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God is the Master Planner by Pastor Vitalis Opara PICP RCCG Ondo 2

God is the Master Planner by Pastor Vitalis Opara PICP RCCG Ondo 2




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God is the Master Planner and responsible for coordinating our daily activities. He knows our thoughts and plans for us, which are thoughts of peace and not of evil. He will give us an expected end and our expectations will not be cut off. Even though some things we planned or expected may not have happened yet, God assures us that before the end of the year, our expectations will come true. He will compensate us for our good works and establish us after we have suffered for a while. God takes record of what we do, especially saving lives, and he will not forget our labor of love. Just like he compensated Mordecai in the book of Esther, God will reward and elevate us in due season. So we should trust in God's timing and continue doing good. But I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. I thought that somebody would have said a resounding amen. Tonight, so this evening rather, the Lord let in my heart to present to you, the Master Planner, the Master Planner. There is no other Master Planner, than God Himself. And as a Master Planner, God is responsible for coordinating your day to day activities. As a Master Planner, He knows your beginning and your ending. As a Master Planner, God takes decision of what happens to you or not. As a Master Planner, He knows the thoughts or plans that He takes towards you. Jeremiah 39 verse 1 says, His plans towards you are thoughts of peace, not of evil, to give you an expected end. For the expectation of the rational shall not be cut off. Your expectation shall never be cut off. If you believe that, don't say amen as if you are entertaining people. Say it boldly, to give you an expected end. December is coming, the last month of the year. And many things you planned, many things you thought, many things you expected that will happen from January to now. Many of them have not come to pass. But the Lord is comforting you to know, that before the end of this year, before the end of December, Your expectation shall come true. In the name of Jesus, As a Master Planner, only cancer or any kind of disease towards you shall stop. Proverbs 19 verse 21 says, There are many divorces in a man's heart. Never delay. The cancer of the Lord shall stop. There are many divorces in a man's heart concerning you, which you don't know. Never delay. Because of God, concerning you, shall stop. They will never change. Isaiah chapter 14 verse 27 says, For the Lord of hosts has purpose for you. And who shall disannoy you? God has plans for you. God has purpose for you. Who can cancel it? Who can say no? Who can say God? This city of populous, concerning genetics, concerning our tummy, will not come to pass. Who will do that? Never delay. The cancer of the Lord, that shall stop. The Lord of hosts shall stop. And who shall disannoy you? His heart is stretched out. The finger of God is stretched out. Towards you. And who shall turn it back? That's what Isaiah is asking. In chapter 14 verse 27, Part B. And his hand is stretched out. To bless. To turn around. Things for your good. Who can turn it back? Anybody. Who is breathing. God's air. And any such person. Can such a person. Turn back. The finger of God. From touching you today. Who is he? That will stop God. From doing what he wants to do. In your life. In your family. In your place of work. This evening. Who is he? The master planner. Divinely. Compensates his own children. No matter the length of time. No matter the barrier. Surrounding your circumstances. He will compensate you. As many that say amen. In the book of Hebrews chapter 6 verse 10. The Bible says. For God is not unrighteous. The God we are serving is not unrighteous. To forget your work. To forget your labor of God. Which you have shown towards his name. In that you have ministered. To the same. And presently you do minister. Currently in a still ministry. And there is no reward. No compensation. God has seen me speaking tonight. To tell you. The silence. Is not denial. For silence over issues. Is not denial. Is not denial. He will speak. And when he speaks. His tongue. No man can repeat. No man can repeat. He will speak tonight. In the name of Jesus. God is not unrighteous. To forget. He can forget you. He will not forget you. He will never forget you. 1 Peter 5 verse 10 says. God of grace. Who has called us. Unto his eternal glory. By Christ Jesus. After that. You have suffered a while. After you have suffered a while. In that condition. It seems that God is silent. In that condition. It seems that you have been abandoned. In that condition. It seems that you have been ignored. After you have suffered a while. He will make you perfect. He will establish you. He will strengthen you. And lastly. God will establish somebody here tonight. And you will be perfect. God will establish you tonight. We have concluded. At the end of this meeting. He will establish you. Say he will establish you. You have suffered a while. You have cried a while. But today. He will make you perfect. You will be complete. You will be extravagant. You will be strengthened. And finally. If you believe that says. It is sounding empty. People say that God is not unrighteous. To forget your good works. This has taken me now. To the book of Esther. Chapter two. Verse twenty one. It says. In those days. Why a man called Mordecai. Sat in the king's gate. Two of the king's siblings. Victor and Therese. Of those who kept the door. Were rats. And sought to lay hand on king. They decided to kick the king. And this matter was known to Mordecai. And he told it to Esther. And Esther. Satisfied the king. With love to the king. Married not to the king. In Mordecai's name. In Mordecai's name. And the king. Did not compensate or do anything for Mordecai. Is your condition like this. You have done so many things. For people to commend you. For people to remember you. For people to compensate you. Nobody has ever mentioned you. It will change tonight. Your condition will change tonight. If you believe it, it will happen. In the name of Jesus Christ. The king. Did not do anything. He did not even call Mordecai. I have you do this thing for me. Oh God will bless you. And it went on. Day. Maybe month. Maybe year. And the master planner. God saw it. And kept quiet. Looking for a convenient day. Looking for a due season. For Mordecai to be compensated. Man can forget you. Man can put you aside. But God will raise you up. God will announce you. God will raise you to honor you. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Listen to this. Any good thing you do. To your brother. Is done unto God. Matthew 25 verse 46. And the king shall answer and say unto them. Finally I say unto you. In as much. As you have done it. Unto one of the least. You have effortly. Done it unto me. None of us have seen God at any time. And if you are in this congregation. You have seen the almighty God. You have seen him. And he shook hands with you. And he rubbed his hand on you. Raise up your hand. Since you repented. Has anybody. I say hello. Hello. I have seen what you have done. If God has seen you like that. Raise up your hand. You must be a unique person. Praise God. God takes record. Of anything you do. Especially the saving of life. In the same kingdom. The kingdom. King Ahasuerus. Promoted a man called Haman. In the kingdom of Sushan. In the 8th chapter 3 verse 1. King Ahasuerus. Promoted Haman. Said he sits. Above all princes. In the kingdom. And all the servants. Bowed before Haman. But Mordecai. A God fearing man. But did reverence him. Because he was a Jew. A special man. And this man Haman. Became full of wrath. He never knew. That God has organized an occasion. That through him. Mordecai will be compensated. He never knew. And when he found out. The people of Mordecai. He took record of them. And he resolved within him. I will not only kill this man. I will kill the whole of them. King Ahasuerus. To report all the Jews. And he said. There are certain people. In your kingdom. Who do not obey your laws. He did not want to mention their name. Because the name Jew. Is a popular name. He did not want to mention their name. He said a certain people. When the enemy wants to destroy your life. When the enemy wants to mock you. When the enemy wants to sell you. He will bring you down. He said a certain man. A certain people. He said they do not want to obey you. Therefore. It is not for the king's profit. King listened. It is not to your profit. To suffer. Or allow them to remain. In their kingdom. Do away with them. If it pleases the king. Let it be written. That they be destroyed. And he said. I will pay. Ten thousand talents of silver. You can see that. In Esther. Chapter three. Verse ten. Ten thousand talents of silver. To the hands of those. That have a charge of the sickness. To bring this money. Into the king's treasury. And the king immediately. Took his ring. From his hand. Gave it unto Haman. To destroy the Jews. In chapter four. Where he had it. The plants. He rented his clothes. And went into the city. Crying. With a loud voice. And the master planner. Saw him. The master planner heard him. Have you been crying? Have you been weeping? Because of what you have heard. Concerning you. From your enemies. And there is something you expect to come. It has not come. Haman live this world. Without receiving this thing. Tell your neighbor. Is your church like this? You will not die. You will live. To see the blessings of God. In your life. The master planner came in. He came in. The master planner came in. In verse one. Of chapter six. On that night. On that night. Which night? The night preceding the day of the evil blood. Mordecai. And the Jews. In that night. The king Ahasuerus. Could not sleep. The master planner took away sleep from his eyes. And so shall it happen. To all your enemies. This night. Which God has made. The master planner. The owner of your life. Will take away. Sleep from any man. Whom he will use. To elevate you. Say a stronger amen. God gave him a compulsory assignment. An assignment that must be done. What is that assignment? He said king. Open your book of records. As the man was awake. As he could not sleep. He heard a voice. Ahasuerus. Open your book of records. And he called. His servant. To bring the book of records. The book of records of the chronicle. And they were read before the king. They were read before the king. And it was found rich. Brethren. Any good thing you have done. The earth will record it. Heaven will record it. If the earth will forget. Heaven will never forget. He began to search. They were searching. And they landed at the page of Mordecai. God will confirm. The angels. To come into the house of people. Who are owing you. And your name is only in their records. God will worry them tonight. The angels of God will not allow them to sleep. They will wake up. To search their records. In the name of Jesus. They will search their records. And in their records. Your name will be found. And it was found written. Of the people. To lay hands on the king. And the king asked. What honour and dignity. Has been done to Mordecai. Behold brethren. Nothing has been done. Behold brethren. Nothing has been done. Something must be done. Something must be done. As he was pressing his hand. By the spirit of God. Something must be done. According to the plan. Something must be done. The Bible says. God is not unrighteous. Your good works. Your labour of love. Something must be done. He said. Because something must be done. As he was saying this. He has a voice. He has noise in the palace. He said who is there? God said hey man. He said bring him. And what did he come to do? He came to obtain permission. For he had already. Been here. Fifty cubits. Of gallows. In his house. To obtain permission. For the hanging of Mordecai. He was there seated. Brother one man said. When God has not needed you. Nobody will kill you. When God has not needed you. When you are not needed. When your work is not over. Nobody can lay hand on you. If they do it. They will pay with their own blood. They will pay with their own blood. The king said who is there? Who is in the court? Behold. To speak to the king. For the hanging of Mordecai. Let him in. Let him in. Let him come in. Bring him inside. Bring him in. Something must be done. Kurdish man. Bring him. Let him in. Look. A man has saved my life. A man has contributed. To my living today. What shall we do? To a man who has blessed the king. Who is in the king's heart. Whom the king delights in blessing. Because that man is foolish. A foolish man. A man who could only think of himself. In the kingdom. And he did not see anybody. Who could be blessed. Excepting him. Is that king? King. Such a person. Which you use. The horse. Which you ride upon. The crown. Which is upon your head. And decorate the man. God will decorate you tonight. In the name of Jesus. God will decorate you tonight. Let's read. Verse 7 to 11. Of that Esther. Chapter 6. And her man answered. For the man whom the king delights to honor. Let the royal apparel. Be brought with the king he used to wear. And the horse that the king rides upon. Verse 9. And let his apparel. And the horse be delivered. To the hand of the king. Most noble priest. That they may array the man. Without whom the king delights to honor. And bring him on horseback. To the streets of Egypt. So shall it be. Unto the man whom the king delights to honor. Men and women. As you see this man with me. So shall it be. The man whom the king will honor. Then the king said to him. No man. Make it haste. No delay. Behold. Do even. The Jew. Let nothing fail. Which he has spoken. His eyes turned. His eyes turned. He never knew. He will be used to decorate his enemies. God will use enemies. To decorate your table. To crown you. God will use the same enemies. Who are sitting on your fire. To promote you. Those people. Your file is missing. Your file is missing. A man in blood. For six to ten years. In the same office. Your file is missing. Tonight. They will discover your file. I decree. Be. If you believe that say a stronger amen. Say a stronger amen. Twelve. After decorating this man. Bible says. No man went to his house. Morning. Your enemies. The hell will cover the church. Any man. Any woman. In the village. In the city. In the spiritual realm. In the real world. Who does not want you to rise. He put his head. Covered in shame. Praise the Lord. Now look at what happened in Esther chapter seven. So. The king commanded. And they hung the head man. On the same gallows. That he had prepared. For his enemy. A man who thought he would wipe away. The Jews. Now. He lost his life. And that of his family. Can you see what God can do? As they are planning evil against you. God is planning a good expected end. Your end shall end well. Your end shall be well. In the name of Jesus Christ. Rise to your feet. I am saving. I am saving God. His name. Is Jesus Christ. His men and arrows. And their victory. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. I am the blood. Father, let me walk in your divine favour. Grant me favour. And let me walk in your divine favour. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Father, tonight. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. Heaven is of a flowing measure. Anoint me with your special oil of heaven. In Jesus name. Father, let the blood of Jesus wash off every ill favour and rejection in my life. Let the blood of Jesus wash off every ill favour and rejection in my life. Amen. In Jesus name. O Lord, protect and defend me and my household by your shield of divine favour. O Lord, protect and defend me and my household by your shield of divine favour. O Lord, protect and defend me and my household by your shield of divine favour. Pray in the name of Jesus. Defend me O Lord and my household by your shield of divine favour. O Lord, protect and defend me and my household by your shield of divine favour. O Lord, protect and defend me and my household by your shield of divine favour. Pray in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name. Raise your right hand up and say, Any reward which has been denied me which is due to me Father, return it. Bless me to receive my reward. Pray in the name of Jesus. Any reward which has been denied me return it Lord. Raise me up for that reward. Pray in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name. Lastly, I'm going to pray for you. I want to start with those whose promotions have been denied. Where you are working, denied you for long. Raise up your hand. Raise up your right hand on your head. Close your eyes everybody. Mercy God, behold your children who have laid their hands as a result of promotion that has been denied several times. I decree, as your finger reverse the reward denied of Mordecai, Father, let your finger return their promotion. Whosoever is sitting on their final promotion, see the person up. And if the person is dead, Lord, let there be removal. Let there be removal. In the name of Jesus. Father, if the promotion due is lacking, create a promotion. Create one. And give to your daughter, give to your son, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ. If in your family, they have denied you your rights, in your family, raise up your hand. They have denied you your rights, whether they have a property, or anything. Somebody has gathered the riches, maybe I am the first born, I am the chief here. Raise up your hand. Father, as many, raise up your hand, Lord Almighty, because of their rights denied in their families, Father, whosoever denied them of this right, be arrested tonight. As King Hazalos could not sleep, you took away sleep from his eyes. For a man, Mordecai, to be rewarded, King of Glory, remove sleep from those men or women who have seized the rights of your children. In the name of Jesus. They will only have good sleep, only when they settle down. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, in Jesus' name. Praise the Lord, somebody. Praise the Lord, somebody.

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