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Episode 1 - Come Together

Episode 1 - Come Together


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Here come old Jesus, he's the Lion of Judah, he got eyes like fire, he one holy roller, he got air down to his knees. He's got to be King Jesus, he just do what he please. He walks on water, he's got miracle powers, he made demons tremble saying, Here comes trouble, he said, I know you, oh and you know me. I defeated death and hell and gave you the key, so come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. I said come together right now over me. So we went and did a quick 36 hour trip down to Stockton Lake and then down to Branson to see Esther. Yes, tell us a little bit about that. So we studied Esther, I got my book out when I got back home in 2008. Oh my God, 2008? I'm sorry, 2018. Wow! 2018. Were we at the high school studying it there? No, were we in Dawn's classroom? I don't know. Our Bible study has moved around significantly. So anyways, we studied Esther and it was a very intensive study. Oh my gosh, it was so good. It was like three months maybe and we met every week. We'd meet every week and it was wonderful and it was one of the most impactful studies we've done. So we had been hoping to get down to see the production down at the Sights and Sound Theater and it was phenomenal. To have studied it and have all that imagery from the person who put the Bible study together in our head, but then to see it come together at that theater, it was really, really good. So I wasn't able to go, but you were and I hope to get there through October. So I've got a little time. Hopefully I can get down there and see it, but the study was by Beth Moore. Did you, and you said the imagery, could you relate? Did she have a lot of relatable things? Do you remember a lot of it? Yeah, she did a good job. I remembered all the characters. If I hadn't studied the book and the Bible as much as we did, I'm not sure I would have understood the show quite as well. So it was really helpful that I had all that background. Or maybe it just resonated deeper because I had studied it. Yeah, it was a great study. So I learned a lot. I was looking back in my Bible with all the notes that I have in there from that chapter. Yeah. A lot. So the book of Esther is about, it's like the story of destiny kind of being reversed. And, you know, how sometimes we don't understand why things are happening the way they are, but ultimately God's working behind the scenes for a higher purpose. And what, he basically takes what was supposed to happen to people and reverses their destiny. I don't know. It's an amazing story. And if you were to just, if they were to take that storyline and make a movie, they could almost make like a Disney movie out of that without, you feel like you're watching a Disney movie kind of. Down at the theater? I mean, even the story itself. It's just an amazing story that's unbelievable. So they do have a movie, Queen Esther. There's a movie out. So I wonder what that would be, look like being comparable to that. So, but no, I hope to get to see it. I was really, I had a lot going on. We didn't know, like I said, with graduation, if I was going to be having some parties or graduation parties. It was family birthday. So I just couldn't. I know. It's okay. It's okay. There'll always be another time. Yeah. Yeah. So definitely. So yeah, let's see. We've done that. And what's the big thing you've been working on? Oh, are you still talking about your family? Sorry. No. No, we're good. Oh, so the prayer walk? Yes. So yeah, I started some prayer walks for Northwest campuses this summer. That is an idea that's been on my heart and mind for many years. And every summer I'm just, you know, walking with friends. And we'll meet up occasionally here or there. And I just thought, why wouldn't we just go to the schools and kind of pray over the schools while we're walking? And it just never really panned out, or I never took the initiative to organize it. And this year I thought, I'm doing it. So we're meeting on Tuesday that there's, what, ten? Eleven schools. There's a lot. There's ten. There's ten. There's ten. Oh, there's ten. There's like ten weeks of summer, and there's ten schools. So I'm on vacation one week, so I guess there's like eleven weeks. But we've just kind of been meeting up, and it's been really great. Yeah. It's so, the evenings have been wonderful. The weather's been wonderful. And then, you know, it's nice to get away from your own stuff and kind of pray for other people and focus on others. It's very... I agree. Yeah. I think it's easy to pray for myself when there are needs that I have, or Thanksgiving that I have, or praying for some needs that need to be met. But I feel like it's almost even more rewarding going and praying for others that I don't necessarily have complete contact with or any contact with. But just then just praying over them. It's been really awesome. But you need to back up just a minute, because you haven't told them, like, you did this, but what happened over and over and over again? Who kept prodding at you to do this? I don't know. Remind me. God. Oh, yeah, God. Oh, yeah, yeah. The answer's always Jesus. Yes, the answer's always Jesus. So, yeah, I feel like this has been on my heart, mind, and I just kept saying no, because I was... I don't know. I just kept like, no, I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. And then, you know, I feel like when God lays something on your heart and when it's really from Him, He will just kind of keep nudging you and almost just to the point where I was like, fine, I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this so this can be off of my mind. And it's just like this little nagging thing that's been on me. So I don't, you know, I was like, all right, Lord, I don't really know what I'm doing. I don't really have a plan, but I'm going to do it. I'm going to throw it out there, see if anybody wants to join me. And they have. And each school I've loved, the prayers have been very unique and specific and heartfelt. So we kind of meet as a group and pray over, you know, kind of as a group. And then we say you can walk in your own group and pray as you see fit or stay with the group. And kind of we've stayed as a group. And then we stop at wherever we kind of feel led to. So we stop by the playground, by the cafeterias. We usually always stop by the office and do lots of praying over the office. We do the library. Did we do the library one, that first one at Murphy? Yeah, I think we did a lot. Yeah, we prayed over the library. Brennan Woods, somewhere. Entrances, exits, parent pick up, parent drop off. And it's just been, I don't know, you just feel very fulfilled. Yeah. It's just really good when you leave. You feel good. And each time, each week, we have had new and different people join us. So we just kind of put it out there. We put it on Facebook. There's a schedule. Casey's done a nice job, you know, just kind of organizing that. That's one of her gifts. She has this organizing thing. So she's done a good job at organizing and letting everybody know when we get names for kids to pray with over that people can't be there. But also, I want to go back to where she said she didn't have a plan. She literally did not have a plan, even though she's a planner. She picked me up the first night, and she's like, so what should we do? We're on our way, 10 minutes away, and we're like, I don't know, I just assumed you would have a plan. And she's like, nope. She's like, you've got a little bit of notes in the background, but I have no idea how this is going to work. I'm like, we're just going to let it go. Let it roll and see what happens. Yeah, I have two things to say about that. One is I feel like when you start to have a relationship with God, there is a sense of letting go. And you have to trust him and let him lead. And as a planner, that's very difficult. And that's always a challenge. But I'm growing. And so I was like, all right, we'll just go. I don't know if anyone's going to show up. For all I knew, it was just going to be Jerilee and I at this walk. And I was going to be perfectly fine with that. And for all I know, the next few walks, it's just going to be me, maybe. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I've prepared my heart that whatever, I'm going to go do this. If others want to join me, wonderful. But if I'm by myself, that is perfectly fine too. The other thing was is I did not want to plan ahead. I think out of fear. I didn't really want to fully commit. And then people were asking me for a schedule. And I was like, sure. And I said, well, I don't really. I was just going to play it by ear each week. And whenever it was convenient for me, I was going to go walk at a particular school. But, again, I kind of felt God was like, no, I want you to commit 100% to this and see it through. So I listened to that as well. And I made the schedule. And my church even asked for a schedule. And there were people asking about it. So I just looked at it. So that's encouraging. Yeah. I know some of us, a couple of us that are administrators on that little Facebook page kind of share it out and stuff. But if you have any questions, you can always shoot us a message on Facebook or something and ask us about it. Yeah. So Tuesdays at 7 p.m. This week it's going to be at High Ridge Elementary, Jera Lee's home school. Yep. It's going to be a very special. It is going to be a special one for me. Yeah. Because I'm going to bring the list of all 333 kids to pray for. So be there. We'll be there. No, just kidding. You know, I thought if we did have a big list, we would just, like, assign one person to do that. I would be that person. I'd be like, okay, I'm going to stay here and, you know, verbalize each name on this list. Well, and that's what I did a couple years ago. Actually, it was the year of COVID. I didn't even think about that until just now. I gave at my church, I asked for anybody that would like a list of a few kids' names to pray for throughout the year. I remember that, I think. And I had an overwhelming amount of people that said, yes, I'll take it. And, in fact, so I had 20, probably 24, 25 kids in that class. And I think I ended up giving everybody maybe one or two names because there were so many people that wanted to do it. And they literally just prayed for them, you know, I don't know how often, but, you know, probably weekly. And I asked them just to pray for them throughout the year. So that was really cool. And we had some really big things happen that year. So prayers work. Yeah, yeah. But, yes, I've enjoyed it. And I just can't wait to see who comes to the next one. Yeah. So are you ready for a pick-me-up? Yes. This is positivity prayer and pick-me-up. So Jeralee's got some surprises here. Yeah, I'm usually in charge of the drinks. Yeah, she was. She is. So we have some ice. Nothing fancy about that. And these are drinks Casey always got on me because I would always taste them first. Yes. She's like, you always taste them first. I didn't even touch these. They've been in my fridge. I would be taste testing live, and she'd be like, oh, yeah, this is already good. This is really good. Try this one. And I'm like, hey, this isn't fair. So I got a new cup. Have you seen my new cup yet? No. All right, because you can read it to everybody. Okay, well, it's a beautiful big cup, and it's pink peach. Peach-ish. Yeah, it looks like summer. It's a big extra jumbo wine cup. Those are my favorite cups lately. Okay, read it for the guests. This is my cup. Her cup says, I'm not slurring my words. I'm talking in cursive. So if anybody knows how I talk so fast, it sounds like gibberish a lot of times. So it's not. I'm just talking in cursive. I love it. I've come to understand that I'm talking. I've been tracking down this cup forever. I could always order them online, but I hate ordering stuff online. I just want to find it naturally. Naturally? Yeah. So we naturally found this at Buc-ee's. So Buc-ee's had our cup. She's like, look, the cup. The cup is Buc-ee's for the win. I mean, Buc-ee's has everything. All right, so here's the first one. I'm not even showing you what it is. Close your eyes. All right, I'm closing my eyes. She's really closing her eyes, people. Did you go to the Buc-ee's in Springfield? I did. Oh, yeah, I went on a trip this weekend. Yeah. This is a really hard thing because don't look. I'm not looking. I broke the tap. Oh. All right, so this one. Can you hear her pouring it? Like perfect summer. She peaked. I did not see it. It looks like maybe a pirate. I don't know. So here's the thing. I got drinks that I think you would like and I would hate. Oh, my gosh. They're so sweet. So it means it's sweet. It's sweet and it's like a multi-beverage-y, like, wine cooler. Foo-foo. Are you saying I'm a foo-foo drinker? I'm just saying I don't like those. Is it good? I just stumbled across it. It's really sweet. Is it wine? What is that? Oh, it's awful. It's called. It is a pirate. Pirate water. Oh. It's terrible. It's like silly pirate water, people. It's very, very strong. It's called Miami Vice. Miami Vice. Okay. It's almost like a cream soda. Oh, it is. Okay. Then let me rethink that. Yeah. It's almost like a cream soda wine. Oh. Now it's still sweet. It's not terrible. It's sweet. It's very, very sweet. And I have really changed to not-so-sweet things. So super sweet, 10% alcohol. Is that good? Can't have too much of that. Well, a beer's fine. Oh. Yeah. You know, I almost told you just bring beer, and I don't even drink beer. I'm like, you know what? It's a summer night. Let's just have an ice-cold beer. All right. I'll bring beer next time. I think Dave's got some Coors in there. No, I'll bring good. I mean, Coors is good. I like Coors, but you're not good. I mean, you might like Coors, but you need, like, a beer that has, like, a flavor. Bud Light Lime? I think that's the only one. Bud Light Peach? No, I don't like peach. No, I don't like peach. I don't care for peach at all. You don't like peach? Not really, no. I've never known that about you. I know. I don't like peach. Like peach anything? I took you to the peach store, didn't I? No. We didn't go to the peach park in Georgia? Oh, we did go to the peach park, yes. I don't, I will never pick a peach over any other fruit. I'm like, let's go to the world's biggest peach store. But that was good. That was good. They had some peach gum. They had ice cream and all kinds of desserts and fried foods. Oh, it was good. Every time I go throughout, it's actually Alabama, not Georgia. And we stopped there, because by your suggestion, we stopped there on our way to Florida one time with the kids. But, yeah, if I had my selection of fruit, peach would be one of my last choices. What would be yours? Probably, out of any, if I had a fruit table. Yeah. Honeydew melon. Yeah. What would be your first pick? Peach. Oh, gosh. I would pick pineapple. Oh, pineapple. I probably eat two pineapples a week. What? I do. Maybe one and a half. They have them fresh. Fresh? Do you have one of those twirly pineapples? I did buy a pineapple core, but I don't like the texture that it leaves it. I prefer it freshly chopped. I eat it for my breakfast. I eat fruit every day for breakfast. Oh, well, yeah. Those pineapples are a lot of work. I know. I got it down to a science, and they're my favorite, and they're cheaper. They are? They're like $2. $2? That's weird, because are they even grown on the mainland, or are they only in Hawaii? Maybe that's why I like pineapples. They're grown in Hawaii. I mean, I don't know. Maybe there are some, but I know it's a major fruit from Hawaii. Yeah. I would think they'd be more expensive. Yeah. I mean, they're cheaper than strawberries. And I would just say, how do they get them here so fresh if they're from Hawaii? I know. I've wondered that. That's really weird, because when you get them at home, it's like two days. Bam. Yeah. Maybe it's because your house is cooler inside than it is outside. Yeah. Well, I guess the store's cooler. I was thinking like at Andy's. I buy them at Andy's a lot. Yeah. Oh, goodness. Okay. Well, this is growing on me. The drink's growing. It's okay. It's sweet. It's almost like a cream soda with a little wine taste at the end. Yeah. It's just a little sugar. It's just a little sugary for me. So it is pirate water, and I don't even know if it's local or anything. I just saw a pirate on it and thought I'd get it. I like it. Memphis, Tennessee. I almost need some pretzels or something with it. Ooh. I was going to charge the snacks. I didn't bring snacks. We were going to get some pineapple. Yeah, I got pineapple. No, I wasn't even thinking about snacks. That's okay. So, anything else new? How's your summer been going? It's been great. I've done nothing. I've got a pool. I've got a pool also. Yeah? Big, big. Oh, my gosh. Are you spending every day in your pool? Every day. Can you tell how dark I am? Mm-hmm. Yes, most days I'm in the pool, and I'm loving it. Like McDonald's. All right, what's next? Anything in your readings lately? Have you read anything good or watched anything good? I have. I'm starting a new study, a Bible study. I'm trying because now I have a puppy, which is like a baby, and yesterday I tried to watch an 11-minute opening to my Bible study that started this week. An 11-minute video took me 45 minutes because I kept having to pause and go find out what the dog was doing. So, it's called Prayer, Teach, Repeat. So, it's hosted by a teacher, and it's focusing on the Book of Colossians. Oh, nice. So, I am doing that and starting that very, very slowly. And it's a very intense study. It's three to five pages of work a day, every day, seven days a week. It's one of those. And that's one of the things, when we say we're studying the Bible, like that is the Bible studies we have picked is watching an hour-long video, reading two to three pages or more a day, and then having like a journaling of the Scriptures. A couple worksheets of go back and look this up in the Bible, compare it to this. It is a lot of work. Yeah, it's a lot. But the learning and the growth is like exponential. And it really tells you how to, I feel like a lot of these studies lend themselves to how to look for the Scriptures mirrored in other places in Scripture. And that's what a lot of the Bible is, especially from Old to New Testament. It's find it here, but then find where else it is later. And I love that. I love that search. Yeah. But it is a lot of work. It's, like I said, three to five pages a day. And I say three to five worksheet pages, but then you're doing, you're focusing on two to three Colossians verses, but then you are looking at where they are parallel through the rest of the Bible. So it is really good stuff. And we did a Colossians study, actually, a couple years ago when I took the kids with my youth group to Houston. That was the first, like, 23 verses of Chapter 1 were what we focused on for that week-long study. So there. So I've got a lot of prior knowledge to it. So it's really good. Cool, cool. I was just thinking about how different our summers are from a few years ago. I wasn't working every day. And then you weren't working. And then we would go do fun stuff with our kids, and we'd take them to the Potosi swimming pool. Yep. Or was it the Potosi swimming pool? St. John's. St. John's. St. John's. We'd go to the St.— We'd do Six Flags. We would do all kinds of fun stuff. I miss that. Usually once a week we'd go somewhere, do something, or just get the kids together to play. But, yeah, now you're working. The kids have cars. The kids are busy. Yeah, the kids have their own cars and going in different directions. So it definitely has changed. I have a lot of down time, a lot of down time. So I've been reading. Yeah, good. So I've been studying that Colossians, but then I'm also my guilty pleasure reading. What's your guilty pleasure reading? And I'll tell you mine. Well, I'm in a book club. You're in a book club? Yeah, I invited you to it. I'll fill you in later. Okay. I'm in a book club, but the book isn't really keeping my attention, so I ordered something else off Amazon and was reading that. And I don't really—what do you mean guilty pleasure? I just like to read. I'm a romantic. I like to read a good love story. Well, I mean, just guilty pleasure. I feel like my other book is my guilty pleasure. Oh, yeah. I like thriller. Yeah. So the book I just finished that I absolutely loved, and I love when I can get a book and I can't stop reading it, it was called A Love Letter to Whiskey. Oh. And Dave drinks whiskey. And this lady throughout the entire book compared the man in her life to whiskey. So that was kind of fun. How he was the first taste of whiskey, how the addiction, how she tried to be sober from him. That would be a guilty pleasure. Yeah. That kind of book. It was a good—yeah, it was a good book. It was a really good back-and-forth book. I've been reading Freda McFadden. Have you seen any of her? I have read her. Psychological thrillers. Yes. You have read her? I've read the—tell me what—I don't know. I don't remember off the top of my head. I've read The Client. I'm getting ready to read One by One, The Teacher, The Inmate. The Inmate. Yeah. That's, yeah, where she works at the jail? Uh-huh. Yep, I read that one. I'm getting ready—and then I read—what was the next one? And then I read The Housemaid. I don't know if I read that one. And I started to read her Housemaid, the second one, but then I had a different one. And then—oh, Never Lie. Mm-hmm. And I just bought One by One. I actually bought it because I had a little gift card from a student. And then I also found a new author, Joyce Felding, or Fielding. I don't know which one it is. But she is really good, little twisty-plotty thriller also. Yeah, I like those. So I just read The Housekeeper, and I just got a new one for her today. Okay. From the library, so. Good, good. I've been reading a lot, and that is something I've not done in years, as far as—it was either read for school, read for going to get my master's, or reading the Bible. Right. That was it. So now I'm kind of shifting a little bit and getting a little more—I wouldn't say pleasure reading because the Bible actually is fully the best reading that I can do or that I like to do, but it's my other—like I said, kind of guilty pleasure. Well, it's like relaxing. Like it's just kind of—you're not having to think. Yes. It's just a relaxing read, yes, because the Bible is very much focused learning, but good. But, yeah, I kind of—sometimes you have to take a break and just read for pleasure instead of learning. Yeah, so that's what that is. But, yeah, I've been enjoying that this summer as well. I've read probably five books since school's been out. Good, good. I know. I love—I'll go in spurts of reading and that, but I have to find some good books. And I have found some, and I try to pass them on to the kids, my girls. Anyways, and what else? You got anything else? Yeah, I have—so one thing I wanted to see, it actually was—I just saw it this morning on the Today Show. So it was called the Buy Nothing Project. So this was a movement, and I just looked it up a while ago. This was a movement that started in 2013, which I can't believe we haven't heard about it before then. And it was by Liesel Clark and Rebecca Rockefeller, which I don't know if that is a—Rockefeller is like, you know— New York Rockefeller. Yes. Well, I'm like, is it that person? Because those people generally have lots and lots of money, and this is a project that's based on no money. So basically what it is are these communities are getting together almost like a marketplace, like a Facebook marketplace. They put it through online, you know, channels, and they are able to basically give things away. That's all it is. There is no buying and selling in this marketplace. They actually call it a gift economy, and what it is is taking the idea of something that you no longer use at your house, and instead of putting it in a marketplace and selling it and getting a little bit of money back, just gifting it to somebody. Putting it out, you know, on this little site and saying, here, I have this. It might be, you know—I mean, there were some significant things people were gifting in this segment that they did this morning, but then there was also some really, really just small items. But the idea of it is, one, to help sustainability, just to keep sustaining people and sustaining things they need. Two, getting rid of our junk, getting rid of our, you know, things that we don't need. We've got so much stuff. Yes. I mean, you know, my son was just cleaning out his clothes because he's going away to college in a couple months, and he was cleaning out his clothes, and he has boxes and boxes. And he's like, Mom, I don't even wear half this stuff. I'm like, I know. We need to get rid of it and donate it and get, you know— And I do donate a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff, and just take it to the local peace pantry and things. But this is more— You're kind of advertising it. You're advertising it. You almost kind of meet, and it's also one of the things they were really talking about was building that community. So you may even be meeting up with these people in, you know, like a safe location and giving to them and, you know, just really laying eyes on somebody and seeing what your work could do. So I thought, you know, when I do sell something on Marketplace, I'm getting very little out of it than what I could have paid for. And it's actually sometimes more of a hassle because you're trying to get back and forth to people. And this would probably have some of those similar things, but it would be more rewarding, I think. Because what are you going to do with that? When you go to Marketplace and you get that money for, you know, about $10 for that little planter you have or whatever, what are you going to do with that $10 most likely? Blow it at fast food. Go get more junk. Yeah. Bring more stuff to your house. So you're not getting that money. And Marketplace is – anytime I put anything on Marketplace, it's just scams. Yes. I'm getting scam responses, and I'm getting frustrated. So I'm like, this isn't even worth it. Yeah. And so they're really talking about sustainability, giving, you know, just teaching, you know, whether it's yourself, your children, it's an opportunity to teach generosity and giving. And your kids, you know, if you have kids, that's a really good way to show them, wow, we're just giving this to somebody because they need it or because they want it. And I did look up there, like, some rules. So one of the things that I want to look at is we have no local that I could find. I looked on Facebook this morning to see if there was a local, and it's called Buy Nothing Facebook page. And I didn't see one, but I would like to maybe see about 31. Yeah. You know, it really looked like it makes a big difference in some people's lives. So here were some of the rules they said. It says the Buy Nothing Project is a gift economy movement. There is no buying, no selling. Keep it legal, so just legal. You have to follow local laws as well as community guidelines, maybe Facebook and stuff like that. It says show your humanity. No cruel harassment or hate speech. The Buy Nothing Project is equal equality. Build trust. It says trust is the foundation of this gift economy. Act with honest and empathy, using each interaction to build community. Stealing is prohibited. So I kind of looked at that as, I was like, how would they steal if it's free? But I guess you're posting it and somebody's posted it on their porch and somebody's going to pick it up. Maybe somebody else grabs it beforehand would be what I would think. Participate as yourself. This is when they said you really want to help build the idea of community, like not making a fake account, which some people would not like that just because they don't know their private lives. But they do say join as yourself. Keep it as your own person. Give from your own abundance. Participate at your own risk, making sure that you do this in pairs or go to local big places when you swap items. Respect local buying nothing culture. It says see this community's conversation. Oh, it tells you to go look at that. But I guess that would be following the rules on the Facebook page. And Buy Nothing Local Project Leadership. So they would want you to follow the rules of the leadership in that area. So I just thought it was really cool. This one lady had given a lawnmower away because they just bought a new one. They could have sold it, she said, for probably several hundred dollars, because they were just trying to really follow this movement and show their kids. And then one lady had a brand-new patio table. She also had a sustainable garden that she was just getting. And I do see a lot of people selling these plants for three and four bucks. That is something that you could totally, unless you are a landscaping business, you know what I'm saying, why would you charge people for plants that you are just overrun with anyway? So, again, sorry, judgment. I apologize. But I just thought it was really cool, so I just wanted to share that. I think you should start it up. Maybe invite just a few people that you could start small and be like, hey, if you are trying to clean out your basement and you want to just be helpful to others, see how it goes. And they talked about how this economy is hitting people so hard. This is another way to not go in debt. If you have some beautiful painting and you don't want it anymore, somebody else would be like, oh, that would look really great in my house. Yeah, speaking of that, I was just sharing how a local ministry is helping with free school supplies. The Peace by Peace thrift store teams up with Faith Community Church, or Faith Community, that's their ministry. But if parents are struggling with school supplies, you might want to check out Peace by Peace on Facebook. They go as far as you can go shopping for your kids' shoes and socks and underwear. And then they do school supplies in August. And you get the full school supply list. Like from your local school? Pretty much. So like the favorite Cedar Springs, they would get their Cedar Springs list. Yes, you have to register your child or your children, and space is limited. So if you hear this and you're interested, you might want to check it out right away. But, yeah, they basically ask how old is your child, what school do they go to, and then they have every school supply list for Grandview, Hillsboro, and Northwest. And you go and you just kind of do a drive-through pickup. You just say, hey, my child's name is such and such, and they'll go find their little bag. And that will include a backpack. I think the kids can pick a backpack, a lunchbox, and then they'll have a bag full of everything on their school supply list. So, yeah, that might be a resource for some families. And then the Lutheran churches in the area, which is one of the churches I belong to, on August 3rd they will do their Grace Day, which is very similar. You do have to register. When we say register, we're not saying register for church. We're saying register for that event. Yes. So we're not saying, not that we would always want you to come in to see us at church, but that is one thing that, you know, you just go in, you register online to these things, and then that Grace Day is in the Zion Lutheran Hillsboro. And it's, I don't have the exact thing in front of me, but it's usually like 8 to 12. You go in, same thing. It's not a drive-through, but they do like to have you reserve a spot just to kind of keep counts of things. And they actually serve people not only in the local school districts. They have people that come in from out of state for this one. Oh, wow. And they do the same thing, shoes, clothes, the school supplies. They do hygiene things. But that, and they do car checkups, or they have in the past. They will do a quick check over your car. Care card. They have had done care threats in the past. They did some eyes and ears checks sometimes if they have those things. I don't know what this year, what is all on the schedule list this year, but that's another good resource. Yes. So there's help out there. I mean, times are tough, but there are people out there helping. Yes. And we can find some other churches and other things. So there will be a lot of those coming up for those drives. Yes. So I finished my drink. You have something else? Oh, my gosh. Can I have it? Yes, I do. Pick me up. Pick me up. All right. This one. Uh-oh. Fight secret blood orange. Peach, I'm so sorry. That's okay. I'm going to love it. Can I have some more ice, please? No. My ice has melted. Thank you. You are welcome. I'm a terrible bartender. Ooh, how pretty. It's so orange. That one smells good. It smells good. Sorry. It's okay. It's fine. You can have some more pirate water. Yeah. The seagrams is less sweet, for sure. Good. Give me that. Yeah. You might want to dump out your red stuff. I got it. So we were talking about we're glad the cicadas are gone. Yes. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. 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We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We're glad the cicadas are gone. We need to ask you in the way my son would ask, my 11-year-old son, to smash that subscribe button below. Oh, yes. Smash it. Smash that subscribe button below if you want to subscribe to our channel and be informed when we do these podcasts. Like we mentioned earlier, if we can get some subscribers, we're going to do some research to see if we can live stream so we don't just have to be our voice. Maybe we could do both. Oh, if we do live stream, it would be our face too. Yeah. We could go back to the show where we're like on TV. That would be good. And you could see our lovely faces. We think we know what the magic number is? I've heard 50, but I don't even know if we need subscribers. I'm trying to figure this out while I'm working and cooking and taking care of him. I've got a good idea for next time. Okay. Next time we can do all these slang terms that kids say and what they mean. Oh, yeah. Yes. What did you just say? Slam the button. What did you say? Slam the subscribe button below. Let me tell you people, because a lot of you people are going to be, that are listeners, are probably going to be over 30, except for a few in the house. That means hit the button, click the button. Click the subscribe button. If we get a few subscribers, then I think we might have some more options. We may not. Maybe that's not true at all. We could be making this completely up. Yeah. I had to do enough research just to figure out how to find a recording site. Now we have to download our recording. Now we have to figure out how to put it on there. Then we have to upload it to YouTube. Oh, God. Tech Savvy Casey. Yeah. That's her new nickname. Yeah. TC. TC? Tech. Oh, that's TS, Tech Savvy. It's summer. I don't work in the summer. Then I think if you want to find us, it's at the at sign, Casey and Jerilee Show on YouTube. Yeah. Can we put this on our Facebook account? Yeah. We'll put it out there. We'll link it out there until people can find us. And on my Snapchat. I'm going to blow my family up with it. Yeah. All right. How do we want to close? We're going to close in prayer. We're going to close in prayer for you all. Yep. Okay. Let me do it. Yep. All right. Dear Lord, just thank you so much for just bringing us back together, Casey and I, and just hopefully just shedding some love and some light and just some happiness with people. Lord, we really just do enjoy this. We get together. We catch up. We have fun. And we just are thankful that we have a place that we can do this in. We have a country that we can just share this with people, the freedom of that, Lord. And just continue to just guide us in how we can just touch people's hearts and how we can share more of your love and how you are and what we have learned from you, Lord, through this avenue. Thank you for all that you've given us, all of our blessings, Lord. Be with our families, our country, our schools, Lord, and just reach out to everyone. In your name we pray all these things. Amen. Amen. All right. Bye for now.

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