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Dr. Harish Adhashyam discusses the unseen realities of transitioning from an employee to an entrepreneur. These include personal sacrifices, mental and emotional challenges, impacts on health and well-being, legal and regulatory hurdles, the need for continuous learning, financial constraints, and technological challenges. Overcoming these obstacles is crucial to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Dr. Adhashyam encourages viewers to subscribe to his channel, The Talent Panda, for more helpful videos. Hi friends, I am Dr. Harish Adhashyam and today we are going to discuss something very interesting. I am going to talk about some unseen realities when if you really want to become an entrepreneur and presently you are doing a job, so there is a transition of employee to entrepreneur and there are many unseen realities we have to face. I am presently you are doing a job, what is the first my first my friend, the first is personal sacrifices, I want to become an entrepreneur, I was already in job, so what are the personal sacrifices, there is a career risk, whether I am going to get support from my families, from my friends, my relatives, from the society, so challenges there my friend. The second unseen reality my friend is mental and emotional diseases, you know when you try to become an entrepreneur, you may have a chance of rejection and lot of criticism can come to what exactly he has done, he was doing very good into the job and he started his own business, so can we able to handle such criticism, are you ready for the rejection from the market, you may have to face failures, be ready for that my friends. The third unseen reality is my friend, health and well-being, you know like it is not a 9 to 5 job when you are going to become an entrepreneur, you have to work for a longer hours, you know your work life values will go on a toss and it can really create an impact on your health, on your well-being and you know what is the best way to counter this, you need to be again emotionally very sound, otherwise this unseen reality can really dent your health like anything, be aware for this. The fourth unseen reality is really challenging, are you ready for the legal challenges, the regulatory compliances, you know the moment you become an entrepreneur, then you really realize running a company is not a joke, there are so many regulatory and legal challenges are there, which you are going to face and you have to be ready for that, you need to be well prepared for all these unseen realities my friends. You know the fifth unseen reality, the challenge is you need to continuously learn, if you are not continuously learn what is the trends, what is the market, what is happening all around, you have to read lot of professional books, lot of autobiographies, lot of industry reports, you need to regularly keep yourself updated, if you will not keep yourself updated, it will be really going to become not positive for you, so this is another one interesting area you have to work on, if you want to become an entrepreneur. The sixth unseen reality my friend is the financial constraints, the moment you become an entrepreneur, in beginning it looks very easy, you know you thought okay, you can do it and gradually you realize to scale up a business, financial challenges are there, so when you are really becoming from an employee to an entrepreneur, you must think about your financial positions, how you are going to manage your funds much in advance, that will really help you on the journey of becoming an entrepreneur from an employee. The seventh and the last unseen reality my friends, it is what? It is the technological challenges, you know one of the interesting part, you see the way technology is changing, you see the market, you see the product, you see the services, every second day you find some new technology has come over there, so many innovations are happening in our surroundings, so if you really want to become an entrepreneur from a regular job, you must understand technically you need to be very smart, because this unseen reality you are going to face it and my friends, if you are able to counter all these seven unseen realities which I have found today, I am sure and certain that you can really become an excellent entrepreneur, challenges will come, but managing all these seven points will really help you to develop yourself very nice on the way of becoming an entrepreneur, so I am sure you are liking my videos, I request all of you to please subscribe my channel The Talent Panda and I am promising you that I am going to come with more such videos for your benefit, thank you.

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