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Synergy Scam

Synergy Scam

Aurora Anti-FraudAurora Anti-Fraud



These are financial scammers. warning watch out for these guys


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A person named Ken from Synergy Finance calls Marty Bird, the business owner, offering business funding for renovations. Marty Bird needs around $30,000 to $40,000 for 3D building renovations in his law office. Marty's gross is about $75,000 per month, and he has a 720 credit score. They discuss sending the application via fax and then decide to send it via email to Marty's admin email address. Marty will fill out the application and send it back with the last four months' bank statements. Marty will be contacted by one of the funding managers, Aaron Cruz, Marco Mendez, or Jacob Vargas, on Monday morning. They hope to work together and diversify the business. Hello? Hello? Hello there. Am I speaking to the business owner? Yeah, you're speaking to the business owner. How are you doing today? I'm doing okay. How are you doing, sir? I'm great. I'm great. I'm just sitting here and chilling. So I'm calling from Synergy Finance. My name's Ken. Okay. We wanted to offer you a business on funding. Yeah. I think this is a little bit of a pick-me-up. You know, some renovations and stuff. Mm-hmm. Renovations. How much do you need? Probably maybe like $30,000, $40,000. Mm-hmm. And so for renovations, correct? Yeah. Yeah, I want to like 3D building and stuff like that. We have a law office. Okay. We're doing the building. We can help you out with that. No problem. Yeah. You know, we make some pretty good money because we got some good clients and stuff. Okay. Well, how much is your gross then? Probably around $75,000 a month. $75,000? Yeah. Okay. Perfect. So where should I send your applications? Your email or your fax? You can send it to my fax if you want. Let me grab you that number, all right? Just my fax number. I've got it written down. So let's see here. Where is it in my file? Okay. It's here. Okay. You can send me a fax to 225-612-3030. And what's your first and last name? Marty Bird. Can you spell it out? M-A-R-T-Y-B-Y-R-D. B-Y-R-D? Marty Kurd? No. Bird. As in Bravo? Marty Bird. Yes. B-Y-R-D. And have you ever defaulted in any business loans before? No. Never. And I've got a 720 credit score. 720 credit score? Yeah. So I'm pretty good. Okay. So you're Marty Bird like in Ozark? Pardon? I don't know what the Ozark is. I'm not sure. Okay. You sure? Okay. There's a TV show on Netflix. Oh. The main characters are Marty Bird. No. I don't have Netflix. I don't believe in streaming. I don't even have TV. You're getting in big trouble for, you know, money laundering and stuff. Oh. Well, no. I'm not doing any money laundering here. We're doing official work. Okay. 720 was your credit score. That's what you said, huh? Yes. Yes. Yes. And when do you need the money? Probably in the next week. In the next week. All right. So you use Netflix? I use Amazon Prime myself. Should I try it? I watch TV shows, but, you know, whenever I do get a hang of it. Should I try out Netflix? Because, you know, I can get a trial for it and you don't. Because you said there's a show or something with the name Marty Bird. That's weird. Yeah. So weird, huh? And when would you like to talk to my underwriter about the rates and terms? Anytime. He can give me a call later or whatever. All right. So when can you do the application and the paperwork? I can do it in 24 hours. All right. So if you can do that in 24 hours, how about they call you back on Monday at the same time? Sure. Or should they call you Monday morning? Call me Monday morning. Pacific time. Okay. And how long have you been doing the business again? I've been doing legal work for 10 years. Legal work for 10 years, right? Yeah. Okay. Perfect, Mr. Marty Bird. All right. So we'll be sending you the fax in the next 5 to 10 minutes. Okay. And fill out the application. Send it back to us with your last four months bank statements by Monday morning. Monday morning. Yeah. By Monday morning. Do you need a secure fax or whatever? What kind of fax do you have? I just have a – well, my carrier gives me a secure fax. Okay. Do you have an e-mail? I have an e-mail, yes. Admin. Okay. Why don't you spell it out? Admin as in administrator at teamaurora.xyz. Can you spell it out? At teamo? Team as in team. And then Aurora as in like the Aurora Borealis.xyz. It's teamaurora.xyz? Teamaurora, yeah. Like the goddess? Yes. There you go. Okay. Teamaurora.xyz, correct? Yes. Yeah. That's my admin. Admin at teamaurora.xyz. And that's valid and active? Yeah. Yeah. That's my valid e-mail address. All right, Mr. Marty. So we'll just send you the e-mail instead. It's going to be less of a hassle. Okay. Just check out the e-mail in the next five to ten minutes. Fill out the application. Okay. Just check my e-mail. There's nothing in it. Yeah. We haven't sent it to you yet. Okay. So after we send it, yeah, we will be sending it to you probably in an hour or so. Check it out. Okay. That's good. And send it back to us with the bank statements. Last four months, that is. And after that, my funding manager, it's either going to be... Hold on. I'm going to give you their names. It's either going to be Aaron Cruz, Marco Mendez, or Jacob Vargas. Okay. Any one of these people is going to send you the application in the e-mail. It's going to have their name and direct phone numbers. Okay. And, yeah, one of them will call you Monday morning as well. Okay. Cool. So I hope we get the business together. That's going to help from my side. Yeah. Maybe we can diversify a bit too, you know? Yeah, probably. Sure. I hope that happens. Yeah. You have a good day. Thanks. Okay. You too. Thanks.