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Temperaments - Type 3 The Detail Person - Terry Lewis Calvary AG

Temperaments - Type 3 The Detail Person - Terry Lewis Calvary AG

Bonnie Wiley



Temperaments - Type 3, the Detail Person The late Dr. Terry Lewis's "Getting Along With People" temperament study at his church, Calvary Assembly of God, in Hampton, VA 07-28-1991

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In this chapter, the speaker expresses gratitude for the congregation and prays for safe travels for those leaving. The speaker then discusses the importance of servanthood and humility, using the example of Jesus washing the disciples' feet. They emphasize the need for a positive attitude towards others and forgiveness in order to truly serve and love one another. The speaker also mentions different approaches to viewing people, such as Theory X and Theory Y, and encourages the congregation to adopt a positive and forgiving attitude towards others. Chapter 13 starting with verse 1 Goodbyes are never easy for people who love like we love The bargains are are leaving us they're not really leaving us they're becoming our missionaries. They just don't know it yet But we want to express again publicly our appreciation for you folks and you have a safe traveling verse Would you stand to your feet right now? No, no, no the bargain, I'm sorry my fault brother Aren't they good-looking couple I'm gonna embarrass you silly. This is the last time I know you We deeply appreciate your faithfulness to the house of God and every report I received on you has Been glowing here in the church, and we deeply appreciate that as a congregation. We're gonna pray for you right now That God will give you safe traveling mercies and his blessing Could some of our board members slip down and lay hands on these dear ones right now Some board members slip down right now Church shall we join together as we pray for these dear ones that are going to make this journey Father we agree together that wherever we may go that your spirit is always there as The prophet of old indicated Lord wherever he would go he would find you in your presence Highest mountain in the lowest hill and Lord as your dear people travel all across this distance Lord They will never be out of the parameters of your presence We ask your divine blessing and traveling mercy upon them and Lord already prepare the place and the circumstances in the situation let them have a rewarding time of your divine blessing God go with them and bless them richly and Anoint them we pray and everybody said Blessings on you dear one chapter 13 verse 1 Unusual policy for what we're going to talk about tonight But you'll understand as I deal with it now before the feast of the Passover I am reading in the King James when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world under the father Having loved his own which were in the world He loved them unto the end and the supper being ended the devil having now put on into the heart of Judas Iscariot by the way, the name is scary it is means of Cariot is the place Judas Ironically was the only The only Judean of the bunch carriot was found in Judea. The others were Galileans Judas Iscariot Simon's son to betray him Verse 3 Jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hand and that he was come from God and went to God He rises up from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself And after that he pours he pours water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet And to wipe them with a towel wherewith he was girded Then cometh he to Simon Peter and Peter saith unto him Lord Thus I'll wash my feet and Jesus answered and said unto him What I do thou knowest not now But thou shalt know hereafter and Peter saith unto him thou shall never wash my feet Jesus answered him Did you notice the charger coming out of that? Thou shalt never wash my feet Jesus answered him if I worst be not thou hast no part with me Verse 9 Simon Peter saith unto him Lord not my feet only watch the charger again, but also my hands and my head 10 Jesus saith to him he that is worse needeth not save to work his feet But it's clean everywhere you are clean, but not all of you, but not all excuse me Verse 11 for he knew who should betray him therefore said he you are not all clean So after he had worst their feet and had taken his garments and was sat down again He said unto them know ye what I have done to you verse 13 You call me master and Lord and you say well for so I am verse 14 if I then your Lord and Master Have worst your feet you also ought to wash one another's feet Well, I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you Verily verily I say unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord neither He that is sent greater than he that sent him now the situation here is the worship of feet there are some denominations and churches who worship as A part of their ordinance and and I have no problem with that We believe in the Assembly to God that there are two ordinances communion and the Lord's Supper Which is of course the Lord's Supper and water baptism Those are the two ordinances now what is defined as an ordinance or that which it was that which was taught and ordained by the Lord And practiced as part of the religious ritual or religious worship by the early church Now, why would I not have someone worse problem with someone practicing say worshiping feet in a church? Because that is an expression of humility the expression of servanthood But like one person in my class one day brought this up in an attitudinal session he he said How can we sir? How can we show servanthood without washing someone's feet? When someone's sick in our church there need to be people gathering around cleaning the house washing the linen taking care of food if there's a time of need in the church There should be a gathering together of the people dealing with a household of faith in other words Service is more than me doing a ritual in church service is what I do in relationship to my brothers and sisters It's a whole admit to attitudinal thing and we want to deal with attitudes in relationship to love attitudes How I view people why would we have trouble being in the role of a servant Your pastor is called a pastor. That is an ecclesiastical term It's a biblical term, but it's also called a minister. Well. We're all ministers Because the word minister means servant now. We got it all topsy-turvy Clericalism is not a problem of mainline denominations only it's a problem in all levels Servanthood is serving somebody in other words being at their disposal for the best of your ability now watch this We're talking about attitudes if indeed we are all ministers. How do we view that? How do we view being a Christian in our world? How do we live out? Servanthood in the business world you that are acquainted with business administration and management there is Theory X and Theory Y Theory X deals with this statement and in other words I'm summarizing it because there are so many points on it Theory X is the attitude that some managers have about their Subordinates and they treat their people with the understanding well Their worldview of people is or their worldview or how they look at other people under them is that basically man is lazy He's really not that significant if he finds a way to teach you he will teach you in other words He's out after you and if you don't get him first. He's going to get you. That's Theory X summed up in a negative connotation And you know what believe it or not We have people in the church that are like this who have a view that man is basically evil that there is nothing good So you got to build up your defense mechanisms and not learn how to relate to people as they are in other words The basic approach of Theory X is guard yourself, honey Cuz they're after you like Henry Kissinger said just because you're paranoid Doesn't mean that they're not after you in other words They are after you according to Theory X and their basic look a man is man is basically evil Look out. He's going to get you and that also involves church people That's how sometimes we can look at other of our brothers and sisters in Christ attitudinal In other words, they are guilty until proven innocent. Did you understand I'm saying, you know what for instance? Let me illustrate this some problem in our church. Somebody has a problem We automatically start what I knew that he was going to do that. I knew she had I knew she wouldn't make it In other words our attitude comes out Shouldn't we be come down on mercy side and here's where the secular world looks at. This is called theory Why theory why in the business world simply says that that man? Wants to have fulfillment. He wants to do good. He wants to be good about what he does. He wants to be a success So one study in University of Michigan validated this Supervisors thought that the number one thing that all workers were after was finances wages Benefits and they found out that that's not even on the top top eight list That really a worker working out the thing that really motivates them the most is fulfillment. It's feeling good about themselves now What's what I'm saying if you come in to a church and you're in a church like this God have mercy You better start ducking immediately because there's not going to be any kind of security But if you come into a church and this is our goal a church I'm bringing this into the spiritual earth where we have an idea now, for instance, Bob Lee Brother Lee if I approach him from the theory X I'm going to be ducking every inch of the way Now watch all of us every one of us have had pain in our life Every one of us have had disappointments one type or another but you know What are where it's wrong on that dear ones? When you and I say the Lord's Prayer we better say the whole part of the Lord's Prayer and apply it in our lives Our attitude shows through and that means Lord forgive us of what we've done as we forgive others I cannot function with my brother here if I don't walk in the spirit of forgiveness Now if you're looking for problems, you're going to find it In other words, if I got a theory X approach and I come in here ducking I'm going to see problems Bob might be walking down the hall. He might be thinking about Something he dealt with this week and it might not say hi to me. Oh, I you know, he's ignoring me He's not loving me up going bad that's theory X and Yet theory why with the watch Bob? He's got things on his mind. I'm just glad he's my brother and I love him In other words, you always are looking on the positive side. You hear what I'm saying? I'm talking about looking attitudinal of people not like they're part of the problem because Have you ever noticed some of us our problems always go wherever we go? Why? Because we are the problems say man Hold your right hand up Everybody hit him up there. You don't get him up. You're joining me Even if you were in my class before yeah, all right, get him up there and say brother Lewis What you said is true God help us You may put him down Now I'll tell you my goal and saying all this is for us to have a kind of church that's filled with love and it Depends because love is not an abstract gooey gooey thing that we come around and hug now It's easy for me to hug Bob Lee and I'm using him because he's my brother and he knows I'm kidding all the way I'm using his illustration, but it's easy for me to hug him in a love session when we're greeting one another But what love carries it to the next step that I am concerned about him and I will be with him and he can count On me being there Now, let me talk to you as a brother Does brother Lewis love you put a smile on your face because here it goes Because here's the thing The loneliest place in the world can be a church Because we come to sit here and be fed instead of being people who share our love You ever see somebody sitting alone go up and hug on them go sit with them invite him home for dinner We're talking about this is what it takes Have you ever been in a strange place and nobody said boo to you? Come on talk to me Have you ever had that happen you then? How do you think it's not going to have the people come to our church if we don't do it? We are the solution now, we're working on it But we need to also go to the next step and show the attitude now, what is the attitude? Now, let me show you I'm Bob. I'm using I might as well use all the way John Why don't you come and come right here? Okay, both of you. Come on over here Okay, how many of you enjoy me using brother Lee and brother brother home in here? Everybody agreeing that because if I'm using them, I'm not using you everybody agreeing with that Yeah. All right. Now now watch let me show you what I mean. Here we are. We're greeting Good having you guys in church. God bless you. God bless now if we go around the rest of the day and you know What it's really nice having you guys what it's great having you got in there great boy. Jesus is alive Why didn't we have a great church the Lord moves? Hallelujah. It is so great seeing these guys boy I'll tell you we got a nice church, you know, we really got a nice church and every a great church Well, I'll tell you we had revival this morning All right, you can come back in Did You get my message Come on back in John Go home watch that football game. I know that boy What are you getting the point? The point is dear ones if I say hi say hi to this brother I'm gonna treat him this way all along and we need to relate to one another in love and you know Sometimes we're so hurt in our own pain and we preoccupy with own pain We don't realize the best way for me to release my pain is go love on Jesse's neck and to relate to other people you say well brother with I don't know them. I'm shy Hey, I don't know anybody either. Hi. My name is Terry Lewis. What's yours? One of our greatest teachers you hear him say you just got to do it. You just go up and introduce yourself You say I can't do that. It's not me. Well good. Let it be the Holy Ghost and we'll get it, right But we're talking about love and attitudes People are perceptive today. I Said people are perceptive today How many times you have to be told you're not welcome Once And we say things louder non-verbally and we do verbal Now, why did I read this scripture? It was an attitude. Don't think Jesus washed their feet Why because he wanted to get a message that if you're going to be the kind of Taskforce is going to reach the world. You've got to be servants you've got to have an attitude of loving one another and reaching out to one another and caring about one another and We only care about the ones that care for us We only I said we only care about the ones who care for us See that shouldn't be that way You know the easiest thing in the church to do is have our special friends and exclude other people There needs will never be any fringe people. I didn't say fringe people. I said fringe people We've got to relate to them all in love. Everybody say believe that say you may All right. Now we want to deal with the next level of Our little item here ushers. Have you passed these out yet? Here they come hold your hand up. We're going to try to get one for a couple if we can Hold your hands up. If you haven't got them, they're coming right now Do you remember we dealt with a four different three different four different kinds of personalities and just for those that are visiting? They need to be updated on something just for the sake of review It's not bad for us to go through this a little bit before we go on to how you can handle a perfectionist you Beautiful How to work to prepare job description But your pastoral staff already has job descriptions in the make you say job description because friends we want to reach everybody for Jesus And I can't stand and point to a secular business and say you really don't care about the church and they're doing things better than We are children of the light. We need to be professional about what we do. You say professional But look, hey, I want to see people lining these orders I want to see people baptized in the Holy Spirit, but that comes when we come by meeting expectations of people and Detail people require a standard or and or job description number three. They as a leader will attend meetings But here's the point don't waste time. I can spot the detail people in our church Huh? Huh, you know if you get up here and you start doing a lovey-lovey of relational thing. Mm-hmm Oh, come on. In other words, let's hate boy. Let's get on with this agenda here. Just coming close boy This is you got 10 minutes to wrap this up preacher, man Now you might think brother what they don't do that, oh, yes they do Put a big smile on your face and say yes brother Lewis They do you see and again my first masters was a nonverbal communication I'm reading everything you're saying like volumes man There's all kinds of mess, you know, he's scratching his ear pull on his trousers and you can see look at it In fact, you can identify them on the parking lot. I Promise you something you can identify every detail person out of the parking number one They're not on the line halfway perpendicular to the line They usually will have their their car parked perfectly, but it's always it's always with an idea of how to get out fast Hey, you know, that's great. I love that number four. They need a strong structure an organization that works best Best in they want to know that they're in something top-notch and that's exactly where we're working on number five be on time start on time and In on time, there's not a person in our church or whatever say brother Lewis when all heaven breaks out and people being baptized Don't worry about the time. I know you you wouldn't feel that way but friends if it's not happening We're not going to drag it on a puppet up to keep our fulfilling righteousness We respect your time you are professionals and we will treat you as such number six They they they as a leader in our church, they will keep accurate records You can depend upon these people to be good secretaries in the Sunday School good people on the board Good people helping us with a financial end There'll be people helping us with our detailed records and that is a big number seven They will be critical if others are not measuring up Here's where the grace of God works in detail people They will be critical but listen to me if you're a detailed person There's what a grace of God can be as much as I am a charger and I have to back down Because I don't want to lose anybody that I love Likewise as a detailed person you need to tenderize yourself. I'm not being so critical on other people and learn to think Attitudinal with theory why approach that people are intentionally good? God is at work in their life and allow the grace of God in their life and number eight They will be either a team member or will work alone That's a detailed person perfectionist Here is the greatest indication of our church Brother Lewis, when is the great revival going to hit Hampton? What great revival I'm talking about the sweet move of God and starting in our church, when is that going to happen? What is a good indicator? It's going to happen There are four groups in our church Write this down radical Traditional Progressive Conservative Sounds like the British Parliament, but it's not Every group in the United States anywhere has these kind of four individuals a radical progressive conservative traditional And Any group is comprised of people like this Yeah The radicals and the traditionalist Over them function on the level of emotion The progressive and a conservative function on thinking They're rational They think it through Okay Any group the older a group gets the older church gets the older Sunday school class gets might start out in the radical end and go toward a traditional end and After a while you get to the traditional end and you don't want to change anything now, what's this? the traditionalist Is against change any kind of change the radical It's for change at all costs Okay, the radicals the kind of person hey, let's tear down this building. Let's have service on a cement slab I think we can really reach more people. We knock the walls down here and a traditional says But that's where aunt Nellie was prayed her way through the baptism we can't change that seriously friends I've dealt in counseling with Churches that could not go into a building program because aunt Nellie or uncle Joe was saved here and such and such and they couldn't Tear down a building. What's the building? The building is nothing more than a reflection of what God has given to us But we are the church not a building but traditionalists are not bad people They're just people that don't like change under any circumstance. And you know what? I found out I'm 49 years old and the older I'm getting guess what I'm becoming like whoo Now a progressive is somebody open to change and A conservative is somebody who will change if there's nothing else left Change Under duress How are we gonna know when it's time to move for God hallelujah, don't listen to the radicals They're the kinds of would say yeah, hey don't worry about anybody playing the bills around here. Let's just go do it man We got faith in God. Let's walk through this wall. Whoo Whoo Don't listen to the traditionalist traditionalist will say I'm a Titanic. Here's a traditionalist Do you think we ought to check and see if there's any lifeboats on here In other words the traditionalist will say I'm not leaving this boat Until I have something much better to go into In other words sometime they can get over their head. Remember I'm going that direction. So I understand if you're a traditionalist I'm not picking on you. I are you but notice the progressive is someone open to change They're the ones that say well, let's look at the option and a conservative says the way we got to pay the bills here All right. Now watch what I'm getting at what I'm getting at this is our church and And the older church gets it loses its radicals and you know the radicals are they're the ones out here having street meetings They're the ones out here on the cutting edge of doing the weird things If you want to hear something in your eyes I Am NOT advocating we go back to being a radical I am advocating that we be sensitive that we need more radicals when we become a church that do not at least Gravitate and understand a radical and say, okay, let's see what we're going here Maybe this person is speaking the mind of God for us if we shoot our radicals and we ignore the wisdom of our traditions What do we end up being dead? What we need to do dear ones hear me We need to be conservatives explain If you're going to ever move our church if our church is ever going to move down the road We've got to listen to our conservatives Because the progressives are open to change But a conservative will not listen to radical a conservative would say hey guys no way I'm walking through that wall I don't care how many times you speak in tongues. I'm still not walking through that wall. That's a conservative and You traditionalist you're on the boat yourself friend. I believe I've got a life preserver and I got a motorboat over here conservative but a conservative will listen to a progressive a Conservative why because a progressive is something that a conservative always wish he was and never could be And here's my point When is revival going to hit our church when brother Lewis, do you know when all up Holy Ghost tongue-talking? Earth-shaking revival has hit our church when our detail people when our conservatives Because most of the bills in the church are paid by the conservatives When they are hit with a commitment from God to move And you know what? We've already started to see that happening in this church Already, there's a shifting going on It's not because of a new pastor It's because you as a church you as a group of people said God we have a mandate from you and we want to move And that's why we need the chargers the people person the detail people Wait to hear next week about our not my war people How many of you are candidates for a revival? How many want to see God move in our church in a supernatural way? I'm gonna ask you to do something a little different. Would you join hands all around the church? Help me here board. I'm gonna need your help Troy. Help me move all this stuff out of here if you could please Put it so it's safe on the side somewhere So no one can fall Come on with me stand come with me All the way around the church. No one leaving board. Help me on the platform. If you would please come on up here Go to the walls and start holding hands Bring your kids with you. They're part of our church. If you're a visitor guest tonight, that's okay. Join us Good Okay I don't know what we got here. Oh, I know what we got a sleeping baby. That's good. That's what we're talking about Hold hands How many of you believe that God can give us the move of his spirit I Can't hear you. I said how many of you believe God could give you know tonight as I was up standing by the pulpit I felt an overwhelming quickening of the Holy Spirit that I haven't haven't never felt in my life. God is here He didn't happen here And in here the Spirit is saying to the churches If you don't want to move with God you're in the wrong church because this this church is already moving And it's about ready to do great things not because your pastor old man in spite of your pastor but here since How when our kids sitting in the service lifting their hands and praising the Lord not poking each other in the head and they can't Do that until they see it in us. I Want every teenager knowing that there is a power of God that's greater than any problem in their high school I want every young couple to know that they can have a fulfilled marriage without going to the artificial things in the world I want every middle-aged person to know that God can carry him through any job disappointment I want every senior citizen to know that there is power in this church for them to have their needs met and that they will Always have a church family. That's what that's what I'm looking for in our church You know what? It'll happen when you and I say Oh God I don't know what it's going to take but I'm a candidate how many of your candidates for that kind of revival Let's join hands together. Let's pray Join hands and pray right now Go ahead and pray Come on, pray out loud right now. Let's call on God right now father in the name of Jesus. We pray We commit our lives again to you Lord by your Holy Spirit right now as we as a congregation Surround this sanctuary fill every pew with your anointing fill every altar with souls to be saved Fill every church person with a special anointing of your glory Lord flow upon each of us and move in each life and touch each life and Make the joy of Jesus to be vibrant in their hearts and lives If God give us victory upon victory that we've never seen the end of it Hallelujah Jesus If you're baptized in the Holy Ghost, I want you to begin to worship God in a heavenly language And if you're not allow his spirit to flow through you right now, just worship him and magnify his holy name. Oh Jesus we worship you Gloram a shatterer of a seeker shunned out of a mosaic Shunned out of a seeker. I'm a rambler. She caught on a moped on the road Hondura my shutter Hallelujah I'm gonna ask something strange while we're praying I want all of our children and I know teenagers you are not children But if you're under 18, I want you to come join pastor where you stand. Come on kids. Can you come with me? Come I won't hurt you I won't hurt you Come just come stand with me. That's it Okay Okay. Now if you're under 12 years old, I want you to be seated right here. Sit down right where you are. Okay? Okay. Okay. You guys sit right here in the pews. Okay, if you're a 12 or older, okay little ones sit down now Everyone fold your hands. Okay right there. Good. Okay You teenagers I want can you can you sit right next behind me? I want you to surround me you guys are so good-looking That's great. Okay. I want to tell you something. They're not our church of tomorrow. They're our church right now. I Can't hear you There are church, right? That's right. Come on There are church right now, can you surround these dear ones in prayer? Symbolically saying we're supporting these children We're supporting every child in our church and prayer and devotion and love. Let's pray together Shall we Lord right now lay your holy hands upon these dear little children. Let them sense your love Close your eyes and pray dear. Close your eyes, but those won't hurt you Lord Jesus by your Holy Spirit right now Lay your holy hands upon it by your spirit minister. Oh Rama. She can't say the Lord touch our children God bless our guys bless our teenagers. We thank you for him Lord. God bless them and strengthen their lives and minister your grace Hallelujah, Jesus Hallelujah, Jesus Hallelujah, Jesus Hallelujah, Jesus lift your hands have a word and thank him for the victory. Would you do that right now? Just thank him for the victory Lord by your Holy Spirit Lay your man the Lord let us be a new generation that they'll recognize the supernatural power of God Like it's never been seen in their lives Jesus by your anointing by your power In Jesus name in Jesus name Children teenagers your pastor has this pledge to you We're not here putting on a show this is not a demonstration We're here simply to tell you that Jesus is real. He's very personal. He's very powerful God has a special plan for each one of your lives This church around you symbolically is to say to you. We love you. We care for you. We're here for you You're going to see things in the next few days and few months That you'll remember the rest of your life should Jesus carry because that's why many of us are standing along the wall Because we saw it when we were your ages But you've got a church with you. I want I Want some of our older saints if you're 40 years or older and you don't mind admitting it I want you to come stand with our kids come over here. You're four years old. Come on Come stand with our kids Come stand with our kids Just stand behind them. Don't touch him to stand with Just that now the rest of you join hands and keep that circle together Keep that circle together Bill make sure the circles together and that's right. Make sure the circles it bring it in Becky We're gonna have to come in a few pews Dave come on bring it down a few few rows. We're gonna have to good make the circle complete My Jesus Jesus That's right All right, join in Can you pray? Man, you don't know what's happening in these kids life right now the teenagers and what let's pray right now Join together out loud pray for the Lord. Let your holy mantle rest upon our children That's your holy mantle infused in the lives of our children and our youth and our church. Oh God Lord we pledge our lives to them Lord fill us with your love fill us with your anointing Fill us with the attitudes that will reach out to them in love that they'll know that they are Concerned for that they are loved and Lord that they are priority in our lives We thank you Lord for what you're going to do in our life Well hearts cry God do it again and send another move of your spirit Send another revival send another supernatural operation of your power Lord heal bodies in our church liberate souls heal families and we rejoice in you Thank you for what you're going to do Yeah, I Set at a table today with a young couple and this young couple said this and some of you already heard This young couple they said for six years. They've been trying to have a baby and Their doctor said it was impossible You should have seen their faces Smiles a mile long Of course, you know what happened. She's pregnant. Hallelujah But it's not only did he heal one problem. It cured another she had a disease That that is going to be cured by the very fact that she's pregnant and in fact She was going in for an operation that was going to cut out any possibility that in the future and it was a preliminary check And here she's pregnant friends. I think that's what I believe that our kids need to see in our teenagers This is not just Bible books and Bible stories This is a living Word of God and a supernatural God of concern about can you rejoice in your God one more time? It just prays him and magnify you Lord. We rejoice in you and we praise your holy name Let our children see your supernatural power and love and let him see it through us God We pray for a supernatural visitation Thank you for what you're going to do Hallelujah Find the glory Hallelujah One more time the course Ah, yeah Hallelujah worship your God for a second. Thank you Jesus Hallelujah We worship you Now children, give me your eyes Smile at your pastor Now I know something about children they need sleep And you need to get sleep now, and you won't happen unless I say the benediction So we're gonna pray now. Can you join hands with me? Come up here and hold you. Can you join hands? Come on, you stand just join hands brothers. Come on join in make a little circle join hands. That's right here Come on, we'll put do it like a basketball team. Put it in here. That's right. That's good. Come on Give me that's join hands. Make sure everybody's got a hand. That's right. Give me your hand. That's good. Good. No one's like that Now church, I'm gonna ask you to say the benediction. I Want you to say it with your praise and worship. Let's do it together father. We worship you and we thank you Lord We thank you for every part of this service Thank you for our church Lord. You have put us together and we are yours and we belong to you Fill us with your love and Lord again for our children. Let them see Pentecost

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