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episode 11

Brenna Reed



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In this section of Heir of Fire, Adian and Kael question soldiers who have returned to Rifthold, discovering that there are three outposts of obsidian towers, causing people to go crazy. Dorian and Kael have a conversation about Selina, with Dorian emphasizing that he loves all parts of her. War breaks out in Wendland, and Captain Rolf tells Murtaugh about monsters being bred. Adian's motives regarding the throne of Terrasen are questioned, as he seems to be okay with whatever Selina wants. All righty, let's put a bookmark in it so I can welcome you to The Fiction Corner. We are your hosts, Brenna and Marissa, and we are finishing off Heir of Fire today with part two of the book. There is a ton to get through, so we are going to break it down into the characters again, kind of follow them all the way through, but again, there is a lot. So we will do our best, but yeah, Marissa, do you want to kick it off a little bit for us? Yeah, so a lot, like Brenna said, a lot has happened in this section here is what we find out a lot. But yeah, I think it starts with, I guess we're going to chat about Adian and Kael first here, maybe combine them a little bit with Dori and Sorsha, since their stories kind of overlap a little bit here. But yeah, so we find that like Adian and Kael are actually questioning some soldiers that have kind of come back now, like a bunch of the king's soldiers have kind of like come back to Rifthold, and they're all in different locations. So I think we start with kind of them questioning them just to get a little bit more information, find out, okay, what's happening in other parts of the world? Is just Rifthold crazy or what? And they actually talked to one soldier from Gnoll and find out there's this another weird dark tower that was built, and people have been having headaches, and like bashing their skulls in. Yeah, like they've been going crazy, crazy from it. Like, you know, we saw Keltain getting, you know, severe headaches and kind of losing it a little bit. But for these guys, they were around it so consistently, that they actually went crazy. And to avoid that, they would just off themselves, just like, oh, okay, yeah, crazy. Yeah. So essentially, we kind of learn at the beginning part of this second part here that there's now three outposts of these obsidian towers. So it's like Gnoll, Rifthold, and Amarath or Amaroth or whatever, however you pronounce that. So it's like, I guess, they're kind of assuming that this is part of the spell that the king used to like kind of banish magic or get rid of magic, because they kind of make this weird triangle section, I guess, and you're in that triangle is kind of where no magic exists anymore. Which I am curious, you know, we have the clock tower here in Ardalen, like, why people aren't going as crazy, like, you know, in the crown city compared to these outposts, or at least the Gnoll outposts, like, does the king have more control over how much I guess, radiation, quote, unquote, is coming off of it. But yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it's kind of weird. I was wondering, maybe it's like time, maybe, maybe they just like there were people that spent more time very close to the tower, and were like losing their minds because they had to be very close. Or if it's just like one of these things where it's like they're under the king's control for so long that eventually they just lose their minds. Yeah. I don't know. No, that's a good point. So kind of from there, you know, still following those four, Kael finally kind of has a conversation with Dorian. And I really like this conversation that they start talking about Selina very briefly. And Dorian at one point, you know, I think Kael's found out at this point that he's the Dorian seeing Sorsha. And so Dorian has a very good line of, you know, I love her and I love all parts of her. And he's realizing, you know, yes, he cared about Selina, but he has actually been able to move on and everything. He's like, I'm not just picking the parts I want to love about her. I love all of her, the good, the bad, you know, even though I know she hates my family, you know, all of these other things, you don't get to pick what parts you love. If you love someone, you love all of them. And I just really like that. Yeah, I love that too. I was like, holy shit. Yeah. That was super deep. That gave me goosebumps when I read that. I was like, ah, shit. And like, yeah, Kael is so wishy-washy in this book. And like, at first, in the first section, I thought he was like, kind of making a stand, you know, like he was like, supporting the rebel group, giving them Selina's apartment, and like, really doing really, like, traitorous, like, treacherous things. Yeah. And then like, in this section, he's just so like, oh, I don't know what side I'm on. I'm just like, on Dorian's side. Like, I'm just there to protect Dorian. I'm on no one's side. And it's like- But he's not even like, yeah, it's all super weird. So I agree. He's super wishy-washy in this part. And, you know, I did really like Kael in the previous books. And this one, I was just like, dude, you gotta stand for something. Like, so I, you know, it was nice seeing Dorian really pick a side. And I think the other thing he says was, you know, as Kael's leaving, he's like, I know what side I'm on, you know, and I hope you're on that side as well. But that he's like, you can choose whatever you want, but I'm going to start fighting the fight here. And I was like, okay. I know. He like, he really, he really, he really owns his decisions. Which I thought was really cool. And I mean, even Kael mentions it a couple of times, like, Dorian really becomes like a king. Yeah. This whole section. Yeah. Yeah. He like, he's like, really confident in himself. And I think that's really like, it's really cool to see him do that. So yeah. So I really like that talk between them. But then things start getting very crazy. So, you know, we have later this war that breaks out over in Wendland, but we already know what's going to happen that Murtaugh, I think is how you say his name, comes into the apartment. He's like freaking out. And he's like, you know, I just got back from where the pirate lords, like from the Assassin's Blade, where all of that took place. And he's like, one, I think they're breeding monsters there as well. And then we also know that Narek is like this other huge general for the king. And that he's, I think it's that he's left that area, and he's specifically taking a group to Wendland. And it sounds like they're going to actually siege the, you know, capital of Wendland, which we find out later that yes and no, that's true. But we do know that, you know, that's going to take place, even though, you know, it's hitting both the people in Ardalan and, you know, Selina and Rowan. Yeah, yeah. So I thought that was interesting, too. They definitely mentioned Captain Rolf. So I felt like it was kind of like throwback to Assassin's Blade. I always get happy when I get to see it. Like, oh, yeah, from the previous book, like she mentioned them. Yeah, she mentioned that he specifically saw like something that was like some creature that he said was made, wearing some sort of a collar, like a leash in the Dead Islands. And that when they tried to come toward him, it like got pulled back. Like it wasn't allowed to do that. Like it was under someone's control. So that was kind of like, crazy. Well, especially now that we know like how many places he's like breeding these creatures, because it's like all over the continent. Everywhere. I know. Yeah. And yeah. So yeah, I thought that was crazy. And yeah, I think he's he's trying to use Narak and his troops as like, because he thinks that Selina is going to be killing the royal family over in Wendland. So he thinks that, oh, once she kills them, that they're going to be so shocked and crazed that then he's going to use this like, this attack to his advantage to take over Wendland officially. Yeah. Obviously, it does not go his way, thankfully. But yeah, it was a crazy kind of like side, side story. I liked that a little bit because it was, I don't know, I thought it was neat seeing like, oh, this is foreshadowing what's going to be happening in Wendland with another character. I was like, oh, gosh, I wonder how that's, you know, going to play out. And obviously, we see it. But yeah, I just I like that. One thing at the beginning part of the section with Adian and Kael, too, or actually specifically Adian, they kind of mentioned this a couple times throughout the book, questioning whether Adian wants to be king of Terrasen or not. Yes, absolutely. Yeah. Very interesting, because obviously, he's super obsessed with Selina, they grew up together. So he's, you know, very, like, close to her. But then there's all this question about either them forming some sort of alliance, like, and like, getting married, essentially, so that he can also be on the throne. Or, like, him kind of wanting it for himself. Yeah. So there's a lot of talk about that, like, very brief things. But like, it doesn't seem like he's taken a stand either way. He's like, I just want to see her one last time. Yeah. So like, it seems like he's still okay. But it makes me nervous. Like, are they going to make him out to be, like, against her in a way or wanting the throne for himself eventually? I think he's going to end up dead. I really do. Okay. Like, I think maybe they'll use him, obviously, this will come later, to like, draw Selina back and then kill him. I don't think he's gonna survive. But yeah, I agree that I think for him, I can't really decide that at least how he's portraying himself right now, that it's literally whatever Selina wants. If she wants to marry me, cool. I'm down for it. If she just wants me to be her guard, cool. I'm down for it. But yeah, it's hard to... Yeah, I was confused. I wasn't sure what to think. Because like, he doesn't really say either way. Like, he's just like, yeah, I'll do whatever. I just want to see her. But like, Ren questions him, and then Rowan even questions Selina about him. So yeah, I just, I didn't know what that meant, or if that is some foreshadowing. I mean, they would definitely be a powerhouse, for sure. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. A huge general. He has, obviously, the respect of his people still, because he's been, you know, not actually carrying out his king's demands and all this other stuff. Right, he's still operating on the side there. I am. I am curious. So then the next, like, super big thing, and this affects all of the characters, but we'll start with how it affects those in Ardalyn, is the slave uprising. They have... This is going back to the Elwynn camp that we specifically saw this girl, who we have no idea who she is, but she hears about Nehemia's death, and so she grabs a pickaxe and starts, you know, attacking the guards. So then, apparently, it starts a whole thing that the whole camp wilds up and kind of takes over, you know, rebels against everything, and are not able to free themselves, but at least, you know, have this huge, huge uprising. And how the king responds is not like, oh, I'm going to go, you know, kind of pick a couple of people off, and he specifically says this to Dorian at one point, he's like, you know, I didn't have the resources to question everyone, so I just killed everyone. And it was just, oh my gosh. And he announces it at dinner, too, which is terrible. He's like, oh, good job me. I'm just, you know, eating my lamb here. And by the way, I just killed thousands. But he doesn't stop there. He specifically then says, you know, I figured, hey, I'm killing these people. I might as well also kill all the slaves that are in Andover as well, which is extremely painful for Selina when she finds out. But it creates, I do think this starts to create a rift within his people. Like, before they were kind of, I don't want to say okay with what he was doing, but one, the more aristocrat people are like, okay, the slaves were making us money, and now, you know, that's kind of tapered, obviously. And two, now the common people are like, okay, he's just, again, slaughtering people that, you know, what's going to happen to us next? So everyone does seem to start to be more and more nervous because of this, which I do like. Obviously, I don't like that all these people were killed, but definitely start to see more and more people stand up. And yeah, I think, what was it? Adian had to, like, thank the king at dinner after he said that. Yeah. Something about, like, thank you for taking care of them or something like that. I was like, oh, God, that breaks my heart because he's just like, oh. So yeah, that was insane. Like, I did not expect that at all. So yeah, so that was deep. And like, all the characters were affected by that. And so, yeah, I think, you know, Saoirse, too, especially, she was obviously very affected by it. We kind of find out her involvement a little bit later, too. Yeah. And then, like, Kale finds Adian down in the dungeons just actually being, you know, emotionally real, which Adian later says, like, I can't believe I let him see that. But I thought it was very touching. Yeah. But then, like I said, the city almost starts to take it further as well, specifically those within the art community, that they have an orchestra or an event the night after, a couple nights later. And, you know, everyone's out there, all dolled up. And they specifically, like, repeat over and over again, like, all these people are wearing blood money. And the orchestra, instead of doing their scheduled set list, breaks into the song of all of those killed, all these other, you know, places that have been conquered, and then ends with Ardalyn's song. And it immediately gets, like, shut down afterwards. All those people go missing. And the theater is closed. And I just, the first thing that I thought of was, like, Nazi Germany, that, you know, they're controlling more and more of everything. Like, okay, well, you can't listen to this specific type of music, because it's going to make you think this way. You can't read these type of books, because it's going to make you think this way. And just, like, you know, all these little things. Yeah, there's, like, no freedom of speech at all. If you say one thing out of line, or they think anything, you know, they're doing is treason, and they'll kill you, essentially. Yeah. So I was just like, oh, this is, it just, it was intense. It really was. But. Yeah, like, the next thing was, like, you know, Dorian Kael, Saoirse group, kind of like, Kael, like, kind of apologizes to Dorian. He, like, admits his fault, finally. Kind of like, you know, like, I'm sorry that I am this way, kind of thing. Like, he doesn't really, he still really isn't, like, I don't think, fully taking a stand yet, at this point. But he does apologize to Dorian, and they kind of, like, start, he starts telling him more things, right? Trusting him a little bit more with information. This is, like, when he's, like, he realizes crystals are, like, magic conduits. Yeah. Because, like, yeah, obviously, the obsidian is holding in this, like, it's able to hold in this large amount of magic, allowing the king to control, like, everyone in that area. So, like, and these are obviously huge towers of crystals. So he does, he is able to get Dorian to actually put some of his magic into a little crystal. So, like, that's clearly how the king's been able to banish magic, right? So, like, he's putting all this power into these towers of obsidian, and they're somehow able to take away everyone's magic. So, I think it was, like, a nice little thing that we kind of, we get some more clarity on, of, like, how the king is actually doing some of this stuff. Because I think we've been, we knew the king was somehow doing something with some of this stuff, but we just don't know a ton of specifics. I liked that they kind of showed that, like, that Cale was kind of thinking about it, you know, thinking about the towers and what him, like, kind of going back to what him and Adian heard from the guy from Gnoll and stuff like that. So, bringing everything together, I guess. Yeah. And it also showed that, like, if they were able to somehow figure out how to take down a tower, it wouldn't necessarily, you know, I don't want to say completely, you know, but it would at least release some of the hold that the king has on this area. The only kind of odd thing was that Cale does not tell Adian about this, that he kind of keeps it to himself continually. And he mentions it over and over again, like, oh, yeah, I haven't told Adian yet. Oh, I still haven't told him. I should probably tell him soon. But he doesn't. Yeah. And I think, like, he kind of mentions, like, he's worried that, like, Adian and, like, the other, like, rebel people are going to try and bring this tower down, which I think, you know, for the time being, it might not be worth it to do that right away. Because that's going to just throw a target on their back. And they're like, okay, well, if we just attack this tower right now and, like, completely obliterate it, like, what will that do? Obviously the king's going to, like, come back here and, like, freak out and, you know, whatever. So I think kind of Cale, I get where Cale's coming from, because he's, like, worried that Adian's really just going to do something, you know, crazy. The thrash. Yeah, I agree. I do think it's interesting. And I'm not sure if you picked up on it, where Adian's, like, troops are. That obviously they're still not here in the kingdom, but we really don't know where they are. Yeah. And I don't know if he just totally lied about them coming back to the king. Yeah. Trying to, like, hold them off as long as he could. But I don't know if he was, like, thinking, like, could he really get away with, like, just, like, not having them come back at all? I know. Because it's, like, huge. And eventually the king's going to be, like, a little suspicious, maybe? Yeah. Because it's, like, a whole... Yeah, it's a lot of people. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't know what plans he had with that. But, yeah, I was curious how long he was planning to try and, you know, hold that off. Because, yeah, it's a whole company. It's going to take a while to get them there. But, like you said, the king is going to get suspicious at some point. And he has scouts, too. Like, hey, these people haven't moved. They're still wherever. Or they moved to this location, which is not where, you know, you told them to be. So I just, you know, I was very curious about that. Which, you know, we'll find out how that comes into play more later. That, you know, if they are still in Terezin... And they might have mentioned it. I'm just forgetting. But, you know, wherever their station may actually end up being beneficial for the upcoming war. The kind of next big thing for them was, you know, word gets out that Aelin is truly alive. Which, for Adrian, this was huge. Because he's kind of just going off of the word of Kael that, yeah, she is alive somewhere. And now it's, you know, official. It's on the streets. Like, people are going crazy over this. Yeah, they hear about the, you know, the battle over in Wendland. And that she's definitely announced herself. Yes. And what side she's on. This kind of spun the last little couple chapters here. I felt like it was just constant for... This whole section was like, holy shit, what is happening? Yes. So, yeah, this is crazy. And I think this is when Kael finally, finally chooses a side, I think. Yes, I agree. To send word to Elwi of Aelin being alive. And that she's done hiding, essentially. So, I think that was official. Like, I think he realized, he's like, okay, I have to pick a side at this point. So, I think that was awesome. Like, he finally is no longer wishy-washy on this. Yes. Obviously, Dorian's very confident, too. Again, and kind of, like, says that he's like, he's ready to change the world with her when she returns. Yeah. Which is awesome. And so, they all start kind of hatching a plan to get Dorian and Sorcerer out as well as themselves. So that they can, you know, go to the aid of Aelin and, you know, start backing her appropriately. And the night before they plan to leave, obviously, it's the night before, everything just absolutely blows up. I know when they're called to the King's chambers. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was like, oh, no, something bad's going to happen. And it's crazy because none of them are brought, like, in chains. They're just like, hey, you want to, like, come on to the King? I want to chat with you. And you can't say no. If you say no, it's suspicious. But if you go, you're like, something's not right. And so, you know, they all go. And this includes Sorcerer because Amity has ratted her out now, like, BT dubs, she's sleeping with the prince. And so, she's brought before the King as well. And the King, I do think he had been planning this for a while. And he was very clever in how he set it up. And I think it wasn't so much to smoke out, you know, the traitor amongst them, but to set off Dorian. I really think he, like, had an idea what was going on with Dorian and was trying to smoke him out, really. And he knew his friends would protect him. So, I think, like, he was, you know, he knew he wasn't going to get anything out of them. And I think that's why he's probably keeping secrets from Cale and all this stuff. Because I think he knew that they all knew. But he, like, couldn't prove it and wanted some way for, you know, Dorian to admit that. Yeah. I love this thing. Like, obviously, it's heartbreaking. So, you know, there's the four of them in this chamber. There's a couple of the new, I'm just going to call them new knights, the ones who are in all black with the wyvern on them and are white wyvern. And the king is literally just like, all right, which one of you is the traitor? And they're all just like, oh, crap. All of us. So, Cale has, like, decided he's going to be the one to speak up. And, like, Adian jumps up first and is like, it's me. You know, he throws the ring off, which is huge. But, like I said, I think the king didn't really care about any of them. That he knew about Saoirse and he knew about Dorian. That's all he really wanted. So the other stuff was just, like, extra icing for him that he was like, oh, cool. Got you. Got you. Got, like. All of you. All of you are terrible. So I can, like, I can murder you all. Yeah, exactly. I completely agree. So, Adian throws off the ring. He's immediately, like, shackled. And is told, like, we are not going to kill you. We're probably going to torture you. But we're going to keep you alive to draw Aelin back here. Because I do know your relationship. At least your childhood relationship with her. So then, you know, the king goes, oh, but actually, that's not who the traitor is. And everyone's like, oh, son of a bitch. Gross. Yeah, then he obviously quarters Saoirse. Oh, God. I thought she was going to make it. I kept holding out. I was like, maybe. I know. I didn't think that this was going to happen either. Wow. Holy shit. This is wild. And this was, like, this really showed, like, how. Because I think I mentioned it, like, a couple books ago that I was like, the king was not ready to sacrifice his son yet. And now he is. And I think he was just waiting for the opportune time. And so, you know, he specifically waits till, like, Dorian is pleading with him. Like, begging for her life. And he's like, nah, kill her. And. The king thinks that Dorian's going to try and, like, save her. Yeah. And then he cuts her head off. Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. This is wild. Yeah. But yeah. And then it wasn't until the king after that went after Kael that that was when Dorian fully snapped. Yeah. And I think they said at one point, too, that, like, even Kael was so shocked by Sorsha's death. Like, he was like, I didn't know that was going to happen. I didn't even have time to respond. So that's why Dorian didn't have time to respond. So then when Kael goes to make a move and they shoot the crossbow at him, Dorian is finally, like, turning over in his mind. Okay, I'm going to protect the rest of what I have. So he freezes the arrow. And this is when the king just gets, like, excited. Ugh. I just. Ugh. Like, no words. Yeah. Yeah. I mean. Definitely. There's, like, some definitely good parts. Like, crazy. Like, obviously, you just hear more about how evil the king is. Right. And then. But, like, Kael, like, you know, I feel like he definitely took a stand originally. But now he's, like, fully taking a stand. Yeah. He's like, I'm totally against you. Like, I don't agree with anything you're doing. Like, I'm not going to anneal. I'm going to stay here. I'm going to fight against you kind of thing. So I thought that was really crazy of him to, like, you know, defend them and defend Dorian. You know, right when Dorian saves Kael, then everything goes to crap. And, like, luckily, like, Kael is able to get away. But Dorian, unfortunately, does not. And I think. It's, like, an intense battle between him and his dad. Like, his dad actually releases magic at this point. Which I was like, cool. Okay. He's been keeping that locked up tight. Yep. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. The last part when he puts the collar on Dorian. Oh, my gosh. Like, my stomach was turning. I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why? Yeah. Oh, gosh. So really terrible. Obviously, Dorian's going to be used and controlled by his father now. Yeah. So I'm curious how that's going to, like, how that's going to work and how, you know, how they're going to get him out of it. Because, like, oh, my gosh. I know. I'm curious if they're going to have to tell him as well. Because, like, they talk about, and we'll get into this when we talk about Selina, but that Narek, who comes against them, also has a collar on. But that he specifically, like, is trying to, like, the human part of him, because he has this valve, that he wants to die. Because he's like, I just want to be free. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And, like, that last line, too, that Dorian says went to Cale, when you come back, burn this place to the ground. Yes. I was like, oh, my God. That's so hard. I know. That was a super good line. And that Cale's just like, okay, there's my king. It's like, oh, my gosh. Yeah. And then, yeah, I think the last kind of part, too, at the end was that, like, nondescript chapter where you weren't really sure if it was Cale or not at first when I read it. It was like that half page. Yes. I was like, wait, who is he talking about? But then I realized it was Cale, who is basically, like, kind of becoming a new person at this point. Like, since he finally made a stand, he's, like, doesn't really know who he is anymore, I think. So he, like, he throws away the king's blade in the water. Is that, I want to say that's his, like, family's blade, maybe? Or, like, the one he got from his dad? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know if it was the one, just the blade, like, the sword that... I know they said, like, it had, like, the eagle hilt on it. And I was like, I know they said it at some point, but I don't know. But, yeah, it's definitely symbolic of him changing sides. Like, and that... There's a little ending there. Yeah. And that he takes Gavin's sword from the tomb. And so he has that with him now. And then he tells Mort, like, by the way, this is what happened, just in case you see Selena before me. Yeah, I know. Yeah. And then, yeah, he meets up with Wren and finds out that Wren was the one who was sharing information with Sorsha. Yes. I know. I know. Yeah, that we find out... I think that's what Wren's feeling, too, about all this, too. I know. But, yeah, the two of them agree that they're going to find a way to rescue Adian and Dorian. So I'm sure that that's going to kind of continue. I'm sure they're going to kind of stay in that area, then, I'm assuming. I did not expect Sorsha to be... I can't even say a traitor to the crown, because I don't think she is. But, like, I did not expect that. Yeah, Adian got involved. Yes. Yeah. I was like, oh, my gosh. And she had been doing that for, like, years as well. And that the only reason she was caught was she got, like, distracted by Dorian and kind of, like, crumpled up one of her papers and threw it away. And frickin' Amity just, you know, being a nosy little slut. I know. But I liked her. I'm sad about her ending. But I thought it was also very fitting that you learn to like her and then you find out so much more about her in these last couple moments. And you're like, wow, she, even though she was very quiet and reserved, she was, you know... Badass in her own right. Yes. Yes, exactly. And her final, like, line is like, Dorian, I love you. I am happy with the time that I had with you. Like, thank you. And then... I know. But, yeah. That was... Yeah, that was a crazy ending for them. For them. I was like, holy crap. This is like... I'm very curious to see what happens with the now Dorian, Kayle, and Adian. Yeah. Because I'm curious, you know, where is everyone going to end up from their group? Obviously, Shorsha has passed. Kayle and Wren will probably meet up an alien somewhere. Dorian's been captured and Adian's been captured. So... Yeah. Oh. But... Crazy. All right. On to our next person. Manon, do you want to go into... Or Manon. Oh, God, I did it. Manon. I know, I know. I still call her Manon, too. It's okay. I know. Yeah, so she had like a little less of a storyline in this one. I thought she was going to be bigger, but she wasn't. Maybe we'll see more in the next one. But yeah, definitely smaller. But yeah, I mean, like I just had written down a couple things. Like, we mentioned the food again, that she instructs the Thirteen and their wyverns to stop eating any food that was given to them by the king. But I'm curious if maybe this magic-infused food is another way to control them. Okay, yeah. I'm not sure. I still don't really know why she's the only one that can sense it. I know we talked about that last time, but they didn't really kind of go into that much. I do think you're right, though, that in some ways she's not entirely a witch. That there's something else either in her or that she's like waking up from it. Because the... I can't say the other witch's group's name. The broken witches? Yeah. She's like, there really isn't a huge difference between us. The only difference is that we pity you and we have these emotions. But you do have them. You just suppress them for so long that you think that you don't. Yeah, so this was a... That was a crazy part. And yeah, we can kind of... We'll get to it. We'll get to it. We'll get to that part, yeah. So the other things that I kind of had written down for her is she goes after the silk. She goes up against the spiders. And she's very clever about that. Gets quite a bit of silk from them. I think at one point she even talks about the merchant that Selena got her silk from. Yes, I was thinking that too. I was like, is that the same one? I was thinking that, yeah. Yeah, the weird thing with this part, I was like, is there going to be some retribution for her for stealing the silk from the spiders? I am curious. Is this going to come and attack her in a way, or I don't know, or something? I think something more is going to happen with that. I felt like it was too clean cut. Something else that they mentioned too that the spider mentions is like some red-haired queen, high queen of the wastes, which is super old, where she used to live. And I was curious. I was like, I wonder who this person is and if they're going to kind of introduce this character at some point. Because she's been brought up, at least in this part, I feel like she was brought up a couple of times, very subtly, like C2W. So, yeah, I am curious when she is going to make a play or an entrance. But I did like seeing Manon actually grow and showing she does care about Abraxas. At one point, Ishka, who I don't like. Obviously, she's very witchy. But Abraxas isn't listening to Manon at one point. And so she goes over, grabs the whip, and starts feeding the crap out of him. I know. Like after eating your animal. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And I really like this because Manon snaps at this point. There's never mention of when she attacks another clan because of even her 13. But she does when Abraxas is attacked. And I was like, oh, okay, okay. So I thought that was very interesting for them. But I thought it was very interesting that she has never or it's never mentioned that she attacks a different clan because of them attacking her clan. But that she does do that for Abraxas. So I do think it shows that she's changing in some way. Yeah. I also think, too, it shows that they have some sort of connection between the witches and the wyverns, too. Because Petra also confronts Manon and asks her if her wyvern talks to her. And I was at first wary of this conversation. So I was like, is Petra trying to expose her in a way? Or like, try to use this against her? But then obviously we find out, no. Yeah, that Petra has this deep connection with her wyvern. Yeah. So I wonder if it's just like, once you choose a little wyvern, they do have a deeper connection. Yeah. If some of the witches have started to evolve these emotions, and once they've done that, then they can have this actual connection with each other and the wyverns. Because it doesn't seem like it's all of them. That you see this huge difference between Petra bringing the meat for Braxis versus Ishka, who beats him. So I do think it's only some of them that notice this. Right, yeah. I feel like my feelings have kind of changed once we talk about the Krokan witch that she encounters. Yeah, I agree. So that all comes about during their war games. That they each have this glass egg, that you just have to steal it and not break it. Manon's 13 and her clan is doing really well up until they go to steal from the Yellowlegs. And it was specifically said, you are not to maim or murder any of the other clans. That those were the only rules. And Ishka specifically tells her wyvern to kill Petra and hers. And so it does that pretty successfully, but it throws down her wyvern and they start falling into this gorge. And Manon at first kind of hesitates, but Braxis is like, no, we're going after them. Which I like their bond and communication and everything there. But this was like, I do think this really pissed off her grandmother. Yep, because, yeah. And I think this is like, yeah, because then obviously afterward Manon is crowned the leader as she should be. And I think she's a great leader. I kind of mentioned it a couple times, but it definitely seems like all the 13 are very loyal to her. And like some of these other witches and these other clans are kind of looking up to her as well. But yeah, when Manon is told to kill the Cochran witch, like that witch tells her that she pities the Iron Age witches for what they make their children into. And that they're the ones that can break their own curse, not the Cochran witches. They're not killing them. And so this is kind of like some deep, deep conversation. It's insane. Yeah. And the grandma's just in the background yelling like, kill her. Yeah. Yeah. And again, it's like, I think it's this idea of like kind of blindly following, you know, whoever without really questioning anything. And yeah, I just kind of wonder if it's more their upbringing that makes them so violent and unfair. Yeah, I agree. And this Cochran witch is like, you don't have to be like that. Basically saying like, they're forcing you to kind of do this and they're making you think that you have to be like this. So I thought that was kind of interesting. And I'm very curious to see kind of what that story kind of continues. Because it already sounds like Manon is going against a lot of their beliefs, I guess. Her actions are very different than what her grandmother wants her to be or how she wants her to act. Yeah. Well, I do think they'll end up having like this huge split among the clans. And I do think Manon is going to end up having to like kill her grandmother, which it does sound like the 13, like you said, is more loyal to Manon than to her grandmother, which I do think is very interesting. And so I'm curious to see how that goes. But I agree that Manon is having some type of change, whether she's like growing a heart or realizing like, hey, just because this is what's been done, it doesn't need to continue to be done. So like even, you know, after she kills the Cochran witch that, you know, she kind of takes the cloaked steps back and goes out and just her and Abraxas sit by themselves. And she does mention that she didn't necessarily regret killing her, but regrets not knowing her to like feel bad, I guess, or not being able to properly say goodbye or whatever. But then the other witches are like eating her during that time. So there's definitely changes that, you know, we're noticing among at least some of them. And I think Petra's one of them, Manon's one of them. And I think some of the others are going to start changing, too, because of their leadership. I just want to say, I think the Bluebloods almost have it more in them. I think they're more they're going to be more easily changed because even the grandmother was like, thank you for saving my daughter. Whereas I think the other ones would have been like, she should have died. Right, exactly. I agree. Yeah, some of them actually do have feeling. And I think I think they like that in Manon as a leader, because she does seem to care about her plan and like about them as individuals as well. So, yeah, I think it's going to be going to be a good a good change of pace for them, I think. Yeah, but I am interested to see what happens with them, because then the very end of their stuff is that they're flying off to kind of finish preparing for a battle. They were ordered to Morath, I guess, which is where the Duke is. Duke is residing, so we get to hear from him in the next book again. Oh, joy. Oh, my gosh. But, yeah, so curious what's going to happen there. Like I said, I do think she's going to end up kind of switching sides. I'm just curious if it'll be more of an internal battle with her people or, you know, full on everyone. But, yeah. All right. Now on to our big people. We have so many notes on Selina and Rowan, which we were talking about this. And what was our consensus? Are we going to start calling her Aelyn for this book or next book? I think next book, because I think she's definitely still Selina until the very end. Yeah. She definitely refers to herself as Selina. And then at the very end, I think she really, really actually truly, you know, becomes Aelyn. I agree. Finally calls herself that again. No, I agree that Selina for this book, but then she is officially Aelyn. I'm assuming the author is not going to call her Selina anymore. That's how I have a feeling that that's not going to be a thing anymore. I agree. All right. So starting with Rowan and Selina then. So I can't even remember why I wrote this down, but literally my first thought on them is, damn it, Rowan is so sexy, but a bastard. I mean, he kind of is. I can't even remember why I like wrote that. Yeah, they definitely start to open up more to each other at this point. There was one line that I wrote down, like, whatever we are, whatever this is, like he had said. And I was like, wow, this is like enemies to lovers, like really quick. Yeah. At first there, but then obviously then it's like, obviously their romantic thing kind of grows slowly. Yeah. Which I like. I like that they are kind of building this foundation. And I had said this to you that I did not want Selina to just keep jumping between guys. So I am happy that it's more of this slow burn with them. Speaking of burn, Rowan is now training her with her fire, which overall is difficult. She's obviously learning to control it. And we learn kind of what burnout looks like, that it's almost like it like lures you in is the best way I can describe it. Or at least that's how I took it. Like she's listening to this music and she's feeling calm and she's like, oh, I can keep going. And she just kind of starts to ignore everything outside. And Rowan's like, dude, you've got to stop. And she's like, it's cool. It's cool. It's almost like I feel like it's one of those things where she just wants to die. Like, oh, yeah, I just want it to consume me at this point. I'll let it take me. She's definitely more drawn into death than other people. So that was interesting, seeing what burnout looks like. And I thought this was big because it definitely helps connect them better. That, you know, Rowan is finally starting to see her, I wouldn't say quite as an equal yet, at least not till later, but more on an equal playing field. That he's seeing how deep her training goes. He sees her burnout and then the repercussions of that, which leads to her him like helping her recover and using his ice to freeze her down and everything and then seeing her scars, which is when she talks to him pretty in-depth about, you know, I want to go back to Andover and free the slaves like that is my purpose at this point. Yeah, I definitely think he connects with her on that, too, because obviously we find out later that he was being whipped and everything by Maeve, too. So, like, I think he he just kind of realizes that she's lived a very tragic past as well and that he's not the only one. So I think she's just more equal in terms of, like, tragedy. Yeah. That kind of draws him to her more, too. Yeah, he becomes, like, more protective of her, I would say. Yeah, because then he, like, has her sleeping in his room. Yeah. Like, oh, jeez. One bed rule. I know, yeah. But I do like that, like, after he sees the scars, he doesn't say anything to Slaney. He just, like, walks out and he immediately starts flying to Maeve. Yeah. I don't know what you're going to do when you get there, bud, but. Right. Yeah, I think he just pisses. He's like, OK, Maeve never told me anything about this chick. Yeah. She's, like, super, like, deep and, like, has a lot of stuff going on. Like, why didn't anyone tell me about this? You know, like. Yeah. Like, I had the right to know what I was not signing up for, but what I was put, you know, being put towards. In charge of. Yeah, I know. Yeah. So Delaina is still mastering her elements. We know she has some water magic, but I don't know if that will ever come into play because I think it will at some point, but obviously it's much lesser compared to her fire and her fey abilities. But, you know, she recovers and they kind of start, you know, again, going on this dummy fey hunt over the ones who have been killed. And so they set up a whole perimeter, basically, of, OK, this is where they were killed at. This is where those kind of areas let out. And it leads towards the not a true port, but someplace that ships can sail by and kind of drop soldiers off, which is what they're doing. And we come to find out that there's Narek, who's the captain and has been changed in some way. And then that there's three other creatures. Narek during this time is actually killing one of the dummy fey and that's how they're like kind of feeding almost. And, you know, they like this pain and everything. And that's how I don't want to say how it keeps them alive, but it gives them pleasure. Yeah, you're right. It's like it's using they're using them to like I don't know if they use it to gain more power or something. But yeah, they they're somehow using them to keep them alive and use their bodies as like a vessel. Yeah. But we do learn that I don't want to say they're like the skinwalkers, but they're definitely using like human husks is the best way to describe it. And yeah, this creature kind of I think that this like the human soul is still in there and that this valve could just kind of like nudges them over and it's like, I'm here too. Yeah. And just has like a stronger control. Yeah. Yeah. So they're there, they see all of this and come to find out there's one of these valves actually in the forest with Rowan and Selina. And so Selina meets this thing and it does mention over and over again, it's very important that you don't make eye contact with them, that that's how they get into your memories and everything. And Rowan mentions it later when they're on the battlefield, like, hey, if the barrier breaks, gouge your eyes out because that's how you'll help, you know, stay alive. But I did really like this part that they finally are working together as a team because they don't know how to really kill these creatures yet. Right. And they, this part is creepy though, they lead them up into the mountains where some of the skinwalkers actually are, is how I heard that. Yeah. So I think she tries to lure the skinwalkers in because she's like, well, I guess we're going to fight evil with evil because we have no idea how to like conquer this thing. So let's feed them the skinwalkers and have them like, you know, fight each other essentially. I bet that was actually pretty smart of them to do. Yeah. So they take it as the skinwalkers win, which is not what happens. We don't actually know, you know, how the battle played out. They think that the skinwalkers win. They obviously did not. But, you know, then they're starting to prep for this invasion of these, it's 200 soldiers plus the four Valk princes, as well as Wendelin is being under siege at this point too. And this is when, you know, Selina then finds out the slaves have been killed and she just is completely broken about this. Right, because that was her purpose. Yeah. She literally had like two goals with the rest of her life. Free Elwynn and free Andover. She was like, I don't want to be queen. I don't care if I'm queen. I just want to help these slaves. And she couldn't. So, you know, that I think pushes her further towards being Elwynn instead of Selina, which I think is very important. But, you know, they're originally told that Wendelin is going to send reinforcements, but come like a day before, they don't. And we find out that they're under siege as well and they can't spare any men. Yeah, I was like, oh, that sucks. I was like, of course, like hoping for the, you know, the reinforcements. But, you know, of course they don't come. Yeah. And so I feel like everything just starts kind of happening very, very quickly at this point. Rowan gives her the name, you know, Fireheart. Yeah. Did her mom also give her like that nickname? I know she had a couple. Yeah, so we found out in one of her memories when she was, I think, in the memory with the Valk and reliving those things, I think her mom calls her Fireheart at one point. So I thought that was kind of interesting that he also calls her Fireheart too. Yeah, I like that. And she gets one of her blades back, which is huge for them because it's a big sign of respect. And, you know, that she says she wants to fight besides Rowan instead of playing with some of the other people prior to the attack, like a day or so before, you know, they're setting up all these traps, which is huge because they spend days doing this. And it's like a new trap every single mile. Like, it's very expensive. But Selena, like, claims Rowan as her friend. She's like, I claim you as my friend. I know. I was like, wow, that's very formal, Selena, but okay. That's what I'm going to start doing to people. Yeah, because, yeah, he does end up, like, calling for his friends to aid in their help . So I think and obviously that took a lot for Rowan to do because it's kind of going against Maeve's wishes because they're all stationed elsewhere for her. So by asking him to do that, like, obviously that's like a big ask for him. So he does it for her, which is awesome. And I kind of written this down. I want to hear your thoughts. Their inner thought conversations. I think we kind of texted about this where they're like looking at each other and they're like, but really they're saying this to me. I'm like, okay, my eye conversations with anyone is more like you're an idiot. I was like, I can never predict what someone's thinking when they're looking at me. Like, how do you get that from one look? I like long conversations too, like not just like. I know. It's like stacking forth, stacking forth. I know. It's like really detailed stuff. Yeah, no, I definitely was like thinking that they were at this point, I was like, hmm, are they going to be mates? Yeah, they're going to have some deeper connection. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was like, can you even have like two mates? I mean, Rowan was already mated with someone else. So like, is it possible for him and Slane to be mates too? I don't know. That's a good question. Because it's like, well, Aylin in her fey form technically hasn't been mated. So yeah. I don't know. Can you double mate? I don't know. Interesting. Interesting. So I guess we'll see. Yeah. So then back on topic. We find out that Mist Ward, you know, is now under attack, that they have been betrayed specifically by one of the, I think it's actually two Demi Fey. We don't know super well. They're just kind of offhand that we mentioned like, oh, yeah, by the way, it was this person. It's super heartbreaking for Luca, though, because they were actually, you know, his friends in some way. But it all comes to a head that they are getting slaughtered, that the 200 soldiers have been able to actually get in through their escape route. They're cut off there and they're getting killed. And then they have the four Valk just attacking the outer boundaries. Yeah. Trying to get through the wards. Yeah. This is crazy. Yeah. I mean, Selena obviously goes against Rowan's wishes and is like, I'm going up in the front lines. I'm going to go attack the Valk. Like, you can't stop me. And he's like breaking out. But she's like, I'm doing it. I don't care. Yeah. Like, there's our Selena. She does use that golden sword, too. She does bring that and she does battle the Valk. Finds out they're like three prince demons that were awakened by the king. And this was like, this was like a crazy battle here. Like, at first she's like just using her magic and sword. Yeah. And she's actually doing, you know, a pretty decent job at holding them off. Right. Because I think they're like afraid of fire, too. That's kind of like something that she remembered. She does see that Rowan's friends come to answer her call or answer their call, essentially, which is awesome. They do come to their aid finally. And that's kind of when she's taken by the Valk. Like, yeah, they kind of overtake her. So this is this was super intense. So these are like all of her memories. So we see like how she met Dorian and how she met the king and, you know, her family and her relationship with Adian and her relationship with Lady Marian and Lady Marian's history. And like, oh, my gosh, just so, so much explained about her in these parts. So the, you know, the big things. One, the king, again, was very manipulative and had everything set up for himself. But he, Selena calls it like a worm, that he like planted a worm in her. And I am curious if he is able to like get into people's minds somehow and like manipulate them. And so he sets her off. So she does lose control of her fire. And this causes this kind of rift or fear where they're like, OK, we have to take her away from the king. We need to go kind of isolate ourselves. And by doing that, he sets into motion this like insane massacre. Yeah, yeah. I think like, yeah, I think she through these memories, she realizes that the king like used his power on her. And I think you're right. I think he can. His magic is so strong that he can control people in a way. Yeah, this was crazy because obviously it led to them being drawn out of the castle, secluded. So, you know, their murder was like set up so that it didn't fall back on the king. Like, oh, I have nothing to do this. I wasn't even there. Yeah, I was I was back in the castle myself. And, you know, they were off elsewhere. So I had nothing to do with it, which sucks. So he definitely did set all of that up. I think it was the night before she died or like her parents die. Her mother gives her the amulet of Orinth. Yes, which is huge. Huge thing here. She gives it to her and tells her that this is going to protect you. Keep it safe. Don't lose it. Yeah. And then obviously she wakes up and her parents have died. But this is kind of the stopping point that we had seen before in the whole story that, you know, we only knew that Selina woke up next to her dead parents. Yeah. And then she runs away. That's all we kind of knew about her story. But then there's obviously more in between the running away and like finding her parents dead. But I am curious if it was like a Valgar, like who actually killed them? Because it does go back and forth like, oh, well, it might have been or it could have been like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're not really sure. Like if it's just if it is like a demon or if it was just like knights that the king like. Yeah. One of his assassins. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Essentially, Marion, her nursemaid, actually ends up dying to protect Selina and her kingdom. And this is like the sacrifice that Selina talks about that completely breaks her. And this is why Nehemia's sacrifice hurt Selina so much, too, because basically these two themselves and everyone they loved, their world, their whole world for her. And like the kingdom of Terrison. Right. Yeah. And Selina just feels so guilty about this because she feels like she's wasting these sacrifices. Yes. And this weighs so much on her. And so this is like crazy. Like this is like kind of what really, I think, drives Selina or like these two deaths, Marion and Nehemia. But yeah, then obviously she runs away. Marion does sacrifice herself for her. And then she wakes up and Erebin finds her. But then the amulet is gone. Yeah. Interesting. And so at this point, I was just I assumed that Erebin had taken the amulet and that he knew. And I figured that that's how he knew who she even was. Yeah. Because it does have the stag, which is kind of the symbol of Terrison, too. Yeah, that was crazy. Yeah. Yeah. So they get through this, you know, these final memories. She hits this kind of bottom ravine and she sees pretty much her younger self reaching for her. And the Valves see this happening and try and turn it around where they show her images of like her family and Marion and Nehemia, all of them being like, no, you failed us. You did terrible. But then she's just keeping contact with herself. And little baby Elin is just like, it's OK. Like, you are going to be so much more. Yeah. And I think this is such a big thing because I think she's like finally revisiting that memory, like accepting it finally, like accepting that that happened and that she can't control that. I think that really just is going to help push her forward to like a better self, a better future. Yeah. And also just realizing that she's also willing to sacrifice herself for her kingdom and the people that she loves, too. So I think that really helped her obviously defeat the Valve. Yeah. And so becoming Elin finally, too. Yeah. It was like passing the torch from Selina to Elin. I thought that was very, very cool. And so she's finally able to beat them. Rowan comes in and helps kind of pass some of his magic to her so that she can finish them off. Yeah. And carry them or whatever. Yes. No surprise there, huh? Yeah. No, no surprise there. But so they're, you know, rebuilding this ward a little bit. They decide that they are going to see Maeve. Selina tells him the full story. And during this time realizing like, holy shit, Erebin has the word key. Like that's what's been protecting my family. And it's not that the word key is good or bad. It's based off of who is using it. Right. Yeah. We finally find out that's the last word key. Yeah. That was wild, too. I was like, oh, shit. And then Erebin has it. Yeah. Of all people. No, no, no. Of all freaking people. So my only question at this point, and I don't think they really say is, what happened to Gwendolyn? Like, we know they were under siege. Did they, I assume they won. But like, they don't really say like, what happened? I don't know if it was like one of those things where once she kills Narak and the Valg. If it's like one of those things where they're no longer under control anymore. Okay. Like controlling those soldiers, I think. Yeah. That's a good point. Okay. That's kind of assumed. Yeah. That's a really good point since there were monsters in both and Narak was like the leader of all of this. Right. Okay. Nope. That makes sense. Okay. Another question I had, too, is that the forehead word mark shows up on her, like, shows up on Slayne, I guess. And we still don't know what the meaning of this is. So I don't know if it's like when she defeats major battles or she like. Yeah. I'm not sure, like, what causes it to come up. It's definitely like, you know, we talked about it being from Brandon's, his lineage that it's just like the mark of his, you know, people. Yeah, we find out that later. But yeah, I am curious, like, what causes it to actually appear. Flare up. I know. Yeah. I'm curious about that, too. But the other thing that we see during this part is the Valg, you know, we said Narak was specifically under control, that he was happy to die. They had these collars on and Rowan goes and hides them. It also mentions that the king is now specifically picking out, you know, magically inclined people and basically collaring them, which then when it happens to Dorian is huge. But this is kind of his plan with Rowan as well, that he's trying to just make stronger and stronger vessels, which is just, yeah. I'm curious how all of them are going to survive that, because it really sounds like you can't. Like, once you take it over, like, that's kind of it. I know. Yeah. And Selena even mentioned, too, that at the end there when she was like, oh, well, I can, you know, probably cut off their heads. And then that'll probably, like, get rid of it. Like, take off the collar. Yeah. I was like, well, you can't do that with Dorian. You cannot cut off his head. So he's going to have to find another way. Yeah. So I'm curious what's going to happen there. Obviously, she doesn't know yet about all that. I know. I know. Poor Selena. She can't catch a break. I know. So the last kind of big thing for this is she goes to confront Maeve. And it is important that she does not tell Rowan where the last word key is. She specifically says that, like, I'm not going to tell you. Right. Because she knows that he's so loyal to her. And it's like, if he says something, like, that's the biggest secret. Right? Yeah. You know? So, yeah. So, you know, a lot happens with Maeve that we get there. She starts, you know, they start questioning each other. That Selena's like, I'm not going to show you what I learned until, again, because the queen likes collecting these powers, that I'm not going to show you what I learned until you start giving me some of this information. And it turns out that Maeve has very much spun the story of what happened with history. And it turns out, and we had to have a long discussion on this. So what happened was the queen's lover. I'm not sure if they were mated. I don't think they were. But Athril and Brannon find out, like, she's not a good queen. Like, she's not a nice person. And so she was trying to use the word keys for power. They stole them from her and took off with them. She stalks them down. And in the story of history, it says that the valk kills Athril. But it turns out Maeve does. And during this battle, she loses so much power that Brannon is able to take the last of Athril's things. And this includes her ring and the sword, hides those in this cavern that no one survives from, and then takes the word keys and dispenses them and keeps one within his terrace and family to be passed down through the lineage and uses it to, you know, keep Maeve away, which I think is interesting. But the other thing that it took me a while to pick up on is that Selana keeps mentioning, like, the queen's castle is made of stone. And it's because she's scared of Selana and her power, or like that lineage of power that she knows stone can't burn. Right. She was so afraid of Brannon coming back and basically burning her city and all of its people. So she made it to protect against that specific magic. Yeah. Yeah. We also, like, learn in this part too that these word keys can't be destroyed. So, you know, they have to be returned to the gate, essentially. We're not sure how we return them or anything like that. But yeah, they have to be returned. They can't be destroyed. We also learned, obviously, we talked about briefly that word mark on Selana is a bastard's mark. So Brannon wasn't royal blood. So that's why he had that marking and everyone in his line has it. We don't still know what it truly means. Besides that, if it does at all or. Yeah. And what power does it hold? Right. Or why it shows up as random spots or during random battles. We're not sure. We also learned that with all three of these word keys, this king can actually summon bound armies and they wouldn't actually need living hosts. So they don't need the dummy thing anymore. They don't need other humans, you know, to essentially inhabit their bodies. They can just use dead people, which is terrifying. Yeah. They would lose. Everyone would lose. Yeah. And so, yeah. Maeve is totally evil. Totally knew that. She actually tries to force Rowan to tell her where the word keys are and actually whips him until Selana confesses, which is obviously a trigger for Selana. Yeah. And yeah. And that's when we find out that Maeve wanted to steal the keys for herself. And she makes like Rowan's friends with him. That's like the worst part of the whole thing. Like they have no say. They have no say. They have to do it. Yeah. It definitely says like that too, that it seems like they're used to this kind of treatment. Yeah. Which is sad. But yeah. And kind of Selana then shares that vision that Narek had also seen at the end too. Yes. Which is kind of showing what Selana would become if she found and kept the keys and actually used them. Like this all powerful being, you know, queen and Maeve like thinks it's a future vision versus like, you know, just a vision that like could happen if she used the word keys. So she kind of uses that to her advantage to kind of intimidate Maeve in a way. So yeah. So then at this point, that's when Selana like basically bargains for Rowan's freedom and she exchanges the ring, the ring and the health of the gold ring, which we were like, what the heck does that have to do with anything? But I guess it was that family ring that was supposed to belong to Maeve at some point. So she does get that ring back. Rowan gets his freedom. Thankfully. I thought something terrible was going to happen here. I was super nervous. Yeah. But on her, you know, on her bargain, but she doesn't. But then, yeah. And then we find out Rowan, you know, Rowan gets this blood oath that's, you know, broken. And then he, he immediately declares his loyalty. I know. I was like, I don't know how I felt about that one, but. I didn't either. I was like, dude, you just got out of like a blood oath. You're going to be willing to pour yourself into another one. I was, I was like, kind of like, all right, well, well, whatever makes you happy. Yeah. So I wasn't really sure what I felt about that either, about him, like declaring his loyalty to her, like through a blood oath again. I mean, I understand that it's beneficial to her. She has like really no one right now. So like ensure that someone will be loyal to her. But I was like, I mean, she didn't ask for it. And I felt like he was, and she's very hesitant about it too. Yeah. She's like, what does it even really mean? Like, I don't know. Like, also like, I don't like that you're like, you just got out of like a, basically you just got out of a bad relationship. Jumped and ran into a different relationship kind of thing. Yeah. Especially because freedom, she values freedom so, so much. I know. Yeah. That's so important to her. So yeah, I thought that was kind of strange. Like I would get it if they did it later. But yeah, I kind of thought it was a little weird. It was a little rushed for me, but yeah. So he, you know, declares his undying loyalty to her. But, you know, now we know the full background on Maeve, that Rowan is now free-ish, kind of, sort of. Yes, that's true. And they're told to leave the city, which they're like, gladly. And Selena requests her first tattoo, which I do like this, that she specifically, each of her scars is a reminder of like the most important people who have passed for her. She's got like Sam and Nehemia and Mary and her parents and all of this. But then she, you know, just goes into a huge lift of the people that she wants to remember from these, these scars, which I really liked. Yeah. I thought that was super symbolic too. Yeah. I really liked that as well. And yeah. And then the very end for them is that Selena leaves, or Aelyn now, I guess, leaves Rift without Rowan. She tells him, obviously he can't, it's not really useful because he wouldn't have his magic. He's going to Rift to get back the last word key from Erevin, confront him. And then that's when she finally calls herself Aelyn again. And it's that last beautiful line that's always thrown back. She's like, she says, I am Aelyn Galantunis. I don't know how to pronounce it. I'm not going to try. Yeah, no, but yeah, I love that line. Cause obviously it's bringing us back to the very first book there too. And I think I, I think the consistency is great. And then also just like bringing her past back in too. Yeah. I've loved that it's in each of the book and then ending this one with specifically, this is who I am now. I will not be afraid. So it's really wrapping up who she is now with who she was. I, I loved the ending. I really did. So much happened. I, I even love like, as like hard as it is for like the Dorian angle and like his story. Like I do love that they did that too. I think that's very interesting to see what's going to happen with that whole thing. Yeah. So yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited. I am too. I'm, I'm pumped. So the next book that we are onto is queen of shadows. It again, thankfully is broken into two parts. So we'll read the first part. The first part is longer than the second part. I think it's like 380 pages, but we'll read the part one it's called lady of shadows. But we'll read through that for this upcoming week. And then the week after that we'll finish off the book, but yeah, we are definitely making our, making our way through. I think we're officially like halfway through the series now. So. Yeah, I know. It's crazy. It's so good. It really is. It's so, so good. So I'm excited. And I think I was telling you too, that like, I liked Selena in the initial books, but I feel like she's starting to become, I don't want to say more of an adult, but like she is growing up a lot. She's less self-centered and they just, I like who she's become. Yeah. Same. Oh yeah. I feel like all of these characters have grown so much. I mean, Cale and Dorian too have like, kind of completely changed from when we first kind of heard about them. And I also love hearing about Manon too. I love that they've added her character. I first was like, annoyed that she was a character. I was like, what is she doing here? Like, I don't, I don't want to hear about her, but now I'm like, I love her story. And so I'm really excited to see where she goes too. So. Yes. Well, with that being said, kick off the Queen of Shadows and we'll go from there. But until then, go read my little bookworm.

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