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Kim discusses a major challenge she faced at work, involving a mistake she made and confusion about what went wrong. She talks about the reprimanding she received and how she learned from her mistakes. Kim also mentions that her proudest professional achievement is the continuous improvement and confidence she gained through various situations. She advises future RAs to make mistakes and not take things too personally, emphasizing the importance of self-care in order to be someone others can depend on. Welcome back Kim. Hi. How are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good Kim, thanks for asking. So I have a few questions here for you today. Can you tell us about a time at work when you faced a major challenge? Without disclosing too much information, there was a time where I definitely made a mistake and there was a lot of confusion as to where the situation went astray and there were other parties involved. There was a lot of just navigating and just kind of figuring out what was the actual scenario that occurred. When it came down to it, there was just quite a bit of reprimanding and I definitely took that to heart. That is something that I have since learned from but in that moment it was definitely really hard to separate that from just viewing it personally as like a personal attack rather than just a professional critique. And so that would probably be like a really major situation that I had to handle and I definitely came out learning from my mistakes. So that was definitely something that was a plus. That does sound like a hard one. I don't know if I would know how to navigate through that. What is your proudest professional achievement? I would say there were quite a few moments. I kept surprising myself with how I could handle a situation with my professionalism. Definitely every single stage, every single situation helped me to further solidify that kind of confidence. And I would kind of just say that it's just every single little step, little improvements that I take and learning from my past mistakes, endeavors, that just really makes me feel better about how I am as an RA. So I'd probably say that. Do you have any messages out there for anyone who wants to be a future RA? Make mistakes. That will be how you learn. Do not take things too personally. And again, this is a job and it's not your entire life. So don't misconstrue it as any mistake you make as an RA to define you as a person because it really doesn't. It is a job. It is a status. But at the end of the day, you have to also take care of yourself if you want to be able to help out others. Fundamentally, that's what being an RA means, that you advocate for yourself to be someone that others can depend on. So you got to take care of yourself first if you want to be able to be that individual. Transcribed by