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The podcast hosts discuss the topic of voting and focus on the Democratic and Republican parties. They mention that black people predominantly vote Democratic. They discuss the reasons behind this, including fear of racism and division associated with Republicans. They also share personal experiences and opinions about race, neighborhoods, and political beliefs. They highlight the importance of voting and how it can impact one's life. They discuss the perception that Democrats provide more handouts, while Republicans promote work and self-sufficiency. They criticize politicians for not addressing the concerns of black communities and urge black people to vote and be engaged in the political process. what's up everyone welcome back to the podcast black and tan we are here to talk about voting today hope what we have to say is good so if you enjoy please tell everyone to listen and pass it on so we're gonna tell people you're gonna tell people okay I'm gonna tell black people damn why they got to be black people well because that's the only race that actually votes mostly 90 percent one way and what is that way well Democratic okay that's not I'm listening so either they like to be in a poverty because they've been voting that way for years or they did they got them scared that Republicans are just against the I just don't get it man I really don't I'm gonna say that honestly yes they have been scared it's scared tactic it's basically you're scared of what our generation welfare what what are you scared of being being someone of color yes we're always by cops hunting them down what we as a people and yes I'm talking about our culture the black folks yes have been pre what's the word pre set a prerequisite we've been believed that the representation of Republicans means racism means division it means less opportunities and future endeavors all come with being a Republican so we vote Democrat yes and all I know is this I grew up in the city and I went to an all-black school with John Bork me personally I didn't have problems with black people but you know it didn't faze me one way or the other now of course do I do I know that when I go into a certain area I'm gonna watch myself of course I am if I didn't I'm a moron so yes I understand whether I go into this area or that area or it's manager over here I already know that I'm gonna watch out I already know that because you don't know that then you're an idiot let me ask you this question what about your parents what did they make you believe when it came to going outside or hanging outside of your race outside area meaning black area I'll be honest with you I mean everybody knows when you grow up you look a different color than somebody else that if you don't you're stupid right but what did they make you believe that they make you feel that black people were going to be more aggressive and mean and angry and it's just like you know I came from South Philly which was Italian people and then my parents you know when I was six moved us to Southwest Philly and it was they moved us into an Irish neighborhood now if you know anything about the Irish people which I married one you notice well you notice that their skin tone is usually white okay now me being supposedly being Italian and then of course you find out later you're not my skin tone is tan right okay so when you're walking around in the summer and you're tan and your neighbors are all white obviously you stand out okay so did I have a lot of fights when I was growing up absolutely you know so I didn't get along until I was about 17 years old where I got jumped by nine guys and I sliced the guy's neck and went I'm like a crazy man what color were those people people were white okay just asking trying to understand so that was the only time I got respect and people feared me at 17 okay so but I understand about the bodega guy you know that guy the guy up in New York where he stabbed that guy in his neck you know the bodega in the bodega okay okay let's take that one for instance you know they'll sit back and tell you that that guy has mental issues no he don't have fucking mental issues just like I don't have mental issues we all have mental issues when you get you know brought upon or your life's in danger okay you act you know you you act like an animal yeah the fight-or-flight yes exactly well so so I can relate to that you know I would have done the same damn thing you know but of course you know a lot of people that grow up in the suburbs they don't they don't they don't know about that shit you can walk up behind smack him in the back of the head they won't even know you were there but you come up on me man you know I mean I already got my guard up you spook me my hands go up automatically it's like a natural reaction right right that's where you come from exactly but I want to go back to your parents when they were growing up I'm saying when you were coming up as a kid I'm gonna just talk to it no other was tough I'm going to assume that your parents were both Republicans I'm just gonna assume that no they were Democrats really they were Democrats yes okay and anybody in the inner cities of Democrats and the only ones that came around were Democrats they gave you the cheese they gave you if you had to go get a hand out they give you all these fucking handouts agreed which is again why never if I get you a job or anything was always a handout here but did your parents ever make you feel vote for me look what I'm doing for you but did your parents ever make you feel that you needed to be a Democrat when you grew up remember we're going back to when you're 17 now about to be 18 yeah I mean I don't know anything about Republicans okay I was a Democrat my whole my whole life okay good and so I moved to Jersey when you start making your own money though yes and then I got into my own business and then then I realized that two old Democrats these old Democrats told me they were in their 80s and they said to me hey I'm gonna tell you what you should be voting for I said yeah okay go ahead he said let me ask you these questions you you like to make more money next year than you made this year and I said sure and they said would you like to pay more in taxes or less and I said less and they said well you're a capitalist son learn that you want to vote Republican I said really Wow so ever since that point I became a Republican until so now don't get me wrong until I moved into a suburban area and had a dump truck sitting on the side of my house and when the mayor that was Republican came around and asked me you know for his vote I gave it to him two years later they have the council meetings and stuff and guess what happens now I'm told to move my fucking truck and I said show I caught these council guys you know I got their signs on my lawn it's two weeks from election and I says hey what can you do for me Tommy here and he goes Tom I'll call you tomorrow he calls me tomorrow he says my hands are tied I can't do anything I said really you can't do nothing okay all right I took them fucking Republican signs threw them in the trash and I put all Democrats signs up and then I went around and talk to my customers and I told them about what was happening to me and I told him to vote Democrat well guess what they were 12 years in there Republicans and after I got around there they lost by 27 votes and it changed everything of course you know what they said they said I told them I told them don't mess with that guy he knows everybody around here don't mess with him so the power of voting is a beautiful thing agreed okay so that's why this section is on voting I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell the black man the state of fuck home or or vote Republican because you gotta ask yourself this four years ago was your life better four years ago did you can your your money last you longer when you went to a grocery store or you filled your car up with gas that's what you need to ask yourself because under these policies of this guy it's not happening okay so I'm gonna say this this is my turn to speak about the whole voting aspect now as a Democrat these people I'm gonna say this as people speak about being Democratic and voting Democrat and not voting Republican they feel that they get more freebies I'm gonna call it free handouts freebies whatever you want to look at it as if you vote Republican let's just say obviously Donald Trump and Biden of the two candidates right now popular candidates if you brought Donald Trump in do you feel the handouts or free welfare and stuff that these poor folks get which unfortunately are predominantly black would be lessened if they went with Trump or stay the same if they went with Trump meaning Republican well you gotta ask yourself that did you know did you lose your affordable housing or whatever did you lose it under Trump in four years I don't think you did if anything he tried to put black people to go to work Spanish people to go to work yes going to work okay but that's obviously the goal skin in the game obviously the goal is to get these people to go to work but when it comes to free handouts yes the popularity of the decision would be stay home get more well you don't do anything get a thousand dollars this way with you I'm gonna go this way because because these people right now in office basically shunned your black people and you know how I when I say shunned look at it don't take it from me I see it on YouTube all the time these guys are in council meetings these women in Chicago and all this look what's happening to the parks they're bringing the immigrants in they're taking over your parks where your kids used to go play they're taking over your schools which which you speak English and they speak some foreign language that you don't even have a clue what they're speaking and I ain't just talking Spanish give me any language so how does that not hurt black people it definitely hurts but it does you're focusing me so why does black people stand up obviously you're in the council meetings did it change anything no as it changed not you know we don't change shit when you fucking vote don't vote them people win if you don't vote them people in and they lose and they lose big you know what they're gonna be doing they're gonna be kissing your ass the next time I don't like okay because without you without the black race I'm gonna say there's done I'm gonna say this and this is this is a personal view my opinion that you can't really complain bitch or even have anything to say if you don't vote on something so I'm saying when you say don't vote or vote Republican well I'm just saying in case they sit back and go I don't want to vote for their you know Trump and they don't want to vote for please don't vote for the other guy okay what he's doing but this is what's happening this is what I always tell people you have to vote for the less people better than you yes but you have to vote for the lesser of the two evils oh listen this is why I say but and I have my own opinion when I say don't vote now listen to me I understand you vote for but you you you you fought for voting rights of course but think about this of course think about this a major if the majority of black people don't vote Democrats will never win an election again never I'm not saying you're wrong or you're wrong right I can't give you that but it was never win election yes you have to vote on something I don't care if you vote for Johnny Paul your vote is your person stay home and say yo now you got a master listen they told you these these these politicians told you Kamala Harrison oh and they told you they was going to decriminalize weed it's four years later and did they do it to the federal level no okay they didn't make it legal yeah but many states are very free with the smoke I understand the states are but they ran on this shit they ran on it these people run on giving you free shit okay just like they ran on giving forgiveness to listen to me they talked about forgiveness of college tuition okay that help black people not at all okay they didn't help anybody they talk about so well yes they talk about this guy talks about think about this now this guy talks about when you say the a new job I'm talking about by okay I'm not creating one clarity there's one clarity new jobs in these jobs but their union job how many unions how many union workers live in the projects you know any I don't know any okay would you think there's a lot no very minimal because when they make money they move out of there they move to a different thing you move to another level would you say that would you say if you make money you move to what you're a different thing I mean if you think about it if you think about it look at it no but the dream of living in the hood or the ghettos or the bad order the poverty quality you know you know what they call white people the white trash white trash Charlotte Park the part you know the goal is to move out that is the goal that's the goal you get enough money you move out move out I never thought I would buy a new car but when you had all this money you can buy a new car options happen sure you keep your options open you know I'm just saying this the reason that they move these migrants into these neighborhoods okay it's because most of the neighbors in them neighborhoods are paid they have the system program from the government yeah and it governs basically telling them shut up go home we take care of your bills it's all listen I agree with that but that's because of the control they control that well they control it anytime you live off somebody they're controlling the government listen it's not not even a government go live in somebody's house if you lived in your parents house just say or you lived in your friend's house or your cousin's house when you have to buy by their rules yes because they're paying a fuck out right they're paying all the bill oh there you go it's not simple it's not rocket science this is easy to figure out I'm not telling you something that nobody else knows the problem is that they don't stand up and you get united they'll get united and stand and put a knee down on the fucking thing so they don't have to do the American flag or whatever to set a point well set a point here set a point here that says no you're not getting my vote anymore if you're going to just stonewall now you're bringing in immigrants and you're treating them better than us okay but let me ask you I'm not even ask you I'm just gonna make a statement the point is this let's just take it to the basics you have two dogs yeah that live in your house one you feed the other you don't why it's because the one that you feed obviously obeys and listens to all your commands that's what you want right where the other one disrespects and acts a fool and does exactly right so the control it's all about the control we know that I don't disagree with on man that's why it's always been that way that means if I could you cut me off I'm not going to get my thousand dollars a week or every two weeks anything as far as fucking these stupid who makes these dumbass laws up go out and steal up to $900 or $1,000 or $500 and we won't give you our you won't we won't give you a record for it you won't get locked up who make that what listen let me tell you something you wait to the migrants get a hold of this fucking thing where they can be in New York and steal up to $500 shit man listen these people are not stupid these migrants are hey we can steal over here we're not gonna get in trouble these are dumb laws laws these are stupid exactly these are stupid very stupid but you gotta understand something listen listen you you know for a fact you know for a fact of this you know that teachers teachers always vote Democrat most of them and the reason now when I use the word they always I mean mostly majority I'm talking about a 90 percentile they're gonna vote Democrat because the Republicans are always talking about taking their union away shut down doing all these shit so you're never gonna vote that way especially if you if you make your money that way and it's just like the people in the South or whoever owns a gun they're never gonna vote Democrat when the Democrats are always talking about taking their fucking guns away why would you want no way fuck you I don't want my guns taken away so you see what I'm saying so this country will never ever come together you know when the country comes together I'm gonna tell you not by this fucking political bullshit because I told you when I was in LA my best friends that I hung with a lot were the Crips because I was a ballplayer there was no other way people with me or saying people with me or a time people with me I was on that court by myself with all brothers okay and then I got to know that they were the Crips with their handkerchiefs okay and they invite me to her house they invited they never bothered me nothing okay even though the first day I met him I cut one of their eyes with an elbow he took an elbow shot and I cut one right and I still didn't get bothered that day I got respect because I didn't pump down when the guy was getting in my face I didn't care how many people were around me I unleashed on that guy and I was like whoa whoa this fucking guy don't look at us and he's scared Oh flip that what happens if it's the other way around as far as what meaning that it's a bunch of white guys and there's one black guy oh no I ain't in there for 10 minutes that's the thing would you do you feel it's an opinion question do you feel that it would be settled and calm and peaceful and they were don't back there no it's not dumb it's the same why it's the scare tactic you asked me that I met your ass at a 50-minute card game that was all 49 of them are all white black guy here we're taking your ass if you're taking a personal oh I'm trying to say I don't know I can't speak for other people I don't but that's what I'm talking about why the majority of poor folks which tend to be black do what they do when they vote Democrat it's a scare tactic not everybody's gonna stand and be an individual which is what we continue to agree on well yes it has to be an individual makes the decision yes I would I will never change my mind unless if you can convince me of something that I'll agree with you and don't get me wrong I always ask now that I'm Republican I vote Republican which means nothing in Jersey if you're in the general election you might as well stay the fuck home because ain't nobody ever won a general election as a Republican in Jersey so you're wasting your fucking time going out and vote that's stupid it's never happened now maybe you can flip New York I don't know I don't know over there you know maybe we're to get this it all I know is this there's no migrants I haven't seen migrants come in my neighborhood I haven't seen him did you see him in your neighbor you live about ten miles from me you see him in yours nope no so why are they sent all over these papers eight million of them but we don't get us we don't live in a poverty-stricken areas we live in very well I guess they call it mediocre I don't know oh we're not poor we're not super rich we're just you're saying they're taking advantage of your brothers they're taking advantage of the poor yeah sure at the Camden to South Philly's they're taking advantage of areas but when they ship them up the Martha's vineyard up there we're fighting or Obama lives they ship them right the hell out of here they're out of there yeah they're not sticking around sanctuary cities you black people and Spanish people you ought to turn around and say fuck them sanctuaries cities we don't want them listen listen listen I don't have nothing against immigrants I don't have nothing against Russians I don't have nothing against anybody okay because I dated everybody I dated Indians I dated Brazilians I dated you the way I dated a little in your voice I date them all I didn't care you know shit when I was in school I like them black girls to any care I like actually darker-skinned women yeah you give me something with a suntan on that baby we just naturally got that no it's only natural colors got that melatonin privilege that you guys don't even respond to if I had that privilege I would love it you're halfway halfway there bro oh I'm halfway there and I love it you think it when the winner when I lose it it sucks you know in the summer I get it saying I'm look better you know not that I'm out trying to chase women but I'm married now but you know it helped when I was younger you know so so you know there's always a mindset you know like a Halle Berry complaining she's black fuck out of here Alicia Keys of cleaning complaining she would be black fuck that these are beautiful women Robin Givens these are beautiful women do with beautiful skin so lovely right would you ever kick any of them out of bed the very new I heard that said they're very beautiful I know but this is the thing when it comes to status and how much better you can become yeah some people feel like being in the white category is better than being in the dark category let's say let's listen here's the best the way it's always a great hair to me hang on a second most of your most of your fucking tech companies okay you take your tech on me Google Facebook Apple this and that I guarantee you the most successful people in that company writing code and shit like that I Asian you know they they're white now the white the whites don't look I don't know for that they're smart the whites don't look out for the whites though no no why would you look after it you want the smartest motherfucker why would you why would you care if you listen if you had a black guy and he was smart you would take that guy yeah but you pay what pay the Asian dude probably 50% less of what you pay the white best friend think so to be a CEO yeah but you think so but here's the problem I see it listen I'm not gonna ever say where I work but the fact is is that there's other people that do half as much as I do yeah that make ten times more than I make and I'm in a company that that's that's a well-established company yeah and I do probably five people's jobs and I get paid for one person we're all gonna say that yeah but you work in a different side of the spectrum you have your own business I do the job of three guys but let me ask you a question does anybody that works for you in your company yeah make more than you know that's that's capitalism and that's what I'm talking about I do more work I do more work than my boss how do you know what you do your boss brings in the does nothing sits on the phone all day yes get done doesn't press any buttons on here that doesn't mean shit that means that the work that has to be done the operations part of it is through a person like let me out so let's go another way let's say a roofers they go out and roof okay well what are they roofing if the sales guy doesn't sell anything yeah but the sales guy isn't the captain of the company fucking ain't the guy could be the owner of the company I know I'm the owner of my company I sell there's no other salesman I'm the seller okay if I don't sell my working ain't fucking working but you're talking about you're talking about a different aspect no you're talking about you don't know what you're playing baseball playing football playing softball it's all different listen Mike's all different bird put on saying together yes the reason you hire people and so you don't have to work as hard that's why you got workers okay and again learning that and again it's not about learning it's if I do a person's job job listen to me if you could do that job then you ain't going in and represent yourself there's a problem you wouldn't give me that job no no you should go in you should go in and have a talk with your boss and just have an intelligent conversation with your boss and say listen I feel that I'm doing this this and that is there any way that I can advance that I you know I really believe that's real yes I believe that's real the only thing I can tell you people they can tell you no that's the only thing yeah but there's 15 people that would do your job for you for less money oh well now you didn't say that see if people can find the man has always been a very good people get through your job for less money then maybe you should not say nothing exactly my point of why people don't know you're not good at your job I'm a hundred percent good at my job but you just told me do you could be replaced oh anybody can be replaced yeah listen anybody could be replaced but there's always going to be that one person that actually excels at that job that you say wow this is friggin unbelievable I've had workers like that which I didn't want to lose which I paid a lot for and they still left because they went on their own business that is the difference listen I don't know what it is I don't know what it is in the inner city I know when I lived in the inner city I went to work for two hours a fucking hour and my friends weren't working I didn't care about what they were doing I went to work okay they were still and if they weren't my friends later who gives a fuck I didn't care I'm a different kind of person than anybody else just the same kinds of same concept as you know these people are killing themselves online because they go on Facebook and somebody trashed them who gives a fuck then I'm trash you your feelings are that hurt give me a break but that goes back to the individual thing that we just discussed yeah well I'm a different end of the hundred percent my mindset is a killer mindset I agree okay a killer the individual makes the difference listen but you had cancer seven times like me you have a killer mindset you do the cancer didn't take me out right but not everybody's built like you oh you got a guy you got you know listen listen you don't think I'm an emotional guy come on you don't think I went through a depression they cried and stuff shit I'd be crying oh I'll be crying come home and eat them but they're over okay but I got rid of it after seven months you overcame do it yeah I don't I came over came up with anger however I got through it you got through it yeah that's how you get through it man you don't let that weak shit come out of you you come out with you know positive energy hey I don't know what it is let me tell you something I walk anywhere I walk in a casino I walk anywhere anywhere whether I see brothers Spanish people white people it doesn't matter most of the time I get along with brothers though for some reason we get eye contact and it's like a nod like you know I'm saying it's a mutual respect huh it's a mutual respect to mutual respect yes let's listen if I wanted to stay in my lane I would have never been friends with you okay and I didn't care what my friends thought if I listen what people gotta understand is if you got to work that hard at friendship they're not your friends agree if you got to work that hard in a relationship get rid of her agree or get rid of him agree fuck that you shouldn't have to work that hard you shouldn't have to and your best friends my best friends are dead they're the best friends you ever want to have and they're green that's right they're green baby yes that's right and they're always the bonus they're always they're been reckless man you can go when you got them you can go anywhere you can buy anything you want you can stay you can fly you can do whatever you want with them babies okay if not you don't have them you'll be relying on a lot of people okay so I didn't care I went out and worked okay I told you man how I learned concrete I learned it off a guy in the 70s a black guy working in an Irish neighborhood and my buddy got the job and then my buddy got me to job with him and then the guy got rid of my buddy okay and then of course I left I say you can't get rid of my buddy and you know I'm saying but that's how I learned I learned from from that guy I'll learn from anybody I don't give a shit it doesn't matter me you know me and you always talk we're amazed we're amazed at this they always want to they always want affirmative action right they always talk about permanent back but affirmative actions always has to deal with these companies and hiring black people minorities but they never have that in Chinatown remember we talked about that you go to Chinatown I never seen no black waiter waiters waitresses I never seen it but you won't that they stick to their own people oh I'm gonna tell I'm gonna tell this right now listen to me people when you go out there and you have to go to work for somebody I guarantee most of the time you're gonna have to work for a white company because the white man it's a shame but the white man usually is the head of the company of home home home depot Tesla Facebook 90% of the companies yes overnight I'm not gonna disagree with that overnight so here's my thing here's my thing here's my thing and I'll say this to you and I'll help you black people out okay ready if you know that you get your nails done and your eyelashes done in your hair done why the hell are you going to Asian powers go to your drug dealer friend in the neighborhood and say hey can you let give me some money to start this business just like Bumpy Johnson did back in the 60s but he had businesses that were run by black people I don't disagree but that's the problem walk today and I told you this with the people that I've grown up with yes nobody wants to see you do better and even though I'm saying that I'm going to you let's just say you're a black guy yeah or a man of color and you want to allow people to come and say hey once you loan me $100,000 you're taking a risk obviously by lending that money and there's no guarantee that that business is going to become profitable and on top of that why do I want to see you make money if I can control you with the money that I have now and in my community yeah I'm going to tell you this it's sad to say but we don't want to see people do better than what you're doing you don't want to see somebody prosper better than you even if you can make a capital or a profit off of that you don't want to see somebody benefit because that makes them no longer need you and that is one of the biggest issues in the black community nobody wants to ever see another person of that same race same color do better well you know yeah well you got a you got factual there because I did a job for Jamaican lady and she came from Jamaica and she started her own cleaning business and she wanted to hire black people our own kind black you know yes not not Jamaican but black you know that were from here and she told me I can't even hire none of them you know what they told me I would I want to make you rich eggs that is a problem in my community how about if you learn that I am trading you learn to shake and you could start your own business let me tell you some people the reason that you go to work for somebody whether it's in roping siding cement asphalt is to learn the business and then you start your own correct okay correct I will tell you this I went to a lady's house that she was black in her husband and they and they and they you know they even have white pictures in there of different people and they were both teachers and they worked at not a public school what's another kind of school charter school so they were two chartered teachers anyway we were having a conversation and she was telling me that you know it's hard for people you know her people black people to you know you know they couldn't get a loan loan and I told the lady I said come on now you're a teacher okay I'm not even as educated as you are but you know this perfect if you don't come in with some collateral you're not getting a loan I mean it's that simple okay all right when I went in to get a loan when I started my business they didn't give me a loan either okay because I had no collateral you don't get a loan you need somebody else to put on there somebody owns a house a relative or some shit like that no bank would give any they don't care what color you are you're not getting a loan but I'm just being honest no it's a fact but that's the problem is that black folks don't have that's right black folks don't own homes black folks didn't write what's the problem here man listen I lived in Philly okay and I say this to you all the time we call this the United States I call it the United Nations okay that means to me every state is a country that's in my view that's my view because let's face it do I go back to Philly to reminisce what I where I came from hell no fuck no I could care less I don't go back here where I grew up I don't worry worried about where I'm going I'm only worried about how I'm gonna live and I'll tell you what you know what the really pisses me off you give your wife $100 she goes shopping and ain't not coming back I'm like wow what the hell's going on here and then I'm listening this president tell me everything's great ah you're doing good you're doing fantastic you got money go out and spend that money look how strong we are listen and I said this to you before even if Trump was elected you still would have had inflation on the airlines because everybody was not allowed to fly or the restaurants so you were going to get inflation that way okay but as far as food inflation shit that we all know that starts with gasoline I mean if you got to transport that shit it's gonna cost you money so here's my other thing now I'm not a smart man enough but I got common sense four times as smart as anybody if you shut down a pipeline that comes from Canada into the middle of the United States and you shut the pipeline down well how are you going to get this gas and oil transmitted that means you're going to have to use the tankers and the roadways would you agree okay but aren't they talking about getting these things to get the pollution out of the air then why would you not go with pipelines especially when it was almost done you know what I learned you know what I learned the only the only comment I can give you is yes that adds to my whole statement about control yes okay I'm gonna give you another thing listen you're you listen there's a black man on the Supreme Court you know who it is I don't know his name Clarence Thomas okay now is he a black man in the USA yeah did he succeed yes how high do you think he succeeded top of the food chain okay top of the chain right why the fuck is the Democrats tell you to for black people and a guy from the top of the chain got to the top of the thing in the Supreme Court and ate him I come but I hate him that goes back to my point about why they don't want you to succeed what people do not want you to be better they want you to stay poor they want you to stay broke they don't want you to be better than what they are you're trying to say is my people are trying to say is the Democrats I don't want you to succeed hey in the end no because that adds to their to say you'll have your own mindset correct and then you'll learn that you want to be a Republican I'll be embedding yourself that's right yes it's a control aspect of it I agree yes so I definitely definitely do that they always tell you they always tell you that you want to they that for you for you I'm for you they're not they lose so much power if they're you if you like you said with the voting when it comes to it if you definitely took away and made them feel like they were powerless then yes they would definitely do more but because you give them all the control by giving them all those votes yes right and making them be empowered yes right thank you and they lie to you every time it's nothing but lies and we already know that they come to you every four years with the same race court we already know this non-stop non-stop and that's their thing ah they're racist ain't nobody racist against you listen 2024 right back in there we are let's go yeah I mean come on we got to hear the same shit listen to me and they're gonna feed you that whole thing of repriations we're gonna try to get you repriations we're gonna try to do this not happening not happening oh my god listen I'm gonna tell you guys something listen to me ain't nobody here from back in the day nobody nobody's here from back in the day of when that shit happened or other shit happened or or or the war happened in 42 okay nobody's here from them we're not here man we moved on here's our problem we have old people running shit oh people are gonna be out of here they're gonna be out of here in five years these people will have dementia okay they'll be sitting in there and old folks on with drugs drool coming out of their mouth right and we gotta have these motherfuckers running our shit but then here's the other problem then we got these stupid assholes that are from other countries in Congress and they're running our shit we can't have that anything that happens outside the country they're always against it they're not for this country what the fuck man don't even vote for Congress I know why they're in there but their neighborhood is you know the same race as them and you got to have a representative so they're representing their neighborhood I get it fucking stupid don't that's it I'm just saying me all I'm saying is this you senior citizens I'm going to tell you this too I understand you vote Democrat because Democrats give you shit I get it but here's the problem your taxes are already frozen nobody's taking that away from you okay and you don't pay taxes anymore I get it but here's the problem when you go out there and you can fill your car with gas just remember that was a Democrat that did that to you when you go out there go to the grocery store you remember that Democrat did that to you okay so I don't see how the fuck they're helping you okay just so you know that none of these people I've watched these people on both sides now don't get me wrong and I told you about Trump okay I told you I told you that when he wanted to do away put everything on a postcard that was not going to help people I told you that I told you that because you would have never found them when when the federal government says they won't take any taxes off you you would have never got a income tax return in April because they would have told you wait you ain't paying so the government would actually save money they won't tell you that but I will it would actually save money and for people out there that you know listen to these stupid idiots tell you that the these these these companies don't pay any taxes or not let me tell you this when everything you get your paycheck look at your paycheck and when you see focus they unemployment and Medicaid coming out of that check your employers matching them taxes so twice the amount of taxes are going to the government not federally not federal your federal that comes out of your check is federal but all the other ones we as an owner of a company have to match so what I tell you you're gonna run out of Social Security I don't see how they're full of crap oh shit yeah they're bringing in twice as much money I'm gonna give you another person I'm gonna give you another thing what people don't get it everybody wanted more money more money Oh $15 an hour across the board you gotta have a living wage well I'll be honest with you $15 an hour ain't even a fucking living wage either you can't you can't own the house you can't do shit no not at all you're right I will tell you make money let me tell you I'm gonna tell you who's making money you want me to tell you the government because when the government raised that rate that was more taxes coming out of your check and then your employers matching them taxes so the government was making so much more money now when you went to McDonald's you were complaining hey I got this shipping up there I'm $28 for two kids with me and I gotta eat breakfast but it's supposed to be this much money well what'd you think it was gonna cost money you think they were gonna eat it gotta come from somewhere he's got to come from somewhere sure anytime you get a raise or whatever it is the business is still gonna now we even talk me and you we say why why and I brought this up to you Warren Buffett sitting over there talking about giving a hundred billion dollars away to Bill Gates his charity which has to do with a lot of shit outside the United States okay and I sit back and I said to people well and I even said to you well why doesn't he give that money to his employees that made that money for him it makes no right no because we realize you can't give them employees that kind of money why because you won't have workers anymore there's a reason why you have to give them so much money because they've got made a rich they quit and what and what does that mean at the end of the day control yes it's all about the control well sickening it is sickening but you know what I mean it it it happens man I mean what you're not going to change that we need to go to work they always now it's funny these Democrats are always talking about these billionaires ain't paying their fair share at all I'll tell you what buddy without that big it is and their businesses you know let's face it why don't you like must sell all the stock keep the fucking money and say fuck it shut down Tesla why don't the Home Depot say fuck it sell his stock tomorrow down it keep all the fucking money and say fuck it you know and and go out of business because I'll tell you what it sounds like the Democratic Party would love that shit they would love you listen I'm gonna tell you people stop when the government gives you money away to you it's not coming from the government we are the government any taxpayer is the government government does not make any money government doesn't make any money they give money away so it's just like the same thing you know what government projects are going on they want to pray paid his prevailing rate yeah it's great yeah hey these people more money with my money correct that makes sense doesn't so I don't want to be paying no prevailing rate when I can get these other workers to work we should get rid of that shit you know yep you're going to bid that thing why should they come you know what a big problem is I'm going to tell you what a big problem you'll hear this schoolteachers get $100 a week $100 a year for an allowance but then they got to put out money out of their own pocket for supplies for the kids I hear a lot yeah I hear it all the time that's true and I say shit man every time I turn around the government if a school doesn't spend the money and they have to spend the money or they don't get or they don't not allowed more money or whatever no man if you got extra money put that shit in a fun if you got extra money from the government that you allowed put that shit in the fun let that money sit there so when the teachers need money you give them more of an allowance not less okay all right you should be spending money like for instance if you didn't spend the money you had to go out rip rugs up in the fucking thing to spend the money bullshit don't spend the money but they're so afraid of not getting their new budget money see it's so fucking dumb man we got dumb people running this country and they're running into the ground and dumb people following it and now I want to tell you something I heard that I heard that speech from Biden he said listen if the billionaires pay their fair share we would get five hundred billion dollars and I put that shit on pause and I told my wife and I said wow five hundred billion dollars in a year Wow that's a lot of money then I put it click that back and he said over ten years what the fuck $50,000,000 a year we just gave 60 billion to Ukraine and now that put it that many things doesn't help us I never want to hear another public school or not a school or a public school say they don't have funding for something I never want to hear a public area for swimming swimming that they don't have the funds to open that swim swimming area for for the kids I never want to hear that raise your fucking hand in Congress like you're raising for everything else and fund this shit I'm going to program and fund it now okay I'm tired of hearing that shit it's horrible and stop paying these farmers not the farm we should have an overabundance of food so food shouldn't be costing this much money okay and you people out there if you want it listen you want to bring cost of shit down listen when nobody fucking flew on an airplane what happened the price is an airplane you can flew from Jersey to fucking Las Vegas for $25 okay so there's your point right there don't buy this shit nobody did excuse me people did but not my house I'm paying $300 a fucking month fuck that I already got the high-speed internet I didn't buy all that other shit get out of here all right your boy got that shit yeah the individual is smarter back to your vote smarter my point is back to your vote you're not going to get hurt and stop voting these dumb Democrats listen I'm going to tell you this and I came from the inner city and I get it I get it I understand why if you're in the inner city and you're in a crime-ridden area you're in a drug-fitting area you're not going to vote Republican I get it because Republicans are for a law and order and if your kid is on drugs or selling drugs or in a gang you don't want your kid arrested I get it I get it but so you got a you got a catch-22 there what do you do it's a catch-22 it is a double-edged sword and that's the problem but the poor thing is the minorities that don't feel like they have the opportunities that some others have they don't are going to believe that Democrats only take care of them which is wrong but then again it manifests laziness it makes them not think that they should be able to better themselves yes it's a problem but but it's a problem around listen I got off with drugs and all because I moved from the area okay so you if you're in the same area and you're doing it eventually you're going to give in when I moved to LA I was off the drugs and then eventually I hung with people I hung with people and I did the same you know and eventually you say no you say no you say no and then at one time you say yeah and you get hooked back on this shit so the key is and that's what they want and the key is I'm going to tell you this do like I did when you get to a certain age move get out you got to move out get out don't worry about the goal don't worry about them people back at home that's always been the goal let's be my home them friends or I forget it you don't want their friends now they're beaches you can meet friends anytime you want I've met friends everywhere I've met people everywhere as you I got to know all kinds of people and I got to meet and date all kinds of women it doesn't matter you don't mean I didn't need to stay with them what did I care well and it's the same with the migrants I don't have nothing against any other race or people I don't even know why race comes into a fucking factor anyway if I look at the guy and he's Russian he's Russian I look at another guy's Italian he's Italian I even talk to Israel people from it I'm fascinated I'm fascinated about the military experience they have to go through but let me just say this the thing about when you say the races or the migrants the immigrants everybody that comes from somewhere different than the United States that's right has a totally different way of living in the way of believing that life should be ran well you the US offers a softer version of the American dream which is why they call it the American dream but the way life is in other countries is nowhere near as simplistic as it is here in the US here's a question for you ready do you know all the laws here I do not know all of them okay so what makes you think that when people come in here don't even speak English are gonna know any laws because you have an opportunity to still become something I couldn't do that but you use Russia you keep saying Russia a lot if I went to Russia right now yeah as an American that could only speak English yes I would be a bum on the street nobody would ever look at me hire me even talk to me or give me the time of day because I did not know their language and I couldn't have a conversation hold up with those people what do you think wait a minute the people that come here and they get hired to do what I don't know landscaped pick up trash why are they getting hired trades because they just get told what to do and shown what to do and they do it so if I went to listen I was in LA LA and I talk in America I know I know but over there it was I got hired on to a crew that was they were from Wales and Ireland and every day it was I stayed it went by didn't call me you know after a while started pissing me off but then I got the real eyes then I got the real they loved me they liked me you know and that was their way of you know kidding around with me and they actually liked me yes but I feel like if you want I wasn't I wasn't part of that because you're in America no no I wasn't part of them they came from I came from Ireland they came but they're here yeah I don't understand they're here but they could have kept it herself because everybody on that crew was Ireland Irish from they were all immigrants don't speak for me but they hired me and I wasn't in but that's the American way I'm telling you if you went to Ireland or you went to Russia yeah I went to China yes you would not get my I would have said I would have similarly you'd have to learn anything right but they're not going to accept you the way you don't know that that's why that's why Americans don't move out of America it's not it's very rare why they don't move out I never been anywhere I'm just saying I work for a company with very diverse people I'm just saying I don't know I don't know they say Switzerland's good to live in they say this other place is good in it how do I know I never been there yes but they're all maybe it's maybe different but think about this though if you went to these other countries and you live think about this only in America can you do the two-step yeah in America could you go from having money and this and that and a great job and then some other idiot takes over in four years and then you lose your job because they want to go in a different direction which they want to spend your money again your money what does that show we're basic America the United States basic you want to talk about a level of one to five we're on a one-and-a-half scale you think we have to have all these therapists and shit this country cuz we're full of idiots bro we do it all of the stream of bullshit yes but listen I know we've definitely been talking a long time you want to set a tone yeah boycott them and you know either if you don't like your Republican side don't fucking vote for these motherfuckers on the left side and you'll see how fast they catered to you on the next election they will kiss your ass but if you vote that back in again listen this guy listen I guarantee the gas will go up again they'll put their agenda back in place again listen who sits around and tells the in the government if I was in the military you think I'd be sitting here I have to change my language for what when you sent me to war I ain't going to sit over there go oh excuse me I didn't mean to call you a guy sir teach them how to shoot I'll walk out a little worried about hurting people's feelings these soldiers are going to die if they're in war and that is the American problem moron correct the United States problem but yes I just want to make sure everybody understands that we try to speak about what we feel is the truth and we want everybody to understand what's going on in our own mindset if you like what you hear pass it on remember black and tan we love y'all let's go

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