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Good evening. This is Clifford Thomas from WXST. We are on the scene tonight covering what is believed to be some sort of extraterrestrial invasion. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am Jack Landers here at the scene of what seems to be some kind of mysterious atmospheric disturbance. As you can hear, it's raining. I'm here in Palo Altoville, Nevada, where apparently some kind of supernatural phenomenon has occurred. In a few moments, we will be hearing from some of the witnesses of tonight's spectacular event. And what seems to be, some experts are saying, one of the biggest meteorites to fall to Earth in at least 200 years. So let me get around here to the witnesses. We'll be right back on the air. Please stand by. Sir, sir, do you have a moment, sir? Excuse me, can I ask you a few questions, sir? Do you have a moment, sir? Yes, I do. Yes, I'm Jack Landers with WXST Radio. We're trying to cover what seems to have occurred here tonight. Did you actually witness the phenomenon that occurred here, sir? Can I stand under your umbrella? Yeah. Yeah, well, me and my wife, Diane, were just eating dinner, and we saw these lights outside, so we went outside and looked at them. What exactly did they look like, sir? I'm sorry, your name is? I'm Paul. Paul, yeah, Mr. Paul, or Paul. What was your name again? Landers, Jack Landers, WXST Radio, maybe you've heard of us? Very nice to meet you. Oh, yes, nice to meet you, too. You know, you ought to come over for dinner sometime. Sir, back to the phenomenon that occurred. You saw a flash of light, sir? Oh, yeah, the flash of light, we went out and looked at it. What did it look like, Paul? It was big and bright and made a humming sound. Exactly what time did this occur, sir? It was about 7.30, according to my watch. That's it, folks, 7.30 p.m. tonight, something, actually, did it actually hit the ground, sir? I'm not sure. I saw it hovering, and it just all blacked out. I heard that your dishes fell off your walls, and the gentlemen were shaking from their beds. Is that correct, sir? Oh, yeah, and that happened, too. Were there any light fixtures falling to the ground, any of that, sir? Oh, yeah, the light fixture, yeah. Excuse me, sir. Sir, you got a moment? Yes, sir, you got a second? Yes, sir. Yes, speaking of that, is this your neighbor here, Paul? Paul, is he your neighbor? I'm Jack Landers with WXXT Radio. We're here trying to cover this story. Exactly, you were actually a saucer, right, sir? Yes, sir. My name's Samuel Hawkins, and I saw the saucer. Oh, it looked damn close, sir. A saucer, sir? You mean like a round sort of hovering vehicle? No, an orb. An orb? And you saw the flash of light out there, sir? Yes, but it was strange. It was a different color. Like what color? It was green and luminous. So it actually produced light? Yes, it was damn distinct. Me and my nephew Winston were working on the ship. Then all of a sudden, just as I was unhooking the control panel, I saw this green light. And I thought, damn, did I just disarm my speedometer? And then I looked in the rear-view mirror, and cutting down at a 45-degree angle going downward, I saw this green blob, just like the flying blob you get in the supermarket machine. That's what you saw, sir? I saw it, too, only it wasn't a green light. It was more purple. Here, let Winston tell you for himself. Well, I was, you know, I was messing around with the fan voucher under the hood there while he was doing the control panel there. And I was thinking of how good, you know, that aircraft was really. But anyway, I just saw a flash of light. The first thing that came to my mind was I just touched two ends of the battery together with my arm and my elbows, and it looked like I'd be back in 76. No, no, wait, wait. I think it was summer of 82. Yeah, regular control panel. And I was talking to myself for an hour or so, you know. And then, of course, I jumped up to see what the hell happened. And my head just hit the hood there. And I screamed, you know, I said, God damn it, that hurt. That hurt. And I said, hey, Uncle, dude, what the hell was that? And he said, he said, it looked like green orange. I said, yeah, man, that's serious. Sir, you saw the same thing too, right, sir? I saw only it was purple. Good. How far apart were you two groups of people when you saw this occur? Well, I was at my house, and he was about a quarter of a mile down the dirt road. Oh, here he is. Sir, are you Paul? Paul, right? Paul. Yes, Paul. Do you believe it's possible that you maybe saw one side of the falling object, and he saw the other side because you had the quarter mile split between the two locations? Are you? Yes. From what? Well, maybe you saw one side was purple and the other side was green. It could be two. So you believe there's two things that struck the ground out there? You think we're being invaded? I said no such thing, sir. Excuse me, is that what you said, sir? This is Rick Stammers from the United States Air Force. Listen, folks, you did not see a thing. We will soon have our own scientist down here on the spot to clarify what may have been misreported, mistaken for an alien invasion. Oh, yes, here's the scientist now. He's driving up. Well, there you are, folks. The Air Force has confirmed that this is not an alien invasion, that there is an actual explanation for it. I didn't say it like that. What I'm saying is the scientist here specializing in extraterrestrial and mistaken UFO sightings since the 1947 Project Blue Moon started will soon clarify these issues. He's driving up now. He's getting out of his car. Hi, I'm Dr. Eugene Spinks. I believe the sightings here could be explained by low-level patches of oxygen gathering and igniting when the lightning strikes. There are no UFOs here today. But, sir, isn't it true that there is some sort of a deep hole created in between the 200 yards long I've heard reports of? We believe this was caused by lots of cows lying down and rolling in the mud. So it's actually just an atmospheric disturbance, sir? It is, in fact. Are you trying to say what me and Winston saw was methane gas? I may have had too many blades last night. Just the lightning igniting the methane clouds floating low in the atmosphere. There are no aliens here today. Hey, excuse me, sir, where's that over there on the ridge there? That's my cousin Ernie. No, he's carrying something. He's dragging something on a stretcher. Are there casualties, sir? Is it possible that the gas netting could have killed someone? Look at those legs hanging off that stretcher up there on the hill. Those are suction cups on those feet. We saw a pilot flying in the low-level atmosphere when the explosion occurred. Those are the lights which the pilot ejected, and his parachute didn't open, so they're taking him to the hospital now. Sir, are you ensuring us that this is in no way some kind of cover-up for some sort of unexplained happening? I'll state my reputation as Dr. Eugene speaks. There are no aliens present today. Look, I might not know much about gases, but I know that wasn't gas. What I saw was a green luminescent blob cutting through the southern skies. Sir, they're dragging out another one. Is that possibly another pilot that was mistakenly placed on the plane, sir? I don't know. Excuse me? It looks like a second corpse is being dragged from the scene, ladies and gentlemen. Please hold on a second. I would like to say I have no further comment at this time. Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press, please remove yourselves from these services. This is a fully government-initiated study. Nothing in this has been made with you. Thank you for your cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, Weed Radio now returns you to your originally scheduled programming. Please stand by. Hi, I'm Dr. Hubble, and welcome to our show. It's a sex talk. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Very nice to be here. Very nice to be here. Thank you again for joining us. Our topic tonight is going to be, do women use sex as a weapon? And with us today is, yeah, yeah, give this man a hand here, Mr. Dr. Alan Jenkins. We are very proud to have you here with us tonight. Thanks for coming. Thank you. I am proud to be here. We're really glad to have you here. You are a gender sex analyst, is that correct? Yes, those are my credentials. You have a book coming out, The Trojan Horse of Women. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Well, it ultimately boils down to our main question tonight. Do women use sex as a weapon? First of all, I hypothesize that women use sex to acquire status, privileges, and respect. Our next guest wishes not to be identified because of his profession of male stripping and gigolo. Hey, how are you doing? I'm doing fine, and thanks for asking. You were going to give us your opinion on why women use sex as a weapon. Well, first of all, I don't want to say all women use it as a weapon. A lot of them pay for it. I believe there are many of them out there that do use their sex to get special treatment around town. When you're at a liquor store and two folks up to the counter, they're no problem, but I walk up to them and they ask me if I'm drunk. I think they do use it a little bit. How can you say that, though? They're sanctioned beings. Well, yeah, I'm sure the doctor would tell you that it's just in their genes. It's just the way they're made. So you're saying promiscuity runs through the female race? Eh, not entirely true. There's a lot of them that are good, wholesome girls, I'm sure. Most of the time I would say you use the phrase legs up to get a leg up into society, but it happens. It's happened through the centuries, and it's going to continue, I'm sure. Our doctor wishes to respond to this. Dr. Jenkins? Oh, yes. I just wanted to say that I agree with the last part, that it has been used as a weapon, used to get a leg up in society, which furtherly proves my point that women use it to acquire additional badges and honors and status in society. Plus, it does give them leverage with their partners. I don't think it's entirely just a women's thing, though. Everybody sells out somehow. I'd strip down and commit certain slavesses or a certain fee, and it gets me by. So I've got to do what I've got to do, they've got to do what they've got to do, I guess. Okay, well, if you would like to respond to that, Dr. Jenkins? Yes, all I have to say is I strongly disagree with that. Listen, listen. I know I'm a therapist and a sex analyst, if you would. But, yes, I get laid by my wife once a month. So, thus, I'm in a position to put these things in their true analytical values. Thus, I feel that I am more entitled to convey my point than him. Women compromise men by doling out that one favor a month, and I should say one flavor also. And, thus, the man is somewhat weakened. So, day by day, the woman gets a little bit more leverage. Thus, the man is, in effect, canceled out. You were going to tell us about the book you were writing. Which book is that? The Trojan Horse of Women. Oh, yes. In the title, I'm comparing the Trojan Horse to the woman's bush. Okay. The Trojans wanted to get into that Trojan Horse because they thought it was a goodie box. Same with a sweaty box. But, when you break it down, that sweaty box, and I should know from my one-time-a-month, is attained at a high price. It's a very good book. I highly recommend it. You can get it at all your local bookstores. Very nice work, Doctor. Thank you. We have a caller coming in now. Mr. Amid Kamahard? Amid Kamahard. Amid Kamahard, please. Okay, Mr. Kamahard. What would you like to say to us today? I would just like to say that, from the way I've seen the women in myself, they flirt with me, and I give them a slushie or two just to show them my appreciation. And I get nothing in return. They take away my slushie, you see. Interesting. Doctor, how would you respond to that? Not only is it a sexual issue, it's an economic issue. The girls want the slushies, so they're willing to use sex, cautiously, as a bargaining chip. They get the slushie, and the gentleman here is, how should you say, induced into conceiving. Basically, what he's saying, pal, is that they're getting the cake and they're eating it, too. Well, I know that in traditional Kama Sutra, many times, the positions are male-dominant. Do you find that true, Doctor? Yes, that's true. At the time the Kama Sutra was written, India was basically a patriarchal society. Thus, many of the Kama Sutra positions reflect a male-domination effect. In India, they have many, many wives, but each one has their own control of their husband in some kind of way. Do you find this true in traditional America, sir? Well, if I were to use my one-time lay-a-month perspective on this, I would say no. You should not think so. You should see it, especially if you saw the look on my face when I did it that one-time-of-the-month, you know, missionary style. Okay, we have another caller in. Thank you very much, Mr. Ahmed Kumhart. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. See you. Yeah, somebody cut him off. Our next caller is coming in from Black Lung, West Virginia. Caller, you're on the air. Hi, this is Billy Johnson up in Black Lung, Virginia. I hear what you guys are saying, and I try to understand it, but, I mean, them women hanging down at the tightrope saloon, they just, you know, every night there, they're just showing it off so they can get a ride home. That's the way I see it. Is there a way to turn it back around and use it back on them there, doctor? I'm sorry, that's all the time we have for you, caller. Wait a minute, I've got a question. Thank you, caller. And from Falloutville, Nevada, we have Samuel Huckins. What was the question you had for us today? I just want to know why this nonsensical sex talk that you should be decent enough not to talk about in the first place is being talked about when I'm trying to get my story about the UFO sighting in Falloutville, Nevada. Now, the last time I was interviewed, I was instantly escorted out along with my nephew Weston, straight out of the scene, and the Air Force instantly covered it up. That's probably evidentially when I knew I saw an alien body on a stretcher, if not two. Now, I know my nephew Weston saw the same. Weston, Weston, Weston, come here. Sir, could you please clarify your question for us? I want to ask the American public if they think me and my son Weston are lying. Excuse me, but what does this guy got to do with the show here? Does this in some way react with the fact that women use sex as a weapon? Well, I do know women's menstrual cycles are sometimes acutely, if not intrinsically, simultaneously affected by luter cycles. So, maybe I had too much corn whiskey tonight, and this sex talk is the same thing about... Sorry about that brief interruption, folks. We'll go to our next caller. Caller, you're on the air. Yes, there's Weston. I'm from Falloutville, I mean, I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada, and I heard what that guy was saying earlier about women in vain with that meteor that fell out there in Falloutville. And the men in the U.S. government have already been overtaken, I think, and they just covered it right up right in front of us. Do you feel that way, doctor? Sir, I'd just like to say that there is no confirmed evidence that there was an alien attack in Nevada. When are we going to get around to a question that I can answer here? I'm wasting time here. Flash, this is Clifford Thomas from WXSD. This next account is a little bit ambiguous. We just received some more news from the famous town Falloutville that appeared in one of our reports three days ago. It seems that one of the witnesses by the name of Samuel Hawkins was involved in some kind of shooting or was killed. Hmm. Oh, yes, here it is. Samuel Hawkins was allegedly on a hunting trip shooting ducks in the sky when all of a sudden his gun went off and blew up in his face. That's a goddamn lie! That's a goddamn lie! He was shooting at aliens! However, it is now confirmed that the neighbors think somewhat differently. Many say that he was out shooting aliens and Air Force men on the horizon. If you remember, Samuel Hawkins was one of the key witnesses in the UFO occurrence which incidentally occurred in Falloutville, Nevada. We will keep you posted. The following news presentation has been brought to you by WEED Radio. We will keep you updated as information becomes available. Now back to our originally scheduled program. We will keep you updated as information becomes available. Now back to our originally scheduled program. Lighted doors, monkeys, a million balloons As we walk through the sea, through the sand Knowing full well that we're perfectly tuned As we skip through our hearts and in time The journey feels done, the bruises will be hurt Will we all be gone right at the end of the world? No sense in fooling, we're covered in dreams Having too much fun flying to land Melting waves tied in ten colorful dreams We're so small but we feel oh so grand The journey feels done, the bruises will be hurt Will we all be gone right at the end of the world? End of the world The journey feels done, the bruises will be hurt Will we all be gone right at the end of the world? The end of the world End of the world End of the world End of the world End of the world End of the world End of the world End of the world End of the world End of the world Come the war of the world Flash, this is Brian coming to you live from Falloutville, Nevada Where apparently a meteor or something has just crash landed Let's ask the officer on the scene exactly what it is Officer, excuse me, exactly what is this? Can't get near enough to see it very well Too hot, but it's a whale of a size Thank you officer, you heard it folks, it's a whale of a size There appears to be a gathering of people who have witnessed this meteor or whatever it is hit the ground Let's see if we can get some information out of them Excuse me miss, miss, exactly what did you see here tonight? Let's get it in, at least that's what I think, I don't really know But the rangers said a scientist is coming from Pacific Tech, he'll tell us Exactly who is this scientist from Pacific Tech? He's top man in astro-nuclear physics, he knows all about meteors Okay folks, we'll bring you more information once the scientist gets here Mike, Jason, back to you Alright folks, you heard it yourself, live from Falloutville, Nevada Brian Price reporting on the recent meteorite falling from the sky And please stay tuned, we'll keep you updated on that But now we will resume our regular programming right after these messages I don't want a dime of my paid dollars to go towards giving those irresponsible, trash dwelling, trailer park living, crackers, nothing Hello neighbors, be sure to get your hands on your not-in-doubt-born edition of the Old Farmer's Almanac Totally inclusive of all astrological projections and all weather predictions for the next year to come Be sure to look for it in your favorite bookstore, or wherever good reading is found And now, WEED welcomes you to another edition of the White Male Paranoid Forum with your host, E. Durham! Hello folks, I'm Dave Durham Some of the topics that will be discussed tonight are What should the public do with all this overwhelming Lorena Bobbitt publicity in the face of white male perceived reverse discrimination? Second, Rodney King is filing a civil suit now for the psychological damages he received during his press coverage a year ago He feels like he has been raped because of the whole ordeal Do white male Americans empathize him? Number three, surprisingly, many sophisticated conservatives feel that they are misrepresented by the vocal Rush Limbaugh What are the real opinions of average white male Americans? You decide tonight, on our show, the White Male Paranoid Forum Okay folks, now we're going to go to the audience and see how they feel So we can get a real sample of white male American opinion Okay, what should the public do with all this overwhelming Lorena Bobbitt publicity in the face of recently perceived white male reverse sexual discrimination? Sir, what do you think, sir? Who, me? Yes, your name? My name's John Foggle John Foggle, welcome to my show That's John Foggle Foggle, John, welcome to my show Thank you very much, it's nice to be here Well, what do you think? What should the public do? I don't know, like, me and my girlfriend, we go dancing, you know, MC Hammer Yeah? After a hard day's work at Taco Bell, and I'm scared she's going to cut my dick off Yeah, well, well, well, he's got a point, he's got a point Okay, you know what, you know what my advice is to you? What's it? I wear an athletic supporter and cup to bed at night So, you at least have a, I should say, first line of defense in the event that your girlfriend did get screwy one night and want to cut off your, you know They can reattach those things, right? Well, that's right, thanks to modern American, or modern western medical technology, that is and thanks to many years of progress in sex changes Unfortunately, we live in an age where if your girlfriend should happen to cut off in the middle of the night, it can be readily reattached It takes like two years to get back to work or not, though Well, medical science hasn't reported that But we must get to another question Sir, what do you think about this overwhelming Lorena Boblett publicity? Me? Yes, you Uh, uh Your name? I'm sorry, uh, Peter, Peter Johnson Peter Johnson, welcome to my show Well, Peter, Peter, Peter Oh, oh, oh, oh Thank you Speaking of Peter Is this live? Yes, you're on live TV, right in front of a hundred million Americans Uh, can I go to the bathroom? Uh, uh, uh I'll be right back, you can ask me a question then Uh, yeah, sure I'll be right back Now for a commercial break, folks Yay! Folks, have you ever had a situation where you didn't know what you exactly needed to wear? Well, Regency has Fire Robes Expertly tailored for 23.95 and up Made from the finest fabrics, including permanent press and wash and wear Superior quality, free color catalog and fabric swatches on request Guaranteed satisfaction, toll free 1-800-826-8612 Regency Cap and Gown Company, P.O. Box 10557FM, Jacksonville, Florida, 32207 Thanks, and remember Choir robes aren't for everyone What? Peter's not back? Oh, yeah Go find him Check the bathrooms Oh, folks, we're back We're back To White Male Paranoid 4 Young man in the audience You have a question Yes, your name? Weston Weston, nice to hear from you You couldn't be the same Weston that was in a recent news update concerning alleged extraterrestrial sightings Well, anyway What should the public do with all this overwhelming Lorraine Buffett publicity in the face of white male perceived reverse sexual discrimination? What I can't stand is a woman goes out and cuts off another guy's penis and he gets all over the papers for months and months and my close family member, Samuel Hawkins quote-unquote shoots himself in a hunting accident Oh, yeah, well, they haven't got the details But anyway, back to the controversy Well, anyway, they say he shot himself I think it's some kind of cover-up, personally Okay, Lorraine Buffett, okay, she was probably a Russian spy and he found out about it, so she cut off his penis Who do you think is responsible for all these T-shirts that certain feminists are wearing saying Lorraine Buffett or Surgeon General? It's the aliens Aliens? It's the aliens What do you think of that? I don't think I'd actually buy a shirt like that I mean, I don't think she had good enough reason to go cut off a guy's penis and know it's going to hurt Do you think that is reverse discrimination when people publicize and promote merchandise that ridicules a man having his organs mutilated? Well, that's why I personally stick to farm animals Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Oh, here's someone else Sorry Sir, you have a question Your name? What about Samuel Adams? Your name? Hawkins What about Samuel Hawkins? Whatever happened to him? Next question, please Is that Samuel? There's Samuel! Maybe we should get to the next question, folks Okay Now, as you all know, Rodney King is filing a civil suit now for the psychological damage he incurred during all of the press What To Do a year ago And he alleges that he feels like he's been raped because of all this extensive reporting What do white males of our forum think of this? Excuse me, can I get my seat again? Sir, Peter, you're back What do you think about Rodney King? Do you feel sorry for him? Do you think he deserves the psychological reparations? Well, personally, I... I think he did get the shit beat out of him But, you know, police have to use force these days You know, there's gangs and tons of violence and guns on every corner And, I mean, even women running around telling off men's penis Oh, yes And, you know, all kinds of cover-ups and controversies lately Like the Samuel Hawkins thing I was hearing Enough of Samuel Hawkins I think he went to court and he got what he deserved It's all done with He shouldn't try to dig it up again and get more money out of it Do you think he's entitled to reparations, though? No, no, no Excuse me for interrupting Your name, sir? My name's Bubba Bubba who? Just call me Bubba I think he was a black man, first of all And he was walking down the street He deserved to get the shit kicked out of him On what premise do you state your belief, sir? He was black Oh, okay Oh, yes White male paranoid form Need not see any more Wait, we have another question Sir, your name? Yeah, I want to know People want to elect him as president? Who wants to elect him as president and what party? What do you mean? That was Malcolm X Or Martin Luther King Yeah, that's him How can he be causing so much trouble if he's dead? Sir, we're talking about Rodney King You know, of the LA riots Is that his son? No There is no relation between Rodney King and Martin Luther King But what do you feel? I think he's trying to use his name as a standing point for getting attention Do you think that he should be awarded the damages? He's not the one who got his penis cut off, is he? No, that was Mr. Bobbitt What was the other question? I'm sorry, I'm sorry Stick with the program, sir What was the question? Rodney King is filing a civil suit now for the psychological damages he received during his press coverage a year ago He feels like he's been raped because of the whole ordeal Do white males of America empathize with him? I don't empathize with him I don't mind being in the press myself Why don't you... It has nothing to do with psychological damages It has nothing to do with anybody Why do you say so? The threat of... Because the man was made famous because he was black and beaten up If I beat his ass, we wouldn't hear about it Because the cops did it and he got famous Okay, okay, sir That's the way I see it Let's conjecture one point What if that was Rush Limbaugh down the street And he was geeking out And he was beat up Do you think there would be a riot? Do you think he would get psychological damage? Not Rush, no Not Rush, definitely not Rush He could take it He's a real man He's a man's man Wait a minute, wait a minute What? What? A caller Okay, take the call This is a little unorthodox for our usual white male paranoid forum format But we seem to have a call And since it is from Nevada, I believe From the town of... Falloutville? Oh yes, of the recent news Yes, we do have a call Stand by Caller, are you there? Yes, Samuel Hawkins Okay, Sam? Samuel Samuel? This couldn't be the Samuel Hawkins that was allegedly killed shooting ducks And his gun blew up in his face Samuel has returned Good grief What the fuck, really? Anyway Anyway, sir Samuel Rodney King has been filing suit And that's not what I called about I know I know that Rodney King got a beating But it ain't nothing like what I got A hand of the United States Air Force Oh my god What? What? Elaborate United States Air Force Illegally, unlawfully, sinfully Detained me for several days Because I had written Bill the Beans On the UFO sighting And abductions taking place in Falloutville, Nevada Well, I guess we have to deviate from the format And listen Yes? Okay I was on the site And all of a sudden the Air Force came and said Get in the van Get in the van? What are you talking about? Yes, they said You know far too much United States How did you escape? Well, I bribed I bribed one of them MPs with a dirty magazine That I happened to have in my jacket I should not You know Yes, it's true I know It's true But I cannot Explain how How me, an honest taxpayer Veteran of a Of a The Korean campaign Was treated like this The United States Air Force That I paid for Not only did they not Treat me to a poke Far, ten times worse than Rodney King Yes, yes, please Enter another quarter to continue your call Corpus? Corpus, okay Well Your call requires another quarter Like I said The other night on that On that dirty show I just want to know if The United States of America thinks Your nephew Weston is lying Well, sir We just happened to have your nephew In the audience tonight Where did that show? Weston, are you out there? Somebody bring the mic to West The mic Microphone to Weston Weston, is that you? Ah, Sam, what's up? Weston How about you, Dad? Weston I thought I was too I thought I was a garner Hey, they told me you got shot in jail They keep coming, they keep coming Where you at? In fallout, man In the, in the Are you at Betty Lou's Outside of Betty Lou's Cafe? Yes, yes Weston, you're not going to believe it I thought that poster was out of order Alien invasion You won't believe it They're green blobs like we saw that night When we were working on the Chevy Attacking off of the sky It's just overblown invasion It's like an alien invasion I can't believe it I need it all out We have just got orders from the FCC Turn those cameras off The FCC has just said that we must We need to turn those cameras off immediately The FCC says that we must cut programming down Sorry, folks Turn that thing off Radio WEED would like to apologize For the technical difficulties Please stand by until regular programming persists I'm sorry, resumes Uh, I mean I mean resumes This is your friendly voice at WEED Please stand by

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