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Holy Curiosity #1.5 "What is Holy Curiosity"

Holy Curiosity #1.5 "What is Holy Curiosity"

Daniel Rosario



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This podcast episode is an introduction to the concept of Holy Curiosity. The term was coined during a conversation with a close friend, Bella, and it refers to the questions people have about the Bible and life, and how curiosity can be used by the enemy to confuse and lead us astray. The podcast aims to put our curiosity under a holy and heavenly lens by exploring these questions from a biblical perspective. The host, a 16-year-old, wants to be a lighthouse in the world of curiosity, offering answers found in Jesus to the questions that often go unanswered. The goal is to provide a space for young people to ask their questions and receive a godly and holy perspective. The host's personal experience of not having a space to address curiosity in a holy way drove the desire to create this podcast. Curiosity is seen as fundamental to seeking the kingdom of God and embracing it is important for innovation, creativity, and knowing God. More will be discussed in future episodes. Hey guys, I'm here today on my own again with the podcast to offer you guys this podcast which is going to be more of a informational and also a solo ride that I'm doing. But welcome to the second episode of Holy Curiosity. This one is going to be more of just me talking and explaining what is Holy Curiosity. This one's going to be a shorter one as well. Might even be a half an episode, like 1.5 because this is an introductory episode as to what the goal is, what the mission is, why Holy Curiosity, what does it represent and all of that, what does it mean to me personally. So in this podcast episode, we're really just going to be focusing on that terminology, Holy Curiosity. And that's where we're going to start now. So the question of what is Holy Curiosity. Well the term Holy Curiosity comes from, I was talking to my close, close and dear friend of mine called Bella. Some of you may know her and those of you who don't, she will be on eventually but, you know, for right now you have no context as to who she is. But for me, she is one of the most influential people on my walk with Christ and one of the closest people to my heart if I'm being honest. And while we were having one of our talks, we came to this terminology which was Heavenly Curiosity. And the reason why we came to that was because what we were talking about was about the questions that people have concerning the Bible and concerning life in general and how curiosity is such a beautiful thing but it can be skewed and it can be taken and misconstrued by the enemy to use against our favor. Sort of like how everything that we have can be used beautifully and it can also be misconstrued into a sin, right? Like how all of the things that we call sin are really just a skewed version of the beautiful intent of God. Because one thing that we were talking about in our conversation was that the enemy is not original at all. All of his plans and all of the sin that he makes or not makes us do but all of the sin that he influences us into doing is really just him skewing God's Word. And we see this in Genesis where God says to Adam and Eve, do not eat from the tree in the middle, or you will certainly die. And then the enemy says, the first thing he says is basically repeating God's Word but he skews it because he does not want to agree with that. So he says, did God really say this? He's trying to confuse what God says. And that's what we face. We face that confusion as to what God says. And that's where a lot of times our sin comes from in general and not just our sin but just the confusion as to what God says. It causes us to go astray. So what this podcast is, it is basically just talking about how to put our lives and our curious aspects of our human nature, because our curiosity is an aspect of human nature, how to put that under a holy and heavenly lens. Holy is the later application of the terminology heavenly because it honestly, in my eyes, it fits better and it also represents more of a set apart here on earth. Heavenly implies that it's in heaven, you know what I mean? But holy is how we're meant to be on this earth. We're set apart on this earth because the word holy means to be set apart. But we're set apart while still being here. So what we're doing is we're setting apart our curiosity and we're setting it under the word of God. This podcast is basically just putting our curiosity under a godly lens. So all of the questions that we have, all of the questions that our guests have, putting them under the biblical perspective and just really offering a godly and holy perspective to curiosity. As a youth myself, I'm 16 years old and most of the people that you will hear on my podcast will be young people because we're just trying to navigate this Christian walk and we're trying to understand how to know and how to follow God. My mission and my goal and what I'd say is my assignment right now is to be a lighthouse in the world of curiosity. Because all I see when I go out into school and when I go out into the world, I see questions and I see questions usually without answers. Because all you have without the light of God, the light of the world, which is Jesus, all you have without him are questions without answers. And all I see in the world is just questions. I don't know what to do. I don't know where. I don't know when. I don't know why. I don't know, like, why am I even alive, right? And we see all of these questions without an answer. And I think, I know actually, that I found the answer. And the answer is Jesus, the living word, the truth, the way, and the life. I said that skewed up, but the point is that I found the answer. So I can't keep this answer to myself. So what I want to do by this podcast is to be a lighthouse. I am a house, I am a temple in which the Holy Spirit dwells. We know this. This is scripture. And what Jesus is, is the light of this world. And he gave me a light. And now I want to put it on display and specifically putting it on display in the world of curiosity. Because I feel like that is one of the biggest attacks that the enemy has on our generation. It's on our curiosity. He wants to confuse us. He wants to separate us and make us feel like we're, like our questions are more important than the truth. And not just that our questions are more important than the truth, but also that he wants to confuse us and let us follow our questions instead of following the truth, which is Jesus. So yeah, that's sort of what this podcast is about. And now to answer another question, which is sort of related to, but not really exactly the question of what is Holy Curiosity, but why Holy Curiosity? And I think that this question has a lot of variance to like who I am as a person. As I said in the first episode of our podcast, if you listened to it and if you didn't, then that's fine as well. As I said, I've been raised in a Christian home. I was raised with a pastor and a prophet as a mother. Both of them always, always, always very adamant about this being the truth and about this and about that. But I feel like one of the main things that sort of drew me away from Christianity in general was that there was never a space for me to vocalize and just really conceptualize my ideas and my curiosity. I'm a very curious person by nature and I'm a creative as well. I write poetry and I do photography and I also sing, I write songs and I do all of these things, but I never had a way to address my curiosity in a holy perspective. Because what it was for my parents was mostly just, this is it and there's nothing else. And whenever I would ask something else, they'd be like, no. And it would be like, I cast that out, but I'm getting casted out for just asking a question. It really drove me away. The last thing I want to do is drive anyone away from this, which I know to be the living bread, I know to be the living water, I know to be the truth. So what I want to do is offer a space, especially to us youth who have questions, who are curious by nature, and I want to offer this space to just be able to ask our questions and then offer a biblical and holy perspective to these questions. Obviously, I had a lot of things that I had to deal with personally and just in terms of forgiveness and just who I am, because I do still hold on to a lot of, not grudges, but I would say a lot of bitterness as to the way I was raised and not just the way I was raised, but a lot of the stuff that happened to me in the past. As I find myself being worked on by the Holy Spirit, as I find myself being transformed by His transformative power and His work that He's doing in my life, as I find that happening, I realize that how beautiful would it have been if I had this space. So that's what I want to offer to others. This podcast is really, really, really important, not just to me, but I feel like to the world. Not because this podcast is important, but because embracing our curiosity is fundamental to innovation, to creativity, to being a follower of Christ, to knowing God. Curiosity is one of the main things that are necessary to seek the kingdom. We're meant to seek the kingdom, but to seek something means to want to know where it comes from. It means to be curious about it, but we need to be able to put our curiosity in a holy lens. There's so much more to say on this topic, but I could say it now, or I could say it in the future, and I will say it in the future. I'll say it when I'm talking to guests, and I'll say it when we're really going into the depths of what holy curiosity is. Thank you for listening to my short little rant about what curiosity is, what holy curiosity is, why holy curiosity, and what holy curiosity is. Thank you guys for listening. Again, signing off, Daniel Rosario. Bye.

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