Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Michael shares his testimony of how he came to Christ. He grew up in a Catholic family and attended church and youth group, but he never emphasized his personal relationship with God. He felt empty and unhappy, always searching for temporary happiness. In college, he saw a change in his friend Hunter, who had found God. Michael met people in a campus ministry who lived differently and had a close relationship with God. He started attending worship events and going to church with them, gradually experiencing a transformation. He emphasizes the importance of scripture, intimacy with God, and personal relationship with Him. He believes that faith saves, but works are also important as they naturally follow true faith. I hope you had a happy new year and welcome to the faith talk Michael let me do this fine all right yeah so welcome back to the faith talk podcast this episode we're gonna be listening to Michael share his testimony just how he came to Christ um and then yeah I'm just gonna as always have a little bit of a conversation afterwards let the spirit guide us and where to go but Michael thank you hunter for that amazing introduction that was very Bruce Buffer like and then Jeremy thank you for laying this out so I just want to pray for us before we jump into my testimony and the rest of the podcast dear God thank you for allowing me and hunter and Jeremy to gather today even in this gloomy weather for allowing us to come together in your name to glorify you and spread your light throughout this campus of NC State and to any of our other listeners just where where anybody is gathered where two or more are gathered you are present allow allow us to not exalt ourselves or glorify ourselves but to glorify you because ultimately our listeners will not be saved by me or hunter or Jeremy but they will be saved by you Lord and I just hope that it is the work that you have done through us that will not that will influence our listeners to draw closer to you and that we are just instruments rather than what people think is the ultimate saving power because ultimately you are the only one that can draw people closer to you in your name I pray okay so I know you've heard in the past two episodes but I'm Michael and I'm after after hearing Jeremy and Hunter's testimonies not sure how mine's gonna measure up because I want to say it's as climactic but that's not what God searches for so I start off at the beginning I was raised in a Catholic family we go to church every Sunday went to a youth group stuff like that and we would we would go to church every Sunday and in my youth group I I would say I did a fair bit of leading I you know got an award for youth group leadership through the Diocese of Charlotte and so on the outside it looked like I was taking my faith very seriously but I'd say that was more of a personality thing for me of me just kind of trying to lead people in the right direction and in turn hoping that I would find my way towards God and that never really happened but you know looking back that is because I never really put much emphasis on my personal relationship with God that is nothing against the Catholic Church or against anybody that has led me to this point in my faith you know this is all because I had never truly learned and understood the importance of a personal relationship with God which is what we were going to discuss further on in this episode and you know because of that I found a lot of darkness in my life I found a lot of unhappiness and I just never really felt fulfilled then I learned the difference between joy and happiness which is something that we discussed in episode 1 and I realized that I never really understood what joy was and I only search for that momentary happiness that would soon give way to emptiness and I was never fully fulfilled by the Spirit going into college I had seen a lot of people change especially Hunter we grew up together and he had found God shortly before going into college and I wasn't really sure how that was going to play into my life but at our college orientation we met a friend named Sophia Sophia if you're listening to this big shout out to you and so we hung out later that summer she came to visit me and Hunter and some of our other friends and so one night we were all hanging out and she's I just asked her I said why are you always just such a happy person not knowing what I was gonna get out of that conversation and her response was I'm happy because of Jesus Christ and of course I respected that answer you know I I thought that was an amazing answer and I knew the gospel at that point but I didn't really understand what Jesus in somebody's life looked like when they have a close relationship with him and so that is kind of where I'd say the seed was planted where I really started considering but sure enough that seed fell on rocky soil and didn't take root and it was washed away I got into college I made a lot of bad decisions I was you know chasing chasing thrills chasing girls stuff like that and thanks Jeremy and I you know I was falling deep into sin and I met people who are now actually helping to lead me in our campus ministry that we are we're so close my brothers and sisters in Christ but I met these people and I could clearly tell that they were living differently they had kind of set themselves apart in the way that they carried out their everyday life and so one day I was just thinking to myself and I realized that I wasn't happy I wasn't fulfilled and I I knew that I knew it was setting them apart from me I knew that I did not have that relationship with God that they had and that is what was you know causing my emptiness and so I would start attending some of these events like worship events and I would start going to church with them and stuff like that kind of searching for answers and a lot of it was because you know there were cool people in this in this ministry you know I had a lot of friends that were going to this stuff but I didn't really understand the personal impact they would have for me and I would say even now there isn't one particular moment where I decided that I was going to surrender my life to Christ but from the start of my freshman year of college to the end I would say that it definitely happened somewhere in that area and it was just kind of a gradual transformation and now I hardly even recognize the person that I was coming into college but you know I would say that you don't you definitely don't have to have that climactic switch because ultimately it is where you end up and not how you get there so I'm very thankful for the people that led me to God but now I I'm seeing the importance of scripture and the importance of intimacy in the Lord and just the importance of that personal relationship because I had based my faith up until that point or my lack of faith you could say on different rules that I had to follow and you know different different things I had to hold up to not because that is what was taught to me but because that is what I gained from it so once again you know no shade to the Catholic Church or anything like that I know very many very righteous Catholic people and I wish I could say the same about myself but ultimately I was not getting as much out of that form of praise as I wish I could and with that I'm going to turn over to Hunter and Jeremy for questions yeah Mike that was great I think um my first question for someone like you who you've seen like literally exponentially grow in intimacy with the Lord I think the question is like practically like what does that look like how would I grow in intimacy with God like how do I become closer to God practical like literal examples I would say definitely start with finding a good community of believers whether that is you know having having you know small worship sessions stuff like that Bible studies that's kind of something to plant the seed and then on your own just getting a steady schedule for getting into the word because ultimately the word is you know where God is and it is not through people that you are safe but through the Word of God itself so I'd say that's kind of the best foundation that you can have we're good we'll just let it run I forgot what we said next oh yeah you have a question yeah all right should I say my I guess we'll just to the next question yeah I'm gonna next question I mean I can read it I got it yeah so my question for you Michael if we are saved by faith then what is the importance of works in your opinion that's a great question Jeremy so you know like it says in Romans you know you are saved by faith and not by works so a lot of people you know struggle with that kind of duality but you know once you read deeper into it you see in James specifically James chapter 2 verse 14 what good is it my brothers and sisters if someone claims to have faith but does not have works can such faith save him if a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food and one of you says to them go in peace stay warm and be well fed but you don't give them what the body needs what good is it in the same way faith if it doesn't have works is dead by itself so essentially faith in the Lord and that personal relationship is what does save you but through that those works are naturally laid out as the next step for you to carry out so you know that faith is definitely the the cornerstone but you have to take that faith to the next level and carry that out and spread that to other people because it's kind of like in the Great Commission we are called to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations and so if we are not carrying out those works and we are keeping the Word of God and the gospel to ourselves then what good is that faith I mean yeah for sure like you said in Romans it definitely says that we are saved by faith in through faith like that is the most important faith is the foundation behind like what it means to be a Christian but what James is saying here is that if your faith is true like you say it is it will have a byproduct of works and it's not like like Michael used to worry about the works you know that's what we that's a common problem in cultural Catholicism you know it's like they believe works is the foundation they believe works is what will save them but it is saying that only faith can save you but laziness is not what he's calling you to he's calling you to because of your faith you should have a byproduct of works proving like a big strong tree that produces fruit it's proof of the faith that's the importance of the word yes that is good and I do want to call out that that is in that very specific case of cultural and lukewarm Catholicism the people who kind of follow the rules but do not follow the scripture itself who do not dive into the word because it is so easy to think that that that a set of rules or laws that is laid out for you is what saves you and what will send you to heaven but ultimately it is that relationship with the Lord and that's such a common misconception that's something that I was kind of blind under for my whole life and so a good verse about the that kind of lukewarm Christianity and this is true in all denominations and different ways of worship but in Revelation 3 15 and 16 I know your works that you are neither cold nor hot I wish that you were cold or hot so because you were lukewarm and neither hot nor cold I'm going to spit you out of my mouth so basically Jesus is saying he wants you to be on fire for him or feel nothing towards him at all but if you have that seed planted but do not kind of put work into growing that seed then that is more disrespectful to him than anything and that is what the problem is with kind of people who are agnostic is you know it's when someone believes in that higher power but does not seek it out how much do you really care right so it's like they know what's like what the big answer is they just don't want to you know put the effort towards like really seeking it or finding it yeah and that's a very long conversation for another day but basically it is God wants you to be on fire for him right and when you're on the topic of like works this reminded me of like in the gospel of John at one point there are a group of people that are asking Jesus like in John 628 goes then they said to him what must we do to be doing the works of God and Jesus simply replies this is the work of God that you believe in him who he has sent which I think just really like puts emphasis on like Jesus just believing in Jesus is like the really only the thing sorry believing in Jesus is really the only thing that we need to be doing like if we want this to work out in our faith like doing anything more than that but like not believing in Jesus is like what Michael was just saying like being lukewarm like okay I can like tithe give to the poor and do all this and like that makes me a good person but does that make you like that doesn't make you believe in Jesus anymore than if you said all right I'm gonna fully commit my life to Jesus and I may not be able to always have time to do all this other stuff but my belief in him is enough for me that's really good I guess you could kind of think of it as setting the table without cooking the meal you know you do all this stuff that is generally done with the expectation that that food is there and ready but ultimately the first step is having having that food having that cornerstone so if that's not there then everything you're doing is extra and unnecessary yeah actually going back to the Gospels you reminded me I want to touch on the story of them Martha and Mary because it's kind of like perfect for talking about Luke 11 sorry Luke 1038 says now as they went on their way he entered a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home she had a sister named Mary who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to what he was saying but Martha was distracted by her many tasks so she came to him and asked Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself tell her then to help me but the Lord answered her Martha Martha you are worried and distracted by many things there is need of only one thing Mary has chosen the better part which will not be taken away from her and like what that means like metaphorically like Martha was not being simple at all she was actually treating Jesus she was like washing cleaning she was doing what was right and she was angry at Jesus because she was like Jesus Mary is doing anything and she was like no no no no Martha you are your mission the big picture like I'm right here sitting with you while I'm with you spend time with me like that's what matters yes you are called to do works Mary will do her works I eventually will call you to do your worst as well Martha but he's not saying like he's saying the important thing is that you spend time with me that you know me and you love me the works will come there will be a time he says there'll be a time when he's no longer there that's when the works are he's like when Jesus is sitting right there in the same room as you sit on the floor and listen to him spend time with Jesus yes works are important but what matters is that you love God and then you come to know God intimately like a father like a friend you know that that's very good I very much would say that I aligned with Martha for a good part of my life I very much kind of my identity and my I guess my thought was that I was gonna go to heaven by being a good person and by being a good person alone I would say that I you know from the outside you know I had a lot of Christian values and stuff like that you know I was a good person and I would I was helping old lady helping the ladies across the street stuff like that you do that being a good being an all-around good dude like for the most part for the most part is kind of generous but I'd say I was a pretty good dude but when it comes to actually spending that time with Jesus and knowing him and having that quiet time in the word that was nowhere to be found and ultimately that is the source of salvation so I was just kind of doing everything except what was very clearly laid out for me to do missing that intimacy part and like speaking of intimacy of just like because I think that's just a really important and unspoken part about a relationship with God and Jesus is like yeah we can believe in him and yes that is super important like we said but the next step is not just like wow believing in him is important like if we just believe in something but we don't do anything to like try to know them more like what is then the point of that relationship so really getting in the word and spending time with him is I think one of the most important things it says in James chapter 4 I'll start in verse 7 submit yourselves then to God resist the devil and he will flee from you come near to God come near to God and he will come near to you which is really just like emphasizing the importance of like if you want a relationship with him you just need to come near to him it also says the same thing in Jeremiah it's like seek me and you will find me with you like if you seek me with your whole heart and you will find me that's probably one of my favorite verses you know back in Jeremiah I'll try to find that for you you don't like it I would say that that is very good and kind of a very much more simple way to break that down is think of it as any other relationship you have with anybody in your life you have to put that effort in you know for for friends for significant others for anybody if you don't draw near to them they're not going to draw near to you if you don't make them feel like you're inclined to be around them or to have that relationship with them and continue to foster that relationship and water that plant then nobody is gonna want to put that same effort in for you and while God infinitely loves you you know you have to foster that relationship and pull your weight because Jesus just like us was man and so when you think of it that way they get like obviously we don't want you to think you know Jesus is just your buddy and God is just your buddy and he's not above you in any way that's not what I'm trying to say but Jesus is your friend and you do need to pursue that relationship and have that intimacy with him and if you're not willing to do that just like how you are with any other friend and even stronger than you are with any of your friends then you're not going to get that out in return I think that ties in really well with the verse in Hebrews shout out John Kruger it's a Hebrews 4 15 and it says for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are yet without sin like Michael said like Jesus was a man Jesus walked this earth and that verse says like Jesus he's not like I don't know what it's like to be like you like Jesus was tempted by everything I am and will be tempted with and he conquered it like Jesus is not some far-high priest some big guy far off on a throne he is a personal loving connection like he is he wants us to know him as close as possible we should treat him like a friend we should pray like he's in the room like and if you once you know Jesus like almost as close as you know your friends your life I mean it'll look so different and like that's honestly the biggest thing I could talk about is Jesus wants to know you and that's amazing the God who created the earth wants to know you personally and amen for that yeah you know well I found that verse I was talking about in Jeremiah and I think that actually goes really good with what you were just saying but um it's in Jeremiah 29 12 which is right after my favorite verse but then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart and I will be found by you declares the Lord I just think that's an awesome scripture and I we've been spitting out a lot of scripture at y'all so I really encourage y'all just to pause whenever we say a different verse and just try to find it and read it and you know mark it and come and read the whole chapter later I'd really encourage y'all to do that because these scriptures are powerful and we're showing them for a reason that's good I'm gonna call an audible here actually I we didn't discuss this in planning so this might be kind of catching you guys off guard but this is kind of on my mind right now putting you guys on the spot favorite piece of scripture go mine okay Jeremy is Jeremy is Jeremiah 29 11 yeah he's talked about that like six times already but I'm just playing no that is my number one favorite piece of scripture just because it just highlights that like God's plan for us is more than anything that we could really imagine for ourselves I say mine is first Peter to 11 what is first Peter to 11 yeah mine is probably yeah first Peter to 11 beloved I urge you as aliens and exiles to abstain from fleshy desires that wage war against the soul and it's a really good like heart reminder for like what sin is or how it damages my body that's very good I'd say mine is 2nd Chronicles 7 13 and 14 when I show up to heaven so that there is no rain or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land so that is my favorite especially just because it the first time I heard it was when it was very applicable to something that was going on in my life and so you know there's many times in the lives of believers that they will read a scripture that directly applies to something that they're facing at that moment and that was one of those times for me I like do you want to like wrap up like the intimacy I mean yeah like closing remark yeah I think well wrap up this and then I'll like answer we'll be like all right so we have a question from the viewer okay yeah who should who's wrap it up again but what do we even need to I did that just feels messy right now no no I just feel like Wow Thank You Michael for sharing that your testimony and thank you Hunter for just scripture you've been sharing I think that was a really good conversation anyways so let me keep transition back off of what you're talking about all right the transition back off of what we were just talking about and kind of wrap up the content portion of this podcast we're gonna transition into a time of answering questions from some of our listeners so Jeremy is gonna read off some questions that we've gotten on our Instagram page so today I actually only have the one question but this is a question we got from one of our friends shout out Haley so the question is what does setting yourself apart look like as a Christian at a non-christian school that's very good and I would say that it's well it's very tough to not conform to the pressures of this non-christian environment in a way you could also see that as an advantage is that people will very much more clearly see that you are set apart that you are so much more different than the majority whereas at you know a majority Christian school you know it's a lot more different you may not look like as much of an outlier even if you are so it's very different I'd say it very much applies to finding a community and pouring into people and being intentional with them because ultimately that is how people will see that you are set apart is having that intentionality in your relationships yeah also kind of going back to what you said earlier when you're talking about our friend Sophia you're kind of saying like when you met her like Sophia like how are you so happy and she just said like my happiness is found in Jesus Christ like I think that like just setting yourself apart is like usually Christians I believe are like just overwhelmed by the joy that comes from following Jesus just like that they're evidently just more joyful just like the way they act and just how they seem is just I know it's overwhelming with love for others and that comes from the love that we get from our Lord and Savior and I do want to urge all of you guys to vocalize that in your conversations make it a point in all of in all of your days to vocally express your thankfulness and how grateful you are for the Lord and your happiness and joyfulness in him because ultimately that is where it comes from and that is probably the best way to set yourself apart is to continually have the Word of God on your mind and on your lips and your heart yeah I would say my biggest pieces of advice for that would be initially just like establish why you are doing what you are doing like I think it's really hard it's a hard it's a hard it's a hard task to be a light in darkness is truly a hard thing to do it's what we're called to do but it's by no means easy so I would just recommend like remembering the intensity of like what it is you're doing like you are an ambassador for Christ you are someone who represents Jesus and like I think it helps me to remember where I was in sin and where I am now and that dramatically helps motivate me like a life I remember my life before I found Christ and that intense pain helps motivate me and helping others not have to deal with that because what I'm what our gospel is out of kindness we preach the gospel out of desire for other people to know and have a better life secondly very much like Michael said I think community community community because like most the metaphors they have in scripture are about a battlefield and you don't go to war by yourself you have soldiers with you and if like it's important to have a group of guys or a group of girls like that you can trust like I find it extremely important to have a group of same-sex people that you are completely trust like people that are on fire for the Lord people that will push you to know God more and people you truly like being around and lastly yes evangelism is very important but honestly you don't even like it's easier than that like I guess I would just say pray to God that people people would ask you about Jesus because there are people who are searching for Christ there are people who on his campus who are lost people who don't have friends people who just want a group of five or six Christians who are just kind to them and like so just wear love on your chest make love your initial response be slow to anger love your neighbor love strangers talk to strangers doesn't you have to be about Jesus and that will preach the gospel you being kind to everyone you know you being loving I think that's very good especially you know kind of going back to that community of that that small group of same-sex individuals because another thing that falls into that group is accountability accounting accountability you know with that group is very important and just making sure that everybody's on the right track because it's so easy to fall off that track and so we don't want to see any of our brothers left behind or falling in the sin when we could be stopping it so that's just kind of out of the mutual love that we all have for each other and you know we we all want to see each other get to heaven and we all want to kind of push each other towards eternal salvation well that's the only question that I have for today but we're going to release another like place where y'all can ask us questions on the Instagram so it's going to be a at the face under sorry it's going to be yeah you can find the Instagram at anyway yeah just like ask us a question or just like put down a prayer request we'll pray for you guys but that is all we have for tonight I'll say it know that Hunter loves you know that Michael loves you know that I love you and also know that God loves you have a good night