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Naina conclusion  33

Naina conclusion 33




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AI Mastering


The main ideas are about using AI tools outside of school, such as Bars, Perplex Vita AI, Dolly, and Mid-Journey, for various purposes like presentation design and creating graphics or animations. The speaker suggests finding these tools through a simple Google search. They also mention chat2BT, which is not allowed in school, but some schools do permit it. The transcription ends with a friendly conversation. So you have talked about a lot of really helpful suggestions on what you've used, so let's just recap those. So you're not allowed to use chat2BT, but outside of school you can use it. Some schools do allow it. So besides chat2BT, you recommended a couple of other things. Yeah, so I think Bars, Perplex Vita AI, there's also a bunch of like, the AI tools is not only limited to like conversational AI, but like you know also it can be for presentation design, it can be for, I don't know, like let's say you want to create graphics or animations, right? AI is not only limited to conversation. So how do you find those? Do you Google, tell me AI tools on how to create comic strips, something like that? Yeah, there's like Dolly, Mid-Journey, they can generate powerful images. I think that can also be very useful. Okay. I think you can find AI tools on everything just by a simple Google search. It can make your life much, much easier if you're like working in those specific things. Okay, this is a quick question for you. It's like a little quiz. What does chat2BT stand for? I think it is, the GPT is generative probably. Okay. Generative, wait, I think is generative, generative pre-training transformer. Okay, it sounds a lot better in an acronym. Yeah. All right. Well, I knew the last one was transformer and I knew the first G was generative, but I was not sure about what P stands for, but yeah. You got it. All right. Well, thank you so much, Nina. I really appreciate it and have a great rest of your day and good luck on your finals, which are probably coming up in a couple weeks, I'm assuming, or less. Thank you so much. Sure, you'll ace them. All right, take care.

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