Are you in the correct house?
Are you in the correct house?
The speaker discusses the importance of scripture in their decision to leave the church. They focus on the story of Noah's sons and their descendants, specifically Shem and Japheth. Shem represents the name and is the ancestor of Yeshua (Jesus) and the Israelites. Japheth's descendants, including Gomer, Magog, and Meshach, are mentioned in Ezekiel as enemies of the Shemites. The speaker mentions the Ashkenazian Jews as descendants of Gomer, who are often referred to as not being "real Jews" by some churches. So it says to the guys who were walking to Emius, everything which is written about me in the Torah, the Prophets and the writings must be fulfilled. Everything that is written about me in the Torah, the Prophets and the writings must be fulfilled. Yeah, Prophets, yeah. Everything that is written about me in the scroll must be fulfilled. And of course this morning we want to turn to the scroll and we want to go to Genesis because Yahweh's plan has been created well before the foundations of the world were laid and nothing happens by accident and the plan is clear. Now I'm sure that you would have had the same sort of questions as I have had which is, well, you know, how is it that you left the church? The church is not a small organization, it is a very large worldwide organization with lots of professors and scholars and mohabbis. How can all they be wrong? And your new endeavor be so, right? How do you, what do you base this on? How can you say I have left the church because they are all wrong and I am right? Well, the only way you can prove this is from the scriptures because on the end of the day we don't have any of this wisdom from ourselves that has been installed to us by the grace of Yahweh and grace it is because by grace are ye saved through faith, through trusting in Yahweh and that faith is not of yourself lest any man should boast, Ephesians chapter 1. So if people ask us why are we so right then our answer to that is it's not by grace and by grace alone Yahweh has brought us back to the tent of Shem and that's what our topic is this morning dwelling in the tent of Shem and I want to read with you from Genesis chapter 9 Genesis chapter 9 starting from verse 18 Genesis 9.18 The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth these were the three sons of Noah and from them came the people who were scattered over the earth so on the end of the day from these three sons the world was re-inhabited so anybody who you see walking around comes from these three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth Now Noah a man of the soul proceeded to plant a vineyard and when he drank some of the wine he became drunk because it happens to the best of us and he laid uncovered in his tent and Ham the father of Canaan saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside but Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders then they walked in backwards and covered their father's nakedness their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father's nakedness why is that? because by the Torah it is forbidden to see the nakedness of your father and mother so much for showering with the children in the shower when Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him he said, cursed be Canaan now remember Canaan is the son of Ham and not Ham himself cursed be Canaan, this is the son of Ham the lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers what in the theology of the church we made out of this was that all black people are to serve us this was official doctrine of the reformed churches in South Africa that's where they get this from because I'll show you in a minute what these three brothers, what nations they represent so Canaan, not Ham, but Canaan becomes the lowest of slaves and will be his brother's servant so if Arathat says that he is a descendant of the Canaanites because to them the land was promised, then he should be serving you back, you know because Canaan is the servant of Japheth and Shem blessed be Yahweh the Elohim of Shem may Canaan be slave of Shem may the Elohim extend the territory or the tent of Japheth and may Japheth live in the tent of Shem now mark this in your Bibles, that is Genesis chapter 9 verse 27 may Elohim extend the territory of Japheth and may Japheth live in the tent of Shem and may Canaan be his servant and after the flood Noah lived 350 years all together Noah lived 950 years and then he died now the same Noah who drank a little bit too much wine and became drunk according to 2 Peter 2 verse 5 Noah was a preacher of righteousness Noah is also held up in Ezekiel 14 verse 12 and 20 as one of the three righteous examples that could live in a city and Noah was a prophet of Yahweh and he was teaching the people of his time who as you may well remember left the word of Yahweh and became totally disconnected from Yahweh and if you think Yahweh was harsh then by only saving Noah and his family and you can imagine that Noah is building this ark and all these people come out to him and say what are you doing here I mean there is not even any water, what are you building this boat for well Yahweh is going to punish you if you don't repent and if you don't return back to him because that is what repentance is he will punish you and we are building the ark because it is going to rain and you are going to drown and everybody thought he was mad and crazy and it is the same as today if you walk into any establishment and say look you got to repent from your evil ways and you got to return back to Yahweh they say well we believe in God we go to church we go to our religious institutions and we believe that God exists and that Jesus is Lord and you know all these things what are you talking about? we are actually talking about that you are to return to the tents of Shem who is this fellow Shem? some say that Shem was Melchizedek well that sounds interesting but I can't find it in the scriptures so for now I will call him Shem the son of Noah and we find who Shem is in Genesis chapter 10 from verse 21 Shem is the son of Noah and Shem means name so Shem is a representative of the name the natural reveals the spiritual and the spiritual reveals the natural if you say Baruch HaShem that means blessed is the name Shem is name he is the representative of the name and we see in Luke 3 verse 35 that Yeshua whose name you see right down the bottom there comes to the genealogy of Shem so Yeshua is a descendant a direct descendant physically of David and through Mary from Shem so Yeshua represents the tents of Shem who are these Shemites and where do we find them well for example you find that Shem had a son and if you go to Genesis 10 verse 21 verse 22 actually that the sons of Shem are Elam, Asher Arfexat, Lat and Aram and the sons of Aram are As, Hal, Geder and Meshach now if you study the line of Aram whose name means Mesopotamia that's what Aram means the strong word 758 then you see that Abraham is a descendant from Aram and you find for example Bethuel which was the father of Rachel and Leah and Laban you find that they came from Aram or from Padan Aram and Padan means the table or the land of Aram and you find that in Genesis 25 verse 20 so the descendants of Shem to Aram are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of course all Jacob's sons right up to Yeshua and no the father of Aram the father of Aram was Shem so the descendants go from Shem, Aram, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but not all the Syrians because they are in a different tent Aram of course if you go to the genealogy then you see that Abraham's father whose name was he came out of all of the Gelbes with Abraham's father Terah comes as a descendant out of this house but then of course you see the choice of Laban the Syrian when Abraham said let Laban the Syrian live no let Eliezer the Syrian live before you as my heir he says no your Eliezer cannot be the heir nor can Ishmael be your heir but the heir comes from you and Terah and that heir is Isaac so the Shemites are the people of Shem through Abraham Isaac and Abraham Isaac and Jacob Jacob whose name was changed to Israel who are the descendants of Shem so if you are an Israelite then you are a Shemite ok so that's the house or the tent of Shem of which Yeshua is a direct descendant now who is this fellow Japheth and who are his descendants so we go to chapter 10 verse 2 and we see that Japheth is a son of Noah and his descendants his sons are Gomer Magog Mattai Japhon Tubal and Meshach now these names should be familiar with for you so the descendants of Shem Gomer in particular Magog and Meshach you find these races again in Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 and what are they doing in Ezekiel 38 and 39 they are raising war against the tents of Shem Ezekiel 38 verse 1 the word of Yahweh came to me son of man set your face against Gog and the land of Magog which today is in the area of Russia and Eastern Europe to treat the chief priests of Meshach and Tubal here they are all the descendants or the main descendants of Japheth prophesy against them and say this is what the sovereign Yahweh says I am against you Gog chief prince of Meshach and Tubal I will turn you around put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with the whole army your horses, your horsemen, fury armed and a great horde with large and small shields all of them banishing their swords Persia, Cush and Put are also going to join who are they? let me go to Genesis chapter 10 verse 6 you will see that they are the descendants of Hem Cush, Mithrim, Put and Canaan all joining in here with Gomer, Gog, Magog and Meshach get ready, be prepared you and all the hordes get about and take command of them after many days you will be called to arms in future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel who is going to be gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel and then be attacked by Japheth and by Ham the children of Shem the Shemites so we have here three sons who are going to populate the whole earth of which is prophesied by the prophet Noah that Japheth in particular is to dwell in the tents of Shem Japheth also has a descendant, Gomer and his descendants are Ashkenaz Ashkenaz is a very well known name in East Europe certain parts of Russia where we have Ashkenazian Jews oh, says the church, see they are not real Jews, they are Ashkenaz they are descendants of Gomer they are Japhites you see, they are false these people so they use this in a twist but can there not be Jews living in Ashkenaz in the country, of course, why not exactly, so we misrepresent who Kanaan is and we misrepresent who Judah is and who Israel is we make one big mixture and that is why today we have a mess because we are told specifically that Japheth is to live and reside in the tent of Shem so also the descendants from him Genesis 10 verse 6 are Cush and from Cush comes Sheba chapter 10 verse 7 and also Nimrod Sheba, of course, we know by its representative the Queen of Sheba which came to visit Slomo Kanaan, of course, which name is Humiliation the Strongsword 3667 is not to be taken as the black people of South Africa and therefore are to serve the black men because they are told specifically in Zechariah 14 verse 21 that they are the pagans any pagan is a Kanaanite so if you are without Elohim in this world and you do not serve the Elohim of Israel you are a pagan and these pagans are to serve the tents of Shem and Japheth ok, what do we find in the tents of Shem that is so important for Japheth to dwell in well, the tent of Shem Shem represents the name and the name is represented by his Torah because if you want to know what the name stands for and who the name is you are only going to ever find this in his Torah in his word and in his teachings therefore the Torah or the word is laying in your lap and that will reveal what the tent of Shem stands for that Torah that Torah which represents and is the name is represented by Yeshua who became the incarnated word of Yahweh according to Colossians chapter 1 he is the physical representation of the name and the name is Yahweh who saves so how is Elohim known in the tents of Shem by his name because his name is Yahweh who ultimately are going to save he is going to save via Yahweh who saves all those that are to go and return to the tents of Shem where Yahveh is to dwell and Canaan is to serve so in the tents of Shem we find the Torah which represents the Shabbat the Kasrut or the eating laws Yahweh's appointed times and there Yahveh is to dwell but what did Yahveh do? Yahveh set up his own tent with his headquarters in Rome Yahveh did not heed the prophet Noah and he set up his own tent and what he did he removed the name of Yeshua from the tents of Shem changed the name and put the name Jesus above the tent of Yahveh in Rome we will see in the scriptures in a minute that this is foretold by the prophets in the tent of Yahveh with its headquarters based in Rome we have different names you see the Elohim of the tent of Yahweh is known by God Lord Herr Herr or Senior that's how they address him and if you go into a typical tent of Yahveh and ask him what the name of their Elohim is that's who they tell you that his name is they are totally unfamiliar with the Elohim of the tent of Shem they don't know his name that's why Yeshua says in John chapter 17 Abba Yahweh I have made your name known again to those that you have given me so all those who are given by Yahweh to Yeshua to be sent back to the tent of Shem know his name because his name has been revealed to them by Yeshua himself that's what Yeshua says in John chapter 17 and Yahved joins the tent of idolatry and there we have hidden practices because we know from Jeremiah the prophet that it is strictly forbidden to cut trees out of the forests take those into your houses array them with ornaments and attach them with a cross so that they don't fall over that's what they practice in the tent of Yahved and is idolatry in the tent of Yahved they also don't have the Sabbath they don't have the Torah they don't have the kosher laws and they certainly do not observe the appointed times therefore what is it to be anti-Shem or to be anti-Shemitic or an anti-Shemite anti-Shemites and those who are anti-Semitic reject everything what stands for Shem in fact they are anti the tent of Shem for example Adolf Hitler was anti the tent of Shem and he was anti the Elohim of Shem and he said in his word Mein Kampf Desert God who do you think that you are but he could never ever touch the Abba Yahweh so therefore he touched his tent and he tried to systematically murder and kill the descendants of Shem why? because that is a plot of the devil because Yahshua says Yahshua says in the book of Matthew I will not come again unless you say blessed is he who comes in the Shem of Yahweh you see he said I'm not coming again so if you can do two things if you can systematically destroy the people of Shem on the one hand and if you can systematically destroy the name on the other hand then Yahshua is never going to return it's as simple as that because he says I will not return until you call me blessed and call me blessed in the name of Yahweh so if there is no people to cry this at the end of the age and they don't know his name then Yahshua ain't going to return but we know from the scriptures that Yahweh has reserved unto himself seven thousand men for a remnant who has not bowed the knees unto Baal they are firmly based on the rock of the Samirat this morning in the tent of Shem so you have to ask your friends who say well why are you so sure that you are in the right place you have to ask them which tent they reside in are they residing in the tent of Shem or are they residing in the tent of Yahved and the commandment of Noah the prophet on behalf of Yahweh is is that Yahved is to reside in the tent of Shem anti-semitism is Easter Christmas Sunday worship Maryology and the modern Eucharist Yahweh's people have been taken from the tent of Shem in history by force how is it possible how is it possible that a Jewish person who has seen his parents murdered in the programs in Eastern Europe amongst the people of Yahved who after having been in church being so instructed by their leaders to go out and murder those Christ killers that these children have seen their parents murdered in the name of Jesus how is it possible to believe in that name it's not possible it's humanly impossible that's why the majority of Jewish Israel has always rejected rejected Yeshua because Yeshua is Yahweh who saves he is to come and save Yahved back to the tent of Shem and Yahved is murdering the voices that are the cry of the end of the age blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahved do we see it? Yahweh was not but Jewish Israel by force of the institute of Yahved was forced into the tent of Shem in the tent of Yahved they were taken out of the tent of Shem and forced into the tent by Yahved unless you get baptized we are going to kill you and also Jewish Israel forced themselves out of their own tent they set up their tent of orthodox Judaism by rabbinical Judaism which changed all the laws of the tent of Shem so Jewish Israel on the one hand moved themselves from the tent of Shem and on the other hand they were forcibly removed by Yahved and squarely placed in the tent of replacement theology what is replacement theology in a nutshell? well replacement theology goes something like this the Jews are Christ killers they killed Jesus because they did this God using their terminology God no longer accepts them as their people and therefore has done away with Israel or the Jews now he establishes his church and his way of salvation is now through the church so instead of you having to be part of Israel you must now be part of the church so the church replaces Israel that's replacement theology and that's one of the main doctrines of the tent of Yahved you must now come to church because Augustine one of the church fathers of the tent of Yahved taught that there is only salvation through the church so unless you are a member of the church you cannot be saved where do I find this in the scripture? it's nowhere to be found unless you are found in the tent of Shem and your access in the tent of Shem is through Yahved who saves who represents that tent and he says unless you eat my blood and drink my blood and eat my flesh you can have no part in the tent of Shem because you have to eat that Torah you have to eat that tree of life you see that again pictured since the last chapter when the last harvest is to be harvested after the second resurrection you see that all the trees of life twelve of them, one for each house but the twelve trees of life are portrayed outside the eternal city of Jerusalem and it says you must wash and eat from the tree of life and the tree of life is Yeshua which is represented by the word of Yahweh which is Torah, so you have to eat the pages of the Torah so that you are fully afraid with what the food of the kingdom is in the kingdom we don't eat pig pig is outlawed in the tent of Shem but in Yahved, on his festivals it is customary to eat pig everybody in the tent of Shem at the idolatry festivals eat pig what happened in the house of Yahweh in the time of the Maccabees the descendants of Yahved ransacked Yahweh's house and offered pig on his altar so through history the whole thing has been reversed you see the false prophet is been teaching that the law or the rules has been changed you don't go to the tent of Shem, you must live in the tent of Yahved that's contrary to the word of Yahweh and to the prophet Noah but this is told to us in the book of Daniel Daniel chapter 7 and there from verse 25, Ezekiel, Daniel Daniel chapter 7 from verse 25 if you go back to verse 24 you see the context and the context is exactly the same as in the book of Regulations that these 10 whores not whores 10 whores are the kings of who will come from this kingdom and after them another king will arise different from the earlier ones and he will subdue the 3 kings that leave 7 kings to give power unto the beast right and he will speak against the most high, that is Abba Yahweh and oppress his saints and try to change the set times, which is the festivals and the Torah right and the saints will be handed over to him for a time time and half a time so in the end of the age, the rules are going to be changed, the Torah is going to be changed, that you got to go and live in the tents of Yahweh instead of the tents of Shem this is also portrayed to us in the book of Yahweh in the new testament because the old is the new revealed in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 particularly verse 3, don't let anyone deceive you in any way for the day of the Messiah will not come until rebellion occurs and the man of Torahlessness, the one who is against the Torah is revealed so if you think that the Torah is going to be something popular in the end of the age I'm sorry, it is the reverse the man of Torahlessness will reveal himself and he will almost defeat and deceive the whole world so instead of seeing the whole world becoming Torah observant the opposite will be true so most are moving away from the tents of Shem, and you can see that very few are being led back to the tent of Shem by the grace of Yahweh, somebody asked me in the email group in Holland, you know, why is it that we are being revealed this truth in the last age and why is it me I said sorry I can't answer the question you have to put that one to Yahweh because he elects and he decides you know you have to remember that he has done it by his grace not by anything that we have done so we see that rabbinical Judaism removed itself from the tent of Shem and has removed itself from its Messiah why? because Yahweh says so not because the church says so but Yahweh says so, in Romans 11 he says that they will have eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear until the fullness of Israel out of the nations has come in then, when? then all Israel including Jewish Israel and Ephraimite Israel and all those of Yahweh who want to return back to the tents of Shem will be saved how can you be saved back to the tent of Yahweh when you accept the Pesach offering of Yahshua Messiah he brings you back to the tent of Shem where Yahweh is to dwell what does Yahshua say about the leadership of rabbinical Judaism who has removed themselves from the tents of Shem to which some in the messianic movement says we still are to listen in Matthew chapter 15 Matthew chapter 15 and remember that these leaders also learned in the tents of Yahweh to be precise in Babylonia how you do not mention the name of your deity you see rabbinical Judaism learned that in Babylonia from the pagans because the pagans in Babylonia did not call their deity by name that's why Jewish Israel or rabbinical Israel calls them Hashem the name Hashem this and Hashem that Hashem this but who is Hashem he is Yahweh he is the name he is the name that represents the tent of Shem see there it is Yah from Yahweh who is going to Shua who is going to save all those who are now destroyed or dispersed I should say in the tents of Yahweh and him he is going to redeem them all back to the tent of Shem where you find the Torah the festivals, the cost of the rules etc. etc. where you find in other words the tree of life because without eating the flesh and the blood of the tree of life he says you can't be any part of me you can't be any part of me so what are they feeding them in the tent of Yahweh Eucharist right? and big food yes are they feeding Yeshua as the tree of life which is the Torah made flesh this is reiterated to us in the New Testament and if they say they are New Testament Christians then why don't they do this the beginning was what? the Word and the Word was with Elohim and the Word was Elohim and that Word became flesh that Torah, that lifestyle that way of life that what everything Yahweh stands for became flesh in Yeshua and tabernacle amongst us full of truth and grace no no no no we want our own tent the tent of Shem is not good enough it's not good enough because that's where Yahweh dwells and what happened in the time of Noah, nobody wanted to know and what does it say in the book of Matthew the last days will be like the time of Noah and nobody wants to know nobody wants to know you can send out whatever material you want as much as you can and we are obliged to do that we are obliged to do that so that Yahweh is without excuse Yahweh is without excuse and we are sending out and we are commanded in Matthew 24 that you must preach the kingdom the gospel of the kingdom this is the gospel of the kingdom because the kingdom is represented in the tent of Shem that's what we want to go back to right? we want to go back to the length of Shem Matthew 15 verse 8 these people and he's talking now about the leaders of Israel of his time the rabbis honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me that is rabbinical Jewish Israel today they honor Yahweh or Hashem by their lips they bow and carry on you know but their hearts are far from him because if their hearts were towards him they would walk in his ways and they would honor him do you think this also counts for the leadership of the tent of Yahweh? I'm sure it also counts for the leadership of the tent of Yahweh, they are people who honor me with their lips but their hearts are so far from me that they don't even know what I stand for or what my name is that's far how far they have removed themselves from me therefore they worship me in vain their teachings are but rules taught by men you see, because those men represent Jesus but they do not represent Yeshua because Yeshua is the word of the tent of Hashem to which Yahweh is the return because the commandment is that Yahweh must dwell in the tent of Hashem because that's where the righteousness of Yahweh is do you want to rote yourself in righteousness? I mean we sing all these things in this institute, we say all sorts of things we want to do the will of God we want to be like Jesus we want to be we want to listen to the word of God and we want to follow him we say all these things but it doesn't mean anything to us you see we are full of all these words but all this worship is about content because the content is only ever in the tent of Hashem no other content is to be found in any other tent because the content of Yahweh is to be found in the tent of Hashem and that's why Yahweh was the dweller that's where he picks up his righteousness that's where he picks up his spiritual maturity that's where he will find his saviour and Moshiach you ain't going to find them in the tent of Yahweh they have a counterfeit they have a counterfeit Moshiach and they will set up in the not too distant future their man of Torahlessness and he will cut down and shut down the altar on which Israel again tries to come to worship the name he will shut it down he says they worship me in vain their teachings are but rules taught by men Yeshua called the crowd to him and said listen and understand what goes into a man's mouth does not make him unclean but what comes out of his mouth that is what makes him unclean and then later on we know we know that this had nothing to do with washing the hands of the disciples this is what men teaches you what comes out of their mouth is unclean yes because they teach you you do not have to keep Sabbath, you keep Sunday you do not have to keep the festivals you keep Christmas and Easter it is unclean what comes out of their mouth no you don't according to his representatives no he can't because those who say that they are appointed leaders by him say that you don't have to do any of these things so the leadership house of Yahveh who say that they represent Jesus say that Jesus stands for Torahlessness this is not possible because Yeshua represents the Torah of Yahweh verse 13 he replied every plant that my heavenly father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots leave them these leaders and these teachers they are blind guides and if a blind man leads a blind man both will fall into a pit so here he is saying that the leadership of the tent of Yahveh of Jewish persuasion or of Gentile persuasion are blind guides right that if you follow them you are going to end up in a pit this is true it is the pit of paganism the pit of paganism as taught in replacement theology don't go to Israel anymore leave the tent of Shem and come and live in the tent of Yahweh because Yahweh has changed his mind Yahweh has changed his mind Noah had it all wrong Noah what Noah says has been overruled Shem must now dwell in the tent of Yahveh instead of Yahveh in the tent of Shem but the scripture teaches us that Yahweh is without shadow of turning there is no shadow of turning in him and he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and Noah was a preacher of righteousness not of lies so therefore how are we so sure well which tent are you in are you on Sabbath going to the tent of Shem or are you on Sunday going to the tent of Yahveh it is very simple the choice is yours but the call of Abba Yahweh who stands on the top of the hill is that you are to return to the tent of Shem, who is to return there the Jews, who are they the descendants of Judah the Ephraimites are to return to the tent of Shem, who are they those who come from the other ten tribes of Israel and what about Yahveh the pagans, the gentiles, yes they must return to as we will see in a minute right because all people were to be like Yahweh's people and therefore we go to the enlargement of the tent of the commonwealth of Israel what is the tent of Yahweh in the in the new testament, well go to Ephesians chapter 2 see it's all here there is nothing new under the sun Yahweh hasn't changed his mind, his tent is the same the sheep of Ezekiel 34 are exactly the same sheep as John chapter 10 Yahweh did not say what will do his prophets priests and kings we are going to slaughter all the sheep of Ezekiel 34 and then I will raise up a totally new flock in John chapter 10 and they are now going to be my sheep the old sheep are all buried, dead and gone they are finished that's replacement theology now we say in John chapter 10 that we have new sheep right did Yeshua not say to the Jews you know I am going to raise up another vineyard and you guys, you are out that's what they say he said but that is a misinterpretation of the parable as they have misinterpreted the parable of the lost son, so they have misinterpreted most, because they don't interpret the parables in relation to it's Hebraic context ok what does Ephesians chapter 2 says in relation to the tent of Shem let's read from verse 11 why is therefore therefore that must mean because in the preceded verses there must be something therefore verse 8 for it is by grace that you have been saved through faith and that not of yourself it is a gift of Yahweh not by works so that no one can boast therefore right, remember that formerly you who are pagans who are in the tent of Yahweh by birth and are called uncircumcised in heart or in flesh by those who are called circumcised by those who call themselves the circumcised or Israel remember that at that time when you were Gentiles and uncircumcised in heart and spirit remember at that time you were separated from Moshe so if you are separated from Moshe then you are a pagan is that what it says in the New Testament is that what it says here that if you are not a Moshe you are a pagan right because it says you are a Gentile therefore you remember that you were Gentiles who were separated from Moshe and if you are separated from Moshe you are excluded from citizenship in the tent of Shem which is Israel is that what it says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 yes you are separated from Moshe and excluded from citizenship in Israel and you are foreigners to the covenant because covenants are only made with the house of Shem there is no covenant made with the house of Ham or Yahweh because they are instructed to go and dwell in the tent of Shem that is where the promise is you see verse 12 you are without promise separated and foreigners to the covenant and you have no hope and you are out Elohim in the world that is your status if you are living outside the tent of Shem which represents the commonwealth of Israel so the commonwealth of Israel is the tent of Shem according to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 you read it again remember that at that time you were separated from Moshe excluded from citizenship in Israel foreigners of the covenant of promise and without hope and without Elohim in the world that is the state of a Gentile remember you don't want to be Gentiles right you don't want to be Gentiles because Gentiles will throw down Yerushalayim in Revelations chapter 8 they are outside the gate making a mess of things right so people today when they go to the house of Yahweh they say no no we are not Jews or Israelites we are Gentiles and then they add Christians how can you be a Gentile Christian it is not possible what does Gentile mean Gentile means Pagan or being separated from Yahweh yeah so do we have Christians who are separated from Yahweh yes we have because we have Gentile Christians that is what they call themselves and that is what they are Christians yeah is followers of Christ where can we find the meaning of the word Gentile that means Pagan Gentile is Goy yeah and Goy the Goyim the Goyim are the Gentiles or the Pagans 2 Peter in 1 Peter he talks for example in 1 Peter chapter 1 when Peter talks about that we are going to be built into the spiritual house he says to the Israel that he is addressing that he says walk uprightly amongst the Pagans that is what he says Pagans are those who are separated from Yahweh because they don't serve him those are Pagans and Gentiles and they remain outside the gate of Yahweh's house because they defile his house so in Ephesians 2 12 to 19 it clearly teaches us that you cannot become a member in this commonwealth of Israel unless you have Moshiach, Yeshua so Gentile is a Pagan which is separated from Yahweh Christian is from Christ Christ means Moshiach and Moshiach means anointed so we have anointed Gentiles if you literally translate the words that they use we are Gentile Christians then they mean we are Gentile anointed ones we are anointed ones of the Gentiles now they may be anointed in the house of Yahweh but they are not anointed in the house of Shem because there for there you have to be a member in the household of Elohim because it says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 but now now your position is changed now that you are in Moshiach Yeshua once you accept Him you who once were far away for that you need to go to Daniel 9 verse 7 because you see they say the Gentiles the Gentiles were far away you see they were so far away from God they didn't even know Him but it doesn't mean the Gentiles in context of you know world Pagans these Gentiles are here in Daniel chapter 9 a specific group which was thrown in the nations and we know who became Gentiles according to the book of Isaiah and that is the people of Ephraim therefore we read in Daniel chapter 9 because I mean not to compare scripture with scripture in Daniel 9 verse 7 Yahweh you are righteous but this day we are covered with shame the men of Judah and the people of Jerusalem and all of Israel so this represents the whole house 12 tribes both near and far so part of this whole house was near who remained near to Yahweh in the book of Isaiah Judah and who was far off Ephraim so back to Ephesians chapter 2 now that you are in Moshiach you who once were far away Ephraim far away right but you have now been brought near by the blood of Moshiach because the blood of Moshiach did what? it cleansed you from all unrighteousness right from all your Torah violations and gave you a way back to the tent of Shem right you were fed pig food at the tops of the tents of Yahweh but you came to your senses and you washed your robes and you saw the fallow coming down and what did he do? he put the ring of the sabbath on your finger and he gave you the cloak of righteousness of Yeshua that makes you acceptable to Yahweh he says you have been brought near to the blood of Moshiach for he himself is preached who has made the two the two what? Judah and Ephraim one in the blood of Moshiach right and has destroyed the barrier that divided the world of hostility by abolishing in the flesh the law that are and if you translate this that is the strongest word 3551 which is not nomos but is customs you see the customs of the rabbis and the Zorach which was placed on the Temple Mount Gentiles you are not allowed any further than this but placed there by men men placed it there not Yahweh because all nations must come to the house of Yahweh but they must come in Yahweh who saves right that Zorach or those customs and those rules and regulations which they were which the rabbis that set up over the years and Judah and Ephraim are to be united in one new man because his purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two out of Judah and Ephraim thus making peace and included in Judah redeemed Judah and redeemed Ephraim we want to have as many Japhraites as possible it was always Yahweh's purpose that Yahweh should dwell in the tent of Shem how do we know that? we know that for example from Isaiah 42 Isaiah 42 right Isaiah 42 verse 4 he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on the earth in his law the islands will put their hope who is in the islands at the moment? Ephraim and Yahweh and who is putting their hopes in the Torah? Ephraim Ephraim and no doubt some of the Japhraites verse 21 of Isaiah 42 the place it pleases Yahweh for the sake of his righteous to make his Torah great and glorious you see his Torah has again to be made great and glorious because it was almost done away with because in the tent of Yahweh they made it their business to make sure that this Torah was done away with forever but Yahweh again is going to make it glorious so that those out of Judah Ephraim, Yahweh and Ham who accepted in Yeshua will be able to return to the tent of Shem back to the Torah means back to the tent and so the Gentile sons of Japheth must go back and return together with Ephraim and Judah to the tent of Shem why does it say in Revelation 18 verse 4 come out of her my people why do you think this is there? come out of who? come out of Japheth come out of the tent of Japheth and return back to the tent of Shem is the commandment of Zechariah 14 verse 16 to 18 that Japheth is to go up to the festival of Sukkot all nations are to celebrate the festival of Sukkot what does it say in Isaiah 2 1 to 3 and Micah 4, 1 to 3 that when the temple of Yahweh's house is on the top of the mountains then all the nations Japheth must flock to it, why? to be instructed in the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of God and the Westminster Confession of Faith or which are extensively taught in the tents of Japheth because if you want to be a teacher in Japheth's tent you must assign the five forms of unity none of which is the Torah by the way but are as we read the dogmas and the teachings of men the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of God, the Westminster Confession of Faith as taught in the Presbyterian church and so on, right? you must sign it to agree with those, the Torah has nothing to do with it, the Torah is not represented in the house of Japheth but Japheth it says must go up to the house of Yahweh to be instructed into the Torah because the Torah shall go out from Zion and the words of Yahweh from Yerushalayim, not from Rome not from the tents of Japheth the word of Yahweh goes out from Yerushalayim so where should we be going to get this word of Yahweh? to Rome or to the tents of Shem on the mountains of Israel in Shechem Japheth Japheth is to go up to the mountain of Yahweh's house because do we not have one body? there is only one tent there is one body this is New Testament I'm talking about now, right? so when your friend says, how come you know all this? he says, it's in your New Testament, there is one body not two, there is not two tents there is only the tent of Shem in which Yahweh was to dwell very simple but it has to be revealed to you by Abba Yahweh himself and if you go on your knees and you seek then you will find there is one body there is one gospel there is one mikvah, one baptism not two, there is not baptism oh, the people in the house said, no this thing about baptism is unbelievable we've never heard this in our whole life we always thought it was membership in the church, yes because I read them from article 29 of the Confession of Faith of the Reformed Church it starts off that Christ has changed the law you see? so everything from then on is based on a false assumption Christ has changed the law and baptism now has replaced circumcision can you show me from the Torah of Yahweh where it says that it's nowhere to be found because we started from the wrong assumption that Christ is the end of the law how do we know that? Because that's what they wrote in Romans 10 verse 4 but they changed the text what does it say in the scripture about people who changed the word of Yahweh does it not say in Daniel chapter 9 in Daniel chapter 7 that the man of law is going to do that at the end of the age change the rules well the rules is that in the house of Yahweh you can have 3 tents one big tent the tent of Rome a small tent under the roof of the tent of Rome called Islam because you can be baptized in the house of Yahweh too being Muslim, no problem and then you can have sub-tents of Protestantism did this Pope not say recently, the Pope recently said Roman Catholicism is the true faith if you want to be totally spiritually complete you have to be a Roman Catholic if you are Protestant they are on the right sort of path but they are not quite there right these people are a little bit sort of naive right but I assume they are right under the umbrella of the tent of Rome, no problem you see the Archbishop of Canterbury he goes to Rome they only got a few problems but they agree by and large when the Pope dies they all lie at his nice shoes, Jews and Rabbinical Judaism included all under the umbrella of the tent of Yahweh where everything is possible everything is possible can you as two men marry in the house of Yahweh yes can you as two women marry in the house of Yahweh yes, everything is possible how do you know that you are so sure by this new thing that you believe in now well by the grace of Yahweh I choose for the tent of Shem can you marry two men in the tent of Shem absolutely not, it is an abomination unto the name can you marry two women in the tent of Shem impossible it is an abomination to the name are you allowed to eat pig in the tent of Shem no, it is an abomination to the name why do these people stand on their cupids and say you are to follow Jesus that is exactly what they do but they are not following the name because the name stands for what is written in the Torah which is the blueprint of the tent of Shem 1 Corinthians chapter 12 1 Corinthians chapter 12 this whole 1 Corinthians chapter 12 is in Pentecostal circles used widely for the gifts of the Spirit we are to speak in tongues that is not a phenomenon in the house of Shem in the house of Shem there is one gospel one word one mikvah everybody speaks the same language which is the language of the Torah of Yahweh everything is interpreted according to Moses but in the tent of Yahweh man, you need all sorts of people because they have all sorts of weird wonderful ways you can go in there, I used to go in there and I was never Pentecostal but Sue was Pentecostal I went in there a couple of times and I could not believe my ears the one thing I said to Sue when I came out of there I said I did not hear nothing about the word of Yahweh nothing this is all emotion and you know it is all hey man and the beat goes on and they are all mumbling as soon as they all have the hype the band sort of stops and everybody speaks in tongues nobody knows what it means but as soon as the ministry stops everybody stops so the tongue comes through it the ministry starts and at the end of the day they worship me with their lips and it is all made by me I have never seen it in the house of Shem never and they say you speak in tongues yet? no? well then you are not a good Christian you don't trust enough you are not close enough to go out you see if you can speak in tongues then you are really set apart in the house of Yahweh come on now but is it a phenomenon in the house of Shem? no what is a phenomenon in the house of Shem is this that people are teaching for example in Belgium Mr. Clayton is right now how do I know that? because the people in my email group reported that he was there so they say Bill what is he saying? you see he talks in a different language that is exactly what the scripture means then in Acts chapter 2 all these people came from the other parts of the earth what did they came to do? celebrate Christmas in Jerusalem? no, they came back to the house of Shem because in the house of Shem it is commanded to celebrate Shavuot and in Acts chapter 2 they were all together at the festival of Shavuot you see and there the miracle was that all these people from Papadosia, from Greek, from Rome from you name it all speaking different languages they heard the apostles speak in their own language so in today's terms the apostles spoke for example in Aramaic but all the people heard English, Dutch, German Greek, Italian what? this guy is speaking in Aramaic and we are hearing him in our own language that is the miracle and today there are people who are interpreting teachings of other people in their own languages so that the people in those nations can hear the word of Yahweh and you know what they said? we are like sponges one lady emailed me she said Bill I am so thankful that you put this audio we are like birds and we are waiting for the mother to feed us we are so hungry, we can't wait for the next load you see because they all go back to their houses they are sick and tired of what I have heard in Yahweh with all his nonsense and his speaking in tongues don't misunderstand me Yahweh, Pharaoh Yeshua speaks to people also today but he doesn't come to sit on the end of your bed three times a night, I am sorry that is not Yahweh he only reveals himself by his word and very very seldom did he appear to anyone in Yeshua who people now say oh he just walked into my bedroom I am very skeptical about things like that very very skeptical in Region chapter 12 verse 1 get your pen out because it says now about spiritual gifts this word gift is not in the original text so cross that out for a kick off right? Corinthians 12 verse 1 Corinthians 12 verse 1 yeah 1 Corinthians 12 verse 1 right no gifts obviously we have been here before now about spiritual well being now about being spiritual brothers I do not want you to be ignorant oh about being spiritual you cannot be ignorant because spirituality is found in the tent of Shem because that is where Yahweh had to go you know that when you were pagans here is the word I left for you they are the pagans somehow or other you were influenced and led astray by mute idols so pagans are led astray by mute idols about nothingness things in which there is no Ola, no descent when Jeremiah says you know in the end of the age the Gentiles those are the Gentiles will come back you know why? because in Isaiah it says Yahweh is whistling for them so it says in the scripture you have to whistle for them are you coming? so the scripture says I am not making it up Yahweh is going to whistle for you he says they will come out of the nations and they will say we have only inherited lies we have only inherited lies and then the Hebrew word after that is in which there is no Ola or ascent but these lies that we have learned in the house of Yahweh we cannot ascend to Yahweh because he is in a totally different tent the bridge is different you have gone a bridge too far you need the bridge of the Torah to come back to Yahweh don't be ignorant about spiritual things because they are led astray by mute idols therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Ruach of Elohim now we are talking about not the spirit of God but the Ruach of Yahweh even if we take we take the great commission which is not in the end of the text in Mark and Luke but let's take it as being spoken by Yeshua all the scholars are in agreement that most of the Greek manuscripts do not contain this go out, baptize all the nations in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit that's what it says because name Father, name Son is to prove the Trinity but it says in the name it doesn't say in the names you see baptizing or migwining in the name is in the name of Yahweh and Yahweh is one with his Ruach and his word they are not three different Elohim, they are one but they have different manifestations Yahweh has different manifestations of how he represents himself, he represents himself in fire, he represents himself by messengers, he represents himself by clouds above the tabernacle by smoke and he represents himself physically in Yeshua now this spirit of Elohim who is Yahweh says I tell you that no one who is speaking by the spirit of Elohim says Yeshua be cursed Yeshua be cursed, can't say it if you how many people are saying today in Messianic and Christian circles that Yeshua is not Yahweh that's a curse he's not Yahweh, he's not God he's just a man, he's a prophet because he has to become a prophet because it's unacceptable in Islam then we can merge all together under the tent of the roof of Yahweh and we can all be one and the same the problem is that they first in the beginning said that Jesus was God, that's not a God that's a curse but if you are and have the Ruach of Elohim then you can't say it you can only testify with the words of the book of Romans that you can't say that Yeshua is Yahweh that Jesus is Lord by the Ruach HaKodesh you say that Yeshua is Yahweh because there is a big difference between Jesus and Lord and God that there is with Yeshua, Elohim and Yahweh one lot represents the house of Shem and the other lot represents the house of Yahveh and they are two different tents and those who are in the tent of Yahveh are told in the book of Revelations come out of her my people unless you are going to perish with him because the institute is going to perish but the people are salvageable that's why I always speak against the institute and not the people I don't speak against Christian individuals, they are my brothers and sisters because you see Yahveh was my brother Shem, Ham and Yahveh were brothers so everybody you see out of the street is your brother or your sister because they come from these three descendants is that what we read in the scripture this morning? and the only thing you need to do is bear witness of the tent of Shem and tell them to go back that's all you need to do, that's your witness and the rest you leave you leave to Yahweh, but you have to testify you see all this nonsense about sister so and so, yes she was wrong and she said this, this and this but it's not mean for me to correct her Yahweh will do that that's passing the buck to pray and say a prayer and it's passing the buck because the scripture says you must admonish your brother or sister to their face not behind their back and don't leave it to Yahweh your brother will do it he does it wrong, you got to do it because then you read this you see about the tent of Shem then you are a Shemite so only by the Ruach of Yahweh will you be able to address the leadership of the house of Yahweh properly therefore verse 8 there are different kinds of service but the same Abba or the same master, the same Yahweh there are different kinds of working but the same Elohim the same Elohim He works all of them in all men not to each one now to each one the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good so the manifestation of the Ruach of Yahweh must be used for the common good what does that mean? that means that if the Ruach of Yahweh is to let you back into all truth that we must use the Ruach of Yahweh to lead these other back to the tent of Shem that's for the common good not to show our spirituality by speaking tongues and therefore we are better Christians no, if you get the Ruach of Yahweh you will use it for the common good to return everybody back to the tent of Shem that Hebraic interpretation not the scriptures and not Greek interpretation because then in that Ruach some will give the gift of teaching and some will give the gift of healing, healing from what? from being spiritually bankrupt in the house of Japheth and being made alive in the house of Shem being healed spiritually, because spiritual healing must come first before she can be physically healed you see, verse 9 to others faith by the same spirit to another gift of healing and by one spirit the other, here we are miraculous powers the strongest word is 1411 which means ability, other abilities not the miraculous powers that we can now take a run out of the wheelchair and say, come on brother I'm not saying that Yahweh can't do that, of course He can He can do anything now we're seeing this done by people who are representing the house of Japheth and not the house of Shem so by which Ruach by which spirit, that's the next subject Strong's reference number Strong's reference number Annette for you is 1411 there is ability by the one spirit one receives the gifts of healing and the other receives the gifts of other abilities some will prophesy what does that mean? that they will always talk in the name of Yahweh, Yahweh tells me that you must repent repent from what? from having gone off the road and have gone on the road to the tent of Japheth and you've got to turn from that road and you've got to go back to the tent of Shem, that's repentance that's the job of a prophet to remind everybody of the word of Yahweh Christ sayeth Yahweh you must repent and go back to the tent of Shem but no Greek philosophy about the oracles of the tents of Delphi oh I hear the word of Yahweh that Ruach is going to go to Wellington because there is a new job for him and he will absolutely prosper there because I saw him bathed in the gifts of the prosperity which is the gospel that we preach and now Ruach slows down and nothing changes what are we going to do with the prophet? we should stone him right? I tell you there are a few around that ought to be stoned because they misinterpret the word of Yahweh Acts chapter 15 is another chapter which is continuously deliberately being misquoted in the tents of Japheth Acts chapter 15 you know where it says that these out of the nations are returning they must refrain from eating various foods four types of foods right? who is returning? out of the nations well first of all Ephraim and Judah and secondly every descendant of Japheth who wants to come up with them but they must return to the tent of Shem we are not going to the tent of the new age we are not going to the tent of Protestantism we are not going to the tent of the seventh day Adventist and we are not going to the tent of the Mormons we must go back to the tent of Shem there is only one tent because there is only one faith not two tents one tent and that faith says the prophet Jude there is only one chapter verse 1, 2 and 3 that that faith was originally given to who? the saints in the wilderness oh I thought it was re-given at Acts chapter 2 no no no once given says Jude to the house of Shem and what was their responsibility? to go and show to all the nations so that Japheth and Ham and everybody can serve and be in one tent that is Yahweh's intention it was before the foundations of the world were laid here is a plan, we are all sorted and thought out in Acts chapter 15 right the people of Japheth say no no no these are the rules, what they are trying to say to you in Acts chapter 15 right from verse 1400 are the rules for the tent of Japheth, no it's not because it says, Simon has declared to us how Elohim at first showed concern by taking from the Gentiles, from the nations a people for himself the words of the prophets are in agreement with this yes because the prophet Amos in chapter 9 agrees that the tent of Shem which is falling apart under King Solomon why? because he went after the Torah of his wives right Yahweh says I am going to disperse you amongst the nations right but in the end of days I will restore you to the tent of Shem right you must go back to the tent and the rule of the tent of Shem is first of all and first with you must refrain from these four things blood oh we are not allowed to eat blood with us, no that's not acceptable in the house of Shem meat offered to idols sexual immorality and all this stuff you don't do that these are the minimal things that we stop with right now so that we can go and sit around the table and discuss this and then it says it's better to go back to the synagogue because at least there they teach something about Moses it may have not been perfect at that time but at least they taught something about Moses which you do not get in the tent of Japheth the tent of Shem is to be rebuilt and all of us are to go there Matthew 23 verse 1 what does Yeshua say Matthew 23 verse 1 what does Yeshua say and Yeshua said to the crowds and to his disciples so that's everybody he is talking to right so there is no misunderstanding here the teachers of the Torah and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat so you must forget everything that they say because the Torah of Moses has been rendered inoperative so he says no the teachers sit in Moses seat so you must obey them and do everything they tell you provided it comes from Moses seat right provided it is taught by Moses right do not do what they do oh for they do not practice what they preach so if you preach other than the seat of Moses right you are not a listener does Benny Hinn preach the seat of Moses does Kenneth Copeland preach the seat of Moses does our friend in the crystal palace right our our crystal palace man Mason Mr. Shuler do they preach the seat of Moses right they don't they don't preach the seat of Moses they preach against the seat of Moses are you to follow them according to Yeshua no it's better he says that you go back to the synagogue there at least they talk something about Moses right that was in the time of Acts chapter 2 the synagogue has changed a lot since then it's better to go back straight to the tent of Shem what does the apostle Paul say he 1 Corinthians 5 verse 7 and 8 you have to keep the Passover so the Passover is to be kept in the house of Shem for whom Romans 15 who is to keep the Passover Romans 15 what is the purpose and intent of Yahweh verse 10 again I say rejoice O Gentiles with his people the people of Yahweh right and the Gentiles they are to rejoice where did the apostle Paul get this from Deuteronomy 32 verse 43 you see it was Yahweh's intention that Israel would go out as the representatives of the house of Shem and that they would go out rejoicing and they would visit Yahweh and Ham their brother and they would say listen if you want spiritual enlightenment come to our tent because that's where the name is that's where Yahweh is you should dwell in our tent you must leave the other tents they are not good for you spiritually really they are not they are teaching you come to the seat of Moses come back to the tent Deuteronomy 32 verse 43 what does it say rejoice O nations with his people for really he will avenge the blood of his servants and he will take vengeance on his enemies and make atonement for the land and his people the nations are to come and rejoice in the tent of Shem rejoice why because Shem has the answer Shem has the answer as to how to return to the name and the answer is Yeshua Hamashiach he is our answer the tent of Yahweh or Rome is bankrupt Revelation 17 verse 19 tells us that the tent of Yahweh will be destroyed by fire the people in this tent are salvageable are you up to the task are you going to be the Israel of Yahweh of whom it was Yahweh's intention that you were to go to the house of Yahweh and show the seat of Moses and his Messiah to be able to return you to the tent what's the principle the principle of Ruth your people shall be mighty and your Elohim is my Elohim don't they say this in the tent of Yahweh I've heard it in the tent of Yahweh over and over again but they never do it they don't accept Ruth's people they say they are Christ killers and Yahweh has nothing to do with them and now the church replaces Israel that's still strong today are they taking the principle of Ruth and becoming mothers in Israel Ruth is as as big a mother in Israel as Rachel and Leah and what about the Elohim of Ruth have they accepted the Elohim of Ruth, no they haven't because the Elohim of Ruth says I am Yahweh besides me there is no other I am your Saviour and if you love me you will do my commands they don't teach you that in the tent of Yahweh that's a rule of the tent of Shem it's the Ruth principle so therefore let us go out and teach the Ruth principle and if anybody asks you how are you so sure that you are on the right path ask them which tent they go to and explain to him or to them from Genesis chapter 9 the principle of Yahweh that Yahweh is to dwell in the tent of Shem and not vice versa and show them from the book of Revelations that they are to come out of her my people and don't touch that which is unclean so if you reside in the tent of Yahweh you reside amongst that which is unclean from which you must cleanse yourself from which you must take mikvah from which you must be cleansed and richly purified to be able to go back together with Yeshua who is your Olah who is your Oser Esen who is your Koban bypass the tent of Yahweh bypass the tent of Him and go straight to the tent of Shem where the name is Yahweh the King of Kings the Yahweh of Yahweh's whose Moshiach leads us by their quiet waters and brings us to the tent of Shem praise, honor and glory be to the name Abba Yahweh we praise you and we thank you for your word we praise you and we thank you for Genesis chapter 9 and we praise you and we thank you that you have opened our eyes to the tents of Shem father we pray foremost for our close relatives our wives, husbands children who are still residing in the tents of Yahweh father you promised that if we go back the road of the Torah that this promise is for our children and our children's children also father may we keep you to this promise but how will they know how to return to the tents of Shem if there is nobody going to teach them if we keep quiet if we don't say anything because you see if you don't say anything you can keep the peace but it is false peace because we are held responsible for not sharing the way back to the tents of Shem so make us therefore faithful witnesses with Yeshua Talmudim Talmudim is apostles Talmudim those who are the Talmudim of Yeshua who are so full of the teachings of their master that they can't keep their mouth shut they have to get up and they have to proclaim the master's word amongst the people I am a Talmud of Yeshua HaMashiach who is Yahweh who saves who wants you to come back to his tent the tent of the name the tent of Yahweh because that according to the book of Ephesians is what the tent is called the tent is called by the name of Yahweh and all must return to it and now is the time of return so therefore make us faithful witnesses to this return to our brothers and sisters and to all those around about whoever we see are either Yahwehites Hamites or Shemites but they are our brothers and sisters because they all descend from Noah and from Adam and so father make us concerned for our fellow man let us not keep this message exclusively to us and take the easy way out by not saying anything but let us go out confidently now knowing how to answer the question how are you so sure that you are right because I live in the tent of the name praise honor and glory to you our God our Elohim be with us to the furthest of this day wherever we go whatever we do keep the evil one away from us and give us your shalom Amen