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Ecclesiastes 7

Ecclesiastes 7

Cross City ChurchCross City Church



WHAT REALLY MATTERS HAVING WISDOM Ecclesiastes 7:1-29 To Know What’s Better in Life To Trust God’s Providence in Life For Strength to Live a Righteous Life Cross City Church 1000 W Airport Fwy Euless, TX 76039 Ron Yamamoto, David Ingram

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So let's pray. Dear Lord, thank you so much for this evening. Thank you for this time that you've given us to reflect upon your word, which is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, divides to the soul and the spirit joints and the marrow, to the discerner of the motives and intents of the heart. Pray that Hebrews 4.12 would be a reality in our lives. And also Ecclesiastes 3.11, that you have made everything beautiful in its time and you've placed eternity in the hearts of all men. And that is that you've placed an eternal God-shaped vacuum in every heart so only you can fill it. We pray that you would do that this day and we pray these things through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. All right. All right. So what's interesting about this chapter is the word better. The word better is used 14 times in 29 verses. So Solomon was basically doing a comparison. And so what I decided to do was to build a lesson that's doing a comparison. So that's why you see what you see in chart form or table form, whatever you want to call it. And so you'll see that if we work across from left to right, what's the subject of the particular verse or verses, what's the contrast he gives us, you know, one way of looking at it versus another way of looking at it about that subject, what's the possible results, one way, one result versus another result, which one's better and then why is it better and how is that achieved? So those are, that's what we're going to do. We're going to walk through this, sprint through this maybe, sprint through this and see if we can get that done. So having wisdom to know what's better in life is the first segment. Ecclesiastes 7, 1 through 10 reads, a good name is better. There you go. Better than fine perfume. And the day of one's death than the day of one's birth. What's implied right there is the day of one's death is better than the day of one's birth. And you're going, what are you talking about? You know, well, we'll get to that in a second. It's better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, since that is the end of all mankind and the living should take it to heart. Grief is better than laughter, for when a face is sad, a heart may be glad. The heart of the wise is in a house of mourning, but the house of fools is in the house of pleasure. It is better to listen to rebuke from a wise person than to listen to the song of fools, for like the crackling of burning thorns into the pot, so is the laughter of the fool. This too is futile. Surely the practice of extortion turns a wise person into a fool and a bribe destroys the mind. The end of a matter is better than its beginning. A patient spirit is better than a proud spirit. So don't let your spirit rush to be angry, for anger abides in the heart of fools. Don't say, why were the former days better than these, since it is not wise of you to ask this question. So there you go. Better, better, to know what's better in life. Verse one, a good name is better than fine perfume and the day of one's death and the day of one's birth. That word name, or a good name, is referring to reputation, all right? There's three names you have in life, three names you're given. One is the name that you're given by your parents at birth, two is the name that you're known by among your peers as you're growing up and later on in life or whatever, right? And the third name is the name that you give yourself, and that name is tied to your reputation. And that's what this verse is talking about, reputation. So when he says that the birth, day of one's birth versus the day of one's death, he is saying that basically we're looking at when your name is first received and what you did with it when it's all said and done, okay? So the first possible result is a good name. A good name would mean a good reputation. When the memorial service was given, like my father's was three weeks ago, right, everyone in the room, it was a good name. People are still coming up to me and telling me, giving me their condolences, and telling me how much they loved my dad and what he meant to them. His name was off the charts. It was a good name. So a good name is the possible one, another possible result is a bad name. You probably know some people whose reputations are not too swift. And so, if perfume smells how, lovely, right, smells good most of the time, what do you think a bad name smells like? There you go, a different smell, right? So that's what he's doing, he's comparing reputations. So a good name is better, but why? Let's look at Proverbs 10.7. So Proverbs 10.7, and we'll start off, I don't care who starts, I'm going to pick it and do it. The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked is harmed. Quite a contrast. Yeah. So why is a good name better? Because its memory is what? Blessed. Blessed, yeah, blessed. Well, we wouldn't give all sorts of reasons why a good name is better, right? But I thought that word blessed sums it up. Now, how do you achieve that good name? We're going to have a look, and there's some contrast here. I thought this was a great little contrast in Mark 14. Susan, go ahead and read that, would you? Now, Paul Silver and Ellen Levin Bred were two days away, and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to seize him by stealth and kill him. For they were saying, not during the festival, otherwise there might be a riot of the people. While he was in Bethany at the home of Simon the Leper and reclining at the table, there came a woman with an alabaster vial, a very costly perfume of pure lard, and she broke the vial and poured it over his head. But some were indignantly remarking to one another, why has this perfume been wasted? For this perfume might have been sold for over 300 denarii and the money given to the poor. And they were scolding her. But Jesus said, let her alone, why do you bother her? She has done a good deed to me, for you will always have the poor with you, and whenever you wish, you can do good to them, but you do not always have me. She has done what she could. She has anointed my body beforehand for the burial. Truly, I say to you, whenever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken in memory of her. Then Judas Iscariot, who is one of the twelve, went off to the chief priests in order to betray him to them. They were glad when they heard this, and promised to give him money, and he began seeking how to betray him at an opportune time. Wow. What a contrast. What a reputation contrast. Right? So how do you achieve that good reputation? How do you achieve it? What did she do? Good deeds. Was that you, Kat? Hey, already a gold star tonight. Look at you roll. Good deeds. It's all about what you do. Yeah, yeah. She gave her best. Right. Very expensive. By the way, you understand that what Judas betrayed for, that amount of money, was a pittance, relatively speaking. It was the price of a slave. I know. It's okay. All right. So why is the blank here under better? Under better is a good name. There you go. Good name. All right, now we're going to look at verses 2-4. 2-4 talks about death. It's better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting. So you have a comparison of the house of mourning, grief, and what he says here is that in this grief there is wisdom. And we're going to talk about how you get there. Versus a house of feasting, pleasure, laughter, and fools. So when you seriously take death seriously, all right, now you're contemplating the fact that there's more that lies beyond the grave. And you need to prepare for that. In that is wisdom. All right, so back to verses 2-4. House of mourning versus a house of feasting. When you take seriously the day of death, then you're going to prepare for it. And you're going to be concerned about life after death. Those that are afraid of death, they tend to try to ignore it. They try to laugh themselves out of it, right? They try to do whatever they can to avoid it, avoid contemplating it. And that's why he's talking about the fool that does that. He's unprepared. He takes life frivolously, no concern about life after death. So what's better? To be prepared or unprepared? Be prepared. Prepared. All right. Why? Well, in verse 2b, it says that death is the end of all mankind. And the living should take that to heart, okay? And we're going to Psalm 90-12 as how you achieve it. Ron, you know that by heart. You go ahead and recite it. Oh, this is a mosaic prayer, yes. Dear Lord, help us to number each moment of every day, right? So that we'll gain a heart of wisdom. There we go. So how do you achieve it? By taking every day seriously, right? We need God's wisdom as we face every day. And so you're asking God for Him to direct your path and to give you insight and understanding as to how to live each day in such a way that it will help you prepare for eternity and also bring glory to His name. When you do that, it completely changes your attitude. Oh, yeah. And your focus. When you're worried about yourself and thinking about, am I getting my part? Or that, you know, you're concentrating on me, me, my, my. Then you're missing out on having the attitude toward Christ and toward others. And you just play an old pity party and you miss the things that God sends to you that you could help someone if you had the right attitude. I agree. Good point. All right. Any other thoughts on verses 2-4? One thing on that, you know, I was thinking about that. You know, you talk about birth and death. And I think we always have such a negative thought on death and stuff like that. But, you know, the contrast really is, you know, when you're born, all you have is potential. And when you come to the end of the race, you know, now you can overlook and see how you've done in that race. Where you stack up. And also, you know, as we approach death, we're really closer to our reward than we were the day we were born. I mean, it's an interesting concept where, you know, for the Christian, death doesn't have the same connotation as it does for that who is lost. That's right. And like I say, when we're born, all we have is potential. That's right. You know, so I just thought that that might be an interesting way of looking at it. Well, thank you. Thank you, JJ. That's a good point. Very good. All right. So next is verses 5 and 6. It's better to listen to rebuke from a wise person than listen to the song of fools. So we're talking about counsel. One contrast is rebuke from the wise person. The other contrast is a song or flattery of fools. One possible result is godly living. The other is worldly living. Which is better? I mean, all these are duh, right? Yeah. For us. Godly living, right? Godly living. So why is it better? In verse 6, it says that for like the crackling of burning thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of the fool. This, too, is futile. It's futile. If you have kindling, right, kindling gets consumed rapidly. That's what he's talking about. It doesn't have a long-lasting effect. And it usually pops and crackles and snaps because there's so much sap in it. Yeah. Yeah. It's like fuel. Yeah. It just goes away real fast. Right. And futile, again, is that word we talked about the very first week, and I had the little object lesson. Y'all remember that? What'd you do? You took those bubbles and you blew those bubbles. And the point I made was futile is what is left after the bubble pops. There's absolutely no value. So that's the contrast here. So let's look at Proverbs 10, 17, and 27, 17 to see how to do it. Joyce, go ahead and iron sharpens iron. So two things, right? One is he who listens to instruction, right? He's instruction. Where do you get your instruction from? From the Word of God. And number two, from those that aren't sharpening you, right? Iron sharpens iron. In other words, wise counsel. So wise counsel gives you the motivation to live according to God's Word. All right? That's how you do it. Seek wise counsel and heed instruction. Next subject, verses 7 through 9. Surely the practice of extortion turns a wise person into a fool and a bribe destroys the mind. The end of a matter is better than its beginning. A patient spirit is better than a proud spirit. Let your spirit rush to be angry, for anger abides in the heart of fools. What this is talking about is patience. Those that offer bribes and extortion, those are shortcuts to try to achieve a goal. All right? And anyone who's ever been, observed that before, understands what we're talking about. Those that take shortcuts to try to achieve a goal. All right? Total lack of patience. Total lack of patience. So the end of a matter means when life is lived God's way, then you have a patient spirit and you don't rush to be angry. The second contrast is those that are impatient, they result to extortion, bribery. The beginning of a matter refers to a sinful start. In other words, they're starting off, they're focused on how they start, not on how they end. All right? Making sure it is done God's way. They're focused on trying to get it done now in man's way. They have a proud spirit and they are angry when it doesn't go the way they want it to go instantly. That's what you call no patience, right? So patience versus no patience. Possible result one is waiting on God to work out His will. Now, we're going to get to that in a second. Possible result two, rushing to achieve my desires, relying on myself. I don't want to take a poll, but I would assume if I took a poll, we'd find ourselves probably in both camps at times. You know, just being honest. As much as I'd like to say I always wait on God to work out His will, I can't say that. You know, I wish I could say that. I just know that that's not true. I've struggled at times with waiting on God. But that's what this is talking about. It makes all sorts of spiritual sense to wait on God. Be patient. Some examples of rushing to achieve that comes to mind, the one that comes to mind instantly has to do with a guy named Abram and a wife named who? Sarah. Oh, my. What a mess they made, right? What a mess they made. Yeah, he's a man of faith, right? I mean, he's the first one he talks about, I think, and maybe he didn't. One of the first ones he talked about in Hebrews 11. He's talked about a lot in Hebrews 11. He's a man of faith. But for some reason, one day he got, you know, granted, I mean, it had been 25 years, you know, or whatever it had been. It had been a while. Not 15, I think it was, or 13 or something. It had been a while. Our problem today is if it didn't happen in five minutes, it's not happening fast enough, isn't it? That's our problem. And I'm preaching now, I know. I'm preaching to myself and I'm preaching to those I love. You know, I mean, we get way too impatient. We need to slow down and wait on God. God has it. God has it. So, patience. Waiting on God's best. Proverbs 14, 17 tells us why. Jean, you got that there? Or Amanda? That's cool. When you're quick to do something, right? You act what? Foolishly. Foolishly. And there's a thing, what you see also embedded in this, is this bribe and this extortion and all that type of thing. It's like, you know, schemes. You put together schemes to try to achieve. Cutthroat schemes is what I call it. They're hated by people. So, how do you achieve patience? James 1, 19 to 20. We studied James a couple semesters ago. Yeah. Who's presiding at Carroll? Go ahead. Yeah. Okay. No. Be quick to do what? Quick to hear? Slow to what? Speak? And slow to what? Amen. Amen. That's how you do it. Quick to hear? Slow to speak? Slow to anger? Philippians 1, 6 says what? I'm confident in this very thing. He who began all good work and you'll perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. God's going to finish what he starts. If God started it, he's going to finish it. We can take it to, you know, you can take that to the bank. It's going to happen. And what he started, it might not look like it, but Romans 8, 28 tells us what? Now, we all know this by heart. All things do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? Do what? 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