Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is feeling a bit low and sad after organizing a successful event called "How to Thrive". They talk about the engagement and inspiration of the participants, as well as their favorite sessions. They mention a session on written communication and the importance of clear and effective language. They also mention upcoming online sessions and a podcast interview with Paul Hallward, who bridges veterinary legal values and coaching. Hello, Helen. How are you? I'm good. Thank you very much. I am floating around. Well, partly floating around on cloud nine after how to five last week. But I feel like I'm on a massive come down. I think how to thrive and the planning and everything for that has been my life for months, probably since our last event in September. And now it's all over. I feel a bit low and a bit sad, which probably means it's time to start organizing another one. Oh, fabulous. You see, like no rest, no rest for the wicked. I'm speaking on Thursday as well at a rising leaders event, which is aimed sort of at mid-level lawyers. And I'm trying to preserve my voice because I've got a really sore throat. And I think it's because I was rather over excitable last week. But talking about last week, I mean, what was so lovely? It felt I mean, just the way it was so inspiring to see how engaged everybody was like from the from the get go every each day. I mean, we were talking about some stuff which it probably would have been quite easy for people to kind of take some time to warm up to. We were asking them to come and be vulnerable and open to new ideas. And I guess I thought it might take them a bit of time to to really warm up and participate if they did at all. But actually, I didn't need to worry because, yeah, both on the junior and the senior day, people just jumped straight in, which was brilliant. And it was lovely to have like some of our session hosts were kind of former podcast guests or coming up podcast guests if they haven't been released yet. And that was really lovely. What was your favourite session? I was blown away by I was trying to think about I mean, I absolutely love that session and a phenomenal speaker because he just had I think he took the whole audience through a really wide range of emotions. But I think the thing I really took from away from that was this idea of don't ask a question presupposing an answer like don't need a conversation down the road that you think it's going to take you keep it open and let the person who you're trying to solicit information from have the freedom to give that information, which I thought was really interesting and just something that I guess I hadn't taken the time to really think about before. You said you had, so they were your two. I think my two. Oh, well, I'm always going to love my favourite. I mean, I'm always going to love Victoria Smith Murphy's content, seeing a room of 100 senior lawyers, essentially throwing tarot cards will be probably a lifelong highlight. I mean, a lot of people were kind of before the event, I think think it's quite gimmicky and was like what places this have with being a lawyer. But the whole point is it's about taking yourself outside your brain and thinking a different way. And and it was amazing. You could have heard a penny drop. It was phenomenal. But I think on the junior day, I really enjoyed the written communication. And I think it was actually reading back some of the feedback. We've had a lot of brilliant comments and some and a few of them do really kind of echo this. I think that just we don't talk really about we talk a lot personally about oral communication and physical communication, but we don't really talk about written communication. And, yeah, I found you this session on that really, really interesting. And I took a lot of things away from that myself. And now I know every time I write an email, I kind of I'm looking whether I'm looking plain English or, you know, trying to avoid saying, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yeah. So, yeah, so that's that was how to thrive. Well, that was how to thrive the junior and senior days. If you if people missed out, then we are running a online series of mid-level sessions which start on the 12th of April. Details are all on the website, which again, it's an online session, six online sessions. And then the seventh session is an in-person meetup. Brilliant, brilliant session host again. Same ethos of practical how-to tools. It's just being done virtually so that we can incorporate more people. Yeah, so that's that's super exciting. That's probably enough about us. You know, it's enough about us and our our wonderings. I think we could talk all day about how to thrive and probably unpack how it makes us feel and all the rest of it. But for now, maybe it's time to launch into the podcast. You mentioned Paul earlier today in this earlier on. And yes, we're talking to Paul Hallward, who just so wonderfully bridges the kind of the veterinary legal values, coaching bridges and gaps. So it's a really interesting discussion we had with him. So. Yeah, super interesting. I hope everybody enjoys it. As always, Helen and I are reflecting at the far end of the podcast. So please do stick around for that. But in the meantime, enjoy Paul.