WE talk about staircases and burger king deals
WE talk about staircases and burger king deals
Eat like a king who's on a budget, three tasty options, fries, drinks, and mojitos, all for five bucks? Wait, that can't be right. So let's confirm that that's the real price, BK, have it your way. Well guys, welcome back to the Burger King commercial podcast, it's me, Eli Miller, and I'm joined with JigRab and Will Tenenbaum, is that how you say it? Yeah. Alright, cool. So today, let's get into it guys, we're going to be talking about stairwells, and what do we think? Do they suck? Do they not suck? And which one, more importantly, is the best one in Masters Hall? Okay, so we have the old staircase that's made of wood, we have the small staircase that's right outside of the library, and then we have the main one that goes down to the beanbags and all the way up to the third floor. So guys, what do we think? Which is the best? I believe that the wood staircase is the best staircase because it has history to it. The Michael Jackson music video for Bad was shot there, and I think it's the coolest because it has that background story. Yeah, that's true, but like, you know, it like creaks a lot, like it sucks. It's really bad, it creaks, and I don't want to deal with that, and I'm trying to get it down the stairs, and I'm trying to do it with no noise so I can listen to my music, man. I'm taking the staircase next to the library because it doesn't squeak, also it takes you exactly where you want to go, all the floors, so I don't have to worry where I get lost. Facts. Bro, that's the right idea, for sure. And we can all agree, though, that the little staircase next to the library, like right outside that room, that one's so bad, right guys? Like, I mean... Speaking of facts. It sucks. Speaking of facts. Like, it's small, it doesn't have a lot going for it, it's the run of the litter, the stairs like sink in, I don't know if you guys noticed, you walk outside, you're trying to get, like, into the library door that we're not supposed to walk into, and you have to knock on it for everyone to open it, you get inside, you go to the right, all the stairs are sunken in because of how old it is and how many people step on it, it's trash. You know, Master's Hall, though, at the very end, like the main building, the old part, where that old wood staircase is, that one's got something going for it, but you know, me, I personally, I cannot be bothered. After further considering, I now agree with you guys, because the main staircase does have all four floors, not just three, like the wood staircase does. Yeah, Jake, you know, like how LeBron says, Yabba-Dabba-Doo, Old Navy, you know, and what that really means is, like, you know, you might have an opinion about one staircase and then it changes to a different staircase, so that's okay, that's good for you, man. Alright, well, you heard it here, I mean, that about wraps it up. Thank you so much for watching the Burger King Commercial Podcast, and with that...