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What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah -8

What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah -8


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This radio broadcast discusses the scriptural identity of believers in Yeshua the Messiah. It emphasizes that Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph's descendants, including Ephraim and Manasseh, are part of the house of Israel. The importance of Judah bringing forth the Messiah and Ephraim bringing forth the fullness from the Gentiles is highlighted. The program also discusses how until the descendants of Ephraim come out of the Gentiles, Israel cannot be saved. It emphasizes that believers in Yeshua are Abraham's seed and need to trust in Yahweh's plan. The importance of following the Torah and not living like Gentiles is emphasized. It is explained that Gentiles serve other gods and reject the scriptural worship prescribed in the Torah. Gentiles are seen as separated from Messiah, excluded from citizenship in Israel, and without hope and Elohim. The Apostle Paul's teachings on these subjects are referenced. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nuach. Well, welcome to the program, the final program in the series, What is Your Scriptural Identity in Yeshua the Messiah, and we are going to sum up all that we have said in the letter to the Ephesians by the Apostle Paul, and there we are going to find that everything that I have said is confirmed in this chapter. And what have we said? We have said that Abraham became a Hebrew, Jacob became Israel, and Israel's son Joseph, his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, became Israel as they were adopted by Father Jacob. We saw how Judah is to bring forth the Messiah, and how Ephraim, who became the firstborn of Israel, has to bring forth the fullness that comes out of the Gentiles. Then we saw in Romans 11 that Paul says that until this fullness of the descendants of Ephraim who have come out of the Gentiles, unless they have come out of the Gentiles, Israel cannot be saved. That's correct, because Yahweh has made a promise that at the end of the age He will regather all those whom He has scattered to the four corners of the earth. And this is about to happen right as we speak. So what is the scriptural identity? Well the scriptural identity is in accordance with Galatians 3.29, that if you are in Messiah then you are Abraham's seed. And you have to trust Yahweh that He knows what He is doing, because as we saw in our last program, that He elected you and I as adopted sons and daughters before the foundations of the world were laid, as Israelites, because to Israel is the adoption. Now you might say, well this Boaz, is he flipped or what, is he trying to tell me that I am a biblical Israelite? No, I'm not trying to tell you that. The scriptures is telling you that. And if you go to the book of Ephesians, to chapter 2, and if I read with you from verse 11, then Paul is talking to those who are in the nations or in the ethnos. And he says, therefore, wherever you have a therefore, we go back to the preceding verses, and if you read from verse 8, for it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, it is not from yourself, it is a gift of Elohim, not by works, so that any man could boast. Therefore, verse 11, remember that formerly you were Gentiles by birth, and called uncircumcised by those who were called themselves the circumcision. You've got two things here, therefore remember that formerly you who were Gentiles. So here is a group of people who live, conduct their lives as Gentiles. And remember that at the beginning of the program I gave you a definition of what Gentiles are. They serve mute idols, and so on. In other words, they are people who are serving other gods, other than Yahweh. And according to the scriptures, particularly in the prophet Isaiah, in chapter 43, he tells you that there is no other god, there is no other Elohim, apart from Yahweh. So everything else, Baal and all the like, are false gods who do not exist, and are mere mute idols in which there is no prophet whatsoever. You'll see that, for example, in Ezekiel 4.17, where the apostle Paul says, this I say therefore, and I testify in Yahweh that ye henceforth walk not as the Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their minds, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of Elohim through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart. So Gentiles' hearts are blinded, they are full of vanity in their mind, and they are alienated from the life of Elohim. How do you know what the life of Elohim is? How does Elohim want you to live? Well, according to his lifestyle, according to his Torah. So people who are alienated from the Torah, or from the lifestyle of Elohim, according to the apostle Paul, are alienated through the ignorance that is in them. So Paul says that if you are alienated from the lifestyle of Yahweh, you are ignorant. So all those who do not keep Torah are ignorant of the lifestyle of Yahweh, according to the apostle Paul in Ezekiel 4.18. He says, therefore, remember that formerly, formerly, when you were alienated from the lifestyle of Elohim, and you rejected the lifestyle or the Torah of Yahweh, you were ignorant, and, according to the apostle Paul, Ephesians 4.17, don't walk as Gentiles walk in the vanity of their minds. You see? He says in Romans 12 that we have to be transformed, and our minds need to be renewed, so that we conform to the lifestyle of Yahweh, so that we are no longer ignorant. Romans 12, therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of Elohim's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, set apart and pleasing to Yahweh. This is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, who live like Gentiles, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, transformed into what? Into the lifestyle of Yahweh, how He wants to see you live before Him, in accordance with the rules that He wrote down in His Torah. Then, when, when your mind has been renewed, then you will be able to test and approve what Elohim's will is, His good pleasure, and His perfect will. Yes, because then you are tuned in to the Torah of Yahweh, and from that you can determine what the will of Yahweh indeed is for you. For by the grace given me, I say to every one of you, do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith that Elohim has given you, just as each of you has his own body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function. So in Messiah, we who are many form one body, not two. In Messiah there is only one body, and that is the redeemed house of Jacob. Not one body, Israel, and another body, the church. Now, it is very clear, there is only one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace that is given to us. You must be transformed by the renewing of your mind, because only then can you determine what the will of Elohim is. Therefore the Apostle Paul says, formerly, when you were Gentiles, when your mind was not renewed, and you did not know what the way of life of Elohim was, you may have had your own ideas about it, but they were certainly not scripturally based, because you were not in the Torah of Yahweh. So you were living like a Gentile. And you were called uncircumcised. This word uncircumcised is an important word, and it is a teaching in itself, and the word is the Strong's Word 203, which is called Akra Bustia. You were called Akra Bustia, and Akra Bustia in this context means, those who have tossed their circumcision away. In other words, they were circumcised, and therefore they should have lived a circumcised lifestyle in accordance with the Torah, but they thrown all this lifestyle overboard and became like Gentiles. And he says, remember, in verse 12, remember that at that time you were separated from Messiah. So if you live like a Gentile, what's a Gentile? A Gentile is somebody who serves mute idols, serves someone other than Yahweh, keeps that other God's festivals, meeting dates, and worship, but totally rejects the scriptural worship which is prescribed in the scriptures as to how we are to worship Yahweh. For example, Yahweh says that he must keep his Sabbaths. That includes the seven-day Sabbath, and it includes the biblical festivals, which also contain Sabbaths, but if we reject those, and we say, no, that's not for us, we do this on other days, and we have other festivals, then you are serving another God, there is no two ways about it. And he says, when you are living like a Gentile, a Gentile, for example, do not uphold the food laws of the Torah. They eat shellfish and pig and all sorts of things, right? They conduct themselves like the prodigal son, really. He says, remember that when you were conducting yourself as such, that you were separated from Messiah, and that you were excluded from citizenship in Israel. You see? Here it is. Gentiles do not form part of the Israel of Yahweh. Who form part of the redeemed house of Israel? Jews who have accepted Messiah, Israelites who have accepted Messiah, and Gentiles who have accepted Messiah. If you do not accept Messiah, you are excluded from Messiah, and therefore you are excluded from citizenship in Israel. As soon as you accept Messiah, then you become Abraham's seed, and you take up citizenship in Israel. Of course, he says, remember that at that time you were separated from Messiah, excluded from citizenship in Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of promise, yes? Because we read in Romans 9, that the covenants are only made with Israelites. Theirs are the covenants! You see? The Apostle Paul knows exactly what he's talking about. But as soon as you become an Israelite, how do you become an Israelite? When you struggle with El, and don't let him go until he blesses you, and you prevail with him till the end, then you are an Israelite, then you are no longer a foreigner to the covenants. You see? Because if you are a Gentile, you are without Messiah, you do not have citizenship in Israel, you are not partakers of the covenant of promise, you are without hope, and without Elohim in the world. So in other words, the Apostle Paul says, if you are a Gentile, you are a hopeless case. Let me read it all one after another. Remember that at one time you were separated from Messiah, excluded from citizenship in Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of promise, without hope, and without Elohim in the world. So you're hopeless. Yes? Without Messiah, you are hopeless. Because you have no Redeemer, you have no Savior, and you have no Protector, and you are living therefore in your sins. If you want to hear a whole lecture on this, from the Apostle Paul, read 1 Corinthians chapter 15. He says, because there, there were chaps who said, well, you know, Messiah didn't even rise from the dead. Because now we know that he's gonna come for the dispersed of Israel, which is his task, to bring them back, and regather them together into one, and become its shepherd on the mountains of Israel, and return them to the land as promised. You see? But if you are without Messiah, you're without hope, you're a hopeless case, says Paul. Then he says in verse 13, but now, in Messiah Yeshua, you, who once were far off, have now been brought nigh by the blood of Messiah. You see? And then in traditional Christianity, they say, oh see, this is the church. The church was far off, but now, in the blood of Messiah, they have been brought nigh. No, it's not. The Apostle Paul is quoting the Scriptures. You see, everything Paul does is Scripture-based. The problem is that men have put different words in his mouth. The Apostle Paul is quoting from the book of Daniel, Daniel chapter 9, from verse 7. And he says, Daniel says, Yahweh, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame. The men of Judah, and the people of Jerusalem, and all Israel, both near and far. You see? Judah was always near to Yahweh, but Israel was far off. They were scattered throughout the world to the furthest corners, all the way to Taronga in New Zealand. You couldn't be much further away, could you? Israel was far off, and Israel has now been brought near by the blood of Messiah. Who is Israel? Believing Jews, believing Israelites, and believing Gentiles. They are now the Israel of Yahweh, and in Messiah, have received citizenship in the Israel of Elohim. Hallelujah! That's what the Apostle Paul is saying. He's not talking about pagan Gentiles, who were far off, no, he's talking about the Israel of Yahweh that was scattered throughout the world. He says, they were far off, they have now been brought near by the blood of Messiah. Both near and far. You see? In all the countries where you have scattered us, because of our unfaithfulness to you, says Daniel. O Yahweh, we and our kings and our princes and our fathers are covered with shame, because we have sinned against you, O Yahweh, our Elohim has mercy, and forgive us. This is the prayer we should be praying to, you see? The people of Judah and of Yerushalayim, and all of Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us. And the Apostle Paul knew all about this, and he says, now in Messiah, he says, in verse 13 of Ephesians 2, now in Messiah Yeshua, you who once were far away, in the Diaspora, all the way down in Taron, with eyes that could not see, and ears that could not see, blinded, blinded to the Torah, whilst you were in a strange religious environment, that was totally contrary to the Torah of Yahweh, Yahweh was with you. He gave you the silver and the gold, but you used it in the service of Baal, for the Lord. But now that He's opened your eyes, by His Ruach, not by Boaz, by His Ruach, because I can teach to people and preach to them till I'm green in the face, and most of them will not get it, nor will they accept it. But those who are touched by Yahweh, they get it immediately, and rejoice, because it is the Ruach of Yahweh that enlightens you. And He says, now that you're in Messiah, you have been brought near in the blood of Messiah. And then if you go to verse 19, then He says, consequently, because of the blood of Moshiach, you are no longer a foreigner or an alien, but you are a fellow citizen, and, does He not say, that because you didn't have Messiah, you were excluded from the citizenship in Israel, so the citizenship He's talking about in verse 19, is exactly the same citizenship as He talks about in verse 12, and that is the citizenship in Israel, so He says, consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but you are fellow citizens in Israel with Elohim's people and a member of the household of Elohim, which is built on the foundations of the apostles the prophets, with Yeshua as the chief cornerstone. Now remember, when we came to the faith of the apostles, what did they believe? They were not Christians who worshipped on Sunday and kept Easter and Christmas. They were Israelites who worshipped on the Sabbath, kept the biblical festivals of Passover, unleavened bread, firstfruits and so on, and went to the synagogue to be instructed in Moses. They were looking for the restoration of the fallen booth of David. That was what their meeting in Acts 15 was all about. They didn't change from Sabbath keepers to Sunday keepers. No way! Paul stood in the Torah. He says, I am going to uphold it. He says, I am speaking to men and brethren, Romans 7 verse 1, who know the Torah. I am not speaking to pagan Greek barbarians who couldn't care less. Yes, pagan Greek barbarians can also become Israelites, but they have to repent from their pagan barbarian ways, accept Yeshua as their Savior and Master, be washed in His blood so they can be brought near by His blood. Brought near to whom? To Yahweh. Yeshua is our korban, He is our offering. When we go to Yahweh, we only come to Yahweh in Yeshua, because He has cleansed us from all our filthiness and presents us holy to the Father, set apart. You see? When Yahweh looks to someone who is in Moshiach, in the right sense of the word, then He looks at that person as though he or she has never sinned. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine that? That's grace, man. Please put this in between your ears. I hear people say, oh, I am not good enough to go to heaven. Well, that's for sure. I am certainly not. But it's not about us. If it was about us, none of us would return to the Kingdom. But it is by the grace of Yahweh. How is He going to save you? And salvation in the Israel of Yahweh is totally different than the salvation which is often taught in institutionalized Christianity. What does it say in Ephesians 2, verse 8? For it is by grace that you are saved. So it is by the grace of Yahweh that we are saved, not by any works that we do, not by us saying, oh, well, didn't we uphold the Torah wonderfully and therefore Yahweh is going to save us. No, no, no. By upholding the Torah, we are only keeping ourselves clean. We show that we are a set-apart people unto Yahweh. Moshiach comes to save us. He comes to save us out of this world and He is going to take us back to the Promised Land. That's the promise to Abraham. That is salvation. And then you may live with Him for a thousand years and rule with Him like a prince. And He will sustain you to the rivers that are flowing from the altar of the Temple of Yahweh to the Mediterranean Sea in the Millennial Kingdom and trees of lives are planted along this river for the healing of Israel. Friends, He says, now that you are in Messiah, there was a time when you were far off, but now you have been brought back into the fold. For He Himself, verse 14, is our Shalom, who will make the two one. Who are the two? Judah and Ephraim are two and He is going to make them one. And the middle wall of partition that was hostile towards people coming to Yahweh, the Zorak, as it is called in Hebrew, has been broken down by Moshiach. The Zorak which hindered people coming to Moshiach by all the rules and the regulations in traditional Christianity and in orthodox Judaism, all the rules that man have made, right, were a hindrance for the people to come to Him, sins that we have committed in other religious institutions by not following His commandments. Because when you have come to Yeshua and realized that you have now come to your senses as you are sitting by the pig troughs in the nations and you say, this is no longer acceptable, I have to return to Yahweh. I have to return to Yahweh. So therefore He has led you into His Torah and you are seeing the way back and soon Moshiach will come to deliver you out of this dark and evil world which is disintegrating as we speak. And He will expose all the principalities and powers, expose them, all the people of the Illuminati and all the people of masonry and all the leadership around the world who are conspiring against Yahweh and who have their alternative plans in setting up a new world government and a new world religion. He is exposing them and He will make them the laughing stock because He is going to win this battle. And the world will know that He is Yahweh, He who was, He who is and He who is to come, the Eternal One, the King of Kings and the Master of Masters. And His Moshiach will come and regather the 12 tribes of Israel and bring them via Goshen into the land of promise. We are going to listen to a wonderful song sang by our brother Judah asking Ephraim to come home. This song is very moving so therefore listen to it very, very carefully. Then we will continue and close off this teaching and then next week we continue with a teaching called Shaul or Paul and the Torah and we are going to find out exactly what he is really saying. Listen to this song, it's beautiful. Shalom, shalom, please come home, your brother Judah's not alone. Find your way, find your way, when you return you're here to stay. The King will come to take his throne, He is our great chief cornerstone. Rock of Ages, light our way, light our way, to the living Torah, this we pray. Lead us, guide us, take our hand, show us to the promised land. I will never hear your cry, and we cry, lead us, guide us, trust not. Yeshua, Lord, lead us home, the prodigal that you've torn. Every tribe in exile, yet every single one, take us back into your arms, your arms. Lead us, guide us, take our hand, lead us to the promised land. I will never hear your cry, and we cry, lead us, guide us, trust not. Yeshua, Lord, to bring us home, brother Judah's not alone. They cry, I'm coming home today, home today, one nation under Yahweh, Yahweh. Take our hand, show us to the promised land. I will never hear your cry, and we cry, lead us, guide us, trust not. Lead us, guide us, trust not. Abba, Father, hear our cry. Hear our cry, indeed, bring us home, so that Judah is there not alone. Well, that's the day we're looking forward to, and it's not too far in the future. What we see happening around us are clearly signs of the times. Earthquakes, natural disasters, and famine setting in. Anyway, we want to close off this teaching today. What is your scriptural identity in Yeshua the Messiah? Well, it clearly is that your identity in Messiah is that you are a biblical Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, because if you are in Messiah, you are Abraham's seed, and therefore, you are an heir to the promise. And the promise to Abraham was that he would bring forth an eternal descendant in whom all the people of the nations would be blessed, and that his Abraham descendants were promised a land, the land which we now know as Israel. But this is not the Israel which is being created by man. We are looking for the Zion that is going to be created by Abba Yahweh. And that Zion, or that creation of Zion, is right in front of us, and is indeed not too far away. We must not confuse the two, because the secular state of Israel is also going to be punished according to the Scriptures, because punishment starts in the house of Yahweh. So therefore, those who are thinking to return to Israel prematurely, be warned that it is Messiah's task to bring back the disperse of Israel. And the Scripture is clear that the twelve tribes will be united in the land of Goshen, according to our picture in Genesis 40-45, in the picture of Joseph, in the Goshen of the nations, or in the wilderness of the nations, there Yahweh will reveal Himself to His people, and there the nation will be born. And from there, from the Goshen of the world, Yeshua will lead His people home. Don't go prematurely and follow leaders who claim to have the mandate to return Ephraim back to the land. This is Messiah's task, and has a very specific order, and that order will be strictly followed as far as He is concerned. He says in Ezekiel chapter 20, that He is going to meet His people in the nations face to face. In other words, He will confront you with His Word and His Torah. And that will bring you back into the bond of the covenant, for Him then to be able to lead you to the promised land, where the twelve tribes of Israel will rebuild the house of Yahweh. Don't get involved in any interfaith building of an interfaith temple. Many people will be misled when they will see shortly structures being built on the temple mount, including altars, where the main religions of the world will unite in some sort of eclectic religious order, and they will follow it blindly. Remember, that the Israel of Yahweh serves Him and Him alone, and there is, as far as He is concerned, only one Elohim, and that is He who was, He who is, and He who is to come. It is Him that we serve, and His Messiah will bring us home. What have we learned? Well, we have learned that Yeshua came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, for the ten tribes that were scattered through the nations. Israel, the ten tribes, became like Gentiles, and so became like the lost son of Luke 15. The lost son who sat by the pig troughs of the world, where he learned and ate teachings of men in which there was no going up to meet Yahweh. In other words, what he learned was not enough to return him to Yahweh. He learned all sorts of false festivals, false worship days, and false doctrine. But by the grace of Yahweh, he or she came to their senses. They realized that the pig food was not enough. They repented and they returned to their Father, as He said in the book of Hosea, that they will. Then He was waiting for them and put a ring on their finger, a ring that identifies and binds them together. That, in Yahweh's word, is undisputably the Sabbath. You will find that people who return to their Hebraic roots and who return to the Torah, one of the first things they do is keep the Sabbath, because the Sabbath is the sign and the seal between Yahweh and His people. And from there they move into the biblical festivals. And so they return to Abba, who is looking or is on the lookout. Are they coming yet? It is time. It is time, because it is a sign of the times. It's a fulfillment of the prophecies of old, that at the end of the age, Yahweh is going to return His people back to Himself. But don't make any mistake. He is always talking about a remnant. You will not see millions of millions of people returning to Yahweh and to His Torah. It will only be a remnant. That is what the Apostle Paul teaches quite clearly in the book of Romans, in an example that was given to us by one of the prophets. Jeremiah also said to Yahweh, look, there is nobody left and the whole thing is absolutely useless and what am I doing here? Yahweh said to him, don't worry, I have kept seven thousand, a significant number, who have not bowed their knees to Baal. All throughout the ages there has been a faithful remnant that has served Yahweh the way He wants to be served. And the Apostle Paul says in Romans 11 verse 25, I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited. Israel has experienced a hardening, in part, until the full number out of the Gentiles have come in. They are the descendants of Ephraim. And so all Israel will be saved as it is written. You see, it is written already in the prophets. The deliverer will come from Zion. Zion that Yahweh is going to create. He will turn the ungodliness away from Jacob. He will take Jacob's violating of the Torah away and this is the covenant which He made with them when He will take away their sins, their Torah violations. This is exactly what is going to happen. A remnant has been saved according to the election. Where do we find this? Romans 11 verse 5. So too, at this present time there is a remnant chosen by grace and so there is at this time a remnant chosen by grace because the path to the truth of Yahweh is narrow but the path to destruction is wide. Therefore let us repent and return to Yahweh so that He may heal us. The lost son served Baal-G-E or the Lord God in the nations. But Yahweh is bound by covenant to regather the two houses of Israel unto Himself. This He has promised to the prophets. Therefore any member from the two houses of Israel and any Gentile who accepts Yeshua as their Savior and Master are regathered as members of the redeemed house of Jacob and are part of the Israel of Yahweh. How do we know this? Galatians 6 verse 16. Galatians 6 verse 16. Let me read from verse 15. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything in relation to your salvation because you are saved by grace. You are not saved through your circumcision or your uncircumcision. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule even to the Israel of Elohim. Shalom and mercy to all who follow this rule. What rule? What rule? That Moshiach is our salvation. The Apostle Paul is not teaching that circumcision is not required because he does. If you go for example to Romans chapter 3 verse 1 he says what advantage then is there in being Jewish or what value is there in circumcision? Much in every way. See? There is value in circumcision. Yes? Because it's the sign and the seal of the covenant made with Abraham. But what the Apostle Paul is teaching here is that you are saved. Which some of the leadership of Israel did. They were saying that unless you are circumcised in accordance to the rules of Moses you cannot be saved. He says that's a heresy because circumcision doesn't save you. The Torah doesn't save you. As far as your salvation is concerned or what is going to save you circumcision or uncircumcision is useless. Only Messiah is going to save you. Can you imagine? You know it's so simple. You sit here in Torah and say for example that at the end of the age where we are that we are also going to get a big earthquake and the whole place here is knocked down and you sit as lights in Torah as examples of Yahweh's grace without any problem, damage and you have been saved by Yahweh of your life. Saved to later on move out of this place via the land of Goshen where He protects you in the wilderness here and brings you back to the promised land. That's being saved by the grace of Yahweh from destruction. Your circumcision didn't save you, did it? Or your Torah keeping didn't save you, did it? No. Moshiach protected you and saved you from harm and then He brought you back unto Himself to deliver you to the promised land in accordance with the promises made to the fathers. Very simple. Now how many bodies does He have? How many people is He going to save? Well, we are going to see in a future teaching that He is only the Savior of Israel. He is Israel's Savior, Israel's King, Israel's Redeemer. Yes, because in Ephesians 4, verse 4 it says that there is one body one ruach and even ye and even as you are all called in one hope of your calling. So there is one body, not two. And that body is the redeemed house of Jacob guided and taught by one spirit which is the ruach or the spirit of Yahweh. Yes, there are other ruachim. There is no two ways about that. Therefore John says you must test the spirits to see if they are of Yahweh. How many faiths do we have? Do we have a Christian faith and a Jewish faith and an Islamic faith? Yes, these faiths are around. But according to Yahweh in Ephesians 4, verse 5 there is one Yahweh, one faith and one mikvah. There is not two faiths. There is not a Christian faith that is acceptable to Yahweh or a Jewish faith that is acceptable to Yahweh and by that I mean faiths created by men. In other words, I've heard it said there are many ways that lead to God. Well, that could be true. But there is only one way that leads to Yahweh. What is that one way? Well, Yeshua, doesn't He say I am the way, the truth and the life and that only through Him will you come to the Father. There is only one way. Now, how does that work? Well, it's very simple. Yeshua will be the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek or Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness. And when the house of Yahweh is built He will represent you to the Father. In other words, in His high priestly dress He will have a breastplate and He will have 12 tribes of Israel engraved in the stones which He will carry on His shoulders. Now, make no mistake. Only He is allowed in the Holy of Holies. The song that goes like we enter into the Holy of Holies is only ever on the shoulder plate of the High Priest that our names will be engraved in the 12 stones representing the 12 sons of Jacob which Moshiach will carry into the Holy of Holies before His Father. You and I will never ever be allowed in there because Yahweh lives behind unapproachable white light no one has ever seen nor will see Him. Only His Son, Yeshua as the King of Righteousness the priest after the order of the King of Righteousness will move into this Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur and present you to the Father. One way. Not many ways. There is only one faith one baptism. How do we know this? Well, you read Jude 1 verse 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write to you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Excuse me. Once delivered. It was not delivered once at Mount Sinai where the Torah, the teachings of Yahweh were given to Israel and then another time as claimed by institutionalized Christianity another faith was given at Acts chapter 2 when they claim that everybody received the Spirit of Yahweh. And then we had a new faith like Ignatius came around and said we don't suffer anymore we're now going to do Sunday and we're now going to do this and you don't need to do that it's all gone away and it's all new now and forget about all this other stuff that's for the Jews. No, no, no. That's man-made religion. But the truth was once given for all time because Yahweh says I am unchangeable and I change not. Yeshua is the same yesterday today and forever. Yahweh has only got one people. What we have been taught that we have on one hand we have the Church and on the other hand we have Israel and they have different ways and it sounds all very nice but it's a man-made theology. Yahweh has one olive tree and in that olive tree you can be grafted as an olive. But He does not have an olive tree in which He grafts Israelis and then He has another plum tree on the other side in which He grafts Christians and these two trees are His two... No, one tree. One bride. That bride is the Israel of Yahweh who are the household of Elohim. The saints of Elohim who were the saints? Those who are in a covenantal relationship with Him. What's this covenantal relationship? It's a covenantal relationship as made in Genesis 17 with Abraham. And Genesis 17 is very clear as to what the rules and regulations are in relation of that covenant. And now that you know who you are and when you read your Scriptures the Scriptures when it says say unto Israel that it must include you because you are a biblical Israelite. Genesis 17 when Abraham was 99 years old Yahweh appeared to him and said I am El Shaddai walk before me and be blameless I will confirm my covenant between me and you and I will greatly increase your number. If you go through this whole thing you see that He says in verse 7 I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants. If you are in Messiah you are Abraham's seed so you are a descendant after you for generations to come. To be your Elohim and to be the Elohim of your descendants is Yahweh your Elohim? Are you in Messiah, Abraham's seed? Then this is speaking to you. The whole land of Canaan which is now the land of Israel where you are now, an alien I will give as an everlasting possession to you, Abraham and to the descendants after you. So are you a descendant of Abraham? According to the Scriptures you are because you are in Messiah then you are Abraham's seed then you are one of his descendants. Then the land of Judea and Samaria which the world wants to give to another entity is your inheritance. So they are actually trying to give your inheritance away something that's been promised to you as a descendant of Abraham. Don't worry Yahweh won't let it happen. Then Elohim said to Abraham as for you, you must keep my covenant you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. So if you are a descendant of Abraham this speaks to you you must keep the covenant as described here in Genesis 17. Verse 10 says this is my covenant with you and with your descendants after you the covenant you are to keep every male among you shall be circumcised you are to undergo circumcision and I will be and it will be a sign of the covenant between you and me for the generations to come every male among you who is 8 days old must be circumcised including those born in your household or born with money from a foreigner those are not your offspring that are born in your household or born with money they must be circumcised my covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant any uncircumcised male who has not been circumcised in the flesh you see I hear it say oh well you only need to be circumcised in the heart yes that's first because you must be circumcised in your heart to come to the ultimate conclusion and decision by being led by the Ruach of Yahweh that you should also be circumcised in the flesh and if you not he says they will be cut off from the people for they have broken my covenant this is confirmed this is confirmed very clearly by the prophet Ezekiel and Ezekiel in chapter 44 verse 9 says this this is what the sovereign Yahweh says so it's not what Boaz says because I'm only reading to you from the scriptures I'm quoting you what the scriptures says so don't say well Boaz says we have to be circumcised I'm not saying anything Yahweh says if you want to be in the covenant with Abraham because you are one of his descendants and you want to live in a covenant relationship with me because those are my saints who live in a covenantal relationship and if you want to have the sign and the seal of the covenant you need to be circumcised that's what the scriptures says then it says in verse 9 of chapter 44 this is what the sovereign Yahweh says no foreigner uncircumcised in heart and flesh is to enter my sanctuary not even the foreigners who live amongst the Israelites you see because Yahweh has only one set of rules and these set of rules are very clearly written down in the book of Numbers and if you go to the book of Numbers in chapter 15 it says as follows in verse 15 the community of Israel is to have the same rules for you Israel and for the alien living among you so if you as an alien live amongst the Israelites of Yahweh because you have accepted Yahweh as your saviour and master and Yeshua as your Messiah which makes you an Israelite of alien background he says the rules are the same the community is to have the same rules for you and for the alien living among you this is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come which means the rules are the same the rules are not going to change the rules are the same the rules are the same so anyone who connects himself to the Israel of Yahweh must follow the same rules you and the alien shall be the same before Yahweh you see Yahweh is not a respecter of persons he doesn't say here we have Jim he is a German so I will deal with him under a different set of rules and here we have Yaakov who is a Jewish person and I have a different set of rules for him no the scripture clearly teaches that the rules for everybody is the same verse 16 the same Torah or the same laws and regulations will apply to both of you and the alien living among you the rules are all the same and what are the rules? the Torah are the rules the Torah are the rules one set of rules so therefore if you read for example in Numbers 15 you read for example verse 37 and it says and Yahweh said to Moses speak to the Israelites are you an Israelite? if the answer to that is yes which it has to be because if you are a Messiah you are Abraham's seed and the apostle Paul in Ephesians 2 says now now that you have been brought near by the blood of Messiah you have now again got your Israeli citizenship so you are an Israelite Moses says or Yahweh says to Moses speak to the Israelites and say to them throughout the generations to come not until Jesus came or or until the year AD 70 no throughout your generations of Israelites you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments with a blue cord on each tassel you will have these tassels to look at why? and so you will remember all the commandments of Yahweh so throughout the generations Yahweh says you must remember my commandments and I will give you an external sign in these tassels on the corners of your garments so that you will remember all the time my commandments verse 40 then you will remember to obey all my commandments and I will be consecrated to your Elohim you see you will be consecrated to your Elohim and He gives you an external garment if you like by which you are to remember the commandments and the only thing it says is that these tassels these garments must have a blue cord on each tassel so they don't have to have knots and they don't have to have this and that and you know they've made again a whole ceremony out of this so you can have all white as long as you have one blue you can have all sorts of colors as long as you have a blue you can put knots in it if you like it's not a problem right but people again have been told unless your tzitzit is like this and like that no no no that's not what the scripture says go by what the scripture says then the question is women do they also have to wear tzitzit? are women Israelites? yes now what does it say here? Yahweh said to Moses speak to the Israelites women are also Israelites so they also wear tzitzit why? because that's what the scripture says the rule is the same for you as it is for the aliens because I only have one set of rules and one rule is speak to the children of Israel and say that they wear tassels on the corners of their garments so that they will remember throughout their generations my commands why? because they are your life he says in the book of Deuteronomy they are your life because if you sin deliberately against Yahweh there is no salvation left for you isn't that what we read in the book of Hebrews? so therefore this is serious stuff if you consider yourself now to be a biblical Israeli which you are according to the word of Yahweh you see what I think and what you think is actually irrelevant it is what Yahweh thinks and what Yahweh says and here it is read Numbers 15 from verse 15 the rules are the same for everybody throughout the generations throughout the generations it did not stop when Jesus came it was reconfirmed when Yeshua came Yeshua came and said in Matthew 5 verse 17 I've not come to do away with the rules of the Torah and here we are the rules are the same and he says if you are Israelites you wear tzitzit so that you remember my commands you see and this tzitzit is a testimony between you and Yahweh nobody else let nobody come and tell you oh well the tzitzit is not long enough that's all religion you can wear these anywhere on the corners of your gowns you don't have to show them that they are 3 meters long that's what Yeshua warned the Pharisees about they are a testimony between you and Yahweh that you want to obey Him fully remember if you obey me fully then when? when you obey me then I will make you a nation of priests dedicated for my service a lot to think about yes I was speaking to somebody the other day who had been listening to the programs learned a lot I even got comments from America which of course is all wonderful that Yahweh is speaking to His people in all sorts of places by all sorts of means this person said it is a lot to take in absolutely it is a lot to take in and if you are serious about it then you will go to the website and you can hear it all again because there is so much to absorb and so much to learn that you cannot keep this in in just 5 minutes so go back to the website www.indeadday.net you can download the teachings and listen to them again and again and then become a witness for Yahweh and the Lam the people first of all in your own family of what is to happen but let me tell you that you will receive opposition people are going to say oh well John is flipped he now wants us to be Jewish that's not true I don't want you to be Jewish Yahweh doesn't want you to be Jewish and let me tell you there is nothing wrong by being Jewish Yahweh wants you to be a biblical Israelite He does not want you to go into man-made religion of any persuasion He wants you to serve Him the way He wants to be served and we are not asking you and the scripture is not asking you to become orthodox Jewish and put on a black hat and a black coat no the scripture asks you to become biblical Israelites say unto the children of Israel that they put on tzitzit nothing wrong with it it's a testimony between you and Yahweh that you want to be obedient to Him and remember His Torah then you become the bride of Moshiach who makes themselves ready because Moshiach Yeshua was from the tribe of Judah did he wear tzitzit? absolutely remember the woman with the issue of blood she touched his tzitzit because she knew from the prophets that there was healing in his tzitzit in English it says there was healing in his wings no, the Hebrew is clear there was healing in his tzitzit and she touched his tzitzit and she became whole you see he was an observant Torah believing Moshiach and doesn't the scripture say that we must be like Him? of course we must take on the likeness of the Son the Son of Elohim in all respects was he circumcised? absolutely, on the eighth day because he was in the covenant of Yahweh did he wear tzitzit? absolutely did he wear a black hat and a black coat? no, he did not what rules and regulations did he make? only the ones which his father prescribed in his Torah he says I'm only here to do the will of my father out of myself he says I don't do anything I don't come and make new rules I only come and teach you the rules of my father why? because it's life to you he's your husband therefore you must live according to his rules and his rules are righteous and just and did you not say at Mount Sinai all that he says we will do? did we? yes, we did and did we? no, we didn't we set up a golden calf religion and we ran after other Baalim because Yahweh divorced us and dispersed us into the nations because of the hardness of our heart and he says in his word dare you will as punishment serve other gods until the end of the age and then I will cleanse you from all your unrighteousness and I will regather the remnant back unto me because that's the promise I made to Abraham can you see that in the last days there is much deceit? can you see when the apostle Paul talks about another gospel being preached in the book of Galatians in chapter 1 he says unless you hear and listen to people who preach the same gospel that we preach what gospel did the apostle Paul preach? what gospel did Yeshua preach? Yeshua preached the gospel of the kingdom restored to Israel and he said to the apostle Paul and others you better go amongst the nations and find all those Israelites out there and preach them the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of salvation in their Messiah who will come at the end of the age to rescue them and bring them back to the promise have you heard this? in your institutionalized Christian institution I haven't I learned that Israel was done away with the church is now the vehicle of salvation because Augustine one of the great church fathers of Roman Catholicism said there is only salvation through the church oh yes? where do I find that in the scriptures of Yahweh? in the scriptures of Yahweh I find that there is only salvation in Yeshua the Messiah that's a different gospel and you only have to read Galatians 1 and see what the apostle Paul says about those who teach a different gospel these words are harsh you better read it for yourself the time is now the time is now to make the decision exactly the same as in the time of Elijah the prophet on which side are you going to stand? the line in the sand has been drawn the signs of the end of the age are right in front of you there is since 1948 a state of Israel there has been a partial gathering of Judah back to the land the capital city of Yerushalayim was in 1963 added to the state the two houses of Israel their eyes have been opened to their identity and they are returning to the Torah in significant although remnant numbers the 6,000 years of Yahweh's salvation plan in relation to mankind to repent and return to Yahweh is coming to a close we are standing now in the front of the seventh day or the millennial Sabbath we see earthquakes natural disasters and famines right in front of our eyes therefore the time is near for us to return to Yahweh next month at the first of the biblical new month of Aviv in relation to the new moon in other words the next new moon will be the first of Aviv the first of Aviv in the second year of the famine that we are seeing developing right in front of our eyes Moses was to build and the tabernacle was to be inaugurated on the first of Aviv in the second year Rob Moore has a teaching on this on his website www.indeadday.net I believe with all my heart that next year the congregation of Yahweh and whoever belongs to that will be established dear friends the time is close and the age is coming to a close and the Messiah is knocking at your door are you part of His bride? are you making yourself ready? and do you now understand what that means? making yourself ready is to returning to Yahweh and to honor Him and be obedient to His Torah who is the bride? we know from Hosea 2.19 where it says and I will betroth THE Israel unto Me forever He only has one bride the Israel of Yahweh not the Israel of Yahweh and some sort of institutionalized church, no as far as other religions are concerned Yahweh says come out of here my people and don't touch that which is unclean and separate yourself unto Me and cleanse yourself Hosea 2.20 I will even betroth YOU unto Me in faithfulness YOU in context is Israel are you part of the Israel of Yahweh? yes, then you have to be a saint Psalm 50 verse 5 gather My saints together unto Me those that have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice are you part and parcel of the covenant that is made with Abraham? now don't worry don't worry if you are not circumcised don't worry because Yahweh knows who you are and He reads your heart and I have people follow me who have come to the decision over a period of time it took Abraham quite a number of years people need time to think about this and to work this through and to come to a personal faith to a personal understanding to make this decision based on being informed through the Ruach of Yahweh from the Scriptures that this is what you need to do take your time there is no hurry think about it, pray about it and Yahweh's Spirit will lead you if you are in Messiah, you are Abraham's seed and if you are Abraham's seed you live in a covenantal relationship with Him and He says all those who live in this covenantal relationship with Me and honor it, I will bring to My Holy Hill Isaiah chapter 56 Isaiah chapter 56 is very clear if you are not sure if you are not sure if you are an Israelite or not you are still wondering is this Boaz? I can see it, but if you want to remain a foreigner read Isaiah 56 verse 3 let not the foreigner who has bound himself to Yahweh say Yahweh will surely exclude me from His people see, I know if you have made the decision and have accepted Yahweh as your Savior and Master and as your Elohim He will never exclude you from His people who are His people? who are His people? redeemed Jacob, right? redeemed Israel, right? so He is not going to exclude you from redeemed Israel because the Apostle Paul says that He, Moshiach in His blood you have received your citizenship back in Israel verse 4 for this is what Yahweh says the stranger who keeps My sabbath who choose what pleases Me and hold fast to My covenant to them I will give within My temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters you see? so if you are a stranger right? and you turn to Yahweh well, that is absolutely fantastic if you do that, He says I even give you a place better than sons and daughters because sons and daughters ought to know better I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off and foreigners who bind themselves to Yahweh to serve Him to love the name of Yahweh you see? to love the name the name by which I want to be known through all the generations that name Yahweh, if you love that and you have taken the name of Baalim and gold and GD of your lips right? and you worship Him the way He wants to be worshipped all who keep the sabbath without desecrating it and hold fast to the covenant these I will bring to My holy mountain you see? that's the situation my dear friends that's the situation are you in a covenantal relationship with Yahweh? if the answer to that is yes then your identity is that you are a biblical Israelite as far as Yahweh is concerned therefore you should say with the book of Revelations 19 verse 7 let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to Him for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His wife, you and me both made herself ready are you ready as an Israelite to meet your Moshiach? can you sing together with all of us Judah and Ephraim come together then there will be a celebration because they have made themselves ready to meet their Master He is about to come do you think that Yeshua will marry a bride that has rejected Yahweh's Sabbath? do you think that Yeshua will marry a bride that has rejected Yahweh's scriptural festivals? do you think Yeshua will marry a bride that will not keep Passover but honors foreign gods' feast days? do you think that Yeshua will sit down with anyone and eat with them a nice thick ham sandwich? I doubt it do you think He allows lesbianism and homosexuality sorry I have to mention it in this politically correct world but the scripture says that it is an abomination unto Yahweh do you think He will marry a bride who keeps pagan holidays? do you think that He is going to marry a bride who has rejected the will or the Torah or the marriage contract between Him and His bride? think about it the Torah is the marriage contract that was given at Mount Sinai Israel's answer to that was all that Yahweh says we will do that's like the Amen or the Yes but we set up a golden calf religion therefore you must come out of it and return to Yahweh and become His spotless bride dear friends I hope that this teaching has set you to think I hope that you will think about it and pray about it Yahweh bless you and keep you Yahweh makes His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you Yahweh turns His face towards you and gives you Shalom until next week take care and be in Israel Shalom www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org www.beit-el.org

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