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Nothing to say, yet
In this episode of Faith Alive in 5, Dr. Faye discusses the root of fear and how it can hold us back. She emphasizes that we have been built for success and prosperity and encourages listeners to not let fear dictate their lives. Fear can come from past experiences, uncertainties about the future, and a lack of confidence in our own abilities. Dr. Faye reminds us that God has given us power, love, and self-discipline, and that fear did not come from Him. She encourages listeners to evict fear from their lives and surround themselves with positive influences. The choice to overcome fear is ours to make. Contact Dr. Faye for more information. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the five-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. For God has not given us the spirit of fear or the spirit of timidity, but He gives us power, love, and a disciplined mind, or self-discipline, 2nd Timothy 1 and 7. Understanding the root of fear in this series of overcoming fear with faith, we want to dive deep into understanding the root of fear. Why are you walking in fear? What is it that you're afraid of? Do you know that there are so many people who will not go to the doctor because they are afraid of what the doctor will say, and they will believe it because why? Because they have prepared themselves that whatever a doctor says, they have to believe it, and that's true about them. However, when you grow up in faith, you understand that it doesn't matter what the doctor says, or what depth you're in, or what the relationship may be looking like, or what your career or your job may appear to be right now. It does not dictate the real outcome of the circumstance or the situation, because God has built us for prosperity and success. I said that. Yes, you have been built to succeed. Then why are you working so hard if you don't believe that? Why did you go to school, get that degree, if you don't believe that? You do believe that you're supposed to be in health and prosper. You do believe that God has given us the benefit of health and healing, and peace, and joy, and faith. He's not given us this spirit. So where does it come from? It comes from our surroundings, the people we associate with, some of our friends and family members who are naysayers, and on everything you do that's not tradition, or it brings them out of their comfort way of thinking about you. They have to shift who they have identified you to be into a new identification, and it scares them. So they want to push you back into this mold that they have created in their own mind. But I want to encourage you today, inspire, and even motivate you into a place of transformation that you will not buy into a system built for the world and not built for you. You see, fear often stems from many different sources. Your past experience, maybe you were in a bad relationship and you think this guy's going to be like the last guy, or this woman will leave you as well. And so you avoid interaction because you're basing the present moment on past experiences. You have uncertainties about the future, a lack of confidence in your own abilities. You are talented. You, matter of fact, what scripture says, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You see, you've got more inside of you than you are willing to admit. These fears can paralyze you, prevent you from living fully and fulfilling your potential. You've got greatness in you. 1 John 4 enforces, greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world. As I read in 2 Timothy 1 and 7, it reminds us that God doesn't give us gifts of fear, of power, love, excuse me, give us gifts of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline. And so we, when we understand the root cause of the fear, I believe once it's exposed, it's expelled. Once you own what that thing is, then it has to leave the house. Jesus said in John 10 and 10, that the thief come not before to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but I am come that you might have life and have life more abundantly. That life is Zoe, God's quality of life. Think about that for a moment. God's quality of life. God's quality of life will give you faith over fear every time. When you think about the root cause, you will know that it did not come from God. And since it did not come from God, have it to leave the house, evict it, get it out of your house. And sometimes that means stepping away from some people. Listen, love you, appreciate you. I would love hearing from you. The announcer will tell you how to get in contact with me, but in the meantime, remember the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. I'm Dr. Fayette, your pastor coach, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye now. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Fay would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at and remember the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.