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What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah -4

What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah -4


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The radio program "Let Us Reason Together" discusses the restoration of the whole house of Israel. The host, Boaz Nuon, explains that the institutionalized church was formed through the restoration of the fallen booth of David. He also discusses the beliefs of the apostles and the covenants made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob's encounter with Elohim (God) is highlighted, and it is explained that Jacob's name was changed to Israel and his walk changed after the encounter. The promise made to Jacob of a nation and a community of nations is connected to the apostle Paul's mission to the Gentiles. The importance of names in scripture is also mentioned. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nuon. Shalom and welcome to the program. Well, if you've only just tuned in, then you would have missed the first three programs. However, they are available for download from www.indeadday.net. And there you will find the first three programs. On the first program I gave you a word list, which I would like to repeat. And the words that I use are slightly different than the ones you are perhaps familiar with. For the Lord I use Yahweh, and for God I use Elohim. For Jesus I use Yeshua. And for the law I use Torah. Not to impress you with Hebrew words, but it will become apparent throughout the teaching why I do that. To briefly recap the first three programs. First we looked at the parts of Scripture, Acts 2 and Acts 15, to see if we could determine if indeed the institutionalized church was formed. We found from Joel 2 and Amos 9 that what actually was happening in Acts 2 and Acts 15 was the restoration of the fallen booth of David, or the restoration of the house of Israel. In our second program we looked at what the apostles believed, and it could have been frightening for some to come to the knowledge that indeed the apostles were not Christians, but that they were members of the sect of the Nazarenes. And then in program three we looked at the covenants which were made with the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and we looked at their background, and their background was Iraqi Syrian, so that Jacob, grandson of Abraham, was a Iraqi Syrian, and so were his children. And today we want to discuss Jacob because he is a central figure in the whole of the formation of the Israel of Yahweh. And first of all I would like to refer you to the book of Genesis, Genesis chapter 32, and I briefly want to read to you from verse 22. That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maidservants, and his eleven sons and crossed the river Jabbok. And after he had sent them across the stream, he sent also all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. And when the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip. Just remember this, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip, so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, let me go for this daybreak, but Jacob replied, I will not let you go unless you bless me. And the man asked him, what is your name? Jacob, he answered. Then the man said, your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with Elohim, with God, and with man, and have overcome. Jacob said, please tell me your name. But he replied, why do you ask my name? Then he blessed him. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, it is because I saw Elohim face to face, and yet my life was spared. The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip. So here we have that Jacob wrestled with Elohim. And for me this Elohim was Yeshua, because we know from the New Testament, from 1 Timothy chapter 6, that Yahweh, Abba Yahweh, the Father, lives behind unapproachable white light. No one has ever seen Him, nor will see Him. So Jacob did not see Abba Yahweh, but he saw the physical representation of Yahweh's presence in Yeshua, which is Yahweh in the flesh. We read this in the book of Colossians in chapter 1 and 2. A very important thing to note here is that Jacob had an encounter with Messiah, and Messiah, who is Elohim, or who is God, changed His name. So His name was not originally Israel, but He became Israel. He became Israel as His grandfather Abraham. His name was changed from Abram to Abraham. So this messenger, or this man, has authority to change people's names. The other thing we must note is that after he had his encounter, or whilst he had his encounter with Messiah, his walk changed. His hip was touched, and his walk changed. So therefore, what does that mean for us today? Well, it means for us today that, first of all, Jacob became Israel, and secondly, that as soon as he became Israel, his walk changed. His walk changed when he had his encounter with Messiah. If we then go to Genesis 35, and read from verse 11, Genesis 35, 11, And Elohim said to him, I am El Shaddai, or God Almighty. Be fruitful and increase in number, a nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body. So if we read chapter 35, then we see that Jacob tells his household, first of all, that when they arrived at the land where also his grandfather arrived, at the great oak tree at Shechem. Shechem is the capital of the ten northern tribes, which is currently called Nablus. Nablus is the biblical Shechem, where Jacob arrived with his claim, and he told his wives that they should now get rid of all their foreign gods, and that they must purify themselves. And it says in verse 4, so they gave Jacob all the foreign gods that they had, and rings from their ears, and Jacob buried them under the oak tree at Shechem. This is where we are at. We are at exactly the same stage where we should be handing in all our foreign gods, we should be cleansing ourselves, and we should bury all these foreign customs that we have learned in the nations, at this oak tree at Shechem. Because you see, at Shechem, Abraham and also Jacob met Elohim himself. And one day, if you believe it or not, you will also going to meet Elohim himself. Now here is a promise made in verse 11, that a nation and a community or a company of nations would come from Jacob's body, including kings. Now this is very important. So Jacob was not going to just bring forth the Jews, but a company of nations were to grow from his descendants. Now before we go any further, I want to clear up a matter in relation to the kings that come from the body of Jacob, or from his descendants. Will you please turn with me to the book of Acts, as I said in the beginning, the book of Acts is very important to establish all these things. And we are going to go to Acts chapter 9 and verse 15. Acts chapter 9 verse 15 has to do with the calling of the apostle Paul. Now the apostle Paul, it has been said, is the apostle to the Gentiles. So the apostle Paul's commission was purely to the Gentile people, and he was therefore sent to the Gentile church. Well that is not what the actual scriptures say, but is a formulation of the institutionalized church itself. It is based on the book of Galatians, where it says that Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles, and Peter was the apostle to the Jews. But it doesn't actually say that either, but we will deal with that in a minute. Let's read verse 15 of Acts chapter 9. But the master said to Ananias, you see Ananias says, you don't really need this guy, I mean this is a bad dude, you know, he's been persecuting the church and we don't really want him. But the master said to Ananias, go, this man is my chosen instrument. So it is just as well that Yahweh does the choosing, because if the choosing was left to us, the result for many would be totally different. This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. That's what it says in the NIV, and the King James Version is not much different. Now you've got to examine a number of words. And first of all, the word Gentile is actually the strongest word, 1484, which is ethnos, or nations. So, go, this man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the nations and their kings. Now if you look at that word and, their kings, that word and is the strong number 2532, is the Greek word kai, and means and. So he's to go into the nations, he's to carry Yahweh's word to the kings there, and then it says and the people of Israel. But this other word and is the strongest word 5037. So it is not kai, 2532, but it is 5037, the Greek word teh, which means both. So it then would read, this man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the nations and the kings, both the people of Israel. You see, this is the promise made to Jacob, not only in Genesis 17 verse 15, but also in Genesis 33 and 35, as we have just read. So Paul was not sent to heathen Gentiles, Paul was sent on a prophetic mission, which Yeshua also said to his apostles, go to Israel in the nations, because I, he says, have only come for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And here is the apostle Paul and he is also sent to the nations where the lost sheep of the house of Israel are, where he will meet kings, both of the people of Israel. So there is no command here for the apostle Paul to go and convert heathen Gentiles. Of course, Gentiles have their place and they should accept the God or the Elohim of Israel and do away with their foreign gods, cleanse themselves and purify themselves and become part of the Israel of Yahweh. So now, having cleared that one up, we just quickly want to also go back to Genesis 17, because there also a promise is made and it just shows that Yahweh keeps all his promises. Genesis 17 verse 15, Elohim said to Abraham, as for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai, her name will be Sarah. You see, this man has the authority to change people's names and names in scripture are extremely important to give you the purpose of these individuals, what their purpose in Yahweh's plan really is. I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her, I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations, kings of peoples will come from her. So this was originally promised to Sarah and Abraham and then this promise continued to Jacob and therefore the apostle Paul in Acts chapter 9 verse 15, because of this prophetic promise must go before kings, both the people of Israel in the nations. Because we learnt in the last program that it is the Messiah's task, it is the task of the man with whom Jacob wrestled to bring back the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Israel will be your name, well what does that name actually mean? Well Jacob as we said became Israel and according to the Strong's concordance Israel has its roots in the Strong's word 3478 Yisrael and the primary meaning is Elohim or God prevails. In the second it was the name of Jacob given to him by Elohim after his wrestling with the messenger at Baniel. It also has its roots in 3478, secondary the name of the descendants and the nations of the descendants of Jacob, the name of the nation until the death of Salomon and the split and we are going to talk about that. The name used and given to the northern kingdom consisting of the ten tribes under Jeroboam, the southern kingdom was known as Judah, 3478 Yisrael from 8280 and the Strong's words 410. Elohim prevails from 8280 and 410 he will rule as Elohim from 8280 to prevail, to have power like as a prince. So what have we got then? What is an Israelite? Well an Israelite is someone who states I will not let Messiah go until you bless me so that I will prevail to the end and rule as a prince. That's an Israelite, a biblical Israelite in a nutshell. Genesis 32 verse 26. Now I want to turn with you to the book of Romans again and again quote the apostle Paul who was the apostle to the nations, to kings, both the people of Israel according to the correct interpretation of the book of Acts. And in Romans chapter 9 the apostle Paul makes a very important statement. Romans 9 and here the apostle Paul says in verse 6 for not all who are descendants from Israel are Israel. In other words you may be a physical descendant of Jacob via his 12 sons but that does not necessarily make you Israel. Many have questioned this, some people I know deliberately do not want to understand it but in fact it is very very simple. If we go back to the book of Genesis and we go to Genesis chapter 12 then we see hopefully the answer. We will deal with that in a minute. It is not all Israel that is Israel, it has to do with the calling that Yahweh puts upon the individual. The individual which the same background that we all have, gentile background, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all had a gentile background and when you have your struggle with the Moshiach and when you will not let him go then when? Then you become Israel, he who prevails and struggles and struggles and as we saw as soon as you have had this encounter your walk will change. There is no such thing that you struggle with Moshiach which we do, all of us, our whole believing life has been a struggle, we are tested over and over again, sometimes you think I am not able to go on with this but then you will receive new grace and new mercy to continue. We have all struggled with our Elohim but are we holding on till the end? That is the point because it is only at the end that you prevail and may rule with him like a prince. Now I am sure that you are aware of a passage in 1 Peter, 1 Peter tells his audience that they are to be a holy priesthood, a holy nation and we have heard this from the Puppet, you must set yourself apart and you must become a holy people unto God or unto God, yes that is true so we must become a holy nation or a holy priesthood but what does that actually mean and why does Peter say that? Well we will go back to Romans 9 and then we will go back right to the beginning, again I quote Romans 9 verse 6 for not all who are the descendants of Israel are Israel nor because they are his descendants, so you could be descendants from Israel or from Jacob are they all Abraham's children, I see now this is very intriguing, nor because they are his descendants are they Abraham's children, on the contrary it is to Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned, we dealt with this in our last program, so to Isaac will the seed be called not to Ishmael or to Eliezer which was one of Abraham's servants and he said to Yahweh I have no offspring let Eliezer live before you and he said no no, well let Ishmael live before you, no he says to Isaac shall your seed be reckoned, in other words it is not the natural children who are God's children, this is a very important verse, it is not necessarily the natural children of Jacob that are God's children, and we are going to see this in the book of Genesis because there as part and parcel of the covenant this is made very clear to Abraham and that is what the apostle Paul is quoting here, in other words it is not the natural children who are Elohim's children but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham's offspring, what does the apostle Paul say in Galatians 3.29 if you are in Messiah, in other words if you have had your wrestling with the master and you are holding on to him and you are not letting him go until he bless you, if you are in Messiah and prevail till the end, then, when? Then you are Abraham's seed and you are heirs to the promise, here we have it, scripture compared with scripture, not some sort of new theology of a supposedly institute who now becomes the vehicle of salvation instead of the covenant that Yahweh made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with new rules, new regulations, new festival days and laws, no, nothing is changed, if you read the book of Jude, in Jude chapter 1 it says very clearly that the gospel was only once given to the community in the desert, it was not twice given, once at Mount Sinai and once in Acts chapter 2 as institutionalized Christianity likes you to believe, no, it was ever once given and it has never been changed because Malachi, the prophet Malachi makes it very clear that Yahweh changes not and the book of Hebrews says that Yeshua is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and is unchangeable, it is man that has changed the rules and not Elohim, on the contrary it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned, in other words it is not the natural children who are God's children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham's offspring, very clear. Ok, let's now have a look at the Torah. Turn with me in the Torah to the book of Exodus and in Exodus chapter 19 from verse 5, here Yahweh says to Israel, now if you obey me partially, is that what it says? No, it says now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, these are the words you are to speak to the Israelites. So here Yahweh gives a condition as to when you will become part of this royal priesthood or this holy or set apart nation. The condition is that you must obey him fully and keep his covenant. So what does it actually say in 1 Peter 2? 1 Peter 2 verse 9, he quotes Yahweh as to what I have just read to you, but you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to Elohim, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into this wonderful light. That's when you became a Hebrew, remember? When you cross over from darkness into the wonderful light of Yahweh, then you are a Hebrew because Hebrew means he who crossed over. Now, the conditions of becoming a chosen people, a royal priesthood and a holy nation in 1 Peter 2 verse 9 are exactly the same as they are in Exodus 19 verse 5. Now, if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, which corresponds with Isaiah 56, if you keep my covenant, then I will bring you to the holy hill because you are part of this holy set apart people, you are part of this holy set apart priesthood and you are then allowed into the house of Yahweh to serve him as a priest. Then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. It doesn't matter if you are living now in New Zealand or in Australia or in Belgium or in China or in Latin America or in Mozambique, it doesn't really make any difference. Once you fully obey Yahweh and make his covenant your own, because remember that the saints are in a covenantal position with Yahweh, then you will become a treasure, then you will become a holy priesthood, but you must obey this covenant fully. I want to point out to you a consequence of not keeping Yahweh's covenant. If you turn with me to the book of Joshua, and this is very well known to us, but it is always missed. In Joshua chapter 7 we have the sin of Egan. Egan violated the word of Yahweh and here we have the account and I read you from verse 11. Yahweh says to Joshua, Israel has sinned, they have violated my covenant which I commanded them to keep. Remember? If you obey fully my covenant. Israel has sinned, they have violated my covenant. They have taken some of the devout things, they have stolen and they have lied. So here is part of the covenant is that you do not steal and part of the covenant is that you do not lie. So if you steal or if you lie, you violate the covenant, amongst many other rules. They have put them with their own possessions. That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies. They turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devout, devoted to be destructed. You see, Yahweh is not going to live with us unless we take away that which is wrong in our communities. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction. So if there are those among us who are destructive, who lie, who steal, things will go wrong because they are violating Yahweh's covenant. Verse 15. He who is caught with devoted things shall be destroyed by fire along with all the belongings to him. He has violated the covenant of Yahweh so that everything that belongs to that person will be destroyed because he or she has violated the covenant of Yahweh. So Achan was destroyed with all his household because he violated the covenant of Yahweh. Now my question to you is, if Yahweh is just and right and He changes not, and if He is not a respecter of persons, which the Apostle Paul makes clear in the book of Romans, if all that is true and He destructs or destroys Achan because of violating the covenant, if you or I violate the covenant of Yahweh on purpose, would He not destroy us? Because if He didn't, that would be unfair to Achan and then Yahweh keeps different score. You might say, well, you know, I live now under grace. Oh yes? Where do we get this from? Again, from misinterpreting the scriptures as written by the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 6. We will deal with this. On the end of the day, if Yahweh is right and just, He will judge everybody by the same measure. And therefore anyone who deliberately violates the covenant of Yahweh must be subject to Yahweh's judgment. I repeat again, deliberately. You see, you must read this in the context of Hebrews chapter 12 where it states that once you have received knowledge of the truth and when you then deliberately keep on sinning or violating the covenant of Yahweh, then there is no atonement left. I am not saying it. The book of Hebrews is saying it and it is making it very clear that then you are subject to Moses. It is not Hebrews chapter 12, it is Hebrews chapter 10 from verse 26. Please read it for yourself. Hebrews chapter 10 from verse 26. So this is something for us to really think about and let go through our mind before we go any further. And whilst I play this song for you, please reflect upon this particular position of deliberately violating the covenantal decrees of Yahweh in relation to Yahweh's judgment. And when we come back we continue with the promises made to Jacob. It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Six days of the week Anticipate and see The first of His feasts It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! It was given as a sign To His people for all time Yes, a covenantal sign It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! He gave it to the world A day of rest in His Word And sing praises to the Lord It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! He tells us in His Word To remember and observe To honor and delight It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Thank the Lord! It is Shabbat! Well I hope that as it is Shabbat that you have enjoyed the song It is Shabbat! Praise Yahweh! Well we are going to continue with the promises to Jacob And we are now going to go to Genesis chapter 48 Now that is a big jump because the book of Genesis particular in our day and particular Genesis chapter 42 to 47 are very important but we will not deal with this today but this account of Joseph in Egypt is actually the Torah picture of the end of this age where Yahweh says in His Word that I will show you the end of this age in the beginning in the book of Genesis or in Bereshit Bereshit means in the beginning and in the book of the beginnings we have the account of Joseph who is in Egypt and becomes second to the Pharaoh and you know the whole account that there was a big famine in the land and because of this famine the brothers were driven to Pharaoh in Egypt and there Joseph revealed himself to his brothers as they came for food This whole picture is playing out in front of our eyes right now and if you are concerned about things and if you want to know the details about the end of this age then I would suggest that you go to www.indeadday.net and on that website Rob Moore has a whole teaching about the end of days in relation to this subject. You will find it on his website. But we are going to skip this for now and we are going to go straight to Genesis 48 which is one of the most important chapters in relation to our topic and in relation to our identity. Genesis 48 and we are going to read partially from verse 1 and we read portions of this chapter The background is that Jacob is rather old he is on his last days we would say and Joseph is visiting him with his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh When Jacob was told, verse 2, your son Joseph has come to you Israel rallied his strength and sat upon the bed and Jacob said to Joseph, and Jacob and Israel of course are one and the same person El Shaddai appeared to me at last in the land of Canaan and there he blessed me and said to me I am going to make you fruitful and will increase your numbers I will make you a community of peoples and I will give you this land as an everlasting possession to your descendants after you Yes, we read all about this this is the covenant made with Abraham then with Isaac and then with Jacob that Yahweh would give them an eternal descendant in Messiah through whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed a community of peoples will come from their seed and they would be given a land as a possession the land of Canaan for their descendants verse 5, now then your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine so here father Israel says to his son Joseph now listen, you've got two sons Manasseh the oldest and Ephraim the younger and these two sons are going to be mine in other words I am taking over your two sons they are going to be mine just as Reuben and Simeon are mine so that takes any confusion away so Jacob or Israel is adopting these two sons of Joseph as his own sons as Reuben and Simeon are his own sons any children born after they can be yours Joseph any other children you may get after Manasseh and Ephraim they are yours, very clear then in verse 11 Israel said to Joseph I never expected to see your face again and now Elohim has allowed me to see your children too then Joseph removed them from Israel's knee and bowed them with his face to the ground and Joseph took both of them Ephraim on his right towards Israel's left hand and Manasseh on his left towards Israel's right hand and he brought them close to him but Israel reached out his right hand and put it on Ephraim's head though he was the younger and crossing his arms he put his left hand on Manasseh's head even though Manasseh was the firstborn then he blessed Joseph and said may the Elohim before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked the Elohim who has been my shepherd all my life to this day the messenger who has delivered me from all harm may he bless these boys may they, these boys, be called by my name and his name is Israel so may these boys in future be known as Israel by my name please think about this carefully this is a very important part of scripture here we have Israel Jacob adopting two sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim he said let these boys be called by my name his name is Israel that's why you see throughout the continuation of the scriptures here that Ephraim or Ephraim's descendants is also referred to as the house of Israel Ephraim was the leading tribe in the ten tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel sometimes referred to as the house of Israel or the house of Ephraim may these boys be called by my name and may they increase greatly upon the earth in the King James translation you will read may they increase like fish like a teeming pool of fish in the earth this is important because we can draw certain New Testament or Brit Hadashah parallels in relation to, for example when Yeshua fed the five thousand but we will come to this a little later verse 17 when Joseph saw his father placing his right hand on Ephraim's head he was displeased so he took hold of his father's hand to move it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head Joseph said to him no my father, this one is the first born put your right hand on his head but his father refused and he said, I know my son, I know he too, Manasseh, will become a people and he too will become great nevertheless his younger brother will be greater than he now, what follows is very important his descendants whose descendants Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph's descendants will become will become and the Hebrew says the Melo Hagoyim the Melo Hagoyim or the fullness of the Gentiles so, Ephraim, son of Joseph now son of Israel must bring forth the fullness of the nations or the fullness of the Gentiles or the full number of Israel that must be gathered out of the nations they must be Ephraim's descendants not according to me but according to Genesis 48 so what I would suggest to you is that you get a pen and paper and that you write down Genesis 48, verse 19 in big black bold letters and you write and his descendants will become the Hebrew is Melo M-E-L-O the strong word is 4393 H-A-G-O-Y-M 1471 strong word 1471 Goyim this means either Melo is fullness and Goyim is Gentiles or nations the descendants of Ephraim must bring forth the fullness of the Gentiles now when you hear that bells must be ringing bells must be ringing in relation to the Apostle Paul and the Apostle Paul talks to us in Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 should be the chapter which should be headed the birth of Zion because it is the concept of the olive tree which we will go into later and the birth of Zion that is not the birth of the secular state of Israel no, this is the birth of the Zion of Psalm 87 that Yahweh is personally going to create and that is right in front of us you are going to see this happening with your own eyes and in Romans chapter 11 in verse 25 the Apostle Paul warns all of us he says I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery so this is a mystery this is not just a simple theological assumption that we have this tree the tree is Israel and all Gentile Christians must be grafted on this olive tree they must be grafted amongst Israel that is not what this is about at all this is a mystery this is a mystery that only is going to be revealed in the latter days when we compare Scripture with Scripture when we are by the grace of Yahweh being taught that the seed of Ephraim must bring forth the fullness of the Gentiles Ephraim was an Israelite so this fullness of the Gentiles these Gentiles must be of Israeli background because they have to be seed of Ephraim to be ignorant of this mystery brothers so that he may be not be conceited Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in and so all Israel will be saved you see so there is a hardening in part over Israel and until the fullness of the Gentiles who produces the fullness of the Gentiles the seed of Ephraim according to Genesis 48 so when that seed of Ephraim has been totally regathered and established and grafted back into its own olive tree as olives then all Israel can be saved this has nothing to do with denominational institutionalized Christians but it has everything to do with the seed of Ephraim which was dispersed amongst the nations now, how much blood does it take to be a Israeli or a physical descendant from Abraham through Isaac and Jacob through Ephraim and so on only a drop as we saw half the world population must be seed of Ephraim because Ephraim's seed must be as a multitude uncountable as big as the sand on the seashores the stars of heaven and the dust of the earth that's a big number but even if you were not part of Israel's descendants but you identified as a Gentile then bury your idols yourself attach yourself to the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and He will also clearly show you from the Scriptures what your identity is Jacob, Joseph your sons are mine they will be called by my name we will see later on that Ephraim becomes the firstborn instead of Reuben and it is not until the fullness of his descendants have been gathered together from all amongst the Gentiles or amongst the nations as we saw in Acts 15 that Yahweh is taking a people from himself, from amongst the nations where the Israel of Yahweh the descendants of Ephraim amongst others have been scattered when they have come in all Israel can be saved as it is written that's the correct interpretation of Romans chapter 11 from verse 25 you see, only Israelites are grafted on an Israeli olive tree Jeremiah 11 tells you exactly what this olive tree is all about and who it consisted of you see you must graft olives you must graft Gentile plums on an olive tree yes, wild olives will work but plums and bananas cannot be grafted on an olive tree it is forbidden in the Torah to mix seed only, only olives can be grafted on an olive tree but we will deal with this when we come to deal with chapter 10 and 11 next week we will continue our teaching with Jacob I hope you have enjoyed the teaching I hope that it has made you think because the time to reason together is now Yahweh is looking for you to bury your idols to purify yourself and to prepare to meet Him in the nations where you now find yourself He is going to meet you here because He will want to bring you back into the bonds of the covenant to be able to deliver you also to the promised land as we will see have a nice week and I will catch you back next Shabbat until then I bid you Shalom you have been listening to let us reason together a weekly radio program hosted by Boaz Nuov please do contact Boaz by email at the following email address Boaz that's B-O-A-Z at betel.org B-E-I-T hyphen E-L dot org also if you would like to make a donation to cover the costs of this broadcast please do so on our website at www.betel.org that's B-E-I-T hyphen E-L dot org also you can download this program and the programs hosted by Rob Moore entitled In That Day at www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net from all of us here at Let Us Reason Together Shalom

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