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The transcript is promoting a training program that focuses on anti-aging body work and reversing aches and pains. It guarantees to teach individuals how to become practitioners and achieve financial success in natural health. It also mentions various certification courses and upcoming training locations. The transcript discusses fibromyalgia as a symptom of a poorly managed body. It emphasizes the importance of taking back power and caring for oneself. It also highlights the impact of liver toxicity on overall health and mentions symptoms such as skin disorders, allergies, fatigue, and nausea. The transcript recommends daily cleansing practices and reducing emotional stress to improve liver function. Good day everyone, welcome back to the Doc of Detox show. Today's show is the third part of a four-part docuseries called The Dominal Effect of Unconscious Living. But before we get started, I would like to talk about taking your power back, better still, how would you like to learn how to keep it? Our most popular training is the Personalized Treatment and Training. This training is for couples, families, groups, singles, friends, and those who have caretakers. This training is about learning the most powerful anti-aging body work and how to reverse the aches and pains and the so-called irreversible. How would it feel to not only master your own body but to be the guiding light, the practitioner, that leads your family out of pain and back to vibrant health on an emotional and physical level? This seven to 10 day training will change your life and those around you for the rest of your life. Understand something. How would you like to be trained in your home by a master trainer that will fly to you no matter where you live in the world, okay, and be able to teach you all of these things? This is our guarantee to you. Go check this out at itioh.com. And you know what? If you want, you can come to us and stay in our Oasis Mountainside Lakeview condo and you'll only be a few steps from our clinic. Understand something. When you decide to become trained and not treated anymore, then you will become the practitioner that you search for. And for those of you who are practitioners and want to bring your practice and your profession up to the highest level, or if you've always wanted to be a practitioner but believed it was going to cost too much in time and money, that ends here. My guarantee to you is that you have the ability to become a professional practitioner and have financial success in the world of natural health. All of our certification courses are registered with the World Organization of Natural Medicine. Our seven-day Whole Life Coach Certification is the most in-depth advanced training regarding emotional wellness, nutrition, detoxification, and energy medicine in physical care. Our seven-day Wolf Deep Tissue Certification is the most powerful body work in reversing all acute and chronic conditions. To prove this, we offer 100% money-back guarantee on not only our treatments, but all our courses. Our four-day Wolf Non-Surgical Certification is the only course of its kind in the world, and the name speaks for itself. This therapy cures the so-called incurable, focusing on the pelvic area, abdomen, breast, heart, and face, from organ alignment to facial structuring to breast lifting and restoring to abdominal restoration and scar tissue elimination. This course will set you apart from all others. These courses can be taken separately or together as a 21-day advanced certification. And understand, when you finish with us, you're not finished. You've only begun. We will then sign you up into our affiliate program. We will build you an affiliate website if that's your desire, and we have ongoing trainings every two weeks at no extra cost. And our courses that are coming up this year, Kelowna BC, November 2019, Fountain Hills, Arizona, January 2020, Sydney, Australia, 2020, London, England, 2020, and California in 2020. Go to itih.com to find the course or training that best suits you. Pain, inflammation, and swelling is your GPS letting you know that your relationship with your body is not aligned with self-love, which creates self-care, the only true health care. Instead of society drugging her to shut her down and shut her up, why don't they just get their hands out of her pockets and focus on her beliefs and her bowels? I will tell you why, because getting to the cause takes caring. Being involved does not mean caring. Why don't they just come from their heart and find out why she's truly hurting? She's a human being, treat her like one. Roughly 10 million Americans have fibromyalgia. This means that four out of five people or 8% of the entire population suffers from fibromyalgia. The second most common musculoskeletal ailment after osteoarthritis. Look, 75 to 90% of fibromyalgia patients are female because women are the canary in the coal mine. Fibromyalgia is acidosis on the move and it can create internal scar tissue formation, crystallization and calcification in every muscle, joint and organ it comes in contact with. You're getting eaten alive from the inside out. And understand something, fibromyalgia just means pain in your muscle fibers. It's not a disease. It's a symptom. And if you understand it's a symptom, then maybe we could go and find the true cause. Because fibromyalgia, like I said, is just a symptom of a poorly managed body, physically and emotionally. I hurt all over, life hurts all over. Understand perception is everything. You are what you focus on. And to reinforce this dysfunctional belief that we are helpless and hopeless and caring for ourselves, the medical system lowers its definition of good health every few years to suit the majority. Go figure. Because why? Oh, because majority rules. And we call majority normal, even though the majority of the population is in pain and suffering and most have a disease. Look, liver disease due to toxicity is becoming more and more common because of our increased exposure to an inflammatory lifestyle due to dysfunctional beliefs, emotionally and physically. Continual inflammation in the liver will cause a fatty liver. Come on, you know what? There is so many people coming into me with fatty livers right now, and I'm gonna explain why. Okay, so understand, continual inflammation in the liver will cause a fatty liver, which will damage the liver and create internal scar tissue, which will eventually lead to liver failure if left unchecked by the master of the body. That would be you. This fatty inflamed liver condition created by a sluggish large intestine will never improve as long as the domino effect of unconscious living continues. The liver plays a crucial role in the detoxification of the body by cleansing the blood of toxic chemicals. Harmful toxic substances that enter the bloodstream are broken down and metabolized by the liver into water-soluble form. Made harmless, they now can be flushed out of the body through the large intestine or the kidneys. Look, all health problems start off as something small, but for most, they will turn out to be your worst nightmare because we all have turned our backs on nature's law and embraced man's rules. You know what must be done? Take your power back. But first, you must stop giving it away. Lookit, symptoms of liver toxicity may be acute, severe, and very noticeable, or come on gradually as a chronic problem. It is possible for non-severe liver toxicity to cause chronic conditions such as fatigue, depression, mental illness, headaches, skin conditions, low libido, of course, fibromyalgia, and yes, even cancer. Skin disorders often develop because of the toxins flooding the bloodstream. As they cannot be efficiently detoxified by the liver fast enough, the skin must take them on. Since the blood cannot be cleansed at this rate, excess toxins are then released as a safety valve through the skin to protect vital organs and bones, thus causing an array of skin disorders from eczema to skin cancer. Look, when it comes to skin conditions, age makes no difference. When it comes to toxemia, age makes no difference. Your skin is the mirror to your large intestine. How's yours looking? Allergies are another symptom of a dysfunctional large intestine that has overburdened the liver causing liver toxicity. Have you ever noticed that most of the population have one or more allergies today? A liver that is overwhelmed with toxicity will malfunction and will not be able to effectively break down any new toxins. This will create a hypersensitivity to the external environment, chemicals, and foods ingested. Foods that were once digested with ease will now turn on you. If your body cannot process it, then it becomes a poison. In other words, you are becoming allergic to life because of a compromised immune system. 60 million people now suffer with seasonal allergies. A large percentage of these are children. This is the worst it has been in history, go figure. Check your children's vowels and check your beliefs, mom and dad, and get to the root cause of this problem, their little bowels. Fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting are also symptoms of a toxic liver. Palpation of the liver is a method used by practitioners to check whether there is tenderness or enlargement of the liver. Do not confuse trapped gas caught in the upper right side of the large intestine for gallbladder or liver problems. You're just having a fart attack, that's all. Pull the cork out by gentle cleansing each and every day to create that perfect day. Let's talk about ammonia. Rising levels of ammonia in the blood is another symptom of a toxic liver. Ammonia is a byproduct of mainly animal protein being broken down by bacteria in your intestines. This ammonia problem is resolved by reducing emotional stress, proper food combining, better food choices, reducing animal protein, drinking structured water, but first and foremost, drinking enough structured water and also adding daily cleansing tea to eliminate the stagnant putrefaction that's in your large intestine. So let's get back to our story. So now the liver must do much more than its share of cleansing because of the toxic spillover caused by a backup of a lethargic large intestine, which is now, by the way, falling into a coma. When this happens, the healthy gut-brain connection turns bad like the good bacteria have done and we enter into a severe communication breakdown causing conflict between your gut, otherwise your large intestine and the brain. The gut bacteria speak to the brain nine times every one time the brain speaks to the gut. But when the large intestine was clean and healthy, these were nine healthy messages instructing the brain what to do. Now that the good bacteria have gone rogue, the messages are also bad, which releases bad chemicals and hormones, which create bad moods, making you crave bad foods, which just adds more inflammation, scar tissue formation, calcification, and let's not forget mutation for 50% of the nation. That's right, because 50% of the nation are going to experience cancer in their lifetime. Talk about the domino effect of unconscious living. This all stems from us unknowingly downloading dysfunctional beliefs, meant to create self-hate, pain body programs. How's that working for you? These dysfunctional programs fatten the bottom line for chemical-laden processed food corporations that eventually lead to greater profits for Big Pharma due to the domino effect of unconscious eating. This program is working because Big Pharma is increasing its sales by 20% every year within North America. And guess what? As North Americans, we're consuming 50% of the prescription drugs worldwide. Due to this constipation, we've become a zombie nation, drugged up and dumbed down. The more your body becomes overburdened with toxins, the more energy blocks will be experienced on an emotional and physical level. What do you think is one of the major side effects when the liver is overloaded with toxins? The liver is no longer capable of burning body fat efficiently or ridding the body of these excess toxins. These toxins now must be stored in fat cells to protect the body. So your body goes into fat cell production protection mode to reduce this toxic load. This is a safety mechanism that will continue until the master awakens the large intestine from its coma. Hello, weight gain. Hello, yo-yo diets. Hello, yo-yo emotions. Let me say this another way. When the body is overloaded with emotional stress and toxic waste, it transfers its energy away from burning calories and redirects the energy to taking the toxic burden off the body by creating a toxic storage dump made from fat cells. Welcome to fat and 40, the beer belly, the mid-ridge bulge, the spare tire, and let us not forget the love handles. Understand, this has to happen. Toxins must be taken as far away as possible from vital organs. Look it, it's called fat and that's fat. The liver now must call on a neighbor for help. The next in line in the domino effect of unconscious living is the kidneys. The kidneys aren't so happy about taking on this extra burden either. They've already felt the added pressure both physically and chemically from the large intestine for years. Your kidneys sit just behind the large intestine, which has become a cesspool of leaking toxic waste. The kidneys scream out, great, now I'm going to get kidney stones, which are calcium deposits, internal scar tissue from the inflammation and crystallization from all of this, because now I'm taking on all this acidic waste. I'm already on fire because the master of this body hardly drinks any water and it's definitely not structured water. You pee me off. My job is to purify body fluids. We're not meant to take on all these bowel and liver toxins. What are these poisons? Well, I can tell you this much, the liver states, they're not toxins occurring from normal metabolism. These are chemicals and toxic waste from the large intestine that should have never entered my master's mouth in the first place. What was she thinking? She wasn't, she's been programmed. Welcome to a new improved. I demand a clear answer, not a toxic one, and don't kid me, states the kidney. The liver answers back, nothing's clear anymore, especially our body fluids. I've done my best. You can talk to the large intestine, but I doubt he will even answer. He's been down and out and in a coma now for some time. The kidneys then shout back. Easy for you to say. You can still function with only 25% of your liver and rehabilitate much easier than I can. Once I get into trouble and I'm in big trouble and it usually just goes from bad to worse, call me a worry wart, but I don't want to end up on life support, otherwise dialysis. I'm too young to die. The kidneys reluctantly must now carry this acid torch and they're burning mad with inflammation. Emotions are running high. They do their best, but as the months go by, chronic lower back pain, kidney inflammation, and continual bladder infection sets in due to the overload of toxic waste. Other warning signs of the domino effect are beginning to show up from the overworked kidneys, such as kidney stones, sweaty palms, puffiness under the eyes, and frequent urination with little volume. Internal scar tissue, crystallization, and calcification are now forming in the kidney tissues due to severe acidosis. And last but not least, excess weight gain around the kidney region. Most people know these as love handles. And by the way, they're not loving them. Look at it. Fat cells must be created to store toxic acidity or someone may have an unexpected trip to the hospital with kidney failure. The kidneys can no longer take on the brunt of this cesspool from the large intestine. The master of the body is now waking up throughout the night in a cold sweat from dialysis nightmares. From here, the next domino falls into the holding tank known as the bladder. Let's talk about the bladder. It sits just in front of the sigmoid colon. It's the last six inches of your large intestine. The tissues of the bladder have been under attack physically and chemically for quite some time now. The kidneys are taking on the toxic waste that has entered the body from the fecal debris that's stuck to the inner walls of the large intestine. Constipation is the root of all bladder infections. The same toxic situation is true for the prostate, ovaries, and uterus that reside in the same neighborhood as the bladder. It's no coincidence that there is a high incidence of fibroids and cancer in the pelvic area. Go figure. It doesn't take a rocket science to figure that one out because the pelvis is like a valley. And when you're absorbing all this toxic waste, it goes downhill and gets caught in the cup of the body, which is the pelvis. Listen, increased toxicity equals increased acidity, which equals tissue inflammation, which leads to internal scar tissue formation resulting in decreased circulation and increased stagnation. Hello, cellular mutation. This domino effect results in fibroid and tumor formation. Welcome to an inflammation nation. How many people do you know find themselves going to the washroom two, three, or even four times a night? This toxic waste that has come from the large intestine is now forced into the kidneys and will irritate and inflame any tissue it encounters. Remember, it's an acid trip, which will cause issues in all the tissues. This toxic sediment is not only irritating the bladder, but it's also irritating the neighbors. Those neighbors being the prostate, ovaries, and uterus. This toxic waste is now settling and building up on the bottom of the sac-like organ known as your bladder. The bladder tissues become inflamed and irritated due to this toxic waste buildup. The bladder becomes hypersensitive, contracting into spasm to protect the inflamed tissue from stretching. Due to the situation, the bladder can now only hold a small amount of urine before pain and spasms occur. This toxic waste will continue to irritate, inflame, degenerate the bladder tissue, causing internal scar tissue crystallization and calcification to form. This condition will continue unless the cause is uncovered. This being the master of the body awakens the large intestine from its coma. So now you understand the mystery of why you must urinate so often. What most call a mystery, I call ignorance because take action knowledge of how to master your body is being withheld from you on purpose. It has a purpose. It's called money. So let's get back to our story. So it's three o'clock in the morning and it's the third time you feel pressure in your bladder. So it's out of bed and off to the bathroom again. Relief is only seconds away. Finally, you get to the toilet, but what's this? Only a few drops come out. You've got urination constipation. You must understand this. Take a look at the people in your life that have serious health conditions. You'll know when their life is being threatened, otherwise coming to an end because the ability to go number one and number two cannot be done. We either eliminate or become eliminated. Let's get back to our story. Remember your bladder is hypersensitive from the inflammation and the lack of elasticity due to the internal scar tissue formation. Many people now have to wear the pants because of the constant drip, drip, drip. With every new disorder, corporations fill another order, don't they? The valve that holds the urine back has been infected and inflamed for so long that the tissue has become weakened and unable to close the valve properly due to the hardened internal scar tissue. Just like the bladder. Maybe you recall I said that scar tissue spreads like a weed if not dealt with. Just as a steel valve will rust, scar tissue and crystallization will make a valve made from tissue sticky and unable to open or close properly. How will we ever rest and repair with all this interrupted sleep? Before I finish, I would just like to say that in this life-threatening adventure called Planet Earth you will either get trained to master your body or you will be mastered and mistreated. Go to itih.com and discover the practitioner from within. And to stay updated on all the Doc of Detox shows, go to docofdetoxshow.com. Our shows are also featured on Facebook and YouTube. If you're watching on YouTube, subscribe below and click on the bell to enable notifications so that you never miss a show again and at the bottom right of your screen, you can enable closed captions by clicking on the CC button and share this with anyone around the world so that they can watch the show in their language. Thank you for joining me for part three of the Domino Effect of Unconscious Living. See you in part four. God bless.

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