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The speaker discusses how Trump's rhetoric and actions have contributed to division and discrimination in the United States. They share a personal story of their daughter experiencing racism at school. They also criticize Trump's language regarding the "China flu," which they believe has led to attacks on Chinese people. The speaker then explores the concept of different ideologies and the importance of acceptance and understanding in a diverse society. They express frustration with people who fall for extremist ideologies and question the power dynamics in various contexts, including politics and reality TV shows. They emphasize the potential for change and the importance of speaking out against injustice. What's up everyone? Welcome back to Black in 10. We're here to make sure that people understand and hear our views. We're going to talk a little something. We're going to be general today. You know, we're going to talk a little division. Might talk a little bit about the state and the surplus of funds. But we're just here to make sure you understand a different side of what you hear on the TV. So let's go. Okay, so I'm going to go with you. You said that Trump brings division. I feel that Trump represents division of the people. And again, when I tried to make sure I said this clearly, I don't think Trump verbalizes or make it feel like it's an intention of him being personal. But I feel the people of the world of the United States, meaning the – I call them rednecks. I'm sorry if that's the wrong word. I apologize if I offend anybody. But I feel like they just take it as a different direction. They take it into a different direction, meaning like black people don't belong here in the U.S. They feel like whites are better than blacks. So I feel like Trump just represents that. Now, the reason you're saying this is because you just told me off air that, you know, this happened in Franklinville or something. Yes, very close to home. Correct. What happened? So I have a daughter. She's, of course, of color. And she witnessed, and it was a big thing in her school. I'm not going to say her school, but she had a problem where the trucks – rednecks, excuse me. Again, I don't know if that's the right term, but white people. Probably white people. White supremacists feel that they were better, and they wanted to kick out all of the immigrants, meaning blacks, Chinese, Spanish. They felt like they didn't belong here. They promoted go back home. They would drive up and down the roads waving the flags, making sure everybody felt inferior to them. And I feel like Trump – and that's what they always had, Trump this, Trump that. They made it seem like Trump is the, I don't know, the top of the food chain. He's the guy to make that happen. Yeah, well, obviously, you're going to say, you know, Trump on that side. They're obviously not going to be on the Democrats' side. But you don't feel that Trump – excuse me, not Trump. No, I believe that Trump sometimes, when he sits back here, and I told you this with his fish lips, and he's sitting over there, and he's telling you, the China flu, the China flu. You don't have to say the China flu. Just say the stuff originating in China, and we know this. You start saying the China flu, then people are going to be blaming the Chinese people that live here. The next thing you know, you've seen it. They were starting to attack Chinese people. They started attacking Chinese people. Right? Come on. The same shit happened in 9-11 when the people started attacking their Arabs and stuff. Blaming the Muslims for it. Yes, blaming the Muslims, exactly. So when you start blaming – listen, and I said this again, and I'll say it again. When you go to Italy, most of the people that live in Italy are Italian. When you go to Ireland, mostly Irish. In the United States, they are not. They are – this is the United Nations. We've got everybody here. We've got 160 different countries over here. Yeah, we're gumbo. Now, how are you not going to offend anybody? If something happens, you can see it right now. Israel. And Israel is happening with Hamas and Palestine. Okay? And we even have these people that are in Congress. Okay? And they're making – they're pointing their view out. So they're actually putting a target on Israel people that live here. Okay? By their stupid views. Okay? Which they shouldn't have these kind of views. If you've got them kind of views, then get out of Congress if it's bothering you that bad. Okay? Because you don't live here anymore. You don't live here anymore. You live over here. That's just the problem. If something happens to them, you think I'm going to sit around and go, oh, you, and it's affecting me. What? No, it has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. Understood. Understood. And if you tell me, oh, your cousins, your third, fourth cousins are over there getting bombed. Okay. What am I going to do about it? You want me to go out in the middle of the street and start blaming other people, people that are living here that have something to do with over there, that they're not over there bombing these people? Come on, man. This is one of my problems. People are stupid. This is one of my issues or debates with the American way of life. Like people feel that the way we do things here should be the same that people do things over there, meaning when you just say the Israel-Hamas thing. We're here in the United States in a big soup bowl, which is why I say gumbo, meaning you're supposed to get along. You're supposed to accept and be always willing to listen and believe there's a different way. You can get along if you want to. But over there, there's only one way, and they feel that it's that way. Yeah, of course. Over there, listen, it's just like Trump said when he was in office. He said we're trying to change these people's ideology. We can't change these people. Listen, in Iran, these people wake up every day and all they do is hate America, hate America. I mean, who the fuck teaches these people? Teach them to go get a fucking job or something. There ain't no fucking jobs over there. It's all hate America, hate America. And let me tell you another thing. Who the fuck makes this thing up? If you came to me and you said, listen, 71 virgins you could have. Threat this bomb to you. You'll be a suicide bomber, but guess what? Guess what? You'll kill a lot of these people, but guess what? 71 virgins are waiting for you up in heaven. I would turn around and say, listen, how about if I stay here and live? Maybe I can fuck about 150 of them. How about that? You know what I'm saying? You're going to make me kill myself to envision some virgins that you never even met. How the fuck do you know? You ain't been there. And these people fall for it. They fall for it, right. Oh, my God. These people are dumb. And that goes back to what we said before. How are they so convinced of this dumb shit? The individual is definitely persuaded to be stupid or to be smart. Listen, I'm going to tell you this right now. And I say this all the time because I watch the movies. I watch the show Survivor. Okay? And there was a show and there was a guy called Boston Rob. And he was on that show. And all my friends always told me, Tom, you should go on there. You're a manipulator. You can do this. You can get people to go this way. And you're very talented in physicality as far as sports and all. I say, listen, let me explain something to you. If I was on that show, you see Boston Rob, he kept his unit together, seven people. And when they merged with three other people, he didn't let the other three people win. They voted him right off. Bing, bing, bing. Okay. But here's the problem. People don't understand this. When you're on the bottom, you have the most strength because the numbers are in your favor. Learn this, people. Learn it. Okay? Let's take it. Let's go this way. If the military has one million people in the military, but there's 350 million people in the United States, who has the power? Tell me. You got one million versus 350 million. No, I feel like the minimum, the minority. Exactly. So this is what I'm trying to tell you, and this is what I'm saying. The minority has the power. Like, for instance, on that show, on that show, Survivor, the four people under, the four people could have voted the top dogs out. Right. You understand? Because they would have the numbers, four against three. But they didn't do that. That's how dumb they are. Okay? They stayed, oh, Rob's this, Rob's that. He even said it on, he goes, I don't know how these people don't vote me out. They're all kissing my ass. I mean, they can take me out at any time. The votes are on the bottom. If you feel like you're the bottom four, you can take these guys out. It's so crazy. It is crazy. It is. It's the same thing in power. It's the same thing in power. Like, for instance, if you take Russia, let's go Russia, for instance, okay? There's only one man up there, but he's got generals under him. If them generals all thought, just like in the Roman days, and they thought to themselves, hey, you know what, this guy's getting out of hand, this and that, you know what? Let's go in and arrest him. He's done. Let's put a new person in power. Okay? What, it can't be done? Of course it could be. There you go. This is what I'm saying. It could happen here in America, too. Right. It could happen anywhere. You don't need voting to do it. You could turn around and say, you know what? The key is you have to get the people that are under them, you know. Obviously, here's what happens. Here's what happens. The president controls military, right? We know this, right? Yes. But didn't you ever hear of mutiny? What the fuck, man? Listen, if I'm in the FBI, and the head of the guy is sitting over there, you say, listen, I want you guys, your unit, to go attack these people that are Americans. Now, I just watched this where this guy went into this home where the guy had seven or nine, eight family members. They're all under a certain age, and he went in there, and the guy's a Christian, and because he pushed somebody, well, that's a local matter. What the fuck's that got to do with the FBI? That's a local matter. But that's at a local level. So why don't they get arrested from a cop? They bring the FBI with SWAT and all these fucking M-16s and everything to go arrest him in front of his kids. What the fuck are we doing, man? You mean to tell me you're an FBI or you're that? You don't have the right to say this shit ain't right, man. This shit ain't right. You can't voice your opinion? What, you're going to lose your job? They followed the order, yes. Well, then you stand up with the rest of your people and you say, no, fuck you. Hey, it's just like, you know, when de Blasio was in New York. What'd them police officers do to him? They turned their fucking back on him. They turned their back on him. Just like the black kids at that black college turned their black on him. Turned their black on him. They turned their back on Biden, didn't they? There you go. They said, fuck you. We don't listen to you. You're going to give us a speech that tells us, after I spent four years in here, you're going to tell me I got no shot? They're making it in America, it's ten times harder for you in there. What? What the fuck, dude? Come on. That's not encouraging? It's not encouraging. Fuck no. But that goes to the other thing that we used to discuss about how that's the race car is how they pull their agenda. And how they feed off of the whites versus black. They want to always make you feel. Democrats, bro. No, we're talking about Democrats. We're talking about Biden. Yes. Right, but that's his. That's the only thing they got. That's all they got because they really don't talk about anything else. Fuck no. Except that. Fuck no. They ain't got nothing else. And it's not ten times harder. You get tired of hearing that stupid dumb shit. I do get tired of it. You get tired. But here I am to sit here and tell you as a person that has made it and always been able to overcome the, I don't know, the narrative of what my people are supposed to have been. I've made it. And I'm not on the top of the food chain. I'm mediocre. But I've done more than the average black man. Are you worried about your people? No, no. I'm just talking about the fact. I didn't ask you that. I'm asking you if you're worried about your people. No, I care about the stigma. The stigma is important. Listen, the stigma is this. Listen. We know shit ain't right. If I see shit happen to black people on TV and they arrest them. Like when the one guy and the five fucking black cops were chasing this fucking dude down, the black kid. And they drug him out of his car and all. I'm sitting there saying this fucking shit ain't right. Okay? Some of this shit ain't right, man. What they do to people. I don't care what fucking color you are. Some shit ain't right. You know, when I was in California and I got to know this Indian kid. But he was always smiling, you know. So this big okey-dokey white guy from Texas, okay, that was in the military. Being a jerk-off. Okay? Now, of course, I come from the city. I was a tough kid. Now this guy was bigger than me. But you know what? He pissed me the fuck off. He pissed me off. Now he wanted to smash this kid's face. There was three of us. We were in there shooting pool. And he wanted to smash his face in. He wanted to punch him. I go, yo. What are you doing? And he goes, fucking fuck this guy. You picking up for this guy? Yeah. I am. He ain't fucking doing nothing to you. You know? I had to stay up for the guy. I knew the kid. I hung with the kid. I go in his house with his father. I mean, listen. Listen. I mean, there were Indians. You know, the stinking air or whatever that smelled different than I'm used to. Yes. But it was a different culture. Yo, everybody has a different culture, man. You know? I'm just saying. I'm just saying. This is how it is. But I still hung with the kid. They have a different culture. I enjoyed different cultures. You know? But my point being is that I stuck up for that kid. I didn't go because I stuck up for the white guy that goes, I look white. Fuck yo. If you're wrong, I'm going to tell you you're fucking wrong. I don't give a fuck. But again. I know. I'm me and I'm there. I got it. But listen. I'm going to flip it, though. What about, let's just use something totally crazy and off the wall right now. What? O.J. Simpson. What about him? Supposedly, he murdered Nicole. Well, the evidence points to it. Come on. That's simple. Time out. Time out. That's not fucking hard to say. But this is what I'm trying to say to you. What? They chase him down. They finally get him to pull over. Yeah. And they arrest him. Yeah. But yet, in today's world, what are they doing? They're shooting. They're just automatically just judging at the moment. When the kids get shot. Breonna Taylor. I mean, I'm sorry. I'm skipping over O.J., but do we know what happened? Breonna Taylor. Okay. It's happened several times where people. Wait a minute. Breonna Taylor. Excuse me. Police. From what I understand, yes. The police were at the wrong house, number one. It's happened four times. And number two. And number two. I think they were. She was sleeping in the bed. No, no. Yeah. She was. But her boyfriend at the time pulled a pistol out. He wasn't there, though, at the moment of the killing of Breonna Taylor. He wasn't even there. Yeah, he was. No, he wasn't. He was at the house that pulled a gun on the cop. They didn't just go in there and shoot. Or did they shoot through the window? They shot. Something happened in there. They broke into the house, went into the bedroom. Yes, she got up. And she was like, oh, what the. And they shot her. I'm just saying. But the matter of the. That's wrong. All I'm saying. Agreed. But I'm just saying. That's the power of that B. That's wrong. What I'm saying is, is if you don't have money, I don't feel like you get the respect. Oh. Or the option to possibly prove yourself. Don't say that. Because there was a guy. There was a guy in California. And he invented the thing. And he was worth a lot of money. Something to do with the water? And some other black dude with the water. I don't fucking know. Somebody. You're bringing up the point. You got it, though. Who killed him? Who killed him? They say the man. I don't know. Oh. I don't know. I'm just going with the man. I don't know. I might be dead tomorrow now, Dom. Thanks. But even a white guy that was fucking loaded with money. They killed. Somebody killed him. I think it was his partner or whatever. I don't know, man. You know what I mean? Listen. Wealthy people get killed. But. But I said. I said. People get killed. But. But I feel like money. People get killed. I feel like money is a big deal. Like if you are somebody of prestige and power. You need money. You actually have an opportunity to make something change. Sure. You do. You have the option to change. Listen. In order for you to have money, you employ people. Just so you don't understand that. Just so you understand that. I can't be employed in that money. You don't have money. You don't. I can't be employed in that money. I'm employed by the man. I am not the man. Listen to me. You. Listen to me. You've got to have some money to employ. You have a business to employ people. Okay? I'm just saying. I just like to know that. I mean. You've got to have. I mean. I mean. All the people that you say have money. They are employing people. So. You know. Without them. Without these people that have money. Who gets employed? Who does work? Yeah. But I'm just saying. From two different sides of the spectrum. Which is obviously you who employ people. And me. Who is employed. Listen. Can I. Listen. I see a lot of shit on TV. Okay. And I analyze it. I go over it. And I go over it. And I'll tell you some of the shit that I've seen. Like where the black guy's running from the. From the cop. And he shoots him in the back. That fucking shit ain't right. I see another cop over there. And he's. He's. The guy's running from him. And he gets out of the vehicle. And he starts running. The cop's wrestling with him. And paces him. And everything. And then shoots the guy. Pulls the guy out. And shoots him right in the head. That fucking shit ain't right. Okay? I'm going to tell you that right now. But why do you think that happens? I'm going to tell you this right now. I'm going to tell you this. Time out. Why do you think that happens? I need to know why you feel. to do that. I just want to understand your side. I don't fucking know if they have the power. Maybe they're caught up in the moment. I talk to a lot of cops. I've done a lot of cops jobs. I got cousins of mine that are cops. I have cop friends too. I have cop friends too. You're caught up in the moment. Okay? You're caught. I don't know. Now listen. Of course. Here's the problem. A cop won't back down. We talked about this on another station. And I told you. If I went up to a fucking car. And it was dark out. I wouldn't even be going up to no car. Period. I'd flash the fucking lights. Let you slow down. I'd pace you. Okay? That's right. Because I'm not dumb. I'm not going to be no hero. What good is me being a hero. And you shoot me in the face. But that's your job. We talked about this. That ain't my job to get shot. You have to enforce the law. You know? You have to enforce the law. Just like they. So if I'm going 100 miles an hour with clear windows. Or I'm going 100 miles with dark windows. 100 miles an hour. You're only pulling me over because I have clear windows? 100 miles an hour is different. If you're going 100 miles an hour. If you're going 100 miles an hour. Yes. I'm going to pull you over. I'm already going to be. With tinted windows. Hang on. I'm already going to be calling backup. Okay? And you're going to wait 40 minutes. I'll wait for a fucking backup. Absolutely. Well then I'm leaving. You're not leaving. If you don't get to my car within 15 minutes. I'm leaving. Okay. I'm going to have that light splashing on you. Stay in your car boys. I'm leaving. What? I personally. Me just talking to you. Yeah. Directly from my perspective. Yeah. If you don't walk up to my car. And 15 minutes isn't even stretching it. That's long. Well try it. I'm going to say five minutes. Honestly. If you don't. I would have been left. Obviously. I would have been left. Obviously if you're leaving. Then you're guilty. No. I'm not guilty. I'm not wasting my time anymore. Because then I don't think you're a real cop. You already know that's a real thing. Because it's been very very known that fake cops pull people over. I know. I got arrested one time for that. It's just. It's crazy. But listen. There's so many different. And this again. America. America allows all these fake beliefs to be real. Or legitimate. Where if we're in all those other foreign countries. Or third world countries. That's the other word to say. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 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