HW assignment
HW assignment
A new hardware device will help with runaway drivers who flee after being pulled over. The device will be placed on the trunk of vehicles by officers and will track the driver using GPS. This will make it easier to catch and arrest reckless drivers, ensuring the safety of innocent lives. Officers will receive the GPS devices soon. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I will be introducing a new hardware device that will assist with runaway drivers. This has been an ongoing issue with the number of reckless drivers that flee after getting pulled over by officers. The scene will be placed on the trunk of vehicles by officers. When the driver attempts to escape, they will be tracked by the GPS device. This will improve our ability to track down the driver and make an arrest. We have been struggling with this issue long enough, but now we have the funds and technology to fix it. Reckless drivers are a threat to many innocent lives, and it is our responsibility to keep them out of harm's way. This will go into effect immediately. Officers, please check your mailboxes between today, Monday, October 30th, through Wednesday, and November 1st for your GPS scene devices. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.