Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Okay. Okay. I'm ready whenever. I just hope I don't have boogers in my nose. I think we're good. You can't see anyway. No, we're good. Oh my god. It's fine. Okay. What did we say we were cheersing to again? I can't remember. Alright. Perfect. Love it. Yep. And I'm Kristen! Okay. Okay. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so let's just say from now on you may or may not get an episode on a Monday. We'll figure it out. She did. Last time she texted me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's like, oh, I was looking forward to it. I was like, well, you know. Sorry. Exactly. Yeah. So, kind of same old, same old living, you know, the scorching hot hundreds life right now. It is. It's gross. Yeah, it's so gross. And I used to... Ew! I used to always be down for like the hot weather and stuff, like I'm good with it, but... Ew. No. I feel like I'm too old now to care about hot weather. But then when the cold comes, I'm going to feel the exact same. I'm going to just say, ew, this is fucking gross. So... Yeah, exactly. So, we've been good. We have this one... I wish I would say incident, but it was so weird what happened. So, it was last week. Brexen and Austin were at our neighbor's house, and it was getting later, so obviously the mosquitoes started to come out. This year, they've been so bad in Colorado. I feel like this is the worst year since we've moved here that mosquitoes have been. And if he's anything like me, he's allergic to them, mine get like really purple. It's disgusting. Yeah. Yeah. Big well. So, he had mosquitoes all up and down his legs. Okay, yeah, whatever. They're mosquito bites. So, he was fine that night when he came home, fell asleep. The next morning, he walks out into the living room, and Austin goes, what is wrong with his ear? His ear, I have to post this picture. He looked like a dumbo. One ear was sticking out so far. So far. Yes. And I looked, and I was like, oh my God, this thing is massive. And it was just one ear. So, you know how like wrestlers, what is that called? Yes. It looks like that, but on top of like dumbo, because it was just like sticking out this poor kid. Thank God the next day, he was going to his doctor for his three-year checkup. So, and he was fine. He was fine. He was like, he wasn't complaining about anything. He did say like, oh, it kind of itches. So, we're like, all right, it probably is a bug bite. But then like when you would like graze and like touch it, you couldn't feel anything. It was fine. So, I was like, oh my God, what the hell? One of these mosquitoes has a disease in it or something. It made my kid's ear blow. Oh my God. Well, and then Austin, every time you would look at him, you would just laugh. I was like, stop laughing at him. Like what if he like is self-conscious about this big old ear? So, we gave him Benadryl that night, and it seemed to like bring it down a little bit. And then, yeah, when we went to the doctor, she's like, it's most likely a bug bite. And it went away. Not as bad. Not as bad. I told the doctor, I was like, you're lucky because it's not as bad as it was. I think I, did I? I don't remember if I did or not. Oh my God. I don't know, but it was just, wow. We have a couple. We have a couple. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So, other than that, you know, it's smooth sailing pretty much. My parents are in town, so that's nice. It's fun. They've been, yeah, they've been Braxton's, you know, play partner. So, it's like, he only wants to hang out with them right now. So, uh. Oh, didn't even think of that. So, yeah, what's going on with you? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, you did. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Naturally. Yeah. Exactly. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Good. Yeah. Yeah. Well, good. Welcome. Let's do it. Cheers. Cheers. Apparently so. Cheers. Yeah, I've always, actually, I haven't always heard this, but now that we had a two-year-old and we were talking about terrible twos, people are like, oh, just wait until they're three. I said, what? It still goes on when they're three? When do they grow up? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right, right, right. The moments, for sure. Yeah. Oh, my God. So, yes. Yes. It started out, our kids turned three on Monday, the 21st. I was, we were sending pictures back and forth, and I was literally crying. Like, why? They look like they're six years old. I don't understand. I know. I hated it. I was just, what? And then the way they, like, why are they, like, talking like humans, like adults? I know. Yeah. Like, see ya. I don't need you guys anymore. Seriously. Yeah, yeah. Boob lift, here I come. Absolutely. I agree. I definitely think boob lifts, for sure, after you have kids. Okay. Deal. So, yeah, what, did you have something planned for Liz's birthday, or was it kind of just, let's do this. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Right, at your house, yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, yeah, it's nice to be outside, too. Yeah. Yeah. That is the, flies, why are they even here? Like, they, no. Frogs, find something else to eat, because flies are literally so miserable. I can't stand flies. Oh, no. Okay. Okay. Maybe Tony needs to come over to your area for a little bit. Flicking gears, this podcast is now going to be talking about flies. Just kidding. No, I don't think so. No, I don't think so. No, I don't think so. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Oh, hell no. No. No. Ew. Yeah. No. Yeah. Just, ew. I hate creatures. I'm not a fan of any type of, like, reptile or bugs. I absolutely not. Just, no. And it's so bad, because I'm trying to teach Braxton, like, no, I don't want him to come out like a serial killer, where he thinks, like, killing little, you know, animals or flies or whatever, okay. But I'm like, I get my fly slaughter out when I'm in the house, and I'm like, get out of here. Yeah, Braxton has done that too, and finally I'm like, no, don't. Like, I don't like grasshoppers, I don't like frogs, I don't like any of this stuff. So, yeah, like, if they're gone, I don't care, it doesn't bother me. But you, don't do that yet, please. Like, just chill. Yeah. That's fair, yes, exactly. Braxton finally, like, he went through a little stage with, you know, like, the roly polies. The cute little roly polies. I mean, they're gross. Well, he used to step on them, and finally I was like, don't do that anymore. So today he saw one, he's like, oh, it's so cute. I was like, yeah. No, he didn't step on it, they got him. But anyway. Big Tone. Big Tone. Get a picture of Big Tone. Okay. We're posting it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, nice, yeah. Right. Yeah, that's super nice. Yeah. Right, right. So, we were looking into a lot of different things. One was, it's called, like, lava something. I think it's one of those, kind of like, jump things. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But we weren't exactly how, like, we weren't, we didn't know exactly how many people were actually going to come, because we didn't do invitations. It was more just like a word of mouth, like, hey, we're doing this this day. You know, if you want to join, go for it. So, and on the weekend, it was crazy priced. So I was like, I'm not doing that. So we ended up doing, it was a little bit cooler in the morning, it was a little park sesh with whoever wanted to come for, like, the kids. It's this really cute park over by us. It has a couple different, like, jungle gyms, and then it has a little splash pad. It has a big pond. So we did that, and then we had people just back at our house, but we set up in the front yard, like, a pop-up tent. And then Bryson got last year for his birthday a really big, like, water slide. So we set that up, and it was a hit. They were, go for it. So, yeah, yeah. Yeah, they were, they had a lot of fun, and then we came in, you know, and did, like, the gifts and stuff. But other than that, we were outside for most of the day, and, you know, yeah. Yeah. It wasn't 106, so. We did Sunday. Yeah, I think the same, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. We did. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God, that sounds so good, though. How old was this kid turning? Oh, okay, nice. Hell, yeah. Yeah. Don't even go there. Yeah. Oh, my God, this is so funny. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Right. Okay. Yeah, especially because, I mean, kids, they normally have a bedtime, so the parents aren't going to want them to eat at 7 o'clock at night and, you know, whatever. Yeah, I mean, why not? So we don't have a lot of people out here that we know or that we hang out with or that we're friends with or whatever. So previously it's really just been my parents, Austin's parents, his grandma, and our neighbors. We have fantastic neighbors on both sides of us, and they're great people, and they love Braxton. So the one side has three kids. They're older than Braxton, but they play with him like he's their age half the time. So I wanted to do something a little different this year, just because, you know, he was turning three, and really we kind of just have always hung out at our house, nothing really big. So I didn't invite a lot more people. It kind of was the same, but I felt like I wanted to do a little more, so I also invited an old friend that he had at his old daycare that they love to play. Yeah, they go to the park and they play and stuff like that. So that was a blast. And I wanted to, ever since he's obviously been one, we've made his cake. Some, they have not turned out very well at all. This year he wanted, of course, did I tell you about the Amazon list? Him, you know, picking everything out and putting it on my Amazon list? Okay. So I was like, all right, Bud, let's look at what type of cake do you want? You want cake, cupcakes, what do you want? Well, he wanted a cake. So we were getting ideas, and I said, okay, well, what kind of cake do you want? He's like, I want a Spidey and friends cake. And I was like, okay, cool. So I'm going, right, right. So I'm going through pictures, and he found this really cool one, and I'll post it. I did, I did. I literally, I went to, like, a baking store, like a legit baking store, and got, yeah, I got the cake, I got the frosting, I got the fondant, I got food coloring, I got it all. I got one of those turny little tables. I swear to God. So this year, I was like, all right, I'm going all out on this cake. I wanted to be good. Well, then I'm like, okay, I started, I'm posting pictures of it because I'm pretty proud of myself. I was just going to do one cake because we weren't going to have a lot of people, right? So I was like, all right, I'll just do one. And then Austin's like, oh, I invited this person, blah, blah, blah. So I'm like, all right, I'll put two on there. And I was going to do a third one, but thank God I didn't because the second one was massive. It was so big. So I just wanted to do something fun and, you know, cute, and I knew he was super excited about it. I started it before he went to bed, so he got to see, like, very little of it. It wasn't even really frosted yet when he got to see it. So then I said, no, you know, it'll be ready for your birthday. It'll be fine. So the next day I was like, oh, I can't wait for you to see your cake. You're going to be so excited. And he was. He was so pumped for it. So he did. He did. He loved it. He eats the frosting. No, this kid is literally, like, a sweet fiend. I don't know where the hell he got it. But, like, even with cupcakes, he won't eat the whole cupcake. He just eats the frosting. He's like, okay, I need another cupcake. No, no, we barely eat any type of sweet. Although when I was, yeah, swap them. Were you, did you crave that stuff when you were pregnant with her or no? Maybe that's why, because I crave donuts. I wanted a donut every single day. Yeah. Okay. Does she like spice? Does she like spice? Okay. Yeah. That's so funny. Yeah. Oh, yeah. To get my house clean, yeah. We got shit everywhere. It is, and it's not just Braxton stuff. Literally, I don't even know where half this stuff comes from. And it's like, oh, just throw it in the dining room. We don't use the dining room. So just throw it in there and whatever. So then, you know, you got a bunch of crap everywhere. So, yeah, I was like, okay, we got to figure this shit out. Well, then, it's not. But, oh, I'll send you a picture now because it is nice and clean. Well, and then, so, my parents, they drove, and I thought they were going to get in on Friday. So I was like, okay, I can do this a little bit at a time, and I don't have to rush to get their room ready, blah, blah, blah. No, they got in way earlier than any of us expected. They got in at like 730 at night on Thursday. So I was like, your room's not even ready yet. Sorry, I didn't even clean it. So, and, I mean, our living room is, our living room's not, it's only messy because his toys, like, area that we have. So I wasn't too worried about that. I wasn't too worried about it. We just shut all the rest of the doors, kept Braxton's door open, living room. I mean, not a lot of people were in there. Mmm. Yes. Yes. Her messy closet. Exactly. So, I was, I think that was, like, the biggest thing I was stressed out about was making sure I didn't look like a damn hood rat or something. Um. Yeah, but whatever, a hood rat, you know. Same thing, I guess. And then, yeah, just, I, like, I love little decorations and stuff, but I'm not very creative with decorating. So that was one thing. I was like, okay, well, do I, like, do I decorate stuff? I put, like, a couple balloons in there. I put, like, a couple balloons in there. I put, like, a couple balloons in there. I put, like, a couple balloons in there. I was like, okay, well, do I, like, do I decorate stuff? I put, like, a couple balloons outside. But, of course, they ended up popping because it was so damn hot out. So, like, whatever. Ugh. Probably. Felt like it. What, yeah, what about you? What was your time like? Right, right. Yeah. It's something like they kind of, but, like, right now they understand, you know, they understand now. And when you're like, oh, it's your birthday coming up, it's a big thing. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right. I'll do it. Yeah. Yeah. Right, right. Yeah. Pick one. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Oh, God, what? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. You know. Fine. Yeah. Yep. Yep. The kazoo! Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. Neighbors coming in clutch. Yeah. Decorate the whole thing for me right now. Yeah. What? So, did she, like, understood what, you know, was happening? Was she super excited about it? Was she kind of just like, eh, cool, or? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Okay. But, I mean, that's not how it, I mean, it shouldn't hang out with that. Yeah, it shouldn't hang out with them. I mean, it shouldn't hang out with them. Like, that's like a participation trophy. Like, come on! You gotta win or you gotta lose people. Yeah. Just hand-write them. You're invited. You're invited. Uh-huh. Okay. Showed up, yeah. Did you know, did you know some of the parents that, like, from, or the kids from her daycare, like, their parents, like, and they just showed up, or? Yeah. Right, right. Absolutely. Absolutely. Uh-huh. Right, right. Okay. Which is good, yeah. Oh, perfect! Okay. Yeah, oh, good. Okay, okay. Uh-huh. Hell yeah! Yep. Yeah. So, how many people actually showed up? Did 60 kids? Okay. At least their parents were there, too, so you weren't, like, running around, you know, I mean. Yeah. Yeah, life happens, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that makes you be like, this is why I'm not having another one. Oh, my God, that's funny. He did, he was. Yeah, so he's not, like, a really big water person, which is really weird. He does not, he'll get in water, but he doesn't like to go under. He likes, you know, just, yeah, and if something gets in his face, yeah, he's like, oh, oh. Which, I guess, could have been, like, a parent fail on our end, because we didn't really take him to a lot of stuff. Like, if I could go back, I would have totally done, like, swim lessons for him at, I think they can do it, like, six or nine months or whatever it is. So, last year when he got the big slide, he stayed in, like, the little pool area and stood up and stuff like that. This year, I don't know, I don't know if he's seen all the other kids doing it or whatever, but the second half of, like, the day of his party, he was nonstop on that slide. He had so much fun. So, again, he had so much fun with the other kids, and it's just so fun to get little kids together and have them all play, and, like, these could be your best friends, you know? Like, we have best friends, and that's what happens is you grow up with them, you know? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, I was talking to Austin the other day, and I was like, I was literally at Tara's house, I think, every single day. Like, no joke. Yeah. Yep, yep. Yeah, so fun. Well, and we kind of were trying to figure out, okay, you know, some kids nap now, some kids don't. Braxton, he doesn't have to nap, but some days he'll get mean if he doesn't nap. So we kind of were like, all right, we're doing park in the morning, but then we told people to come over, you know, right after. So we just were, like, in our mind, okay, he's not getting a nap at all today. So if people stay late, he's probably going to be an ass, but whatever. He was so good. He had so much fun. He, yeah, it just, it was so cute, and, yeah, he, it was so cute. It was so fun. Of course I'm going to cry again. But, yeah, no, it was good. It was good, and he's in this, like, phase, which I know every little kid goes through it, where, ooh, present, present, present, ooh, I get a gift, ooh, you know, like, I want more, I want more. So he was so excited. His one friend brought his present to the park because they weren't sure, you know, are we going to open gifts here, whatever. Braxton actually did really good, but at the end of it, when we were all leaving, Braxton's, like, following his little friend around who has the present. Yeah, are you going to give that to me or not? But I was actually really surprised he didn't ask to, like, open gifts or anything at all. So we did, yeah, which I wasn't, I wasn't sure if we should, you know, because it's like, okay. I know, again, kids have naps, kids have bedtimes, kids are starting school, like, what. So I was like, do we leave the gifts just for later and then, like, send thank yous or whatever. So, I mean, after cake, I was like, you know what, let's just do it. Let's just do the gifts and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, it went so good, and yeah, he was super excited. He did so good. He stayed up a lot longer than I thought he was. I thought 6 o'clock was going to hit and he was going to be out. I think it was, like, 8 o'clock. No, no, but he didn't nap or anything, and he was so busy, and so, no, I think he was out by, like, 8 or 8.30 or something. But it was fun. It was such a fun day, and it was great. Mm-hmm. No, so we kept a, like, a garbage can out in our front yard. Yeah, we're looking like street trash. You know, we got this big old water slide in the front yard. Yeah. So, we kept, you know, trash cans. I think the biggest thing was, obviously, like, toys were everywhere, but, no, it really wasn't, you know, that. And, of course, we had, you know, our parents, most of our parents there, which help out a great deal with that stuff. It really wasn't bad. Yeah, no, I would say no. Oh, my God! Did you, so you had, you had the whole place rented out to yourself. Okay, okay, to yourself. Okay. Okay, okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Little balance beams and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're right, yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get out! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Did she do gifts there, too? No, okay. Just because, yeah, you had such short time and stuff, yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yep. Everything right now, yes. Mm-hmm. Okay. You had those presents. I will forever have that place. No. Well, it's not, but some days. You're going to be like, Olivia, you're never allowed to go visit their house. Right, no, yes. True, that's true. Proud of you. Oh, yeah, right, yeah, they just lay there. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. It's so fun. I know. Ew, which makes us even older, and it's disgusting. Ew. I had on earlier today those little eye, like under the eye patch. It's terrible. Oh, my God. It is. It is. Oh, it's so disappointing. I literally cry every time I think about it. Half the time, I don't even know how old I am. I still think I'm 30. I, like, missed, like, a couple years. And I was like, where the hell did those go? How old am I, you know? And now I have a three-year-old, so I'm going to say the same thing. How old are you? What? How tall are you? He's average. He's not, like, tall, tall. I was going to say, I'm not tall whatsoever, and Austin's, like, average. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's, yeah, and they're at that weird, awkward stage. I think Braxton is going to, like, my entire family, well, both of, like, on my dad's side and my mom's side, everybody's tall. I'm the shortest one out of both sides. Yeah. So, yeah. Well, they're, I'm still the shortest one. They're all, I mean, you guys are, everybody's decent. Oh, yeah, no. Yeah, no. But, Braxton. Lucky was average. Grandpa was the tiny one. Well, whatever. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Everybody's tall compared to me. Like, get out of here. So, I think he's going to be tall, but they are. They're at that awkward stage where it's like, okay, your waist can fit the smaller, but your legs cannot. High water. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that awkward stage. Yeah, 100%. And I feel like from this, from going forward now, it's always going to be an awkward stage, because I'm always at an awkward stage now, too. It's like, all right, your butt doesn't fit anything, you're two feet tall, like, where's your clothes? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. It's so terrible. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-mm. No. Okay, okay. I haven't shopped there since I was like 15, so... Yeah. Yeah. Holla. Well, good. So... So, they both had good parties. It seemed like, I mean, I guess everything kind of went pretty smoothly, you know? For the most part. It wasn't too crazy. It was a little stressful at first. I even got a piñata, and I forgot to put it out, so now I got a friggin' boatload of fucking candy in my damn house! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yep. Yep, yep. Well, I'm just going to mic drop it right there. That's a great ending. So, I actually had one this morning. I, um... So, I'm still working as my parents are out here. Austin had today off, so him and my dad, um, were going to go golfing. Um, Braxton's in, like, this phase of he wants to go everywhere with somebody when they're leaving. So, like, even if it's just to go take the trash out, he wants to go. Even if it's to go take Penny out, he wants to go. Okay, Muggy and Pop Pop the other day said they're going to the store to get some groceries. Oh, he had to go with them. So, this morning, Austin said, all right, bud, you know, give me a hug and a kiss. I'm going to go. Me and Pop Pop are going to go golf. Um, you're leaving without me? What? So, of course, you know, he starts breaking down, crying and screaming. I want to go. I want to go. You guys got him that little pup pup thing. I'm like, you got to golf right here. Come on. Like, what are you talking about? You don't think I'll leave your house? So, yeah, and I'm trying to, like, get stuff settled for work. I got new stuff going on at work that I got to deal with. And he just is, I want to go. I want to go. I want to go. Finally, me and my mom both had to say to him, little kids aren't allowed. Mommies aren't allowed. We have, this is just for, yes, Pop Pop and Dad to go. So, you can go another time. Your dad can take you another time. And then I asked him later, I said, Dad, why were you so upset? Like, what was the matter? Dad left without me. Oh, my God. So, well, sometimes, you know, people have to go places by themselves, and you're not allowed to go. And, you know, maybe later on you can go and you guys can do something. But, holy shit, like, then you have to, like, sneak out. Like, go, just go. Don't even say bye to him. Just go. Get out of here. And with Austin, yeah, with Austin it's hard because he's a very pokey person. He takes forever to do a lot of things. And getting out the door is one of them. Don't even talk. Just go. He probably forgot it. That's probably why he had to come back in the house. What do you got this week? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. You're three years old. No, I'm kidding. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. No, yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no! Oh, my God! Oh, no! You're the devil! Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not getting her way. Yes. I played this before, sister. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah, it always gets them. It always gets them. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh, good. Yeah. Again! Every time. Oh, my God. Braxton was up at three, but he fell back asleep. Thank God. So, I didn't sleep very good last night, so it didn't count. Yeah, but he comes and creeps in my room. It's like, yo! Yeah, I know. Well, he's, I'm scared. Why are you scared? That's the dark. I'm like, you've got, like, two nightlights in here. It's not dark. He said, your room is so comfortable. It's so cute. Why are you scared? Well, I just miss you. I'm like, why do you do this to me? Yeah, let's get it. Well, thanks, everyone, so much for listening. This was fun. It was cute. It was, you know, whatever. Yeah, pretty much. Update on our kids are three, and I'm still crying because of it. Yeah, we're still doing it. Uh-huh. I don't know. I don't know. Yes. Thanks again, and we will see you when we see you. Bye.