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TCA Fri14Jun24 - Transformation in the Kingdom - Richard Sello

TCA Fri14Jun24 - Transformation in the Kingdom - Richard Sello

Bethsaida Word Centre



• Christians to transform their mindset and speak positively about South Africa, focusing on God's promises for the nation rather than the current challenges. • Christians to adopt struggling families, pay school fees for children, and support those in need through acts of giving. • Christians to seek positions of leadership and responsibility in government and other sectors to promote service delivery and combat corruption. • Christians to unite and work together to transform their communities


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With Jesus, you're the wind beneath my wings With Jesus, you're my melody and harmony With Jesus, you're the eyes that I see With Jesus, yes, I'm dancing to your tune There's a tear that's watered so, my soul longs for you Forever and ever, yes, my heart beats for you Something more than gold, I've got something more than gold If all I've got is Jesus, I've got something more than gold I'll turn it to the world, Jesus is more than gold More than gold, more than gold, I've got something more than gold I'll turn it to the world, Jesus is more than gold More than gold, more than gold, I've got something more than gold I'll turn it to the world, Jesus is more than gold I'll turn it to the world, Jesus is more than gold More than gold, more than gold, I've got something more than gold My brother, my sister, Jesus is more than gold More than riches, you are everything, oh God More than life, Jesus is more than gold More than a hundred, more than a thousand Thank you for always being on time, always being there for us And also I want to thank Shady for always making sure that she greets Thank you, welcome Shady and thank you for your consistency And just to welcome everyone from everywhere We know we have people from different provinces And God is good We are going to close this week A very interesting week A week where we have a coincidence Which always happens every year Of having a youth day That coincides with the third week of the month Which is a father's day So it's a very interesting weekend As we close this weekend We will have one of our own We have a son who is in another province now And we believe that God is God wherever he is And today we are going to listen to the word of God From Rachel, that's how we call him most of us We are going to listen to the word of God And we are going to be blessed as we close this week Rachel does not need any introduction All of us know him as the son in the house One day when I'm ready I will introduce him to you All of us know him as the son in the house One day when I'm ready I will introduce him to you But today we are just going to listen to Rachel Thank you for being here Rachel Always being here And we believe that God is going to speak to us through you Thank you for taking the word of God serious And thank you for staying on We hand over to you, over to you Rachel Amen Thank you mommy, thank you Greetings to the apostles and the saints in the house this morning Without any further waste of time I would like to read the following scriptures I don't know if Pastor Asimbi can assist me on 1 Corinthians 1 verse 10 1 Corinthians 1 verse 10, good morning It says, now I plead with you brethren By the name of our Lord Jesus Christ That you all speak the same thing And that there be no divisions among you But that you be perfectly joined together In the same mind and in the same judgment Amen Also Romans 12 verse 2 Romans 12 verse 2 And you shall not be conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind That you may prove what is that good and acceptable And perfect will of God Amen The last one being Matthew 12 verse 30 Matthew 12 verse 30 He who is not with me is against me And he who does not gather with me let us abroad Amen Amen We, today is one of the special days in the country Where number 1 The 7th administration will be taking a seat in parliament And that is, that make it a special day in SA Number 2, the special day is that This morning I'm sharing the word with you That's so special, amen And I just want to talk a little bit about transformation in the kingdom As our duty as Christians is to multiply And bring people from darkness to light We have a duty that we must fulfill in bringing people from darkness to light We are not supposed to speak or cry like the people Who have not received the light Or speak like the people of this world We find ourselves in a very difficult and challenging times in our nation Like Maruto said before that The current, on the 29th May He did not bring the results that one expected You know, we don't have a winner, it's just confusion out there And it's just confusion out there So, it leaves us with a duty Because where there is confusion There is a lot of lawlessness Where there is confusion There is a lot that is happening Be it crime, be it corruption A lot of things happen there Especially with the situation we are in in this country currently But we ought to view our nation the way God sees it Because when God looks at us as he sees a great nation We ought to transform and be We ought to transform and make sure we see this thing how God sees us Because if we can look at this nation the same way The economists or the politicians, the activists Or our own culture Instead of viewing it the way this nation, the way God views it We ought to go and speak like people who are in darkness Because they don't know the greatness of the Lord We are seated here knowing very well That when God sees us, he sees a great nation But we need to be transformed in a biblical truth Be transformed how God sees the things, how God sees us How God sees the nations God sees the nations as the greatest nations ever Because God is there to make sure each one of us succeeds When me and you, with our natural eyes Look at Motiti or Mamol or whatever We just see a village But in the eyes of God, he sees a great city there We are to transform in the way we see things In our eyes Because the word of God says be transformed And we want to deal on that one of transformation So for us to transform in a way We also need to be strong in faith You cannot transform if you lack faith In the things of the Lord Because the Bible says The Bible says Even though you are sick, you ought to say you are healed That's how it's supposed to be So now, this brings me back again to our point Even out of all this confusion We still need to speak the word of God And see this nation as great It is in the will of God That each and every person living on earth Must succeed and prosper So we ought not to pray I mean, we ought not to speak like the world As they speak On and around the negative things that are happening within our country And all that is happening We need to look at our nation the way God sees it We are We must see the good of the Lord in this nation You know As we had time to campaign Around now We could hear the minds of politicians, activists You know, all these economists They are also not certain of what is happening with this country And you can hear Everyone here is afraid They are not sure of what's happening What's next move, what's going to happen But from our side We must look at it how God has blessed this nation We must look at it how God looks at the world And God when he looks at the world He sees great nations, great countries Because God made a promise to mankind In the book of Isaiah God says Do not fear Because I am with you When you pass through the waters I will be with you When you pass through the rivers They will not sweep you He knew this day will come Where everybody will not You know, where everyone will be fearing for the next day And I want to comfort people And tell you that Whatever that you hear Whatever that you see As media writes, say whatever That is not the truth The truth comes from the biblical way The truth comes from the law What they are saying there It's another way of them It's fine, that's the fact they bring up But the truth is God sees the best in each and every one of us Best in each and every city So we have to believe in the word of God That's why I said the word without faith It's a dead word James 2, verse 26 says Faith without words is dead So how God operates and how we operate is through the word What is happening in the world Shouldn't affect us in a way that we lose our faith We must stick to our faith And the Lord will bless us as we stick to our faith At the same time You as a Christian You are also not immune from problems And the Christian life is full of It's a road full of obstacles But I can also say to you Opportunities for growth over time As the Holy Spirit works in the heart And mind of the Christian That's where you grow over time We must realize all men live Not only in the natural world But also in the spiritual world So things will happen in the physical world In the natural world And even us who are living in the spiritual world Will also see things that are happening around us I can broadly say we have two types of transformation The physical transformation is just there for everyone to see In the physical eye So this is transformation Like I like soccer In the olden days we used to have two leagues The white leagues and the black leagues Professional leagues But there was transformation Those teams came together You could see transformation with your eyes at work And also When we play When we play at the Springboks or the Proteas You know you could see the transformation that took place All of us we were our kids Our Proteas kids and all that So that we go to the stadium In the formerly known white dominion sport And we are all there It's in the physical we can see transformation When transformation takes place You also see the good results there And that's the thing when you see it in your physique Or ok this is real transformation But at the same time I would say transformation is a choice In the physique you know My father was playing Zim In Toyota rugby stadium here in Blumfonte And usually when we international duty All races are there to support their teams But on Tuesday when my father was playing Zim In the province of Sokolabim people of Free State You could only notice one race And this has been happening a lot declining That shows you transformation is a choice It's a choice in the physical world It's natural it's a choice But now when coming to the spiritual transformation It's a must it's not a choice We need to transform in the different levels of transformation You know the spiritual transformation is a must That's where the book of what we read in the book of Matthew 12 30 where it says If you are not with us you are against us You are against me Where the Lord Jesus was saying If you are not with me you are against me Because you can't be with Christ when you are not transformed With Christ you need to transform in all areas And the conflict that comes The conflict that rages in the spiritual world Affects the natural world in a way that At times it becomes difficult for one At times it becomes difficult for one Where you know not to use the spiritual decision Or the spiritual mind And it becomes in the natural world And making that decision And yeah that's a war right there Because usually what comes from the Lord It differs way much with what comes to the world So now the spiritual world will say something The world will say something The physical world will say something And you need to transform at that point Because you are representing the kingdom there So you need that transformation And it comes with a lot of commitment And you can see also in the spiritual How the devil is fighting And we actually see it in our natural eye And in the physical You know the devil he is fighting You could easily see it But I say as we were Because when the devil is fighting in the spiritual All the negativity, the evil The evil takes place Or you know all these things that take place That are not good because the devil is fighting I you know I I almost cried last week Just two weeks back Two weeks back we were in one village around here Northwest where we were Just assisting in campaigning But I won't tell you which party I was campaigning for So we What happened there We are in a village That doesn't have water And it's the poorest of them all When you look at it You know the poorest village ever But doesn't have water Doesn't have bowls But the bowls are recorded within them The money has been paid For those bowls long ago They never thought this day will come When we campaign The elections will come And they need to go and campaign So but now when we reach them There was no bowls There was nothing And the money you know You start to look at how our people have come to that level You know even one or two bowls were not there And there they claim that 12 bowls were installed And they were not there And people don't have money you know I even seen It reminds me of the video that I've seen in Bochum And because people are evil now They don't fear the Lord And where there is this evilness People having transformed They don't even see when they They don't even care when they commit such corruption And where evil is reigning We are having a way We will be subjected to this kind of corruption That's why I'm saying we need to transform Also as children of God You know we need our children Children of God in those high places Those will take responsibility Those will understand what is service delivery to the people You know our people have lost that And it's quite disturbing You can imagine a village of 3-5000 people without water And they claim that they've installed water They've installed bowls They've paid for that We you know that's the evil where it comes You can see the devil has captured everyone here And these people have you know they've They've just messed everything there And they don't see any problem That's why I'm saying we need to transform And have our people in the right places Especially in this time we are living in You know at times you You can even think of slapping our own Christians You know you listen to a Christian saying I don't want that position While it's supposed to be there and having all those qualifications Yet our world is sinking Our nation is like this We need Christians who will transform the whole department We need Christians who will understand what is service delivery And go there you know we Corruption will be the thing of the past That's where it is And we thank God because we We have not lost hope Things will turn around And we believe in God That will assist us in transforming ourselves And view this nation the way God sees it And therefore we need to transform In the kingdom of God Because you know Some of you at this stage There's a way where you need to transform Even when coming to your giving at times Speaking of giving Pastor Demokumo you have a guest in me today I'll be taking over in here So we So we need to transform you know Because the world system of living Doesn't really make sense to what the kingdom standard of living says Because one might not even understand why You are talking The best situation The best situation in the country is like this Everything is up you know Even celebrities They are crying over the units of electricity You know all over Because it has really affected each one But at the same time we shouldn't forget Our way of doing things in the kingdom Because like I say Some we need to transform the way we are giving Because at this stage One maybe needs to adopt a family that is struggling And God is just waiting for you to make that step You know by adopting that one family By adopting that child By just paying fees for that child God is just waiting for you Broke as you are But God is just waiting for you to make that step And see the goodness of the Lord Some need to transform in that area of giving God the Lord will bless you We believe in God Of miracles We need to transform And you know There is an Anglican church in Tanzania that I like much In the network there They are doing church differently too They have factories there They are producing their own dairy They are hiring people Unemployed people in that village They are really moving And that's the church They have their own way of doing things in Tanzania And that's transformation We need to do that And the Lord will bless us Therefore The issue of transformation Is not even neutral As I said It's a must as a child of God You need to speak the word You need to speak How the Lord sees us How the Lord sees other people How the Lord sees this world It's not neutral It's not neutral It's a must You must just transform Pastor Chris just a week ago He was just speaking about Renewal mind process I don't know why the Lord is emphasizing this issue of transformation to us We must be there We must transform We must really transform So that we can be The Bible says we are the salt of this world So that the world should come to us Seeking the advice Because they see transformation in us But you can't transform while you Speak in opposite of what the word of the Lord says You need to speak to the word of the Lord What it says about us About your life Therefore We ought to unite We ought to unite Transform this country Transform your neighbor Transform everyone By the word of the Lord Amen So You know In this way We must continue To live We must continue to believe In the word of God Even when you think it's not making sense But just believe in the word Just believe in the word Because you must fill yourself With transformation of the word And you will see the Possibilities And Positivity is there Because you need to stand there In the word of the Lord Because The Bible says in the beginning God created heaven and earth You are going nowhere You will be here on this earth Because it has been created by God And you deserve the best of this world Because this earth has been created by God himself So now You better speak good of this country Speak good of everyone there Speak good of your neighbor Transform Just transform Be Be the best Christian ever Because you got to transform There are negativities around here People will say a lot of things But now you need to transform And stick to your word To the truth Do not sell your soul And you know Just check the word what it says And speak to that So In my first conclusion Like my father Let us unite And transform this country And People need to come to us People need to come to us And seek advice Our people don't know where they go They are lost They don't even know where to go Seeking advice I worked in one school there You know I Every day or so I would see more than 10 people Just around And you see These people They need help They are lost But they don't know where they seek help You know these people Even in that school The learners there You know Imagine they call you At the age of 90 Because You could tell The world is lost It's sick But now they must see the goodness of the lord from us We must teach these people The way And they must understand We have occupied ourselves With the way And we really teach these people And ask the help of these people They must come to us And we must tell them How we survived today How we crossed that river How we walked through that water How we managed that situation In a way Just by testifying And they could see Because they have nowhere to go now I mean you Currently Here in the country About 19 retail Stores 19 or 22 I can't remember very well They have shut down They have closed Employing 100 people there That means you may calculate 100 by 19 You can look at the numbers there They are not adding up And it will just be depression all over You know A lot of things But with us in the light Being the salt of this world You know we People Three streets away You know that are affected by this kind of situation You must They must see hope in you Because you have not lost hope When they come to you crying You are able to lead them to cry And show them that you have the hope Because of Christ Who is in you Christ the hope of glory in you Because that's where Our bread is That's where our hope is Our people should know that When they come to you They must find that comfort And get it Because the Lord is good And the Lord has been good to you And this Lord will continue to be good to you As you transform and stick to his To his will And stick to his way The Lord will continue to lead you Amen Thank you mommy Amen Rachel Thank you so much The message of transformation Is Repeating itself As you have said I Noted a few things About This message of transformation Especially when it comes to Our nation You mentioned The fact that we need to Stick To what the word Of God says about South Africa Or the promises That God has given about South Africa You know When Some years ago Even before This new dispensation There have been prophecies To say South Africa will The end time revival Or the end time revival Will come from South Africa And at that time It was not as bad as they are We were You know we had good years Then the economy was good And we We Thought of this word Revival But when you look at the word revival It talks about restoration Of life Or restoration of consciousness Meaning that Something that is revived Has died or has lost Consciousness So South Africa currently Has died in many areas When you look at Many departments Many Departments In the government There is none of them that is not So that death Needs a revival Some Of the areas are not Completely saved but they have lost Consciousness And they need that revival So it is important For us even in this state Of the country to speak Positively About what God has spoken Certainly The Israelites Many Israelites Not to reach the promised land Was one thing God Promises them A good land God promises them A land Flowing with milk and honey But when they went And they saw The giants in the land They started Speaking negatively About the land That God has promised And God Was very angry The Bible says Because you have despised the land That I have given you So it is important That what God Has promised We speak like Joshua and Caleb To say Yes they are giants But we will Be able to Conquer it We can make it We are able To see with Joshua And Caleb that even in the middle Of those giants They spoke positively And God honoured them He rewarded them So thank you for Reminding us To Always Speak what God speaks Irrespective of what we see Because we don't walk By what we see But we walk by faith In what God has promised And then About transformation Yes We need to change And alter Our way of thinking Our way of speaking So that Even What we hear ourselves saying And what the enemy Hears us saying It must be transformed We must change the way We look at things Thank you so much As you said That today We await The first Of the seventh administration We pray that God is going To give us Leadership that is going To reconstruct Rebuild And reorganise Our country To be the great God that promised us I was Praying yesterday One thing that Is ironic about this whole thing And I'm Believing that God is Looking at South Africa With a big smile To say we don't want to Come together We have so many little parties There, another one party there Another party there But at the end we are Sitting with government of national Unity With unity being the Key word That God wants us to be So I believe that Even in our failure Even in our In everything that we are not doing well God is going to use This government of national unity To help us reconstruct Rebuild And remove Our country Thank you so much Let us all pray And in our prayer Please let us Remember to pray for our nation This is the only nation we have We always said in the past That we cannot afford To fail as South Africans Because everybody else That failed in their Country, they ran to us All the African Countries, South Africa Has been there once So if we Cannot make it Where do we run to? So we pray to God To help us Rearrange our nation To be the great nation that He has prophesied It to be That we must keep the faith Let us Keep the faith What God is saying To us is We must not look at what is Happening around us We must not allow what is Happening around us To lose faith in what He has promised us But let us keep The faith When God says Keep the faith It means Faith can be lost And what makes us Lose faith Is the negatives that are Happening around us So My last word Is To say Let us keep the faith As the word of today Was To encourage us To keep the faith especially Around issues Of our nation God bless you God bless you God bless you Amen Let the wheels Stay on shore Let the food Stay away I don't know if there is anybody Who needs encouragement Let the Lord Say Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Let the Lord Say Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen

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