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The Dark Files 2024

The Dark Files 2024

Darian JonesDarian Jones



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Darion Jones of Honor Kings and Sons wishes his fans a happy new year and expresses gratitude for his success. He announces a new series called "The Dark Files" where he will share his life experiences in raw detail. Darion aims to be unfiltered and authentic, connecting with people on a personal level. He plans to cover topics such as poverty, the world economy, and the war on gender. Darion also emphasizes the importance of financial literacy and how he overcame poverty. He wants to make a positive impact by sharing his story and helping others. Darion acknowledges his listeners and plans to expand his platform to schools, churches, and other venues to inspire change. He mentions his faith-based platform and the need to showcase the full package of beliefs. Darion invites his fans to follow him on social media and engage in conversations with him. He values comments and wants to have discussions with people from different backgrounds. Darion looks forward to a successful year ahead. And what's going on, ladies and gentlemen? First off, I want to say happy new year to all of my fans and listeners and followers. I am so blessed to have made it to 2024 with my family. I am so thankful for the success that I attained in 2024. And I'm just so excited to be here to continue to share my brand, my platform, my vision, my goals with the world. So everybody, this is Darion Jones of Honor Kings and Sons. I'm actually streaming out to TikTok at this time. I'm actually excited to be doing so. So definitely, this is just a great experience that I'm doing right now. For those of you who follow my podcast, definitely if you go to Instagram and follow me at Honor Kings and Sons, you can see the new series that I'm doing, which is The Dark Files. This is going to be a series like you've never seen before. I am literally going to be covering in detail, raw detail, storytelling, the whole nine, my life experience, what got me to this point of Honor Kings and Sons. And I think that a lot of people are going to enjoy it. I am completely unfiltered, unplugged. I'm not using a lot of the available tools and gimmicks that is provided through social media. I just wanted to be uncut. I just wanted to tell my story in the manner of which I would do it with a regular person. Social media allows you to connect with people you just would have never known existed. But I think that I would be lying if I was making up a person for online that I wouldn't be in real life. And obviously, I'm not bashing anybody who creates characters in order to sell their brand. That's not what I'm talking about. But I know how I talk to people. People have been telling me for years I have a radio voice. When I talk one-on-one, I'm very mellow. I'm very intimate when I'm interacting with people. I pour my heart out. So I want people to get exactly what they're going to get if we were behind closed doors, get that up front. So I'm just very thankful. So with that being said, yes, my project for 2024 is the dark files. I touch on poverty. I touch on world economy, pressing issues. Right now, we have just so much besides the different wars going on. We have basic civil war that is happening that nobody's talking about. The war on gender, that's a big thing right now. People just get into a place where they're fed up and they want to share the truth about their experience in life and who they interacted with and how it's affected them. I'm going to be talking about financial literacy. And the angle that I'm going to come at it is a little bit different because I want to be able to share with people how I looked at financial literacy. Because right now, financial literacy is a big thing. People are doing courses, workshops, speaking engagements. They're trying to help a lot of people get out of poverty, which is great. The thing is that not too many people are talking about what had them stuck in poverty for so long. I want to talk about my reality. What was it like for 33 years living in poverty and living in a class that was known as being broke and me not having the actual scope of what it looked like until my bubble was burst and I lost everything. I experienced struggle. I experienced different forms of homelessness and all types of stuff. It's one of those things that you hear the story when people make it. Very few people tell the story along the way. I guess it fuels the naysayers and the doubters to tell you to stop what you're doing even more. It really doesn't because your integrity, your dignity, it goes with you everywhere. If you slight yourself just to attain success, then you've really done the biggest detriment you could have ever done possible to yourself. Especially if you're pushing a business and a brand, you want to have total transparency from the jump. What I'm doing, I'm just very excited for. I'm glad to be where I am in life. The most peace I've ever had really just being able to go after my destiny, fulfill my purpose. The way life has been set up for many people, statistically, 90% of the human race will just never... I won't say 90, more realistically, about 70% of the human race will never fulfill their purpose, will never see their destiny, will never fulfill any of their dreams unless people like myself and others really get out there and start helping and start paving the way for others to come up. This is just something I'm really proud to be doing. I want to take this everywhere, to schools, to churches, homeless shelters, VA hospitals, you name it. Anywhere where somebody just wants to see a change in their life, I want to be able to take my story there. Of course, those listening in, you guys help, you guys tuning in. Shout out to people in Germany who were downloading my podcast last year. Shout out to people in San Francisco. I have people in Miami, Florida. I had some other people, I think, in Massachusetts that were streaming my podcast. I'm very thankful. First two weeks of the new year, I tried to jump in as best as I could, but I just spent time with my family. I didn't fight it. I'm keeping it real. The more I'm allotted to do this and keep it as full time, then I will give it my best. When I'm not on here, I'm with my family, man. I'm spending time wrestling and questioning my faith and putting that to the test. For me, it's not a secret. I have a faith-based platform. For me, I think that if I don't put my faith to the test, then how do I get people to be interested in the God that I serve? Because it's 2,024 people. There's just a lot of people who think that the message of the gospel is all that you need. The message of the gospel is the introduction. By far, with our question, you don't need to argue it. People have options. People have Google. People have two eyes. They're not blinded anymore. We have to, as believers, really have the full package when we're talking to people about the God that we serve. I'm touching on so much stuff that's going to really hit some nerves this year. If you are part of a church or you are a Christian and you are financially illiterate or you are poor and broke, I'm sorry. Nobody's interested in the God that you serve. The ones that have been interested usually are in the same boat as you. It's easy for you guys to bear in arms and fight for the same things and talk about the same things because it's all related to your scope and your belief and your faith that has to strongly do with money. We've got to deal with that. It's not like I'm rich and I came up on some millions and now I'm bawling and talking bougie. I'm on the pathway to that, but it has nothing to do with money making the gospel more appealing. It has everything to do with the message and the vision of the church and the vision of the church being tainted, twisted, halted, hindered, confused, manipulated because of people with poverty mindsets running the church and doing their thing in the community and all that type of stuff. Until next time, definitely. I definitely want to keep in touch with my fans. As I'm putting out each episode on my actual podcast platform, I want to make sure that you guys can tune in to my TikTok and my Instagram. Even find me on LinkedIn. This year is big. You guys are going to hear about me in many different places, and it's all by faith. I have faith, but I do the work. I'm going to be just getting the brand out there, but definitely for you guys tuning in, if you want to be able to follow me, see me in person. For those who follow the podcast, can't see me and never seen me in person, like I say, the best place to see me is Honor Kings and Sons. I'm on Instagram. You type that in, Honor Kings and Sons. You'll see me. I'm all about conversation. I really just want to be able to have a conversation with people, so definitely you can reach to me there. I would love to come out if you guys have a good spot to speak. I would love to be able to come into your community. I would love to be able to work with the big figures in your community to see how I can best serve you guys. Let's make it happen this year. I appreciate everybody following me. Like I say right now, my project, The Dark Files, I want you all to be able to stay tuned with what I'm doing. Like I say, you can follow me at Honor Kings and Sons on Instagram. I'm going to be putting the descriptions for all of my social media platforms in the description to this episode, so make sure you get that information and follow me. It's going to be a beautiful year. So I want you guys to definitely just continue to support. Thank you so much for all that you do downloading my podcast. As I start to upload episodes about this project, The Dark Files, comments mean more to me than anything else. This is why I really want to spend time on my actual podcast platform is because I know that I will get more comments. I don't have to worry about the analytics when it comes to the likes. I want the conversation. If there's anything I've always wanted was to have conversations with people from different walks of life about these different issues. So definitely download the podcast. I want you to be able to reach out to me and let's jump on a live. Let's talk about this. It'd be awesome to interview somebody from across the world that connects with these issues, not just locally, but just be somebody and hear their side of their story. So that's what I want to do, and I know that it's going to be an awesome time. So you guys are tuned in more episodes to come, and I will see you soon. Darion Jones, Honor Kings & Sons TV. Happy New Year to you all.

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