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June 17 Ask

June 17 Ask

Tim Hall



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In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells his followers to ask, seek, and knock, promising that they will receive what they ask for. He emphasizes that these instructions are for those who are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus has taught about having the right attitude, loving enemies, and not trusting in worldly things. He also emphasizes the importance of prayer and forgiveness. By following these teachings and seeking guidance from God, believers can walk through open doors and be a witness for Jesus. As Jesus prepares to close His Sermon on the Mount, He says, Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds. And to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7, 7. I bet you like what you just heard. What color is the car you just asked Him for? How many bedrooms does the house you just asked Him for have? How deep is the pool you just asked for? May I remind you that He is preaching only to His bride, those who are born again and live in the Christ-like life, because they are filled with the Holy Spirit. We have listened to Him talk to us about our attitude, telling us to love our enemy, and He has told us to pluck out our eyes if they lead us away from Him. He has told us not to trust in the things of this world, but to trust Him in all things. As He has taught us how to pray, and emphasized the importance of forgiving others. As we become more like Him, we now know that by asking our Heavenly Father, seeking directions from His Word and the Holy Spirit, while not knocking on Heaven's door, we can walk through any door that He may open for us, so that we might be a witness for Him, knowing there is victory in Jesus. This is Pastor Tim Hall of redletterwordsofjesus.com

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