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cover of AK47-At-The-Gate_Side-A





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The transcription is a mix of different conversations and radio segments. It includes discussions about a radio show, the AK-47 gun, the Brady Bill, and the Second Amendment rights. The main character expresses frustration with society and decides to buy a gun. He goes to Walmart to purchase an AK-47 rifle. I realize I love you cause I do what you say, yeah, yeah, I spent the evening with the radio, Regret the moment that I let you go, I was unsure you meant so much, I know now that I love you cause I do what you say, yeah, yeah, and it feels so good. Oh no, who are we eating? We don't have 45 minutes. Hi and welcome to WEED radio. This is Brian. And Jason. Mike Messenger. And this is our November 2nd, 1994 edition of WEED radio. Welcome back. It's been a long time. Stay tuned. We have a wonderful show planned for you tonight. Isn't that right, Jason? That is correct. Tonight we have a plan for you. The story of the AK-47's death at the gate. A thrilling epic. Depicting Toronto, Washington, Samuel Hawkins and some others in a true to life tale on Toronto radio of the man who tried to assassinate the president. And we'll be right back after these messages. Hi folks. Hardee's spokesman here talking to you. Hope you're staying tuned for the WEED's production of AK-47 at the Gate. And remember, come on down to Hardee's and get your free Western action figure with your purchase of a child's meal. And you can also get a medium coke with that. So come on down to Hardee's. Stay tuned. Hi and welcome back to our show. And now we're going to have... We're at the beach right now. Coming to you from the finest beaches Georgia has to offer. What is that brown stuff washing up there? Pollution. Mom! Come check out the dead dolphin! Mom! Come check it out! Look! Look! Blocked him. And now here's some previews to tonight's feature presentation. AK-47 at the Gate. The Unauthorized Biography. Pass the tanning lotion, dude. Uh, it's in the car. Car. Tonight's presentation of AK-47 at the Gate is an unauthorized version and peronal discretion is advised. Tonight, see Weston Hawkins in action as he comes face to face with the good and evil side of Americans. Weston Buck! I'll get him, Sammy! I'll get him! Dishonorably discharge private Toronto. Suddenly has a fight with his wife. In an act of desperation, leaves her, gets a gun, and goes under one fracking pivotal event. The seven day waiting period on guns. He snaps and takes vengeance on what he believes is his enemy, the President. Okay. This is a story about a man. A man gone mad. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. This is a story about a man. A man gone mad. A man who felt that his society had turned against him. And infringed upon his Second Amendment rights. Yes, this man was angry. And yes, he did break the law. But should every man be judged by his actions? Unless they're truly known why? Ah, I just get on my nerves. Everybody's been getting on my nerves lately. God damn. I gotta get out of here. I gotta get out of here. I just need to put my tires back on real quick. Go for a little ride. You're not going anywhere. You fuck up. You bastard. First you got kicked out of the army. After you did so well in Operation Desert Storm. And look at you now. You motherfuckers are not worth shit. Fuck you. I gotta get going. One more bowl here. Get away from me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get away from me. I told you not to bug me and I'm like this. Get away. Music, you're a bum. You're a piece of shit. You're a bum. Ah, God. I'm glad to get out of here. These days like this drive me nuts. I can't take anymore. I need some music. It's nice to get out on a day like this. Drive around. Kind of get to appreciate what the outside world is about. Who needs an army? Fuck them. It's me and my... Yeah. Bastard. Yes. The best station in North Carolina. God. She's just driving me nuts. I just gotta do something. I gotta go on a camping trip or something. I gotta get away. I think I'm slipping. I know I'm slipping. I just need to relax. Chill out to the music. Be back. Red light. Did you guys ever miss the Cold War? Those were the good old days. I remember. I remember that used to be so much fun to go... Do a nuclear fire drill in elementary school. This is the big liver and spill. Chronicle. Radio station. Newsflash. It seems like... Though the obstruction was rapid... It seems like the radio passed. But other than that... The temperature is 80 degrees. The low is 55. The high is 88. The devil's devil's... Being beaten by 10. Oakville Falcons up by 3 points at 13. Yes, but it seems like the Brady Bill was passed. Oh, fuck. That means I'm gonna have to buy my little Christmas present early, I guess. Damn. It's a shame, because my mother really needs that operation next week. But, oh well. I gotta hurry up and buy my gun. The Brady Bill was passed. No! No! Rush was right! Rush! Hey, wait. Rush should be on right now. My tuner here. I can't believe this. It's gotta be the worst day of my life. Brady Bill's passed. Life's bitching again. I still can't get a job. Oh, man. Wait. Let's see. All right. And now, back to the Gus Slimeball Show! Hello, everyone. Gus Slimeball. The Gus Slimeball Show for patriarchally frustrated sexually white males. Yes, we got a great show for you today. Today we're gonna talk about communism lurking in the United States. Well, a lot of people say since the Cold War that socialism ended, but no. No. Not in America. No. The creepy tentacles are starting to arise. No. You think I'm laughing. Well, I know as a patriotically correct person who cleaned baseball parks in the 60s while all those hippies were doing the fucking drugs. No. No. I know that the liberal menace haunts America today. That's right. The liberal menace. I'm talking hammer and sickle. Hammer and sickle. Anyway, the main thing I'm focusing on tonight is, you know, aside from my own ego and my own potential political designs, is the Brady Bill. Now, what is the Brady Bill? What is the Brady Bill? Is this another liberal attempt to limit the profits of Remington and Colt? Well, we'll see. They're trying to take away your Second Amendment rights. But what they don't know is that so many of us support them. So many of us support them that they're politically entrenched in the system and they're not going anywhere. But, nevertheless, Bill Clinton, your enemy, enemy of the Second Amendment rights of America, is up to his demonic liberal amics again by trying to mess with gun control. The seven day waiting period. I know all those statistics, but still. But still. Oh, my. Yeah, Gus is right. I've got to turn this up. They're taking away your Second Amendment rights. Yeah, they are. That's what I thought. I don't know what to do about it. If I had a phone, Gus, I'd call you up right now. Oh, shit. Sorry. It just shows. Democratic America is the enemy of family values. Yeah. Fucking demos. Craps. Well, now we're going to see how you Americans, sexually frustrated blue collar Americans, respond to this infringement. Who cares what the Europeans or the Japanese have in crime rates? I want to hear what you sexually frustrated white blue collar Americans think about this. Caller number one. Caller number one. Yeah, this is Jeff out in Tuscaloosa. What do you think about this new demonic liberal attack on your Second Amendment rights to own a machine gun? I think I can own one. It's in the Constitution. It didn't matter if they had muskets back then. You've got a right to own a machine gun now. Yeah. Yeah, my Christmas present. I've got to go ahead and get it. If you want to own an AK-47 collar. I'll get one. You've got the damn right to. Yeah, I've got the damn right to. So go out there, patriotically correct American conservative blue collar sexually frustrated American males. Go out there and do what you've got to do. To even the odds. To settle the score. Show them. Show them. Show them liberals what you think. Thanks, Gus. Hey, you call back anytime. And you let me know if you get one that has a banana clip 50-pound magazine, too. Yes, she is right. I've got to get me a rifle before it's too late. Only the NRA and me are going to have guns now. Oh, there's a Walmart. Let me pull right over there. Ah, Walmart. Good price for a good gun. Watch out, asshole. I've got my check here. Checkbook and license. Hi, welcome to Walmart. Can I help you with anything? Uh, yeah. Where is your rifle? Your sporting goods? Excuse me, sporting goods? Where are they? Um, go down three aisles. Make a right, then make a left. And then turn around behind the corner, behind the tire, and then the house plant. And you'll see, uh, right near the fishing tackle section, sporting goods. Okay, thank you. Uh, hi, son. Welcome to the gun, I mean the sporting goods department. Um, my name is Charlie. How can I help you? Hi, Charlie. I'm just in the market for a gun here, uh, lately. And I just, you know, see what y'all have special or what kind of, you know, what you think is a good weapon. What do you need? Handgun? Shotgun? Uh, semi-automatic? Automatic? Fully automatic? Uh, I was thinking along the lines of just, uh, you know, uh, this is, uh, artillery rifle that, you know, possibly could be converted into a machine gun, or semi-automatic machine gun. You know, just something around there. Yes, sir. Maybe I could recommend our, uh, AK-47 rifle. It's easily convertible. Comes with these two clips and this, um, little pouch you can stick it in and hold. You can, very good for concealing weapons. Uh, it does look nice. Uh, do you know if that gets through, uh, airline metal detectors by any chance? Um, well, no, I'm afraid not. Okay, uh, how much does one of these run, uh, around, you know, how much, a couple hundred, uh, five hundred? $159.99. They're on sale today. Cool. AK-47 day at Kmart. Oh, Walmart. Sorry, sir. Sorry, Charlie. Uh, is that the most, uh, is there any, can you go any less than that? We need somebody in gardening. We need somebody in gardening. Uh, I'm sorry, sir. It's $159.99. Man, that's too much. Do you know anybody that would have it for a little less, or could cut me a deal on one, by any chance, just between you and me? Well, maybe if you meet me in the back loading dock after hours. What are you thinking? Do you want me to put you back in golf? Didn't you know that there was a seven-day waiting period passed yesterday? We could be federally fined. What? What are you talking about? How much do you value your job as assistant manager of golf, gear, and apparel? Uh, sir, I'm very proud to own... Well, just as soon as it doesn't happen again. Excuse me, sir. Uh, besides you sitting here picking on my friend Charlie, what's this seven-day waiting period about? It's to check if you're a psycho. It's a psychological investigation that not only checks your records in psychological matters, but it also checks your criminal record. So if you're a felon or a psycho, forget it. Fat chance. You're not going to kill someone. That's what a seven-day waiting period is, and it was passed two days ago. You got it? Man, Charlie, he's an asshole. He's my boss, though. Well, uh, do you think it's safe to talk? Yeah, you can... Uh, well, I just... I mean, I know you can't do it because you value your job too much, but... Do you know anybody that would sell it to me? Because I'm kind of concerned about the seven-day waiting period. I just had this little run-in with the law recently. It's just a traffic violation, but nothing to worry about. I'm just not sure, you know, if I could get it. And I want it right, you know, pretty soon. I told some buddies I'd go, you know, out shooting with them this weekend. And I'd like to have a new gun, so you know anywhere I can go? Uh, yeah. Here's, um... How about Don's Pawn Shop? It's right down the road. I just got here, take a right at this light, and uh, it's right there on the left? Yeah, no, it's right on the right. Right on the right? Right on the right. Thanks, Charlie. I appreciate it. You're a real N.A.R., buddy. Have a good day, sir. Yeah, shut up, you little fit-faced pipsqueak moron. Go fuck yourself. Don't come back! Under shady and illicit circumstances, dishonorably discharged Private Terano goes to Don's Pawn Shop and gets an automatic weapon, an AK-47 made from the Republic of China. And off he goes on his trek across Eastern America to kill the old colonial. Oh, man. Not again. What the hell's that noise? Oh, shit. Just what I need today. Here I am on my way to kill the President. Sure enough, I'm going to be getting pulled over. Good thing I put it in the trunk. Asshole. Uh, sir? Excuse me, sir? Can I see your driver's license and proof of insurance? Yeah, yes, sir. Can I ask why I've been pulled over? Son, we have speed limits in this county. Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm from out of state. I'm just passing through. I must admit, I must kind of realize the speed limits are so slow in these parts. Out of state, huh? Where are you going, boy? I'm just headed for a little vacation in Washington, you know, to get away for a few days. Uh, son, have you been drinking tonight? No, sir. Uh, I personally don't take part in such things as, uh, uh, play. Um, I don't know. I kind of think you've been drinking. Step out of the car. Uh, yes, sir. Right away. Now, you know I can see every bit of possession you have in this vehicle. Yes, sir, but I didn't mean to be honest. Okay, so I drove a little fast. But I've just, you know, I've been on the road for a few... Walk, walk on this line. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, oh, sorry. Walk on this line. All right, all right. Here you go. All right. Are you happy now? Now, let me see you touch your fingers to your nose. Now, let me see you touch your fingers to your nose. Uh, there. How about that? Well, okay. You have a nice day, sir. Oh, and sir, what have you got in that trunk? Oh, you know, just a spare tire, some coolant, a little extra oil for the trip, and usual things. Well, I'm pretty sure there's no illegal substance or equipment back there. No, no, sir. I was a member of the Army, and our discipline was not to do such things. Well, okay. Have a nice day. You too, sir. I salute you. Whatever, asshole. Have a good day, sir. Rolling, rolling on the river. Yeah, same to you, buddy. Rolling on the river. Yeah, nice little road trip. Me, a rifle, and the open road. The way it should be. The way it should be. Josh was right. Clinton should have never been president. That's why I had that dream. Just like in the book, the way it should be. Clinton should not have been elected. Clinton should not have been elected. I must be the chosen one to take him out. That's the objective. We got to get the mission from God. That's why I had that dream. All right, 80 miles to Washington. Almost there. Destiny almost fulfilled. Ah, finally, Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, Samuel and Weston Hawkins, driving through Washington, D.C., remember, the heroes of the UFO conspiracy story, are sightseeing, and little do they know what fate will have them do this day. Uncle Sammy, look. That there, is that the Smithsonian? Yeah, and there's where J. Edgar Hooper kept freedom up and where he would catch his daily limousine. Wow, this city's so big. Look, there's where Truman used to stand. Yeah, and look, there's the Lincoln Monument. Isn't that where all that racial stuff was going on in the 60s and all? Yeah, but I bet you couldn't fish in there. You look a little dirty. I don't think you want to. There's probably a lot of fish in there. You know, we've got to find a place to park. Hey, what hotel did we stay at anyway? I was thinking about the Days Inn. Yeah, but why don't we park and go sightseeing for a few minutes? Hey, shut up! Get out of the way, you white pig! Well, it looks like we're parked. Should we just get out and walk? Yeah, let's go see the White House. Yeah, the White House with President Clinton. Yeah, look at that. Look at the pretty flowers, and look at that fence. What a nice fence. Did you know that the White House wasn't always there? That it was burnt down once, Winston? It's amazing that we've been through so much, but we're still free. Welcome, Sammy. There's the Oval Office. Here's the IRS. Man, I bet there's some famous people out here on the sidewalk with us. Yeah, look at all them secret servicemen and CIA people jogging. What the hell? Oh, man, you can just feel a sense of power here. Yeah, here we are, right up on the White House. Does that guy over there look weird to you? Oh, yeah, but there's a lot of weird people here. Look at everyone around him. Yeah, but it looks like he's hiding something under that coat of his. Now, Winston, you know there's a lot of perverts in America, especially in the downfall of America. But remember those dreams I was telling you about? Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. 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Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams. Yeah, I remember those dreams.

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