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Communication is discussed as either a gift or a task. Some feel that it is a gift because it helps understand people better and strengthen relationships. In-person communication is seen as more casual and a gift, while online communication is viewed as more of a task. Others feel that communication can be both a gift and a task, depending on the situation. It is seen as a gift when it helps connect with others and build relationships, but can also be a task when it involves catching up on emails or balancing different types of communication. Overall, communication is seen as a gift because it allows for connection and building relationships, even though it can sometimes feel like a task. Okay, everyone, welcome to our podcast where we are going to discuss today if communication at the moment is more of a gift or a task to us. So I'll start by saying I think it's more of a gift because it helps understand people better and strengthen relationships. What do you think Josiah? Well I think it really depends on kind of how it's put contextually, especially an idea of what communication certain aspects like if you're communicating with a new roommate or something like that you have to figure out all the stuff to do in the dorm room it can be kind of a task and more of a chore to just kind of get done but when it comes to like especially you know you're walking down the hall and you bump into a friend or something like that I think it's quite a bit of a gift in that term. I would say that generally I see like online communication is a bit of a task like you're organizing stuff and things like that whereas like in person communication is normally more casual and much more of a gift. Yeah I would say like on a more personal level I feel like for me it's definitely a gift and like connecting back to what you said Josiah like with my roommates it's definitely been super helpful like being able to set those boundaries but still connect and make community with them. Yeah I would say I think it's a gift just because I feel like it's a gift to be able to like communicate with others and build relationships with them. I feel like you don't necessarily have to do it so I don't think it's a task I feel like it's more of a gift. Yeah so that's our opinions on communication at the moment. Thanks for listening. Hi guys welcome back to our podcast. The question for today is, is communication a gift or a task to you and why? First let's hear from Chloe. I would say right now communication is more of a gift. I feel like I also have really good communication skills with the people in my life and they do as well so that's helpful. Danny. I would say right now that I think communication is kind of a task just because the school starting up you got a lot of emails to catch up on and people back home are still reaching out at you and people here. It's a bit of a task right now. And Katie. Yeah I would say communication right now is more of a gift for me. I think if I look back at last year it used to be more of a task but just moving in it went super well and so I'd say it's definitely a gift. Good. And I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kennedy. I think for me right now it's probably more of a task just because I struggle with trying to communicate my feelings with the people around me and not feeling bad about my feelings and things like that so I think that's why it's more of a task right now. But I do see how it can be a gift as well too. Alright well that was our conversation. Thank you for listening. The question we were posed with was is communication a gift or a task? So Calvin what do you think? I think that communication for me I would say it's more of a gift. Me and my roommates for example we made a Google spreadsheet for our apartment and just like we were really communicating really well with each other of what we need to bring and so yeah I would say it was a gift. What do you think? I think it's also a gift because it's my senior year so I'm just living with my roommates right now and I'm just soaking up this last year and being able to like be around them and communicate with them and yeah just be with my friends. David? Yeah and for me honestly I think it's a gift for sure but more of like a need. In my perspective I'm communicating a lot on the lacrosse field which is like 50% of the 50% of the game it's like 50-50 physical and then 50-50 communication so it's a need. Yeah I agree with that. I just got married a month ago so communication is a need as well so it can be a gift and a task it seems like sometimes but it is a need and to communicate well is to make sure your marriage goes well as well so all works out in the end but I think communication overall is a gift as well. All right communication is it a task or a gift? Would you like to start Isabel? Oh okay. Thank you. I think it's a gift because I have family in Mexico and so being able to communicate with them like digitally like the only way I can is really great. All right let's go to Alexis next. I think it's a gift because you're able to build relationships and talk to people you might not see often. I think it's a gift because yeah you can communicate with other people and build relationships. How about you Jalen? I think it's a gift because I use FaceTime to FaceTime my grandma who lives far away. She's a doll so yeah. Hello everyone. This is our podcast. So Milena speaking and Ben to my left and Jacob to my right. So what does communication feel like to you right now Ben? Does it feel like a task? Does it feel like a gift at the moment? For me I'd say it's more of a task just because I feel like it's a gift when it's something that comes very naturally and it's something you've expertise in and so like while learning how to communicate better whether it's in person or on social media it's more of a gift to me. It's natural like you can do it without thinking about it. You're not nervous or anything. You know exactly what you're doing. For me that's where I'm at. Yeah that's great. All right what about you Jacob? For me it was at the start it was more of a gift because it kind of comes very easy to me but now I'd say it's more of a task. It's kind of never-ending and it just kind of drains me sometimes like having to balance so many different types of communication and relationships. It's gotten to be a lot and never-ending. I can relate to that for sure but I would say it's more of a gift for me. I've always kind of really loved talking to people. I would say yeah like what you said Ben is just it's easy to talk to people and it's like one of my gifts that I was blessed with but I think also there are times that can feel like really hard and within like roommates or boyfriends or girlfriends and within that for me I've actually just been learning how to communicate well with people and communicate what I need and what they need so I've kind of been in the gift area because it's been strengthened more recently. I agree. I think more of like the task part is just trying to balance other people's feelings with the communication as well as your own and like what's best for you and what's best for them and kind of making it both work. Right and it can take a lot of mental energy which is exhausting a lot of time but I think it's worth it. Welcome to our podcast. I'm your host Hannah. Today we're discussing communication and the idea of gift or task. First up we have Chandler. What are your thoughts? As someone who's currently across the country from like a good chunk of her family and her friends it's feeling a bit more like a task right now like I feel like it's a lot of work to keep up with people but once you do it you get the joy of communicating with them and so it's like balanced off with a gift but right now it's feeling like more of a task. It does feel like a job sometimes. Tater, what do you think, gift or task? I would say that a lot of the time communication can feel like a task because you don't want to communicate with everyone or there are people that you just don't like all that much so a lot of the time it can be a task but I also feel like a gift with communication is always with those people that you just like connect with on a deeper level so the communication between you two can always be really awesome to just experience with them. And we have Caleb. What are your thoughts on communication? Yeah kind of like Chandler I'm also a cross-country and so I would say it's a gift more than it's a task for me personally just because it's a joy to kind of communicate with my family and my friends and people that I'm way farther away from than I'm used to so being able to keep up with times and how's the weather out there and how's church going and how's high school going for some of my high school friends that are still there so it's really a joy for me and a gift I see it. Yeah I relate in the same way my family is overseas so time zones can be a task but I would rather deal with time zones than not being able to communicate with them at all so yeah that's all we have for you communication gift or task.

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