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TCA Mon03June24 - House of Saul - Apst J Sithole

TCA Mon03June24 - House of Saul - Apst J Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Apostle Joseph, a member of the Prophetic Office, led a discussion on the current state of South African society, the Christian church, and the upcoming elections, emphasizing the importance of unity, statesmanship, and survival tactics. He shared his prophetic insights and experiences, warning of potential chaos and lawlessness if the country deviated from its path, and urging the team to prepare for the challenges ahead.


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ὅστι στὴ γεγέλη Ἀφρῆτα μὰ λουπά κανῆσθου πόντον ἄλλον νῦν παρὶ νῦν στὴν ἀγαθῶ γετοῦ. ὅστι στὴ γεγέλη Ἀφρῆτα μὰ λουπά κανῆσθου πόντον ἄλλον ὅστι στὴ γεγέλη Ἀφρῆτα μὰ λουπά κανῆσθου πόντον ἄλλον νῦν παρὶ νῦν στὴν ἀγαθῶ γετοῦ. Amen. We have a situation that you need to interpret right. And if you don't interpret the situation right, you might not get it right. I want us to start with this thing. Today and this week, I'm going to dedicate this time to to explain to you what is happening in the country, what has happened and what is the way forward as Christians. Okay? Can I repeat it again? What has happened in the country, what is happening and what will happen and what is the way forward. Okay? We normally don't talk about this, especially around the pulpit, around these times, because of certain forces that we have. The forces that we have is that most people don't say things in a very spiritual manner, but we have forums in South Africa. We have spaces in South Africa where we talk about the country, where we work and pray for the better of the country. As we are now here, I'm in the prophetic office for some time now, for years, but I don't call myself a prophet. I'm in the prophetic office for a good number of years. And whatever I'm going to say to you, I'm going to talk to you prophetically and you got to take it. And the only thing, sometimes we don't have the right maturity in the house. And we tend to suffer a lot because a lot of things are already, now we don't really talk about things, because you're looking at the maturity levels. In Christian circles, since things started going wrong in South Africa, in Christian circles, with all the people who are working to build this country, we call the system of the ungodly, the ANC-led government, we call it the house of Saul. And in the Christian world, again, there are prophecies that came to the Christian world. And in the Christian world, the prophecies are saying God will raise a David. God will raise a David to take over the house of Saul. Those are the prophecies that are everywhere, in many prayer movements, in political movements, and all those, and so on. It stretches. Even in Lusika, Wubo, the former Chief Justice, Mbukwe Mbukwe, and all those, everybody is waiting for a David. Even in the continent of Africa, in many governments, you get your Zambia, Zambia will say, no, no, that's Malawi. Malawi will say we got our David when they prayed, and there was a big movement there, and President Chagwera was elevated by God to be the president of Malawi, and then he's a pastor, he's a pastor of the Assemblies of God. Very close to a man that I'm very close to, and otherwise, and so on, and very close to Wubo Mbukwe and the others, all those people, they call him a David that rose to the government of Malawi. And the House of Saul, which was, they call it the Corrupt House, and that collapsed, and so on. To a point, I think Chief Justice Mbukwe went up to anoint him and give him a mantle, and so on, and many other pictures that we have here, and we will talk about that. So, the government that we have now, ANC-led government, in Christian circles, we call it the House of Saul, and the House of Saul is growing weaker and weaker and weaker. I hope you get that. Amen. It's growing how? Weaker. Weaker and weaker. Weaker and weaker. While the House of David, which is the Kingdom of God, is growing steadily, though we are not getting our act right. So, I come to the situation we have in Ano. What was the situation? Some months before the elections, I received a call from Reverend Matewudla of Open Restoration. Moe Iron, Richard Swara. You know Jose Matewudla, so, well, Richard Swara, and whatever. So, he asked me a question. He says, what do you think of the coming elections? I didn't give him the, I didn't start by giving him the prophetic word that I received. I just said to him, I'll give you the Compeller solution. The Compeller solution, Steve Compeller solution. One day, K. Zachif Sibe, a very trustworthy person, and after that, Reverend Marawa, who was interviewing Steve Compeller, the former coach of K. Zachif, and Amutu Sabe, coach, what happened? And he said, you see Rob, if you are given a mandate to make biscuits, and you don't have enough ingredients, what will you come up with? Magwinyarum, magwinyarum. So I said, the outcomes of this election that is coming, nobody will get what he likes. Because it will be magwinyarum. And he laughed about it. Then I told him about the prophetic word that I got. Now God says, you want to teach everybody a lesson, AMC a lesson, the Church of God a lesson, everybody must get a lesson right. And I kept, he said, there won't be the results of this year, I'm not going to get to give everybody what they like. The right results will come in the next national elections, which is 2029. For now, it's time where God is teaching everybody a lesson. And if, I don't know if there are those who follow me in the next generation. Amen. Thank you. I kept on saying, I kept on saying, stop preparing for this election. Prepare for life after the elections. Because in this election, no one will get what he wants. Amen. We'll give you a clip. I kept on saying that. So these elections are about teaching everybody a lesson. The Church of God is taught a lesson, you are united. Because the Church of God is not united. And they get a lesson, a good lesson, of being, they must be united. The ANC is taught a lesson. You are corrupt, and your days are numbered. The whole country is taught a lesson. Guys, have collaboration, collective collaboration. Get united, do something. Really united. Now, you are having a Maguinya government here. Where you are going to have, this government is going to have a lot of chaos. I kept on warning that the Church must never prepare for, South Africa must never prepare for this election. They must prepare for the next coming elections. Nobody heard that. Because nobody will get that. But this is the prophetic word. Amen. So, but all this, in the whole process, God is weakening the house of Saul. And he will strengthen the house of David. So, our work is to strengthen the house of David. That's our work. Okay, let's give you another background. Are you with me, Church? Yes. Mawang Baruweji, and also, you know, talking to... Amen. Let's look at the situation of the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ is not united. Do you know who came up with the idea of independent candidates? No. It is born in the Church. It is the idea of the Church that was. Hmm. It comes from a Christian movement, led by a very brilliant Christian brother, Louis. He comes from the Louis group, and then a wealthy white brother. He was with ACDP. And he was with ACDP for some time, and now he's a lawyer. He has a background in law. And now he kept on studying the Constitution, and looking at loopholes in the Constitution, and started what we call the New Nation Movement. The New Nation Movement, here I start to explain. There's the electoral law of South Africa. It's not constitutional. And there was a New Nation Movement. In the New Nation Movement, we had a lot of people. We had the likes of Musi Maimane, Chief Justice Mukwe Mukwe, Linda Goboto. All those players were there in the New Nation Movement. And they organized money to challenge the constitutionality of the electoral law in South Africa. And they started from the Supreme Court, and then Badi Sisiwa, and all those things, until they went to the Constitutional Court. Chief Justice Mukwe Mukwe was sitting to give a ruling. But he had to excuse himself. He said, I'm conflicted. But he had to withdraw. I withdrew. And then he watched all of the difficulty, and the whole bench of the Constitutional Court. They gave a ruling that we need independence. According to the Constitution, independent candidates must be included. But there's a lot that must be there. The modalities of Parliament. Parliament is also, it changes other things, and so on. Electoral law became in trouble there. Then there was victory. The Musi Maimane, whatever, there was victory in the New Nation. And when we thought the Christian body will reunite around the victory they had, and start now challenging the status quo. What they did, everybody was so ambitious, Musi is running, he wants to start his own thing, and that one is starting his own thing, and so on and everything like that. And there was this confusion. That still exists even today. Then you have all those guys who came into the fray, and all those things, and then another party, and it seems that everything like that, because the lack of unity became a big problem. It still is now. The Church must just wait. Lack of unity. The Church is in that collective collaboration. Now, as a result, God had to say, OK, fine, in this election I'm going to teach everybody a lesson. These ones must be united. You don't have, I don't know, only 52 candidates who are always saying the same thing. Then, the prayers went up against the system, and I was here, I think I was talking to Jose, and when I saw that, God said to me, I'm going to create a weapon that is going to level the ground and destroy the ruling party and level the ground to make this prophecy that I gave you. I'm going to teach everybody a lesson, and there's a weapon that I'm going to create just to destroy everybody. And that weapon, I saw it playing out. That is the Zuma factor. OK. Because the way I saw this thing, it was something that was coming to... And I said, Lord, what is this thing? He said, no, I'm going to create a weapon in this election to make this prophetic word come to pass. I'm going to create a weapon that is going to destroy a lot of things. And just to make this prophetic word come to pass, everybody must be taught a lesson. Amen. Now let's take you to the next level. The next level is, I said it here, in Pulu Gwani, this Sunday, in the morning. Because we are still testing systems, live streaming and so on, and making sure we are getting our live streaming systems right, and so on. And I said it here in Pulu Gwani. In Pulu Gwani, I said to them, before I could preach, I said, I saw this vision. South Africa was in a crossroad. And the Polynesian march, I know, getting into a crossroad. And the voice said, if you turn left, if South Africa turns left, Paul Masatili will be president and somebody from the EFF will be there, and ANC, and so on. And there will be, the MJ party will be an alliance, like OSACP. There will be this coming together, but it will be the end of the road for Cyril Ramaphosa. But if South Africa turns right, there will be a Government of National Unity, that is a DA, ANC, and other people who think in a clean manner. That's in the Government of National Unity. But there must be a compromise. If South Africa turns right, will they turn left or right? We don't know. We don't know. We really don't know. Hmm. It's a mess now. But prepare for chaos. Hmm. Just be ready for chaos. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Will they turn left or turn right? I asked you a question. I really don't know. It's a mess. I don't know. If they turn left, there's going to be a Government of corrupt people. The rule of law will be taken out of the window. And we are going to have a situation of lawlessness. Because these whole people that I saw in that group, they are corrupt, they are whatever. Hmm. I leave you with that. I can't say much at this stage. Now, what are the marching orders for you as the church? Or as an individual? Because this is about you surviving. These are hard times and you must survive. Amen. Amen. Can I say it again? Amen. This is what we've been talking about in the next generations. Always I've been saying, please take off your eyes from the elections. Look beyond the elections. Beyond the elections, we must have civil, we must have people balling, who are not partisan in thinking. Hmm. Who are states people. We gave the free man quote, free man order. A politician always thinks about the next election, but a statesman always thinks about the next generation. Hmm. A politician always thinks about his own party, but a statesman thinks about the country. Did you hear that? I think I said it many times. Yes. I said that many times. Now, this is a time of statesmanship. But do we have it in Parliament? Do we have statesmen in Parliament? Everybody is thinking about his party. Hmm. Hmm. Everybody is thinking about the, this is what we're trying to discourage in the next generation. Stop thinking about the next, about, the elections. Think about the next generation. Think about the country. So, we need statesmanship. And statesmanship, there is no relationship, it doesn't exist there. Everybody wants to push his party. Everybody, nobody thinks about the country. Statesmanship is the way to go. Amen. A statesman doesn't think about his party. A statesman doesn't think about the elections. He thinks about the country. The country must come first. The country must come first. But our popular party, banana like a party. Hmm. Hmm. They're talking parties, they're not talking about the country. They're not talking about the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the next generation. How do we build a nation? Now, this is the time for ordinary people like yourselves. Ordinary people. Who will say what must be done? It's time. Now, things are going to get worse in South Africa. The next five years are going to be very rough. Economically and otherwise, we're going to have a rough ride. Hmm. That's what it is by design. But we need statesmanship. The next thing is you as a Christian, because the economy of this country is going to be shaken, big time. The economy has now started shaking. For instance, people who are in business, people who are in the tendering space, people who have contracts with government. In places like Bohauté, in the national government, you have contracts with government, you have contracts in provinces and so on. Those contracts are under threat. Some people, marriage, but also the petroleum chain. Some people you look up to who are doing business with government, they will be lifted. Hmm. What about the teachers, the professionals, the policemen, the civil servants? If the number of them increases, the government will start firing people. That's what it is by design. Hmm. The government will start firing people. Some will not be fired. They will fire themselves. Because it's just not going to make sense for you to wake up in the morning and work and look at the salary you are bringing home. Hmm. It's just not going to make sense. If those people turn left, they are going to loot what is left. Hmm. The situation will grow worse. If they turn right, all the people who are looters are going to jail. All of them. I hope I'm talking to the right people. Amen. Amen. Now, the situation is not going to get better, it's going to get worse. I cannot sit here and promise you something that I'm not seeing in the future. But what I'm saying to you, it is time to go back to the basics. Amen. Amen. Amen. What are those basics for your own survival? Your own survival is based on going to the basics. You need to go to the Abrahamic model of a lifestyle. Your lifestyle must go back to the Abrahamic model as early as yesterday. How many people saw over Facebook the sermon that I rendered? Yesterday. Okay, it's so quiet. I'll leave it at that. Now, this week going forward, I'm going to give you the Abrahamic model lifestyle. Amen. Can I repeat it again? I'm going to give you the Abrahamic model lifestyle. Amen. And I want you to invite friends. Okay? Amen. Invite friends, get around that set, tell them that we are going to get matching orders. Survive in these hard times. Amen. Amen. You've got to survive. How do you survive? I gave you background in feminism, but now I'll take you back into the ways to survive. Amen. As a Christian, because as a Christian, you must be exempted from what is happening in the land. Amen. Yes, you will suffer here and there and so on. But you must understand, Urwena, what are your survival tactics? Amen. How do you survive in this kind of situation? How do you navigate? I know a good number of business people don't even tune in in the morning. But I encourage every business person, every professional, every unemployed person, every person to tune in this week because we are going to explore. I gave you a background. Why did I go into such a background? Why did I go into such a background and talk to you about the background and reveal certain corners that you don't know about the country, the architecture of this country where you are measuring and what is happening and reveal things. And thank God I didn't say much. I was just giving you enough to see the trouble. That is before you. And to see that you got to interpret how will it affect me? How will it affect my career? How will it affect my business? How will it affect, well, people who are playing in that big space right now in the business world, they now see where they are going to be affected and where they are not going to be affected. But that idea must come out. The way we think must change. Amen. Amen. If you don't change, the situation will discipline you. Can I repeat this? Amen. Anyone who doesn't change in this season and speak to some old stuffy ways of thinking is going to be punished. You are going to be punished. You see, there are people, there were things that were said to the ruling party for years and they were not listening. Today, from the national government, there are 70 MPs that are pecking their becks about America. I'm talking about the province in Gamboa. The province there, Haudenosaunee. We were high. The cake is becoming smaller because they were not listening. But there was a message. There are things that we've been saying to the church and we've been saying these things to the church and the church is not listening. The church is just in dreamland. And please wake up. Amen. Amen. Please wake up. Because, I hate to say this because I don't even say it in public spaces, but I say it here right now. You are talking to a prophet. Amen. Amen. Amen. About the South African situation, we've been so prophetic. So I'm dedicating this session this morning to say to you the next sessions are very critical for you to brace up, to position yourself, to look at your circumstances. Your circumstances are determined. But now, we will give you a word that will make you adapt to situations. And at the end of the day, people will say, how do you survive? Amen. Amen. And we'll give them a formula. We'll give you a formula, your success. Amen. Amen. I've been in this prophetic thing for some time. 1994. It was 1993 when Chris Haney was assassinated. And everybody was saying, civil war is upon us. The whole country was angry. And I was addressing a conference in Soweto, Dimku. And I was watching the news and Chris Haney's body is there. Tokyo Squad is crying that Chris Haney died for peace. The whole country is up in arms. And everybody was saying this nation is going into a bloodbath. And God removed me before the television screen and said, withdraw God back to your bedroom. I went to the bedroom to pray. And God said to me, if you pray, South Africa is going to have a peaceful political settlement. But call SA to pray. Start from Messina to Cape Town. We started that movement from Cape, from Messina to the Cape. And I realized that God has already revealed that again to Pastor Agrippa Kadite. We planned, formed the prayer movement. And South Africa was called a miracle nation. Everybody was surprised. How did South Africa overcome such obstacles and have a peaceful political settlement? It's because we heard from God. Amen. Amen. Amen. And now, you are on the front seat, seated here with a prophetic person, talking to you. Some of the things that we are going to say, you are just going to look at them and say, I've got to hear like I dream. Are we dreaming? Listen and apply it. Amen. Amen. Listen and apply. And apply and survive in the name of Jesus. Amen. May the good Lord bless you and may God bless South Africa. God bless South Africa. And you must survive. Don't become a victim of this situation, but survive. Amen. Hallelujah. And Father, I pray for these people in this sense. This is the time. Where you are putting everybody in the classroom in South Africa to get valuable lessons. And Lord, we humble ourselves before you. And we say, as much as you are living in this situation, help us navigate through it. Help our carriers to survive. Help our businesses to survive. Help our children to survive. So that we can reach 2029 where things are going to turn to the joy and the delight of everyone in SA. In Jesus' name, amen. God bless South Africa. God bless South Africa. God bless South Africa. God bless South Africa. God bless South Africa. God bless South Africa. God bless South Africa. 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