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WOWCast Ep. 7 "Aim for Progress..." (Lexi Gibbs)

WOWCast Ep. 7 "Aim for Progress..." (Lexi Gibbs)

Chris WilliamsChris Williams



Co-hosted by Charlie Kelly and Chris Williams. Our guest Lexi Gibbs discusses "Aim for Progress, Not Perfection".

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Lexi Gibbs, a member of the Walk-Ons organization, discusses the importance of aiming for progress rather than perfection. She emphasizes the need to continuously learn and grow, acknowledging that there is always room for improvement. Lexi shares her personal journey, highlighting the challenges she faced in striving for perfection and how she learned to appreciate the progress she has made. She talks about the internal battle of competing with oneself and the negative self-talk that can arise. Lexi emphasizes the importance of giving oneself grace and focusing on the small steps and progress already achieved. She also mentions the value of journaling and reflecting on one's growth. Overall, Lexi encourages a healthy mindset and perseverance in the pursuit of progress. Just being hungry to continue to grow your mind because that is the progress and you know You'll you'll never fully know everything about something and you'll never fully know everything about someone So knowing that there's always a space to to learn and to grow um, I think that is that's a huge a huge thing that I kind of tried to make my How's it going out there walk-ons Welcome back to the wow cast where we discuss all things cultural the walk-ons way We are in episode seven and I am joined here by mr Charles Kelly, and we've got a special episode because we are interviewing one of our own Miss Lexi Gibbs Lexi Gibbs is under the firing squad today and we are going to be talking about aim for progress not perfection But before we dive into the topic as always we got to get a little background here So Lexi Gibbs, we've heard you asked all the questions on here, but we don't know enough about you So we're going to dive into the topic and we're going to start with you Lexi So we've heard all the questions on here, but we don't know enough about you. So Lexi Give us a little bit of your background kind of where you came from how you start with walk-ons You know really just a brief history of Lexi Gibbs Yeah um, well this this is a very interesting spot to be in but I will say I enjoy this so Um, i'm excited to chat with you guys from this side of the microphone. Um, let's see, I I went to um born and raised in louisiana went to high school Down the road prairieville small town. We have a nice now We have a walk-ons out there, but we definitely didn't have one when I was in high school and I wish we did um But uh, yeah, so I went to went to high school in prairieville louisiana then moved to Baton Rouge. I went to lsu played soccer there. Um graduated in 2015, uh, then Kind of took a break from school altogether, which I was very needed and then Went back. Um got my master's degree finished that in 2021 Um, I started with walk-ons kind of very randomly. Um, my mom was actually looking, uh, she was on indeed I think and saw an opening for Um our you know former president and ceo scott taylor his executive assistant, uh position and I Knew what walk-ons was just from lsu and I knew the food was really good so i'm like this should be a fun little job I can do this and go to school and You know kind of make them both be, you know, kind of my life for a little bit. Well quickly learned that walk-ons was way more than A desk job where you just manage a calendar. It was it truly has been a life-changing Um experience since I started here in 2019 Um almost at four years, I truly would not change a single thing i've Learned more about myself than I think I ever would have in my life if my path did not uh across this walk-on, I Have zero restaurant experience except for the one summer. I worked at a snowball stand, uh, which was hard in itself So coming into this element um and seeing You know just the side of the business that you know, the restaurant just industry in general is it's truly taken uh something that I I just look up to and I admire it so much because the the I guess we're talking about aim for progress not perfection The restaurant industry is something that you will never get perfect. But the amount of progress that goes into working in that element is admirable and it's something that has truly fired me up to You know continue growing here and kind of in the space that i'm at now is Is really it a lot goes into seeing that that's kind of what what fuels this company is is our restaurant. So Huge shout out to all of our teammates that work in that environment every day and truly make that You know our restaurants come to life because I it's something I truly admire and I know I could never walk a day in those shoes So to be able to you know, see that is is incredible and work for that. So A little bit about me That's awesome. And i'm sure you know a lot of people that listen on the weekly base or on monthly basis. They're uh, They probably want to know a little bit more about you, you know And that's that's why we thought this would be a cool idea to to bring you aboard and I know this is a topic That is very near and dear to you the you talk about it walk on to you and you know discuss it You know just in common day occurrence Um, but with that said normally I would pass it over to you start asking the questions about uh about guiding principles or core values, but today we're going to be talking about the guiding principle as you mentioned of aim for progress not perfection and just to Elaborate on there and give the full description. This means that you understand that perfection is impossible And strive for excellence by making constant and consistent progress So with that said, you know, how do those words really apply to you? And uh, you know and what you do in your journey thus far what what really strikes you in that phrase? Why did you want to talk about that today? um, honestly, you know this this phrase really sticks with me a lot because I am kind of that black and white thinker where you know You're either this or you're that and you know, you have to be perfect at it That's kind of where my headspace has been kind of growing up as a kid going through soccer all those stages It's like, you know, you have coaches who are drilling at you constantly, you know, do better here do better here do better here So I've and you know, i've come from very competitive family have brothers my dad is there were all very like, you know, you don't stop working this and that and You know it I did kind of go down that path of wow I need to if i'm not perfect i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get anywhere, you know, so and I think uh, it's in college, I think my junior year my um, my coach actually like he he's one of the most influential people i've met and he We started off very rocky because I did have that black and white perfection mindset And he kind of opened that that can of worms to me that you know, the the smaller things that you improve Are way bigger and you know manifest way more than just trying to be perfect at one thing You know, you'll never you'll never be there's always something to learn there's always someone to learn from there's always something to learn there's always you know, just another step that you can you can you can gain, you know in your walk, so It's just you know from him kind of telling me that and teaching me, you know Work on this this one small thing and try to improve this because once you improve this It'll then allow you to improve the next thing and so forth and so forth. So Kind of building on that mentality. Obviously, I'm still not good at it today, but I've you know, i'm kind of Almost trained myself to really see things in very small forms And that way if you take, you know a tiny task And focus on that one and once you're done with that, it's going to help you to improve on the next one and so forth And so forth. So, um, that's kind of why this this, uh, you know aim for progress not correction really sticks with me it's because Going from this mentality and still struggling with it every day to try to be perfect and you know finish a finish a task for somebody or help somebody in ways that they're not even thinking of yet is something that I I try to do and try to be perfect at it to help other people but You know at the end of the day You can only focus on that one task at a time and that one small step because once you perfect that one or once you you know, you you you do that one very well, it's going to help you for the next one, so I just I really resonate with this one because it's the biggest one I struggle with so and I think that's a good space for me to Continue learning because like I said, there's always someone who's better than you and there's someone who can teach you something So kind of why it sticks with me Yeah, you you said something there and charlie i'll pass it over here in a second um, you you mentioned how you you need to take those small bites really to to be able to gain that momentum and you know Continuously work towards Perfection we don't you know, we know we're never going to achieve perfection But we can always set our sights on bigger and greater things that you know may fall somewhere close to perfection, right? We're finding excellence along the way But with that so you mentioned just kind of taking steps towards something How do you know what that next step should be because I think a lot of people set these aspirations So far out in the future, you know, it's good for everybody to have a five-year plan one year plan all the all those things but How do you organize yourself to know what that next step is? In order to achieve where you're where you're trying to go. How do you road map it? so it's funny you bring this up because um kind of going back to the way, you know, I say my brain usually functions is very that black and white space and Right now currently i'm in a very gray space Which is very uncomfortable for me personally But it's it's teaching me that not knowing the next step is is still a step It is still okay to not know that and I think what i'm realizing, you know in my current state is me me kind of identifying that I may not know what what the next thing is right now that is the step that i'm supposed to be taking so to avoid, you know kind of the the panic or the you know, getting into a run about things and kind of just Letting that anxiety take over in a way, you know, you just you have to take a step back See the steps that you've already taken, you know, where were you? Where was I when I first started with walk-ons four years ago? You know and looking at the steps that i've gotten to where i'm at now. It's like Wow, I have achieved all these things and look what i've learned through all the all the steps that i've already taken So when you're in that moment where oh man what is next or I don't I have no idea what step i'm supposed to be Taking next there's a reason why you don't know, you know and identifying that you don't know is the step that you're supposed to be taken and then just Really sitting there and trusting that when that step is supposed to be in front of my face It will show itself because i've identified that hey i've taken all the steps to get to where i'm at I I couldn't you know, you can look back and say well I maybe I could have done this here that's there that's there but you took those steps and you learn these things along the way for a reason And I think it gets you to a point where okay Sometimes I don't need to know what's next to be okay, you know You have to be kind of I guess accepting of that that being in the gray space which like I said, that's one of the biggest challenges for me is You know, that is the step where you're supposed to be at. So I think um From an organization standpoint, I you know, I am a pretty like abcdes type thinker. So step step step um but you know just Going into each day and doing, you know, whatever's on your plate at the time Taking those little things and making steps out of them. So it doesn't need to be a massive jump You know, you don't need to I don't I know tomorrow I may not be making this huge leap But I know there's things on my plate right now that need that need the attention that need the steps and need the progress so using what's on my plate to be what grows me into the next step for when that time does come is kind of The space i'm at right now if that makes sense from an organization standpoint Yeah, I love that. I love that. Charlie. What you got buddy? Yeah, so i'd like to go back a couple years and uh start around covid with you And and you know covid again to brandon's point, you know, it happened for us not to us right i'm a firm believer in that um, we really did some wonderful things, you know some eye-opening and Just different mindset style of work Uh, you know where we rallied, you know Everyone as a department individually like as a team like we all rallied for this common cause but then coming out of covid Uh, you know, we started having our wow meetings And I like to think that's where I I first got to hear lexi's cultural voice And it didn't take long at first. I was like look at this little cultural grasshopper and the truth is is that uh You know as the weeks went by the more we listened chris. I know we discussed this plenty of times, you know We we went from hosting these things uh And having lexi as you know a participant into very quickly becoming a host, you know in leading people culturally um empathetically, you know through all the values and principles obviously, but uh, it is a pleasure to What you said here and see you grow through, you know, some of the gray and uncharted territories um You you as an athlete and your family, uh Being very athletic i'm sure um All understand that there is an external opponent you know the person across from you that you may be competing against versus the internal opponent which is Yourself, it's you it's your soul. You know, it's it's the voice that you hear and follow And I think someone who can be as strong as you are through aim for perfection Or excuse me aim for progress not perfection has probably got a pretty healthy mindset in there, right What's what's the voice like? When you're competing against yourself in your mind, you know, they say you can only feed One of the two b's the positive or the negative um, and again, you know, unfortunately this world is Full of a lot of negativity. How do you how do you hear the voice of opposition in your mind competing with yourself every day? Good enough not good enough Fast enough not fast enough strong enough smart enough. Like what's that voice sound like to you? Um at what point does it start to turn negative? And at what point do you suggest? uh Rearing back and then going back to the positive. Obviously, you know yourself. Well, um What are some of those exercises or thoughts in your mind that you can share with listeners about? healthy mindset and how you tactically aim for Progress. Yeah, um Well again, that is a battle throughout the day, you know I feel like i'm definitely not the only one who who has that struggle too where You know, you could have done something better or you wish Oh, maybe I can do can I do this again because I can do it 10 times different or whatever it may be um, and you know, I I do deal with that constantly, especially the the self mentality of like knowing that you can be better or do better or whatever it may be and just Coming up short sometimes, you know, and it's crazy because and i'll say a very quick story a couple weeks ago my dad my brother and I were working out together and uh, you know, we went on a long bike ride and we were going on a run and and during that run I just I was I was dead like I was like I need to I need to stop I need to walk for a little bit but that was one of those moments where you know You know if you if you're a big runner, you know, like if you feel that you get really really ticked off but um, you know, you start this self-doubt this i'm not in shape enough or i'm not eating right or i'm not what did I do? Wrong, like what is so wrong with me? Why didn't I do this better? And you know After after, you know, we finished we got home. My dad's like blue, you know, look back at the the weeks prior to this We've done this Countless times before and you know, we've succeeded at you know, this step this step We've done we've done well like focus on those. This is this is this is one moment type thing and um, so it kind of gave that perspective again, you know looking back at the steps you've been through and Giving yourself that that pat on the back that you know, you you've gone through all this progress Yes, you're at this one workout or this one task whatever it might be and it's and it's tough, you know You you don't need you're not going to Be perfect at every single task every single run, you know, it's not going to happen but it is Kind of taking and making sure in that moment that's when you remember the things that you have gone through and how you have progressed in because that's going to give you the fuel to Get back out there the next day, you know, and it's crazy because I started doing this thing each night I'll uh, i'll journal a little bit and i'll ask myself three questions. And the first one is How how was your mood today? Just how did you feel and how was your mood? How how was your health and then how was your like diet and training that's just for me personally, but those two questions I get you know I'll end up looking back at my old answers from weeks prior date Whatever it is and i'll I can see the growth the the you know ebb and flow of it and I think that's the beauty in knowing that we're never going to be perfect is Seeing the progress that you make and sometimes sometimes it is it is a struggle but knowing that There is always some progress in there that can fuel you to keep aiming for that You know for that next step for that that better that better time the next the next run you go on to the next task you're faced with so um, I just I try to When that that mentality doesn't take over taking a step back and giving yourself the grace that you have gone through many successful steps to get to where you're at right now, so That's just been a huge a huge mental Like help that i've started, you know, and it's and it's it's done wonders for me personally in in work and just you know outside of work, so So shout out to dad that's balls head Shout out to brother. That's fat head I mean y'all gotta know the athleticism in this family runs So You know again, I I think it's I think it's a great thing to acknowledge, you know I used to run a lot when I was younger. I didn't swim a lot, but I can remember the fatigue and the challenge uh in the mind, you know, you get the You get the the the runner's ache, you know, it's all on your back and you know your organs and it's like man perseverance You know is what sticks out in my mind for for this There's obviously the aim portion a lot of people got bad aim, right? Well, you want to aim for progress not perfection Well, there's a lot of great situations out there that you've already mentioned but the idea that there's a persistence And a mental toughness that you can find in the center of your own mind and resort to whenever you're down Especially through journaling. I think it's wonderful very healthy thing to do. Yeah, and I do, you know kind of directing it and again, like I said, I don't have nearly the The years of experience that our teammates have in the restaurant, but you know, they are you guys I guess i'm talking to the audience, but um, you know, we show up every day to to to the restaurant and That is the restaurant is a great space in itself You know, you're you're every single day and it's gray and there's no black and white really there's always something different something changing But I think for our teammates, you know who do show up every day and give that effort On those moments where you know, it is it is tough or it's whatever it may whatever may be going on Taking a step back and giving yourself the grace That way you can give your team the grace of you've come this far with your progress Like look where we look where we started the shift. Look where we're at now. Look where we can go type thing um, I think you know, even though it's very high high pace things are happening left and right it is Taking a second to give yourself grace That way you can give your team the grace that way all of you can get through that progress together And knowing that the perfection Nothing will ever be perfect. Nothing. It was all be there will always be something, you know, some kind of pinball coming from some direction that'll that'll you know curve the path, but I do feel that grace is a big big thing when it comes to aiming for progress not perfect not perfection because Progress is you know linear to grace. You have to give yourself grace as you're going through it. So um, I think you know just to try to relate to the restaurant side I think that's that's kind of a mentality to take with it. So That's awesome so you mentioned You know athleticism and we talked about it a little bit and you know Training training the body and how and training the mind and how those things help with the uh, the path towards excellence um, just a general question here and something that i've noticed in you know, leading young groups of people um the value in being part of a team at a young age I know you came up playing soccer and probably various other sports based on the athletic makeup of your family Can you speak to that a little bit and just the value? I mean, I know the listeners we're talking to here are probably long beyond um youth athletics, but it is something that That I do key in on and I notice very early on if I have somebody that's joining our team that's been part of not just an athletic team or you know, maybe a band or maybe a you know, a dance team or something like that not necessarily just strictly to performance athletics, but Talk about the value of being part of a team at a young age and how that really translates to being a good teammate as an adult Yeah, I I that is a massive massive. Um Like thank you. I have to give almost two One of my parents for putting me in in sports and I did do dancing for a hot sec But that that ship sailed very quickly. I was not At all that was a vision my dad was like this is not for you not at all. Um, but you know, it's the the team the team Aspects I think took me I I think I forgot how I might have been 14 15 that that kind of strange age to realize the benefit of having people around you that are working for the same thing and all of you kind of having your own Um identity within that within the scope of being a team in your own strengths your own weaknesses But them gelling together to actually get to the final you know the final product which obviously for soccer would be like winning a game or whatever it is, but it truly kind of Through those years of playing, you know competitive soccer and and other sports and things that you end up like learning trust Which again, that's one of our our you know, core values is trust, but you end up Learning how to trust people and how to give you know become a trustworthy person and you end up learning kind of how to how to give you know your Your strength to to somebody else knowing that you're going to get their strength back and then progressing together, you know, and and I think just no, having that team that It's hard. It's hard to really put into words because it's just something that you know without it You can't do it all by yourself you really it's very very difficult even Even like track for instance. I ran track as well It is a it is I guess a single person sport, but it is a team in a sense You have your coach you have other people who are running with you You have your trainers all that is still a collective team and all of you come together with your own piece That makes the puzzle and I think just working through Teams, you know throughout my life. It's something that I've i've cherished and i've grown to mature in knowing that was like I needed to be on a team throughout these years to be where i'm at now because The team, you know, this office is a team and I think we all bring our own Assets to it and that's the only way we're going to get You know our next restaurant open and then help our next teammate and things like that. And so it just it's really shown that um when I when I Make myself to be a trustworthy individual then i'll get that trust from somebody else and then we can progress together So I think that's kind of where the team aspect has really come into play for me Was that I need to bring my trust to the table because I need my teammate I literally need them because I can't do this aspect of the game. I can't Run this fast. I need this person to run faster So I need her to know that hey i'm bringing this to the table because you're bringing this And i'm going to trust that you're always going to bring this because i'm telling i'm showing you i'm going to bring this for you so that's kind of the space i've grown into kind of understanding what a team is is like I'm going to bring this to this group every single day. This is my strength I'm letting you all know that I will cover this But your strength over here is something that I need to make my strength good and you need me to make your strength good So this is how we're going to get, you know progress together for the next step. So Yeah, because you're pushing each other right and that's a big part of team. Not only do you learn camaraderie Family, you know being able to bring people in closely as you would your direct family But also you you gather people around you that will hold you to account for your effort And you know we talk about aim for progress not perfection And really we talk about any of our core values or guiding principles promises, you know mission vision purpose all these things all of those Elements are intended to encourage individuals but individuals as part of a team and When we surround ourselves with people that are willing to push Push us, you know, then that's that's really when we get the best Use out of the individual is when the team is gathered around and and pushing sometimes in a competitive way sometimes in a nurturing way, I mean it's there's it comes in all sorts of fashions, but I think that's why I wanted to ask the question is because you see that ability built into the core of a person that has that type of upbringing and really Has that spirit of team within them? Yeah, I also think A big aspect of teams, uh, and you know Just kind of what i've learned over the years as well is identifying your own weaknesses and being okay with them being weaknesses, you know um even here sometimes, uh I'll just take for instance like creative things. Kelsey Bertrand is Outstanding at what she does. She is phenomenal, you know Just incredible. She does great work, but you know, I that is not a strong suit of mine I would not be able to do a graphic or whatever it is. So I admit that you know, i'm gonna go to her. Hey, I I this is a weakness of mine I cannot I don't know what i'm doing, you know, either you know, let me watch you do it or teach me how to do it because you I know you have something that I would love to learn from and you know, i'll know i'll never be as good as you I just you know I don't have that that brain but um knowing that we all Having your weaknesses and owning them is just as important as bringing your strengths to the table So I think that's also been a massive. Um aspect i've learned with team is You know, you will never be You can never play every position. It's truly it's Impossible and kind of when I was younger going growing up. I thought that you know You have to make all the goals assists are not good That's kind of the the brain that I had from again that competitive upbringing that I had uh, you know scoring that's all you can do scoring is that means you're good, but At the end of the day, you know, uh, you're you're outside defender if they don't defend you and give you the ball You're never going to score so it's kind of a you know that that progress of team is we all Have our strengths and our weaknesses and self-identifying both of them is what you know That's how you gel with the team is because you then can speak on behalf of both You know, you're not just coming to the table like i'm the best at this and that's it Well, so is it this person over here? So, you know, so it's it's just making sure that you're you're um You can self-identify both weaknesses and strengths, but being okay that they're both just as important You know for a team for life and journalists. They're both equally as important Yeah, that's that's absolutely great yeah, and finding not only those strengths and weaknesses, but then finding others on your team like you mentioned with uh, kelsey b is You can you can leverage those people and knowing that about yourself allows you to Put another person into the position When it comes to driving that excellence to the next step. It's huge you you do this funny thing that I enjoy and admire where you Publicly put on your instagram or facebook when you knock shit off your desk Or if you knock a bowl of food over Or if you knock a plan over and there's always a picture That she takes with her thumbs up and then whatever else spilled all over the ground or all over the desk or whatever And and it's it's it's like your own little like hilarious version of some kind of series like a show and i'm like I can't wait to see the next thing that lexi spills all over everywhere. But I bring that up because in a way um, you're you're praising the imperfection by not not allowing it to to Take over the emotion or the expectation Man, he spilled something on the floor. You literally take a picture of your thumbs up with everything on the floor right And and what's awesome about that is that there is this philosophy uh Known as kintsuji in japan and it is uh It's where they take pottery Usually bowls that are imperfectly made that crack and as a way of cosmically Thanking the imperfection they painted in tree sap mixed with gold flake and they they They literally paint and you can go and check it out They literally paint the imperfection the cracks in the bowl To say thank you for our opportunity to recognize that we could have been more masterful and do this better As silly as it is when you praise imperfection and cheetos go flying and the thumbs up every time I see that I think man Like this is so wise and there's a portion of the world that's dedicated In japan to this as a philosophy And it's so strong. I don't even think that you recognize that you're doing pretty much the same exact thing Uh, but you don't let it get you down, you know, and that that's what I think is uh, it's pretty remarkable Again being a special person that you are and knowing you and seeing the growth again, it's uh It's been refreshing to see you be the way that you are and be the leader in the space um And i'm i'm thankful to know you i'm thankful for your leadership as well. Um not everybody's the same in the office obviously or in the restaurants, but Gotta tell you I see alexi gibbs come in and she's on fire that day You know fires me up see chris williams walking that day It's on fire fires me up right like keep keep being that person to others right? You're a cultural leader Uh, you know people look to you and and try to get a feel or read on how's the day and you know It could be great for you But I tell you how you handle the gray maybe the roadmap for somebody else who's following you culturally, right? So don't underestimate Don't ever let you know the chase for progress get you down because you're absolutely leading others to victory i'm glad you you That's a good like i'm glad that you see the post like that. I do I I honestly started that literally because it was Dropping things constantly and I would get infuriated and i'm like i'm wasting like 35 to a minute of life Just pissed, you know and i'm like this space needs to be a little different because It happens, you know, it's just it's gonna happen just like stopping during mid-run, you know, it will happen that the imperfections will occur and you know living in the gray is it isn't it's i'm learning that it is an okay space and Identifying that is the step that you know, I need to take in my progress. So Um I just you know, I think that i'm glad charlie. I like that. I need to look up and get me one of those bowls I'm, i'm gonna send it to you as soon as we get out of here Kintsuji, it's k-i-n-t-s-u-j-i. Yeah, everyone would set up. It's pretty it's pretty cool Charlie bring in bring in the facts from the From the depths of the mind. I love it Love it All right I've got a psa that i've got to share On this topic and then i'll pass it around charlie for the last word and then lexi finally to you for for the closing statement And that is aim for progress not perfection should never be used as an excuse um Unfortunately, I have come across situations where you know, somebody Deliberately did not do something properly and then when challenged on it They just throw out their hands. Yeah aim for progress not perfection. I'll do my line check next week You know, that's not good. That's not good Not what we're looking for At all. This is this is not a statement to use as an excuse So I wanted to put that out there because i'd feel remiss without saying it but um with that said Pass it over to charlie. I just dropped something lexi. See you've inspired me um Pass it over to charlie for just some final words then lexi if you wrap this up here Yeah, so as always we usually discuss this offline um Who who's someone that you see in this cultural space? next month I heard you say kelsey b second ago and uh You know, we were able to watch her grow up through the system as well And she's been another one who's you know, kind of got a pretty awesome story to tell and And watching her ambitions You know be vocalized in the years past and then move into the dream of working in marketing and then Becoming even more successful. It's like you trade one set of wings for another Uh, you learn to fly and you go higher and higher, right? So it's it's been awesome watching you do it, but you mentioned her um You think we should invite her next month? She may need a a nice formal invitation. Yeah Yeah, I think so. And for those of you who don't know who kelsey is she started a You know in a restaurant Uh role she worked in homa for quite a while. She was a server turned bartender Uh ended up working with us here in the restaurant support office uh, you know vocalized again that she wanted to move into marketing and one day has You know plans to be I think in the record industry. Yeah Um in the music space, which is cool. And maybe if this is the vehicle to get her there uh, so be it, but I think it's awesome and uh Thank you for the inspiration and identifying, you know people as great teammates. Um, I think another good story may be the Nate and courtney of the era Yeah, that that ooh. Hey drumroll that might need to that's in the near future. You need to get them involved guys are killing it Loving it out there Number three on our kpis for period six nate and courtney if you are there We're coming for you. We sure are or make sure they listen. Yeah It's excellent Well, yeah, thanks for being you keep being you lexi It's been a pleasure watching you grow and thank you for sticking it out living in the gray I understand how difficult it can be but place doesn't run the way it should without you. So Keep that in your mind. We're thankful For sure lexi gives final words of wisdom. Oh, man final words of wisdom truly honest like I guess just Taking a little bit of self-reflection and knowing like I said your strengths and your weaknesses are both just as equally as valuable to the big picture and being able to Um be comfortable with those weaknesses and and knowing that there's someone around you that you can learn from And there's always something else to be learned so um, just being hungry to continue to grow your mind because That is the progress and you know, you'll you'll never fully know everything about something and you'll never fully know Everything about someone so knowing that there's always a space to to learn and to grow. Um I think that is that's a huge A huge thing that i've i've kind of tried to make my vision be be Driven by is there's always someone out there that you can learn from and there's always a space that Um, you can grow from through someone else and then knowing that your strengths. Um kind of nurturing them and knowing that bringing them to the table, uh when you can in a humble manner is Is is what you can do for your team, you know, I can bring this every day I'm going to give my best foot in this space Um, you can count on me and i'm going to consistently show up in this area By doing this work, you know and uh holding holding yourself accountable self-accountability is is massive no matter how mundane the task may be or how Complex the task may be. Um Whatever your strength is strengths, whatever your strength is Can't speak. Um Just nurturing that and bringing that to the table in every space that you enter because that's You're bringing your piece. And then if we all did that we'd all we'd you know, make our puzzle connect fully. So um, just yeah, that's kind of headspace i've been living in lately That's awesome. Well, thank you. Lexi gives us a heck of a mic drop moment right there at the end We might even have to try to use that for the intro. Oh, but maybe we'll see Everyone will know by this point when they're listening, of course but uh Now that's it. That's uh, that's episode seven calling it a wrap Thank you so much to lexi gibbs for sharing Uh more about yourself so that we've gotten to know you better and this this This walk-ons world will know you better Again, thank you always to charlie kelly You wild man Thank you, thank you lexi. Thank you chris Well, that's it episode seven Aim for progress not perfection. Get out there and make it happen. Y'all have a great month. We'll talk to you next time

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