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TCA 15May24 - The Two Mountains Prt 1 - Apostle Joseph Sithole

TCA 15May24 - The Two Mountains Prt 1 - Apostle Joseph Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



The presence and significance of prayer, drawing parallels to the biblical Mount Sinai and the New Testament. They also explored the concept of covenant, the importance of living a superior moral life, and the difference between the church and the world.


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Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you next time. Bye. We are continuing with our talk about the new creation realities. The new creation realities that we spoke about as children of God. We read from John 3, verse 3. It says, except a man be born from above. From above. You will never perceive and understand and enter the kingdom of God. Then 3.31 says, he who is from above is above all. And we are operating with the principle that don't live life from your earthly abode, from the natural. Live life from above. Because you are a spirit. You are not your body. What places you here on earth is your body. But your salvation places you from where you come from. Places you in heaven. So you better operate from the system of heaven. And from that perspective of heaven. Then you bring life down. And that life begins to manifest and to be seen by all. And so on. And that is a superior lifestyle. Because you are now at the highest kingdom. You are now at the very lofty kingdom. Which is the kingdom of God. Now, this morning, we see two mountains. Two mountains are given as a contrast. They are contrasted. Two mountains here in the book of Hebrews. Chapter 12. The author of Hebrews says there is a mountain here called Mount Sinai. In that Mount Sinai, when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, the laws, there was some manifestations that were very, very, very visible. When God came down on Mount Sinai, the whole mountain was shaking. And the whole mountain was covered by fire. And the presence of God was felt by everybody that was around. That presence of God was felt by everybody that was around there. And it was also said that even a goat that comes around there, it will be shot and it will die. And it was also said that even if somebody touches that mountain, everybody was advised not to touch. Because if you touch, you might get destroyed at Mount Sinai. Yes, it was at the time of the law, the time of Moses. That was the time of Moses, the time of the law. But the presence of God was so strong. The Bible also says in the text there about Mount Sinai, it also says even Moses himself was terrified. He was full of fear. He was just terrified and he was full of fear because of the manifest presence of God on Mount Sinai. But now, if the Old Testament, which was an inferior testament according to the Bible here, it says it was an inferior covenant, which is the covenant of the law. Right there in the time of Moses, in the time of the law, with an inferior covenant, the presence of God will come in a very mighty way where the mountain shakes, where even animals are warned that if they come near there, they are just going to die. Even the very minister of the Old Testament, the Mosaic law, as he received the law there, the Bible says he got so terrified on that mountain and so on. And he says now, how much more us, who are now in a superior covenant, in a superior covenant, the covenant that we are in now of the blood of Jesus and the New Testament, the covenant of grace, is not an inferior covenant. It is a superior covenant. The ESV says now it is a covenant that is now more exceeding, more excellent than that of the law. Therefore, it must produce better results, superior results, excellent results, because it is founded now on a very high covenant. Glory to God. Now, and he says now, we have come to Mount Zion. He shows us a mountain of grace, a mountain of the New Testament. He says we have come to Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem. It's not an earthly mountain, it is Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem. Now, things are worse there, hallelujah. Look at the difference. We are expected to have high moral standards. In Mount Sinai, note that, in Mount Sinai, Moses received the law in his hands, and the people of Israel could read the laws and struggle to understand them and so on. But in Mount Zion, in the New Covenant, the laws are written in the hearts. That's Romans now. The laws are written in the heart. Can we read that one, the book of Romans? The book of Romans 2. It is in the slide. Yes. Romans 2, 15 to 16, NLT. They demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts for their own conscience and thoughts. Either accuse them or tell them they are doing right. And this is the message. I proclaim that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone's secret life. Amen. Watch this. Watch this. In the law, in the Old Testament, the law is given in the hands. But in the New Testament now, in Mount Zion, the mountain of grace, the New Jerusalem, things are different. The laws are written in their hearts. Amen. Do you see the contrast? The contrast is in the law of Moses. Laws are received in the hand and you read them. Thou shalt not, thou shalt not, and thou shalt not. But in this new dispensation, the laws are written in the hearts and there's a demonstration. You need not to read it. It's right in the heart. Here is my argument this morning. That most people think the dispensation of grace is a loose dispensation. It is... You know, you can do what you like. You can think sin, act sin, and act in sinful ways, and the blood of Jesus will wash you and God will forgive. Yes, He does. But you are expected to live a more superior moral life. Can I repeat this? You are expected to live a more superior moral life. Why? Because the laws are not in your hands only. The laws are written inside. They become part of your nature. When you become reborn, the Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not lie, it's not only a tablet on the wall or in the Bible. It's in your spirit. Amen. And as it is in your spirit, it becomes your nature. It becomes powerful because it is now written in your spirit. It forms part of your conscience. It is inside you. And the Bible says no one will ever teach the other one the law, but they will know the law from their heart. And ladies and gentlemen, I declare a high moral lifestyle in the church today. The difference must be seen. We must never be the same with the world. We must never be the same with those whose laws are just outside. Even in your driving this morning, when you drive, don't be lawless. The law of the road signs are written in you. Amen. Amen. I think that now I need the louder amen here. We are supposed to be more superior in our ethical codes, in our moral conduct. We're supposed to be more superior because because it's not outside. And we demonstrate this superior covenant in Jesus' name. The second thing, the second thing is that now in this mountain, there is a presence. There lives this presence. In the law, it manifested in a form of fire in the mountain. And people were asked not to touch. It manifested in the Old Testament. We see the presence of God walking with the Israelites. It was a shadow of, it was a cloud, a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The presence of God was so manifested and it was seen. Miracles, tangible miracles. The sea was opened and they walked there. Manna fell from heaven. Tangible miracles were performed in the Old Testament. But how much more in this superior presence? The Bible says we didn't come to Mount Sinai where there was fire around the mountain but we have come to Mount Zion. And the presence is more powerful. And the author of Hebrews, in Hebrews 12, he explains this thing in Mount Zion, the mountain of grace, the new Jerusalem, in the New Testament, the blood of Jesus Christ. And now the presence there is more superior. It's more superior. One, because in the new Jerusalem we have come to God the Father. Hallelujah. We experience, your spirit experiences the presence of God the Father. You don't only experience the presence of God the Father. You experience the presence of Jesus Christ, the mediator of the New Testament. Amen. He's the mediator between God and man. Jesus Christ himself. And you also experience the presence of the departed saints. Am I talking to somebody there? Amen. The departed saints. The Bible says these are the spirit of man made perfect. The very same saints who have departed. Your spirit is wrapping shoulders with them. You are in their presence. Your spirit is in the presence of God himself. The spirit of God, the spirit, your spirit, is in the presence of Jesus Christ himself, the Son of the Living God. Am I talking to somebody here? Yes. Listen, we don't live life from the earth. We live life from the New Jerusalem. That presence of God the Father is felt in your spirit. And that presence must be made manifest in the physical. Ladies and gentlemen, I've just said today that when we gather, we don't really feel the presence. If the people in the Old Testament in Mount Sinai and they had to feel the fire and goats were dying and the presence of the presence that terrified Moses, the presence in the New Testament, in the superior covenant, in a more exceeding covenant, the presence is so little, is so little that the churches are cold. Even our prayer meetings as families, they are so cold and dry. The church is so cold and dry. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says human beings, when they came across the presence in the Old Testament, they were told not even to touch. Because if they touched that mountain, they would have been slain and killed. Even animals were slain and killed by the presence, by an inferior covenant. How much more the presence of the New Testament is going to give life? The presence must give life. Because the presence of Jesus Christ, the Bible says we have come to Jesus Christ. Where Jesus is present, the dead ride. Where Jesus is present, the sick are healed. Where Jesus is present, provision is multiplied. Where Jesus is present, water is turned into wine. Where Jesus is present, the storms are called to be silent. Where Jesus is present, there is life. He says, I came that you might have life and have it in abundance. I came that you might have life and have it in abundance. The NLT in John 10 says that you might have a rich and a satisfied life. And they amplify that you may have a life full and overflowing with abundance. This is the presence of Jesus Christ which is superior. And today, I have a problem. I have a case with our gatherings. Because we are the Mount Zion gatherings. The Mount Zion gatherings, it draws from heaven itself the presence of God, the presence of Jesus that will make manifest. Hallelujah. Let somebody say, I can't be satisfied with the cramps. I can't be satisfied. Hallelujah. I can't be satisfied because my spirit is in interaction with God. In the Old Testament, Jacob had a vision of the Jacob's ladder. He saw the angels coming up and down. Angels coming up and down. Listen. And he said, now this is a gateway to heaven. And in the New Covenant, it's not a step-legacy system. In the New Covenant, our spirits commune between Mount Zion and the earth. Let the manifestation be felt even in our gatherings. Even today, this Wednesday, as we gather in the Bible studies or in the services, let's cry for the superior presence. Let us cry for the more exceeding presence. Hallelujah. My cry this morning, I have come to release a superior presence in the name of Jesus. God has dropped this thing in my spirit that today, before you get out of that door, you must be baptized. You must feel the presence of God, the very superior fire. Hebrews 12, the Bible says, our God is a consuming fire. Let that superior presence be felt in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I decree and declare that the superior presence of God, the more excellent presence of God, must be felt. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. They must manifest and go when they come. When they meet you in the office, those who are in Sangoma, they must manifest and leave. Hallelujah. Whichever way, because you are coming in the presence of Mount Zion, Mount Jerusalem. Oh, glory to God. Moses, when he came down, Moses, when he came down from Mount Sinai, the Bible says, his face was shining. His face was full of glory. The children of Israel could not look at his face because the shekinah glory of God was manifesting. It was a singed cow, manifested presence in the Old Testament. They closed their eyes and no one saw Moses because this glory is just too much. It was manifesting on his face. How much more? How much more about us in Mount Zion? Amen. Where our spirit is fellowshiping with God the Father, where our spirit is fellowshiping with Jesus the Mediator, the new covenant, it must manifest in our body. It must manifest in your face. This is the time when people look at you, when demon possessed people look at you, they must just manifest and things just happen. When the sick look at you, they must just... When they hear your voice, they must get healed. And I speak to every sickness within the sound of my voice this morning, wherever you are. Hallelujah. The manifestations of God get healed from whatever troubles you. Some did not sleep well last night, but I speak to that flu. I speak to that aching body. I speak to that headache, that chronic pain in the name of Jesus. The manifest presence of God must manifest in your body. Glory to God. If Moses' face was shining, how much more about your face? Amen. I'm talking about your face. Much more about your hands, your body. You must be enveloped by the divine glory because you are operating in the superior, more excellent presence. Somebody shout, more excellent presence of God. More excellent. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. More excellent presence of the living God. I was a young man and my father said, we must attend the crusade in Shawelo. In Shawelo. A man was preaching there called Frank. And then we went to Shawelo in a school, in a primary school. The crusade was outdoors and the stage, it was the stoop there and so on. And then my baby let down and everything like that and the chairs were all over the lawn and so on between the two lines of classes in that primary school, the place was packed and the township of Shawelo, people were traveling even from Midlands coming to a crusade to listen to an upcoming 35 year old who was on fire for God, Frank Shawoke. And now he preached on one text. One text. And he was preaching. He said, Romans 3, 23, all have seen and come short of the glory of God. And come short of the glory of God. And the young boy sitting there in the crowd and just sitting there watching this man. He was fascinating me with his preaching style and he was just talking and you know, in the first 15 minutes, I saw smoke on his face. Smoke was all over his face. And when that smoke, like silver, manifesting in his face, the interpreter was laying to the ground. The atmosphere changed. Another interpreter tried to come in. He was laying to the ground. And I could see that person like vapor beginning to cover that man. Facing kindly with the naked eye. He saw the glory of the living God. People were... The presence was so much. I was sitting right there and the wheelchairs were placed facing the stage. I saw a man with a man's bakery. He was from an accident and... He's coming out of the wheelchair. He was walking and running. There was a big volume. Nine eyes opening. The birds were hearing. And Chauke disappeared. The glory was all over. Glory to God. He influenced us. He shaped us. If you can see him preach, because now he's an old man. We emulated him. All the young people in the full gospel, including myself. My preaching style comes from Papa Frank style of presentation. Even this morning I can catch myself. Just like that. Why? Because we know the glory. Have you seen this glory manifest? The answer is no. We have the gimmick where the glory is not manifesting. This morning I feel I've said too much. I cannot proceed. It's time to cry for the presence. Amen. The manifest presence of the living God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. You flourish in us ever. We need a physical manifestation. Pray for a physical manifestation. This Sunday is coming. We must get a physical manifestation of his presence. His love, his presence must manifest physically. There's a kind of glory. We can pray it's time all upon his presence. Malabar. Everybody say Amen. Amen. We still have other contrasts of the voice of the blood. We will deal with that calling from heaven. We will deal with that other content. But today let's live with this one. The laws of God in our hearts and the superior presence of God. The superior presence of the living God. Thank you, Jesus. Have a good day and be blessed.

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