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TCA Fri10May24 - Rejection - Apstl Sam Matjeke

TCA Fri10May24 - Rejection - Apstl Sam Matjeke

Bethsaida Word Centre



Apostle Sam-Matjeke led a discussion on the theme of suffering and redemption, focusing on the importance of forgiveness and acceptance, particularly in the face of rejection. He shared his own journey of forgiveness towards his father and emphasized the blessings that come with letting go of negative emotions.


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You are worthy, You are worthy, You are worthy, You are worthy, You are worthy, You are worthy, Jesus. You are worthy, Jesus. וִיִּזָּלִי צִיִּטִי גָּלָם צִיִּתְכֹם כֹתִי יֶד יָנִי זָּנְגִּי נָּה, זָּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּ นָּה, זָּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זָּנְגִּי נָּה, זָּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, זְּנְגִּי נָּה, ยาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาา ยาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาาา� इपिलवदललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललल इपिलवदललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललल इपिलवदललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललल इपिलवदललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललललल Good morning indeed, let's give him the praise this morning. As we continue, the song says, जियालंको सिशिणातेलि इम्पुन्दिसो जेजिलाको उजे उसिफुसेलेलि As we start the morning, and we listen to his word, so that he revives us, it is a good thing to start the day with God. As we close this week, the week of the Lord's ascension, we are going to listen to the word of God as we start the day. Today we are going to listen to the word of God from the servant of God, Apostle San Maceke, who is a son of the Apostle. It means that God is going to bless us indeed, as we start the day, as we listen to his word, and as we indeed take it as a value, and something important, rising it above everything, so that we are able to live a life that is pleasing to God. I just want to greet you again, all of you who are on the set this morning, I know some are still going to tune in, be blessed as we listen to the word, and thank you very much. Apostle Maceke, thank you for making time in your very busy schedule to come and be with us this morning, sharing the word. Thank you. I hand the microphone over to you. Thank you very much. Good morning, good morning. I just want to take this moment and thank Mama and Apostle Joseph Tolle for this opportunity to come and be part of this morning devotion. We give God the glory. He is a wonderful God, and also welcoming everyone who is also part of this, who joined in this morning. I just want to greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This morning, as we are gathered and we are looking at just what the Lord has placed in my heart, the book of Isaiah 53 came to me, to my heart, for us to talk about. I'm just going to read through 53. I'll take it from verse 1 to 11 in the NASD, New American Standard Bible, where it talks about the suffering servant who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed. For he grew up before him like a tender shoot and like a root out of dry ground. He has no stately form or majesty that we would look at him, nor an appearance that we would take pleasure in him. He was despised and abandoned by men, and men of great pain and familiar with sickness, and like one from whom people hide their faces. He was despised, and we had no regard of him. However, it was our sickness that he himself bore and our pains that he carried. Yet we ourselves assumed that he had been afflicted, struck down by God and humiliated, but he was pierced for our offenses. He was crushed for our wrongdoings. The punishment for our well-being was laid upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. All of us, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has turned to his own way, but the Lord has caused the wrongdoing of us all to fall on him. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth. Like a lamb that is led to slaughter and like a sheep that is silent before its shearer, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Thank you. And as for his transgression, as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off from the land of the living for the wrongdoing of my people? To whom the blow was due. And his grave was assigned with wicked men, yet he was with a rich man in his death because he had done no violence, nor was there any deceit in his mouth. But the Lord desired to crush him, causing him grief. If he renders himself as a guilt offering, he will see his offspring, he will prolong it, and the good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in his hand. As a result of the anguish of his soul, he will see it and be satisfied. By his knowledge, the righteous one, my servant, will justify the many, for he will bear their wrongdoings. Now, let's just pray for the Word. Father, thank you for the Word, and thank you that you will open our eyes and our hearts to hear your Word this morning. And thank you that, Lord, for everyone who is here today, I know that you do have a plan for each one, and that you do have a Word for each one. And I thank you that none shall leave this place without experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of your Word, the power of the blood of Jesus, the power that is able to cleanse, the power that is able to remove all sin. In Jesus' name, we thank you. Amen. Now, I just want to thank you for taking time to join and to listen to this devotional this morning. My topic, based on the Scripture that we just read, is that Jesus endured my rejection so that I might have his acceptance with the Father. Jesus endured my rejection so that I might have acceptance with the Father. Now, something that we need to know is that rejection is one pandemic after COVID-19, even though it existed long before COVID-19. Rejection has become the biggest pandemic of our time or in our time and also in this generation, even though rejection should not be a means, should not actually be something that we should always be crying about and, you know, just looking at it negatively, because rejection by itself should be a means for improvement and not a way to feel dejected, in fact. Even if you get rejected in all areas of your life, you should not allow yourself or feel dejected. It is supposed to help you to improve yourself. But as we know, like I say, it is a pandemic. These days, it is not necessarily helping people to find improvement in their lives. Instead, they feel dejected. And if you look at most of our young people especially, rejection has caused so much harm to them, so much damage, so much bitterness. There is so much bitterness in our young generation today that we find ourselves as parents dealing with the aftereffect of this kind of pandemic called rejection. In fact, a lot of us as parents, we find it hard to understand our children, talking to them, trying to speak sense into their lives. Yes, they will tell you, Papa, Mama, I hear you, and I promise I will change my life. And you look at them, you look at their potential, and you know they can do something better. But there is this pandemic that just comes and it hits them from head to toe. I believe there are certain steps that we need to take in order for us to experience acceptance with God, something that our young people need to experience, to also experience even forgiveness. Some steps need to be taken. It's not only about our children, but it is also about us. We also need forgiveness. We also need acceptance with God. Now, this morning as we are gathered to listen, to partake in this morning devotional, I want to talk about forgiveness and also about acceptance. But the main topic here is about rejection. You know, we have suffered rejection for many years, but we did not find or have a way of dealing with rejection itself. There have been many ways in which we tried to defend ourselves against this pandemic called rejection. The book of Matthew, it's actually the book of Mark, 11 verse 25, Jesus instructs us by saying, when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him so that your Father in heaven may forgive your sins. Now, when you read this, it is easy for us to think that, you know, when I pray, God knows what's in my heart. He knows the pain that I'm going through. Now I'm talking about rejection. Rejection comes in many forms in our lives. And when we stand praying, many times we find ourselves in a situation where we are asking God to free us. We want freedom. We want God to set us free. But sometimes we're not even sure what is it that actually is troubling us. But we know we are being troubled. There's something that is troubling us, but we just don't know exactly what it is. We only see the symptoms. But in reality, it is the rejection that we have suffered that has caused what is happening even in our lives today. So Jesus is saying, when you stand praying, like now we will be praying, it is important that if you know that there's anything that you have in your heart against anyone, you know, there are those things that we do have inside of us, in our hearts, where we even say it doesn't matter. You know, men will know this and understand this, that when you talk to your wife or your woman and she's not okay and she just says, no, just leave it, it doesn't matter. You don't only listen to the words. You also listen to and look at her body posture, because the only way you can understand her is by the body posture, not necessarily by what she says. If she can just say to you, no, just forget about it, it's fine, it's okay, I'm okay about it. You don't just take it that it's okay. You have to look at her and to see that it is truly okay with her. So there must be a body language. Now, we happen to live our lives in such a way that many times we'll say, no, it doesn't matter, it's okay, but deep down in our hearts, we know there is still something that is eating us up. So Jesus is saying, if you have anything, you are holding anything, it means it's there. You may be saying, no, it doesn't matter, but it is there inside. You know it is troubling you. The Bible says, forgive so that your Father in heaven may forgive your sins. Now, the Bible is very clear. If you hold anything against anyone, forgive, and then God will forgive you. But if you fail to forgive others, God will not forgive you. Now, I should also qualify this one, that when we talk of God forgiving us, yes, God forgives, but certain things lie with us for us to receive the forgiveness. Not that God does not forgive us. He forgives us, but if we fail to forgive, then we will not find acceptance. We will not even know that we are forgiven, even though the Lord God himself is forgiving us. Now, this truth applies especially in our attitudes, even toward our parents, who most commonly cause the problem of rejection. Our parents may have either abandoned us, or the way they lived before us, and the way we saw Papa and Mama living together, somehow we were affected. It's either we felt more love, being loved by our parents, and we experienced love between them, or we saw Papa and Mama, but the way they lived together, even though they remained together, but they did not show us the type or the kind of love that we wished to experience. Either Papa was abusing Mama in any other way or any other kind, whether with finances or any other way, and we saw that, but there was nothing we could do, and this thing inside of us kept on growing. But this is not what we wish to see from our parents. Look at how they live, and then others would end up divorcing, something that we see commonly these days. But in the olden days, people would just stay and say, ay, mumsaji, libikala mumsaji, kikubukadi. So, when you are there, wait, or no, ugeni ugeni, ngenile ngenile, ketile ketile, whether or whatever, but you have to stay and feel, literally feel. But the way life was at that time, whatever we saw had a way of affecting us. Either we felt rejected, even by our parents themselves, especially our fathers. You know that in the olden days, for those who come from the era of the 60s, the 50s, our fathers would go to town to go and work. Others would come back a good Friday and would be so happy, would be waiting for them to go to the bus station just for them to come in. And the first thing we wanted to check was, did they bring the bread? Bread was the most important thing. So, when you carry the bag, there must be a bag that is carrying bread. Then you know, at least, there was a bag that was carrying bread. Life used to be like that. We used to go to town and work there. Others would not even come back like a good Friday. Then we would then bank, or perhaps they would come back in December. Then, in December, you would wait and wait, because now you would expect them to come back, and then your father would not come. Papa is not there. What is wrong? Why is Papa not coming? Then Papa does not come. Then you would hear, by the wayside, that Papa is not there. Now, you see, this kind of life would cause you to have bitterness. We can see that Mama is supposed to take care of us at home. Papa is supposed to send money, but he is not sending money. Many of us come from such backgrounds, where our fathers were not necessarily there for our mothers, and they were not necessarily even there for us. It created so much bitterness. The bitterness stayed in us. We kept holding it. Even today, there are people who still have that bitterness to say, Papa did not look after Mama, or Mama was another kind of a person. Today, there are so many things that we have actually suffered through the lifestyles of our parents, and it stayed in us. So either they divorced, or whatever may have happened between them, they lived far apart from each other, and we know in our hearts we love Papa. We know in our hearts we love Mama, but we end up standing with the one who seems to be fighting for us, fighting for the roof over our head, and that alone has caused so much hatred in our people, our young people, resentment, bitterness, rejection, and anger, and that we see in our generation today. The generation that we live with now has even gone into what we call nyaube, something that has destroyed our children because they don't know how to deal with anger, rejection, bitterness, resentment, and hatred. And as a result, we see our children feeling so rejected and dejected and unloved. We talk to them and tell them how much we love them. We do things that we also believe this is a sign of a loving parent trying to love his child or his children. And when you use tough love, then now they feel like now I'm being dejected and rejected. But all I know is that lives have changed when people have realized that they have a scriptural obligation to honor their parents. This, to me, is very important. That is why the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 2, when you read it in the NLT version, it says, Honor your father and mother. And this is the first commandment with a promise. Now we know that the promise that we have is that when we honor our father and mother, when we honor our father and mother, there is a promise. And the promise we have is a promise of long life. And what is this saying to us? You know very well that these days we have buried so many young people where parents will say, I thought my children were the ones who are going to bury me. But look at what has happened. I've lost all of my children. There are parents today who are sitting. There's no children. All the children are gone. Now you want to know what has actually happened. Why would we lose so many of our young people today? We lose many of our young people today because we don't realize that we do have an obligation, the obligation to honor our father and mother because there is a promise behind it. We know very well that we have lived with our mother, father, or if mother only, the father was not there, but we had to show respect to our mother or father. We had to learn to do exactly what Jesus did, that even when he was, you know, afflicted, he never opened his mouth. I learned as I was growing up that if mama says something or papa says something, even if I did not agree with them, I did not have the right to answer my parent even if I didn't agree with them. And that way it showed honoring my mother and my father. And it came with a promise. The promise was you do that, then there shall be long life for you. It doesn't mean you have to ignore their faults completely, but you must have a heart of forgiveness. You forgive them for what they say to you, something that you know this thing doesn't make sense. And they are saying this because that's all they know. You know most of our parents were not educated, so some of their reasonings, even when they beat you and you start crying, and they say keep quiet while they are beating you. And they know that when you beat somebody, somebody has to cry. But they expect you to keep quiet while they are beating you. And they tell you, you are making noise, keep quiet, and yet they continue to beat you. So you can see that, okay, this person doesn't really know certain things. So instead, you continue to honor them. You have to honor them and determine in your heart that I will honor them to the greatest extent that I am able to do so. Some few years ago, this is a testimony, I was praying. And I wanted to present myself before God to allow God to hear anything or any wrong that could be in my heart. You know, there are those days where you just tell yourself, as I come before God, Lord, search me, search my heart. And if there's anything in my heart that is not right, please reveal it and hear it from my heart. I just want to be pure. I want to have a pure heart before you that when I come before you, I know I am clean before you from my heart. Then as I was praying, I could feel that there was something that was lacking in me. That I'm doing everything that I can as a person, but there is something that is still in my heart. The Lord just showed me that there's something you still have which you have not dealt with. And I wanted to know, Lord, what is it? And the Lord showed me that I still had resentment with my father. In other words, Because I had a lot of things taken into consideration when my father passed away. How he treated my mom. How he treated us. How he lived a good life alone in town. And left us regular, But mama had to try and get these things herself. And yet she was not waking. This thing stayed deep in my heart and it troubled me for months. Why would someone decide to leave us? Reject us like that. And just decide to live a good life drinking and enjoying his life. And I mean, life was just not good. And I had this resentment against my father for many years. And at that time I was already preaching, I was a preacher. I'm talking to you about an experience when I was already preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, when the Lord revealed that to me, I then said to myself, How am I going to deal with this? It was a big thing in my life. To say, but how do I deal with this? Because this man, even when I look at him and think of how he used to punish me. You know, imagine those days. Your dad will come back home. And then, but for a moment you think, I don't know if anyone has an experience of this. I felt so bad, this guy doesn't love me. How can he beat me up for something like that? He just says, And then he punishes me. So every time he came back, Good Friday, Christmas, I knew that he was going to punish me. So one day I ran away. In the night. And I went. I slept in a school. I went in. So that is the life that I lived. Now you can imagine how I felt about this man. And God was talking to me about him. To say, you need to do something about this. You've got resentment. Against your father. Who abandoned you. For most of his career life. My father did nothing for us. He did nothing for me. I had to fend for myself. I had to fight life for myself. Until he retired. And when he was retired, Now he's looking at us. Our lives are changing for the better. Now he starts claiming, That's my son. That's my son. Now in my heart I'm asking, How can he call me son when he did nothing in my life? But after being convicted by the Holy Spirit. About forgiveness. I made a conscious decision. To forgive my father. I said, Lord, if this is the only thing now I have to do. I'm ready to do it. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but. Help me. I want to do it. And the Lord helped me. I decided to visit him. Because I think, Two or three years. That's how I felt about this man. Then I went. I visited him. And I decided to buy gifts. And clothes. Fortunately. And I bought groceries. Something that I've never seen in my family. Happening. For the first time. This time. I'm going to forgive this man. I also brought some fireworks. The cricket. To brighten the sky. With different types and sounds. That night. We had a feast. And my neighbors also came to celebrate the night with us. And my father was so happy. For the first time I heard my father say. Happy. Happy. Amen. This thing has touched him so much. So strong. I knew he was happy. Then the following day. In the morning. I sat down with both. Him and my stepmom. And I forgave both of them. Because they ill-treated me all of them. And after that. I gave them nice cash. And I looked at both of them. My stepmom. And my father. Both of them apologized. For the way they treated me. The way they treated us. For the way they treated my family. For the way they treated me. For the way they treated my neighbors. For the way they treated me. For the way they treated me. For the way they treated me. For the way they treated me. For the way they treated me. For the way they treated us. And then both of them. Blessed me. Amen. Ever since that time. I cannot stop thanking God. For that step I took. To forgive my father. I am truly a blessed man today. Because I forgave. My father. And today. I am very peaceful. Because of what I have done. And after doing that. After doing that. I saw God. Opening doors. The things that I used to struggle with. The doors that were closed. For most of my life. The Lord opened them. Because. I forgave my father. And my father spoke. A word of blessing upon my life. And I even heard. My stepmother saying. With what you have done. You will show us the way. And when you read Isaiah 53. It talks about that. Becoming the light. And I. Just became the light to the family. For the first time. I saw my stepmother. Believing that this thing that I believe in. Is real. Because I was able. To forgive them. Now as I am talking right now. Perhaps. You may also be suffering the same thing. And you were not aware of it. Your parents may have died right now. But. You may remember. That you never had time. To sit with them. And forgive them. Because your father may have not been there. For your mom. And also for you as you were growing up. You also had to fend for yourself. You also had to fight. To get things yourself. Perhaps even your neighbors. Are the ones who helped you. To be where you are today. And your parents may be gone. But have you forgiven them. And today. As I talk about. Jesus having died. Having been rejected. For our acceptance. Perhaps it is time for you. To really accept. This kind of acceptance. Where there is that promise. Of a long life. Not just living. But long life that comes with benefits. Perhaps you need. Certain doors to be open today. You can even forgive. Your father. Your mother. Even in their graves. You can forgive your aunt. You can forgive your uncle. Who also may have abused you. As you were growing up. So that the Lord himself. May forgive you. Which means. By forgiving them. God will allow you. To experience the forgiveness. That Jesus. Has provided. On the cross. For us. One of the things that God did for me. An apostle. Will attest to this. Apostle's story. How I lived my life. Especially my marriage life. How things had not been going well. You know. It was after. My father blessed me. That I found a wife. That I am still with today. The Eskimos. Always call her. My wife. Who lives with me. And we live. Peacefully together. It was after I forgave my father. After. My father blessed me. And he said to me. Received that. And I think today. I can testify. To say. Because I did this. The Lord has done it for me. What I am experiencing. Is part of the promise. That was given. That if you will honor. Your father and mother. So I did that. I honored them. And today. I am experiencing the blessing. Of honoring them. So I thank God. Because by doing that. The Lord has showed up. In my life. I know that one cannot just ignore. Their faults completely. But we need to forgive them. And determine to honor them. As our parents. As I said earlier on. In fact I have never known anyone. Who had a wrong relation. To his parents. Who was really blessed and prosperous. If you know somehow. You are still not satisfied. About what they did. Now it is your honor. It is your obligation. As we will be praying. I want you to take this time. To forgive anyone. Not only the parents. I just speak about the parents. Because that is where the blessing begins. We have to be under the covering. Of the blessing of our parents. Whether they are sleeping already. But when we can speak a word. Of forgiveness to them. Then we will experience. This acceptance and the forgiveness. That comes through the blood. That was shed on Calvary for us. The second thing we must do. Is to lay down the negative results. Of rejection. Which is bitterness, resentment. Rebellion and hatred. These kinds of behavior. Are very dangerous and poisonous. In fact they will infect your life. Your entire life. You will always find yourself. Having to deal with deep emotional problems. And quite likely. Physical problems as well. So you just. Can't afford this kind of life. You need peace in your life. By your own determination. You can push these things away. From you. Those resentment. The bitterness. And the rebellion. And the hatred. You can push them away. Forgive. So that you. Also can be forgiven. Let the rejection. Become an opportunity for you. To improve. Your life. And. To also. Allow your heart. To forgive. And let God bless you. Thank you. God bless you. I believe this morning. That we have. Had the weight. And that we receive. The weight. Perhaps let me. Open it up. To the floor. Before we pray. And also to Mama. And also to Apostle. Strolly. If you have something. I would also like to add or share. Around what I have just said. Thank you Apostle. Thank you very much. This is a very practical. Thing. I don't know. Whether it's a coincidence. But I think it's God. Dealing with us. Around this issue. That. We have. Rebellious. Beta. Resenting. Relationships. With children. With husbands. With wives. With relatives. I don't want to. Destroy this good word. By just. Commenting. I want people just to open up. To God. I have a deep. Ah. Most of us. Are under conviction. This morning. So let us open up to God. Let's bow down to God. And pray. I sense that anointing. I sense that anointing. Can we open up. And you go to God. Because I can sense. We are. Under. Conviction here. Ah. Thank you apostle. Amen. So. We can pray. Let us. Pray. Heavenly Father. We thank you. We bless you. You are a wonderful God. Thank you Lord Jesus. For the work that you have done. On the cross. Today. I forgive everyone. Who has rejected me. I forgive. Anyone. Who also has bitterness. Resentment. Anger. And I lay down bitterness. Resentment. And hatred. And proclaim that Jesus. Endured my rejection. That I might. Have this acceptance. With the Father. Thank you. For your loving kindness. Thank you for the grace. That abounds. Even now in our lives. Thank you Lord as you move. Through the power of the Holy Ghost. To convict us. And to reveal to us. The things we need to bring out. The things we need. For forgiveness. Today. As we come before your throne. The throne of grace. Lord you will show up. And might well that you will bring. The spirit of conviction. For us to take. A step. Our parents. Forgive. Our past. Even though we know. That the things that they did. We don't approve them. But just for your words. For the sake. In the name of Jesus. Lay down. Bitterness. We lay down. The resentment. We lay down. The rebellion. And even that hate. We want to love our parents. We want to love them. Even when they were unlovable. How they cheated us. How they deceived us. Today. For our sake. And for the sake of the nations. We come before the throne of grace. We release of ourselves. And we say Lord. Wash our hearts today. As we take a step. In obligation. We say we forgive. Our parents. We forgive our uncles. We forgive our cousins. And our brothers and sisters. We forgive them. And we pray. For the cleansing power. In the name of Jesus. Upon our lives. We pray for doors to be opened. I pray for each one today. O God. Each one who participated. Who joined in this morning's devotional. But Lord you open. Each one's doors. Right now. I thank you that doors are opening. Doors are opening. Doors are opening. Doors are opening. Doors are opening. In the name of Jesus. Father I thank you for the chains. That are breaking right now. The chains of bitterness. Resentment. Hatred. The chains of rejection. And feeling dejected. They are broken right now. In the name of Jesus. Thank you for the freedom. Thank you. That you have brought in the hearts of your people. Thank you for the promise. That as we honor. Our parents. And Lord there shall be long life for us. I pray for this long life. To be experienced. By your children. We thank you. We worship you. We worship you Jesus. We give you the praise and the honor. You are a wonderful God. We thank you. We proclaim. That Lord. You endure our rejection. And our being dejected. And we might experience. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the acceptance. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Forgive everyone. Young or old. In the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen. Thank you Apostle. Thank you so much. As Apostle Stolle. Has said earlier. This is the. Practical word. That. We need to. Use in practice. Thank you for. Sharing from. The suffering seven. What I am learning from. Your teaching this morning. Is that Jesus. Forgave in the midst of pain. While he was being. Crucified. And he. Said to God. Forgive them for they know not. What they are doing. So I am learning Apostle. That we need not wait. Some people will say. Give me time. Maybe time will heal me. It is not time. That will heal us. It is determination. To forgive. In the midst of that pain. That is what. I really learned this morning. And. As you mentioned. The issue of long life. One thing that also. Came up to me is that. It is a scientific fact. That if you have. If you have bitterness. And resentment. It causes you certain sicknesses. It is a scientific fact. That some cancers. Were healed. Not by medicine. But by forgiveness. So we see. That when the word of God. Says. Talks about. Long life. And the honor of parents. Because. I think people who hurt us most. Are people who are. Closer to us most. Parents and children. As you have given that example. That is. And the wives and husbands. So thank you so much. Apostle for being. A vessel. That God has used this morning. To teach us practical. Truths. About the kingdom. And walking. In the kingdom. In the midst of rejection and pain. Thank you very much. Amen. We appreciate your time. And we believe that. God has touched. Like Apostle said earlier. That conviction. Of the release. Of people. That have wronged us. Especially familial. Relationships. Thank you very much Apostle. And to everyone. Who tuned in. Thank you. May God bless you. I believe that God wants to open doors. For all of us. Walk in those doors. Through forgiveness. Take away the bitterness. Take away. The pain. And the anger. Whether people are alive or dead. Who hurt you. Thank you so much once more. May God bless you. May God bless us all. On the search. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

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