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To optimize your website's load time, you can compress images, enable caching, remove unnecessary spaces and comments from CSS and JavaScript files, minimize the number of files, use sprites for images, and use a CDN. It's also important to choose a good hosting provider with fast server response times. How do I optimize my website's load time? Improving your website's load time is important for a better user experience. Here are some simple steps by a company that offers website designing services in Delhi. Compress images to reduce their file size without losing quality. You can use online tools or plug-ins for this. Caching stores certain parts of your website on the user's device, making it load faster when they revisit. You can enable caching through plug-ins or server settings. Remove unnecessary spaces, comments, and line breaks from your CSS and JavaScript files to make them smaller. There are plug-ins available to help with this. Minimize the number of files your web page needs to load by combining CSS and JavaScript files and using sprites for images. A CDN stores your website's files on servers worldwide, delivering them to users from the closest server location, which speeds upload times. A good hosting provider ensures your website is served quickly to users. Research and choose one that offers fast server response times.