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COGB Episode 0

COGB Episode 0

Cavalcade of Galactic BullshitCavalcade of Galactic Bullshit



This is just a short introduction to the show, with a little lore, and what you can and can't expect. Please feel free to reach out and touch us via the electronic email: COGB161@proton.me

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Welcome to my latest experiment. This is a big one, the one I've been waiting for all my life. Yeah, well history is gonna change. Alright, listen up. I don't like white people. I hate rednecks. You people are rednecks. Alright, I'm coming for you. The Vigilante of Galactic Persia. Hey everybody. How we doing feets? Welcome to episode zero of the cavalcade of galactic bullshit. I am the Reverend Dr. Poop Daddy. How y'all doing? This is gonna be fun, I hope. This is the zero episode. This is the introduction episode. This is the episode of which I will introduce people to you. Because unfortunately, they have lives. I right now am unemployed and do not have a life. Because that costs money. Yay for being unemployed. And yay for unemployment running out. That's always fun. So, this show is just gonna be a cornucopia of weirdness, inanity, and hopefully some good anarchist analysis of events that are happening in the world. We'll see. We're gonna do our best. There's no guarantees. All I can tell you is that I hope you at least get a chuckle or feel free to email us and tell us that we're full of shit and we should, you know, keep our day jobs. Or don't quit our day jobs. Whatever that stupid saying goes. Some people live by it. I don't know. Whatever. This is something that I enjoy doing. Podcasting? No. Talking randomly to the air and to myself? Yes. I do it a lot. It's sometimes the only way that I can keep sane. So at any rate, we're gonna have four people on the show. Four people on the show. I each have their own names and pronouns. So when they get the chance to introduce themselves, they will. I can just give you backgrounds on them as I know them. Because, you know, we're all friends in some way or another. I think they're through Mastodon Twitter. Old anarchist hangs in old cities of fucking where you live. You know that word, right? I'm sure you do. There's me, of course. Avid football fanatic. That being European, African, Asian, South American, Central American. You know, world football as opposed to the bullshit NFL thing. I don't have an NFL team, so please don't ask. I'll just tell you yes. Will there be occasions that football will be brought up? Probably, especially through the summer months when my USL, the United Soccer League team, Phoenix Rising, are playing in their season. So, you know, on occasion you might hear me and Static Dan, you know, talk back and forth about that shit. Static Dan, he's an old anarchist buddy from back home. He's an aesthetic person. He's very enigmatic. That's a good word. I like that word. Dan, I hope you like that word when you hear it. He's very enigmatic. And just, I don't know, he matches my ADHD with his ADHD. So it's a match made in ADHD heaven. Things like when he goes to the store, he'll see boxes that say, bah, on them and just be like, bah, bah, bah. And that's funny to me. So, you know, it's the weirdness, it's the uniqueness of him and his knowledge, which he does have a vast knowledge of many things, including one of our mutual favorite bands, Streetlight Manifesto. So you might hear him going on about that every now and then, Streetlight Manifesto. There is Kat, who is a nurse by night and a person by day. They, too, have a very enigmatic personality and are very much, with me, huge fans of the Alkaline Trio. So that's great. So you might hear that going back and forth every now and then. We also have the one, the only, shrug Ted Kuczynski. You may know her from Twitter and or Mastodon. She is not a fan of Ted Kuczynski and does not believe that we should get rid of technology. Well, maybe she does. I'm pretty sure she does. But she doesn't agree with bombing people to make that happen. So, you know, sometimes you've got to draw a line. And in good anarchist analysis, that's what you do. Terrorists are kind of a bad thing. But can you really call Ted Kuczynski a terrorist? I think you can. But, you know, hey, bygones. That's for another episode. And we can have a really good debate about that with somebody. I think that would be fun. Just don't threaten us, FBI, with a good time. She is also a founding member of the Underground Mopar Drag Racing Series in L.A. County. Don't look it up because you'll never find it. You just have to take her word for it. She loves Mopar and all of its accessories. And me and her have a thing for neons. They are pretty fun. And I had several dreams about them last night, having my little red neon back again. Ah, those were the days. Stealing beer from liquor stores. Staying up all night listening to punk rock. And then running over trash cans in a giant station wagon. Yeah. Yeah. Good times. Man, wish we could do that again. Maybe. Finally, last but not least, we're going to have Viv. She is a therapist, but please don't come to her with your problems. I don't even go to her with my problems. Well, maybe on occasion, but then I feel bad, which is my problem. She has her own practice. She does her own thing. But she also has an amazing background in social work and socialism. Which we should really be aiming towards in this country, in my own opinion. It is the stepping stone towards an anarchist world. If not the framework built around anarchism. So at any rate, that's going to be the show. Just weird things and tangents and stories that we have and want to help spread. If you have anything, any kind of events coming up that you want to put out there, we're going to be doing the show monthly, around the 19th of each month. It might be a little bit before, it might be a little bit after, but plan on the 19th. So if you've got anything that's coming up that you want to get out there, please feel free to email us. If you want to be on the show and talk about it, again, please feel free, drop us a line. Our email is c as in cat, o as in Oscar, g as in golf, b as in boy, 161 at proton.m as in Mary, e as in Everclear. So c o g b 161 at proton.me. Feel free, drop us a line, drop us a line about anything, even if you want to just tell us that we're full of shit and we're dummies. That's fine. We accept any and all criticism, especially if it's productive criticism, please shoot it our way. If it's something racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, yeah, sure, we'll read it on air and your email address. So keep that in mind. If you want to drop us anything like that, we will fully put you on blast because we can, and it'll be fun, and we'll enjoy ourselves. So please send us that shit and see what happens. I believe the phrase that we use currently nowadays is, fuck around and find out. So that's it for right now. That's the show, short, sweet, I believe close to a little over 10 minutes. But don't expect that from future shows. They'll be significantly longer, right in the range of about four to five hours. I'm kidding. Our max, if that, we all know that we all have other things going on in our lives, and we're really not sharing anything too vitally important. At least I don't think, I don't know, we'll find out. Some shows might go longer, but definitely not in the four to five hour range. That's just absurd. You might as well just go watch a movie and not think about us. And, you know, that just might be the right thing to do right now. Watch, you know, 10 to 15 minutes of a cartoon and not think about us. So I hope you all have a wonderful day, wherever you are in this big giant floating blue ball of bullshit and mediocrity. I hope that you are punching in Nazi teeth and slitting transphobic throats. Have a great day, everybody. Hugs and solidarity from here. Laters. .

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