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amittyville horror




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I'm Ichabelle, even the name sends chills up your spine, that's because in sleepy suburbs on Longgate Island, New York was the site of what may have been the world's most famous haunting. On December 17th, 1975, a family of five moved into the dream home which unknown to them had been the crime scene of six murders the year before, which was the reason for this cheap price. A man named Rutherford Jr. had murdered six of his family members the year before at 3.15 on November 30th, 1974. Although the reason for this lashout is still unknown, many of Rutherford's therapists suggest that it was because of trauma or abuse, or even possession. The one great mystery all the detectives were unable to get their hands on is why none of the family members or surrounding neighbors heard the gunshot, especially since the gun was a .37 Marksman rifle, which was known at the time to be a very loud gun. People wonder if he really used a gun to do the deed. In my opinion, Rutherford had drugged his family, which explains why they were found dead without struggles, however, this does not explain why none of the neighbors heard the shot. Another unexplained phenomenon that happened during this night is that when the bodies were found, all the family members were found face first on their beds. Many believe that a runner had placed them like this, or however, it was later discovered that he had not. So why is the reason for this weird phenomenon happening? Some may believe it was an unknown spirit or unknown presence, some may believe it was a demon, some others may believe it was satanic, but to this day, it is still unknown. Just a year later, a family known as the Lutz had moved into their new dream house, unknown to them, it was the house of which the DePaul family had been murdered in the year before. Gerald Lutz had described the house as being one of the best ones they had ever seen, as they had checked 50 houses before this. Although the retailer had described the gruesome events that happened the year before, Gerald did not care about these events and instead just bought the house for his loving family. Almost immediately after moving in, the family experienced paranormal events, some of which were too gruesome to explain, however some of them were a bit more complex. For example, Gerald would commonly wake up at 3.15 at night for no unknown reason and would not be able to fall back to sleep. This was the exact time the murders took place the year before. Another weird thing that happened was that green ooze started to leak from the floorboards, which was a weird thing that happened. It is still unknown what this green ooze was, however many believe that it must have just been damp. Some of the children of the Lutz family had experienced some phenomenons as well. For example, Missy Lutz, she had experienced a very, very, very gruesome thing of seeing some angel that she called Gerald, after her father of course. This angel had the ability to change into a pig. That night, Gerald woke up to hear screams from his daughter's room, Missy, and when he got to the room, he saw two red, gleaming eyes of a pig. Running into the room, he realised that his daughter had disconcertingly seen things as his daughter was found face first on her bed, fast asleep. Although the reasons for this is still unknown, the DeVoe family still believe that the DeVoe family were found dead like this. Many people believe it was meant to be. Although the Lutz family's paranormal experience was very not... Although the Lutz family was very... Although the paranormal experiences the Lutz family had... Due to that... Due to that...

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