the reality is that's not our job our job is to go through the people and locate the winners the ones that don't have the limiting beliefs or The ones that do have the limiting beliefs And they're willing to work on it and improve it and eliminate it and get rid of it, right? So even at the vice president level There are people with limiting beliefs like the vice presidents that only make a hundred thousand bucks a year eighty thousand one twenty one Fifty the only reason they make that it isn't that they're lazy. Everybody talks about them No, no, no, they have limiting beliefs that are holding them back. Okay. It has nothing to do With laziness, that's an excuse. That's a cop-out if they truly believe that if they went to work They could triple their income quadruple their income they would do it They don't believe it as a matter of fact, they believe i'm lucky that I got to where I am How did I do that? Oh my goodness, right? And and that's why the last two days ago, you know Vice, I mean listen, I got vice presidents that I would never have to call I will leave a whatsapp and say hey We're having a meeting wednesday and I would know they're coming no matter what come hell or high water they're coming And then I got vice presidents that I got to remind three times And remind them not to be late And and you know, it's it's it's just listen we deal with people and People is really our product Um, it isn't life insurance and mutual funds and mortgages and annuities and manage accounts and all that I mean those are products we offer but our real product is people and the more people you deal with the more you learn how to deal with them and And work with them at their level and and uh So that's the issue the issue is not laziness. It's not that If they wanted to know what to do that, it's not available. It's readily available how go to Artwilliams.com and just order his stuff or go to bill or render on amazon And get locker room notes Bill or render which are all Bill's notes that he took over like 20 years 30 years of art williams meetings Right. I mean it's unbelievable and you go through it and you look at it. You know exactly what to do Question is are you going to get off your ass? And are you going to do it or are you going to allow your limiting beliefs? Listen for a long time now. I had a limiting belief because of my stutter I had a limiting belief that hey, I could only be an accountant And that i'd be lucky to make a hundred grand a year as an accountant Maybe 120 and that was the life that I was just gonna have And then god placed me in primarica Where all you do is talk? The one thing I wasn't able to do is talk and I had a battle to overcome the limiting belief People ask me how do I do it? Number one? I prayed about it every day. I really really did I prayed about god I know you placed me here and there's a reason you want me here And so please help me help me, you know, just give me strength So I prayed about it and then I did the work you can't just pray about it and then go hey I prayed about it. Why ain't I rich right? I prayed about it and then I worked hard I would practice the presentation in the mirror moving my lips moving my tongue breathing doing all the stuff that most people Naturally do that. I did not and still do not do today Okay, I still got to work on it every day But I no longer have limiting beliefs You know, you've got to get your limiting beliefs out of your mind you got to be around positive people you got to read positive things You've got to improve your skill set so you gain confidence Because the more confidence you got the more belief you got the more positive people you have around you Your limiting beliefs go away when you hang out with people like I was just with mike presler for three days Nonstop, he slept over my house. I was with him the whole time three days He is a positive Great human being you can't have limiting beliefs if you hang around people like that. There's a challenge Because everybody wants to hang around with those people, but those people don't hang around negative lazy Excuse making crybabies what they want to hang around with our people that they can clearly tell They're trying to change your life and those people reach down And grab those people and help pull them up and they spend time with them and they help develop their skill set that their mentality man life is all about choices And if you're making the wrong choices, the good news is you could change that today And you can start changing it and it's a constant struggle And you got to battle it so you can win and when you win man, let me tell you life is unbelievable. It's unbelievable Yeah, you know I I'd never forget my goal in life omar was to make a hundred thousand dollars a year Could you imagine that? You know, I was 32 years old and I thought someday Someday, maybe I can make I mean if I could make a hundred grand a year, man, i'd be the man I would just I would just I think like I died and went to heaven And you know, we bloped the past that on a monthly basis now and it's just it's amazing. It's amazing And so talk about limiting beliefs. I mean I mean omar or besa had him Alex mack and manhattan. I still do I still grapple with a lot of stuff, you know on a daily basis You know, you know people look at someone like omar and they see the finished product And they see somebody who who had to dragon had to slay the dragons had to kill the demons had to Get up every day and you know They don't see the struggles that that you went through I mean i'm listening to you right now and i'm like I would have I would have never known Had I not known omar that that you know, you had a stuttering issue I would I would not know that well, you knew me years ago and and and You knew me and larry knew me and everybody knew me it was like every word I used to stutter every damn word so to talk I was scared to death to talk. I know it's crazy because now I don't shut up But but you know, I slayed the dragon, you know Absolutely, you're just amazing man. I'm just so excited so proud of you But you know, we met when you when we were both around, uh, was it 400 000 of income? Yep, and uh, and then and you know, look at what's happened since then, right? We were in hawaii at the pearl harbor Monument or memorial the memorial there. I remember That's right That's fantastic Hey adam larry, are you there you guys want to ask me any questions? Yeah omar this adam Um Go ahead larry Well omar Go ahead adam you jump in Well, i'll let you go and i'll let him i'll go after you go ahead Okay, omar what are some things, you know, by the way alex when I went up to north carolina on the expansion That was my big thing i'm gonna I used to tell people i'm going to go up here and see if I find out if i'm good enough to make a hundred Thousand dollars a year, you know, and uh, you know, we've got to prove things to ourselves But one thing adam I wanted to get omar to to speak to is what we were talking about yesterday is You got to get you know, one of the marks of maturity and really where you know, we get people to stretch by Contests and challenging them and giving them like baby steps only concentrate about this one step at a time to the top But at some point you got to take over and get where you motivate yourself And you drive yourself and you have your own reasons and you you know We help them get that little first confidence and everything But at some point it's got to turn into you don't need anybody to motivate you You know, you gotta you're going to turn loose higher and uh, you never reach the point Where you don't have to motivate yourself. You don't have to push yourself It might get a little easier Uh, but if you ever stop It's like getting out of shape. It's hard to get going again And that's why it's smart Once you get it going go from month to month to month keep yourself pushing so you can stay in that push forward mindset talk about where you Uh, you've had to push yourself you had to get through things you didn't understand uh Talk about that, you know as far as pushing through limiting beliefs You know People have got to learn you got to push. It's not easy. It's not easy for anybody I mean one of the easiest Things that I did that anybody's able to do Is they could go on prime america online and they could buy that Book, I don't know what they call it now, but it's the book that's got pictures of everybody in the company that makes Hundred thousand quarter million half million Seven fifty a million and above And I bought that book And I left it on I left it on the night table right next to me And every night prior to going to sleep i'd spend 10 minutes looking at it and i'd read the bios, you know It usually gives you Their name it gives you their income range and it gives you what they used to do prior to prime america and you look at Some of these guys where you think oh jesus if that guy can make 250 I gotta at least be able to make a hundred thousand, right? And and you read the bios and you're like, okay. Well, he was a college student like me Okay, there's one like me or this guy's latin like me or this guy's handsome looking like me But but that book Was pure gold to me And I used to visualize me on the big page because you know when you make Hundred thousand you get a little picture when you get quarter million. It's a bigger picture when you get half a million it's a little bit bigger picture when it's three quarters Of a million you get a quarter of a page And then when you make over a million they give you the whole page And I used to just envision that, you know one day i'm gonna have a whole page, you know And now it's been I don't know years and years and years that i've had a whole page But that helped me get over it because when you look at all the people That are winning in prime america and you look at all the walks of life and all their backgrounds and their ethnicities And and everything you're like well, I could do this thing and then as you grow your confidence and your knowledge level You're like, of course, I could do this. Everybody needs what we have. We got great stuff. We got great products Nobody else is really working with these people. Of course, you start it's like a snowball effect, right the more you learn the more, you know, the more you understand and the more you You reinforce it It's a snowball effect where you go from I could do this to damn, right I could do this and not only can I do this I could get to this And it's it's you know your brain Is very powerful and most people Use like one one hundredth of their brain's maximum capacity to Help them get ahead They're robots. They're drones, you know, they got their jobs. They got their routines They clock in they clock out. They've Been brainwashed their whole life about go to school get a good job. That's got good benefits Climb the corporate ladder So that's what they get caught doing And then, you know they move into a middle-class neighborhood and they want to keep up with the joneses So, you know that's going to get them in debt. So that's what they keep doing And all the stuff that they're spending their energy doing is nothing that is actually getting them closer to living a greater life And so we just have to learn to reprogram our brain, which is you know Part of it is plugging into training plugging into your uplines hanging around them as much as you can working as hard as you can Learning as much as you can all that Reprograms the brain. It's like you're hitting control alt delete And crashing it and then you got to reprogram. It's a primarical way. I mean, listen, I can't believe you know, I've had Bill arender Over the house this week. I've had larry and adam over here I've had presley's here I've had uh, glenn williams has Left over here And i'm like, how did I get to hang out with all these great people? Well because I made a choice 25 years ago change I made a choice 25 years ago to get better and grow And even though it's not easy the end result the reward is gigantic The end reward is gigantic man It ain't little it ain't like, you know small it's gigantic the life you can have the freedom You can have the choices you can have and everybody's able to get it in primarica As long as you do the stuff that you know, you need to do basic you got to get skilled You got to get your licenses. You got to under Stand and love recruiting Right You have to grow the number of licensed representatives year over year. That's it If you do that and you do that over a long enough period of time You're going to develop leaders, I mean we have willie and lorena naranjo, I mean There's not a greater leader in the whole damn company than those guys and they're humble And they're loyal and they're good people And and and they're growing their own business within our business. We got miguel elige Who is an unbelievable person a little childlike, but an unbelievable person. I love him to death And he has changed and developed I mean who he is today is not who he was eight years ago That's why he's making over one and a half million dollars a year 1.6 in eight years from zero to hero right because he changed and he developed and and So, you know, i'm just proud of our team. I'm proud of our hierarchy. I'm proud of me though, too You got to be proud of you first because if you're not proud of you that means you're not doing the things That are going to get you to where you want to get to long term, right? So your your best recruit is you The recruit you got to work on the hardest is you And once you do that and then you start applying what you've done with you and like helping other people do it, too man, the rewards are just You know larry. I mean you live the damn dream you live in aspen half the year palm beach half the year, you know like Who does that rich people wealthy people do that? That's who does that right? You've been free for like 30 years. You've been free As long as i've known you you've not Like went out on a training appointment, right? So you're completely free two million dollar plus a year income in overrides Not including what you make on your investment account, I mean that's what I want, you know You know omar Omar here's here's here's my thoughts about omar as he's talking. I'm, i'm just blown away again You know, sometimes you listen to omar and you go. Ah, this guy, you know, he's talking smack and you know, he's he's He's uh, one of those guys that uh, you know, he's all about me me Let me let me let me let me summarize omar in one sentence as a leader You got to have an ego big enough You got to have a massive ego to withstand the trials and tribulations of business You got to be able to take rejection. You got to be able to handle it You got to be able to fall down get up and keep going and keep Reinforcing yourself and telling yourself that you can do this that that you're better than this that you're At the same time at the same time you got to have the humility That when you are presented with a new idea And a new way of doing things for you to go. You know what? I'm i'm going to i'm going to be humble I'm going to listen i'm going to be a student And I think that summarizes omar basically he's got the ego But he also has the humility to be able to Just pay attention and to listen the day that you get up and you say You know, I know everything and i'm smarter than everybody and i'm and i'm all that I believe is the day that you're you start to decline and your business starts to decline Why does omar orbeza keep growing his business why does he have a monster not a not a hierarchy but a super hierarchy Is because he's always learning. He's always listening. He's always paying attention So that's my two cents worth on omar Thank you, alex Hey, uh, can I borrow some money omar? Hey, you know No, we actually train our guys that you know, I ask them. Hey, can I borrow some money and they have to shout out? No But i'll teach you how to make some money. Anyways, go ahead Omar talk a little bit about uh for the people that don't know where you came from and where you grew up and then uh You know the potential The potential lifestyle you would have had Without primary i'm sure you would have been a success anywhere you'd have gone but uh Where you were, you know growing up before primary and all that, you know, you talked about going through the stuttering and I mean Your story man, and you're working through all that stuff. Um, how you grew up man and where you are now and You know, like alex said a lot of people like well omar's kind of cognitive That's one of the reason I love you so much, man I mean I love the fact that you're proud of the money you make, you know I love the fact that you're proud to tell people the things you've overcome and because you should be and uh, and I always love to hear it too. I like to hear you talk about things because I know that all the things you overcome to get where you are and uh You know They could be there's some people to get like well omar talks about this and that yeah But omar backs it up. Omar could be the same guy now And gone a different route and he could be walking around making excuses and bitching to everybody about how his life is But it's the opposite of that And it's wonderful And uh, you know, you've helped thousands of people achieve a better life for themselves But just talk about where you how you grew up a little bit where you were, uh, you know before the business And all right. Well, um, I grew up. I had a dad. He did the best he could but he was an alcoholic and uh So it wasn't a pleasant place You know to grow up a lot of times the cops were called to our home Because the neighbors heard You know yelling and screaming and stuff like that because a little kid I think that traumatized me You know when you're eight years old nine years old and you got cop cars coming to your house and you're watching your parents throw dishes at each other Isn't a very nice experience Then I grew up in a place It's right near what was joe robbie stadium with today hard rock stadium where the dolphins play And I grew up walking distance from there. So it wasn't a very good neighborhood. It was a neighborhood with crime and drugs And um, I mean it wasn't the ghetto but it wasn't a pleasant. It's you know, it It just was a rougher neighborhood let's say and then I worked my way Through college. I was going to be an accountant. I really believe that I didn't join prime america I was pretty motivated guy. So I would have probably learned to make maybe quarter million dollars maybe 300 grand a year nowhere near what I earned today. I would not live in a A five million dollar mansion, I wouldn't have 15 million dollars cash I wouldn't have an income rolling in of one and a half million dollars I just wouldn't but um I think al williams art williams changed my life and he wasn't even in the business when I joined but I was lucky enough that our Our uplines were all very close to art And so I was blessed enough to grow relationship with art and get to know him and then the relationships that I grew with larry and with Gil lorender and nicolete Which is the in-laws like they're all very very close with art I was also very close with lou miller who was part williams college roommate. So Through all those people those great heroes of mine That have mentored me all these years that i'm very grateful or I got to know art And so art changed my life man without even knowing it. You know, I just called him the other day and Spoke to him and he cried and I cried and you know, it's like guys This is the best company on the planet earth There's there is nowhere Nowhere that you can grow a business where people will genuinely love you take care of you help you guide you and want you to win and cheerlead you on then prime america But you still got to do the work and you still got to get better and you still got to over Come your demons. Everybody's got Their own demons whatever yours are you got to overcome them, but i'm telling you If you do that The life that is waiting for you Is better than you can even imagine. I mean it's better than you can even imagine And there's no way to explain it to you. I just try to live my life as a good example And um, you know a a a good Christian and a good husband and a good dad and a good leader in business, you know with Integrity and honesty and i'm just grateful. I'm very grateful All right omar appreciate it alex we're gonna uh wrap this thing up so if you'll alex you'll leave your final word For us here and then i'll get omar to leave a final word And uh, what a great call it has been this morning. I appreciate we appreciate you guys for being on uh Fantastic almost, you know, I wish we had more time but Alex leave us with your final word and then i'll get omar to leave us with his final word this morning Yeah, you know. Hey everybody. Thanks for joining us this morning. We appreciate you guys are brothers and sisters in the business But I just want to tell you one thing, you know, uh, I talk about this all the time Knowing is not enough You know a meeting like this is fantastic. It's incredible you take notes you go. Oh my god, that's right. Oh, that's right Oh, yeah, I gotta do that. Oh, I gotta do that. You know, we increase our knowledge. We increase our knowing but knowing and doing are Miles and miles and miles and maybe maybe uh light years apart So it's great that you now have a little bit more ammunition, you know, few, you know few more ideas a concept Just like larry said just somebody said maybe one thing That you could grab onto and you could you could run with it, but then you got to run with it So let's change our let's transfer all of our knowledge into action And let's get up and let's do things and remember something if if you do business as usual You're going to get the same results as you as you've always gotten maybe even a little bit less because you're a little bit older You're a little bit more tired. You're a little bit more worn out And so it cannot be business as usual it's got to be a revolutionary idea and think about how to convert all your recruits into getting field trained all your field trainees into getting Licensed and all your licensees to getting promoted. I love y'all Adam if I can jump in alex, thanks for the help this morning. You've been a big Uh big boost to the call and you raised a great point that I just want to say emphasize Tom petty's got a line in one of his songs. He's not the only one. I mean, you know A lot of people have said this but he said if you don't run you rust You know and you said if you get this stuff, you got to run with it You're going to have to you're going to have to run if you're going to be great You're going to have to run you're going to have to get out of breath You're going to have to get you know, you're going to have to sweat you're going to have to push yourself And you got to find something That you can get excited enough about to where you'll start running and then you got to find a way of doing it an idea You like enough to where you're going to run with it and you take the best idea You've got now and if you run with it, you'll find better ideas You know, it just gets better but you got to run with something And uh, you say well nothing inspires us. Well, you better find something to inspire you like, uh, Omar went in there and he found that that book the company Uh financial independence book find something ask questions get off your butt and get yourself running Because once you run a lot of y'all on this call are saying i'm not good enough Yeah, you're not good enough when you're stalled in the junkyard You got to get cranked and you got to get out on the highway and you got to go and uh, uh, then you find out hey I actually uh Could be pretty darn good at this. So anyway Great point alex, you got to get cranked up and you got to run go, uh adam Omar jump in with your final word here for us Well primarica is a lot of stuff but but but one of the most amazing things of About primarica is it lets you live a life of relevance A lot of guys live their whole life and and they have no relevance They clock in they clock in do their time like they're in jail and and and Whose life are they changing, you know? Primarica allows you it's a platform that gives you an opportunity That if you're willing to make the changes needed and you're willing to grow and develop That not only will you change your life and your wife and kids and your generations to come life but look at the 102 vice presidents we have in the 8,000 licensed agents and the and the we guesstimated we did like 25. Um, um Thousand clients last year 25,000 clients think of all the people that benefited Because of I didn't quit right? And then this morning I get to do this call and i'm getting text And i'm getting texts from all over the country from the cut. Hey omar, this is an unbelievable call. Thank you so much and then Robby go cool He's in canada. That's like another country, right? He's like, thank you. What a great way to start the week. Your call was unbelievable And i'm like like larry you got relevance man. You got impact alex. You got relevance you got impact I have relevance. I got impact all of us on this call Imagine how good the world would be because it's screwed up right now, right? But how good would the world be if everybody on this call took it to the next level? And we're relevant and and we're changing the lives of like thousands of people and you multiply that out over time And and man primarica could change a damn world The world Which is what art williams wanted and he's already changed the lives of millions And the millions but the world so that's what I want to leave you with that. It's not all about you It's about you getting Uncomfortable and doing what you need to do to change your life and to change the lives Around you and i'm honored to Be on this call. Larry. Thank you very much All right, omar alex, thanks so much for being on this morning was a fantastic call Uh again, we appreciate it you guys and we will be talking to you soon omar Hopefully we'll see you later today, but have a great week everybody and we'll talk to you soon. Thanks so much. Go go go

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