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PodC27 PART TWO 2-26-2023 Pastor Daniel - Get in the room-Sunday

PodC27 PART TWO 2-26-2023 Pastor Daniel - Get in the room-Sunday

Burning Lamp



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The speaker discusses the importance of knowing the Lord and being on fire for Him. They mention that many people have become apathetic in their faith and struggle with their relationship with God due to offense and hardened hearts. The speaker encourages listeners to ask the Lord to heal their hearts and position themselves to receive His presence. They also talk about the generational faith and prayers that have been passed down and the need to have a personal faith and relationship with Christ. The speaker references a story about Paul and Timothy and encourages listeners to set their gifts and calling on fire for God. They mention a recent revival in Asbury and the impact of social media in spreading the message of God's fire. The speaker encourages taking worship and ministry outside of the church walls and igniting churches and individuals to spread the love of Jesus. Now, let's continue with the second part of our podcast. Know the Lord. Because the Lord will have his revenge. Because the Lord will have his revenge. The Lord will have a generation on fire for him. In love with him. Love sick for the bridegroom. Love sick for the bridegroom. That's why all the slumber. That's why people have been like apathetic. Struggling in their walk with the Lord. Can I give you a strategy that Satan has been using? It's the offense in your heart. Because if your heart is offended, it's that hurt in your heart. It's that hardening of your heart. Because if it can harden your heart, then you will not want things of the Lord. And the hardening of the heart is against the church. It's against your leader. It's against your family. Wake up. Tell the Lord to heal your heart. Let the Reviver come and awaken you and heal your heart. We have to position ourselves to be awakened, to be ignited, to receive what the Lord has. What the Lord has done in Albury, in Asbury. Glory to God for that. And we cheer it on. But it should challenge us. Lord, there's a spark from heaven. Send that spark here and now. Send that spark to my family. Send that spark to our churches. Many of you have been in church for a long time. You've been here for a long time. Jesus is coming. That message should never change because it's an absolute truth. He's coming. Now what needs to change and what we need to make sure is that the posture of our heart is ready for His coming. My question is, do you have enough oil in your lampstand for His coming? Do you have enough oil in your heart? How is your relationship with Christ? If He were to come now, do you have oil? Are you ready as a bride? But the Lord is bringing His presence to prepare the church to become the bride. He's fully in love with you. There's a story that draws my attention and it's when Paul speaks to Timothy. Paul is coming to the end of his day but he wants to pass the baton to Timothy. He wants to awaken Timothy and he wants to encourage Timothy. 2 Timothy chapter 1. Let's go there real quick and I'm wrapping up. The Lord is going to do something today. There are hearts that are going to be ignited once again for the healing of hearts. The Lord is going to do something. 2 Timothy chapter 1 verse 3. I thank God whom I serve as did my ancestors with a clear conscience constantly in my prayer night and day. He's speaking to Timothy. As I remember your tears I long to see you that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith. The faith that dwelt first in your grandmother, Lois and in your mother, Eunice and now I'm sure dwells in you as well. Who is he talking about? His grandma, his mother, and him. The generational faith coming together now in his life. There are prayers that have kept you that your grandma made. There's a fire that burns in you because of prayers of your grandma prayers of your mother other than your prayers. And he's talking to Timothy. I'm reminded of you but I'm also reminded of your grandmother the faith that she had and I'm reminded of the faith that your mother had and I'm pretty sure you have that same faith today. And then Paul brings forth the fire verse 5 verse 6 for this reason for what reason? Because of the faith of your grandma because of the faith of your mother because of the faith that you have for this reason I remind you to burn into flames the gift of God. No, you didn't understand. The Lord is saying the prayers of your grandmother the prayers of your past the prayers of your mother and your prayers they need now that to ignite within you because there's a specific time for this reason I remind you to burn into flames the gift of God which is in you through the laying of my hands. Stay with me. Lord on this day you will revive the fire within me. Write this down please. You can't live off your parents and your grandpa's faith but you need to grab a hold of their faith. You gotta know what they did. You gotta know the spiritual inheritance that's now going to amplify you. This is in you and now you gotta step into faith. This is what the Lord showed me this week. What happened in Asbury was a divine spark that hit the earth but the Lord now is going to breathe into that spark because that spark will become a fire and that fire is going to go across the earth Psalms 104 verse 4 Tell the person next to you you're living in an exciting moment so tell them do not throw the towel tell them you're not discarded from what the Lord is going to do come on come wake up there's much work to be done tell them the fire is coming from heaven and it's going to ignite all of us and we will see our city and we will see our nation come to the feet of Christ Psalms 104 verse 4 He makes his messengers or angels win He makes his messengers or angels win and his ministers a flaming fire Ha! Ha! This is what he wants to do set you ablaze How many are ministers of the Lord? How many are priests and kings? If you're a priest and you're a king according to the book of Revelation he made all of us priests and kings that means that you are a minister of God and he says he sets on fire his ministers so when we go back to 2 Timothy and we read that verse in verse 6 where he says set on fire that expression is a word composed of three words in Greek is the word anazopyril anazopyril and that word is composed of three words one of them I've already shared with you because it's the same as when he says that the restoration of all things when he brings times of refreshing there's a prefix is the word anna that word anna means to repetitively constantly with greater intensity it also means to bring something that is low high like bringing something that is ashes that's nothing bring it up to become now what the Lord has said that's what that word means to repeat constantly with greater intensity to bring something up from ashes the second word within that the second root word is the word zo that word means to live to breathe it means to breathe into life the third word is the word preo that comes from the Latin word pride no pride p-y, pie and that word means to purify to set into blaze it also means lightning candy said let the electricity of God hit us she had no idea what I was going to speak about that word means lightning it means to set something into blaze it means fire it means to purify so when Paul is telling Timothy bend into flame what he's saying is anasopeo which means another way of saying it allow the Lord to breathe into you with great intensity allow him to breathe in you with great intensity igniting everything that I've deposited in your life purifying you purifying your gift purifying your calling purifying your talents purifying the anointing allow me to set you allow me to set you a blaze to burn for me bend into flame let me breathe but with greater intensity like when you want to set a fire to do a barbecue or you want to set a fire to create a bonfire you need three elements one you need fuel to create fire two you need a spark or you need some agent that will produce heat and number three you need air you need wind the Lord set you up today he's telling you your hunger is your fuel your hunger is your fuel do you have fuel for the fire I want to give you he's telling you I will bring the spark I will bring the lightning I will bring the fire and number three I will blow into you so that it can be ignited within you the Lord is telling his people position yourself so that I can blow back into you this is what the Lord showed me there are people that are dry like when you go to the woods like when you go to the woods and that branch came off of the tree it becomes dry but this is the thing about dry wood that once the spark hits it they are the ones that can light up fast I don't know where you are today I don't know where you are today but I know the Lord he's telling you you could have came dry but you came to where the fire is so that the Lord would once again set you on fire that you would burn for him that you would find him and this is found in his presence the Lord showed me that spark from heaven called Asbury you know why it's different this time? because God is using social media back in the day when there were revivals some news outlet had to pick it up and give the news some article some newspaper had to write an article and then people from outside would go but inside there were already people gathering so the Lord has set everything up today, one broadcast one broadcast can catch fire and that's what's happening now all of a sudden you see in Brazil people in the train stations are you not hearing? people in the train stations they are there with guitars they are there with a cajon and they are playing and they are worshipping and people are gathering what's going on? it's going out to the streets people in parks what if we were to take the church to the parks? what if we were to take some instruments? what if we were to gather and worship the Lord? in the city I know the religions say no, that stays in church but the Lord has made up this house anew we are not going to stay we are not going to be restricted to the four walls people will come before the feet of Christ because there will be a people that will have their eyes fixed on Him can you imagine that? your house instead of doing it inside why don't you do it outside? your discipleship instead of doing it inside the same old crap because not everyone comes, right? go ahead and seek for new disciples go worship outside go cook go minister to the Lord and take Jesus outside people want to see Jesus I'm giving you tools the Lord wants to show up and He doesn't want to do it just with one church He wants to ignite our churches He wants to ignite the Methodist church the Baptist church He wants to ignite the Presbyterian church He wants to ignite you He wants to ignite you my question is will you position yourself today that He can fan the flame it's ridiculous to think that we can do it yes, I have to revive the fire of the Son of God it ain't going to happen He's the only one who can do it you know what your participation is? you being present Lord do it come here blow I bring the fuel you bring the fire you bring the air you bring the breath you blow into me I will not leave this place until I am ignited by you I remind you the prayers of my grandma I remind you the prayers of my grandfather I remind you the prayers of my mother and I remind you that I am here if you can use me ignite me once again make that once again inside of me this is not for everyone this is for those that are hungry this is for those that are thirsty you may have come today for a miracle but the Lord is telling me in that fire you will be healed in that fire you will be delivered in that fire you will find your provision the Lord makes himself real to you so put your notes aside stand to your feet and I make a calling and this is not going to be for those that are light of heart this is going to be of those that are hungry those that are thirsty I don't care about your position as a leader we ought to be hungry and thirsty for the Lord

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