RTG Episode 2
RTG Episode 2
The episode focuses on the concept of "Rob the Graveyard" as a journey or process rather than an event. It emphasizes the importance of determining one's own destiny and purpose, as well as committing to it and starting immediately. The journey requires consistency, overcoming challenges, and building character. The importance of mindset and training the subconscious mind is emphasized, as well as the power of positive thinking and visualization. The episode also highlights the need for education and self-awareness in order to reach one's goals. Welcome to episode 2 of Rob the Graveyard. My name is Terry Bryan and I will be your host. If you did not listen to the first episode, the introduction, please go back and listen so you will have a full understanding of what it means to Rob the Graveyard and the origin of the concept. In episode 1, we focus on your purpose, how to determine that purpose, and I share with you a technique you can use if you are not sure about your purpose or how to determine it. In this episode, we will focus on the journey. Robbing the Graveyard is not an event, remember that. It's a journey or basically a process. Remember, the first step to reaching your destiny is to know where you're going. And to decide that, you must remember that you were not born with a destiny. You were born with talent. You decide your destiny. The choice is yours. Think about this, if we were all born with a specific destiny, then we are not born equal. It would mean that some of us are born to fail. And I don't buy that. Some of us succeed in life and some of us fail. And if it is true that we have a specified or predetermined destiny for each of us, then some of us are doomed from the start. And I don't believe we are doomed from the start. I believe that it's up to us to maximize our talent and use our God-given gifts to achieve a journey, to achieve a destiny that we choose. Because if you fail to choose, then you choose to fail. And then you will have determined that failure is your destiny. So you have to take advantage of the opportunity you get, the talent that is born naturally within you and determine your destiny, choose your purpose and start now to move forward to fulfilling that destiny. And once you've decided where you want to go in life, what do you want out of life, you have to commit to it. And the key thing is starting now. No procrastination. We talked about that in episode one. And once you come to that realization, that is when the journey begins. But you have to commit fully and start now. And that's probably the hardest part. Starting, getting it going. Don't procrastinate and make excuses about where you can't get going or where you can't get started because that will hamper you and you will be left wanting. So wherever you are in life, whatever your circumstances, start where you are and with what you have. Remember the motto, do the best right now with what you have right now. I want to read a quote to you. It's from a writer, an 18th century poet and playwright. His name is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. I hope I pronounced that correctly. But here's his quote. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now. That's the end of the quote. Now when I read that quote in its fullness, it encompasses the entire spirit of what it means to rob the graveyard. See because robbing the graveyard, like I said, is a process, is a journey that you want to start right now. Once you've figured out what you want to do in life or what you want out of life, whatever your purpose is or your destiny as you decide it, you start now and you have to be consistent and you have to continue. But this process of moving, of getting going after you commit to something is the most important thing to you accomplishing your goals and dreams and whatever you have planned for your life. Remember we talked about life as a choice, not existence or existing. Living, life is for living. Life is not for existing. We have special talent as human beings and we got to take care of it. We know that nothing comes easy. We understand that. But guess what? Nothing that is worthwhile comes easy and it is the struggle to achieve those major things in life, those things that seem unattainable or difficult to capture, to reach. It is the struggle to do that that builds your character. See, because if you don't have a struggle, if life is easy all the time, you're not going to build any character, you're not going to become special because you didn't get any challenge. The challenge is what builds the character. Who and what you become on your way to your chosen destination or your destiny and the growth you experience in that process will be immeasurable. And what you learn and understand, whatever information you gain, you can then pass that on to your next generation or generations. Teach those who follow you because ultimately that's where you're taking the journey to begin with. You want to pave the way for your next generation. You want to take the road less traveled, the one that no one wants to take, the one that's not paved. It's full of brush and rocks and all kinds of problems and challenges. You are the one who has to clear the way and create the path for those to follow. And once you reach your destination or your destiny, you will be better prepared to handle the benefits that follow. And that's a very important point because if you do not have the understanding and the learning that comes with the process of achievement, then you do not know how to keep it. An example is those who win the lottery. There are people in this country who win millions of dollars in the lottery and within five years, they're broke. I'm talking 50, 100 million dollars sometimes or more. And it's proven that over 70% of those who win the lottery, approximately, definitely above 50%, they end up broke within five years and then bankruptcy. Why? Because they never learned what it takes to accomplish and get what gifts they ended up having. They got it through a lottery or a gift. So they don't and haven't learned how to keep it and maintain it. And the same thing happens a lot of times to professional athletes. No, no, I'm not saying they haven't worked hard in college, primarily or high school to develop their talent to a certain point. But that's a lot easier life than those who have to work a regular job every day and have to toil for years and sometimes decades to achieve something special. Most great athletes acquire that gift of money and riches at a very young age, usually in their late teens or early 20s. And in most cases, they haven't learned or built up what it takes to be able to maintain that. And oftentimes they blow it because most professional athletes in basketball, football in this country lose everything they have within five years. Remember that most of them only get to play for three years anyway. But the key thing is, if you are not prepared for whatever you receive, chances are you will not be able to keep it. So let's get back to the journey. You've decided your purpose. You've determined your destiny. Now it's time to get started. And here's a key point you want to remember. Begin with the end in mind. Begin with the end in mind. That's very important. Think of it this way. If you decided today you wanted to drive from say where I am right now, which is about 50 miles east of Los Angeles. You don't just get in the car if you don't know your specific destination and then just start driving. Because you may start heading towards Las Vegas, which is in the opposite direction. So the key thing is, when you start your journey, use this metaphor. Think about where you're going. What direction you need to start heading in. Start heading to Los Angeles if you want to go west. If you want to start heading to Las Vegas, you have to go east. So it's very important. Simplistically, think of it that way to recognize that before you start your journey, you begin with the end in mind. Where is it that you want to end up? And then you take your first step. Next thing you need to do is to set your vision. I'm not talking about sight. Sight is just seeing. Vision is imagining. Vision is bringing to your mind that which you want. See yourself accomplishing your goal. See yourself reaching your target. That's vision. See yourself doing the type of things you need to do to accomplish your goal and to reach your ultimate purpose in life. That is what vision is. It should be called envision really. What am I talking about here? I'm really talking about creating a future and designing a life. Remember we talked about before, you don't want to just exist. You want to live. And if you don't create a future to live in, you will simply exist in someone else's creation and for their benefit. If you do not create a future in which to live, you will simply exist in someone else's creation for their benefit. You see, I spoke to you earlier about starting where you are with what you have. Remember I said, do the best you can right now with what you have right now. And some of you may be thinking, well I don't have anything, Terry. I don't have any money. I don't have any plan. I don't have any idea. I don't know what I want to do. All these things come to your mind because we are taught inherently to think negative. But guess what you have that puts you on equal footing with everyone else. What do we all have? You know, we talk about being born equal, that all men were created equal. And in this country we talk a lot about that. In this country we say all men are created equal, but yet we don't live up to that creed. Of course, there are many reasons for that. There's prejudice. There's discrimination. There's fortune. There's exceptional talent. All of these things can create an uneven playing field. There's race. There's all kinds of things. But what is the one thing we have that is on equal footing with everyone else? It's our mind. You see, God gave us full control of the one thing which is most important. And that's your mind. See, nobody can take your mind. They can take your riches. They can take your money. They can even take your physical ability sometimes. But the one thing they cannot do is take your mind. They can put you in prison, but they cannot imprison your mind. Only you can do that. That's very important. So understand that when you get ready to embark on your process and your journey, no matter where you are or what you have, you are on equal footing. There's no reason for excuse. Get going. Get your mind right. The mind will create the way for you. Everything is there. And speaking about the mind, there's a part B to the mind. That's probably more important than the actual conscious mind. And that's the subconscious mind. See, this is the partner. This is the navigational system. This is your writing partner. Writing shotgun with you. The subconscious mind. Very important. Because that makes the most significant difference about how you proceed and everything and anything you want to do more so than anything else, because our mind is the most important part of the process. How we think. Very important. How you think will determine more than anything else. Your level of success. Have you ever thought about the fact that when you're driving home, think about this. You're driving home from work or from school or whatever you do on a regular basis. And you were in your car, you're in your vehicle and you're on the way home and your mind is totally focused on something else. You're not thinking about where you're going. But what happens? Next thing you know it, you're at home and you forgot what happened during your travel to home. Why? How did you get home? We don't even think about it. Why? Because the subconscious mind has taken over and taken you home. Why? Because you have already previously given it the instruction. It already knows where to go. You don't have to think about it. It's second nature. Well, that's the same strategy you need to employ on your way and along your path to success. You have to create a special mindset where your subconscious mind has already gotten the success path and the instructions to get to that success point. That's how you need to train your subconscious mind. If you give your subconscious mind by way of your practice and your thinking through your conscious mind, negative guidance, negative instruction, that's what you will get back. You see, your subconscious mind taps into the universe and it operates based on what you tell it to do. So, if you're constantly feeding it with negative instruction, negative thoughts, it won't respond likewise. But if you give it positive guidance, positive instruction, positive thought, that is what you will get back in return. Have you ever jumped out of your sleep when you were late for an appointment? Have you ever gone to bed and you are sound asleep, all of a sudden, boom, your body wakes you up? Why? Because your subconscious mind already knows you are supposed to be going to an appointment at a certain time and you fall asleep. But you have to train it that way too. See, I don't use an alarm clock. I haven't used an alarm clock in years. I go to bed every night knowing what time I need to wake up in the morning and guess what? Boom, I jump out of my sleep in the morning at the appointed time. Happens every time. Even if I only get 2, 3, 4 hours sleep, I still wake up when I need to wake up. I haven't used an alarm clock in years. I don't even remember the last time I used one. All of these are things that happen as a result of the subconscious mind. Once it is prepared, once it is trained to assist you, very important, it's a thought trap. Everything emanates from your thoughts. Everything in your life, your success and your failures start in your mind. It's a trap and that trap can be for the good or for the bad because your thoughts entrap you, entrap your life, either positively or negatively. But you have to decide. You have to prepare your mind. You have to feed it with what's necessary and right to help you to accomplish your goals and dreams. Otherwise, it will automatically take you in an opposite direction. Because if you don't give it the right instruction, it will take the instruction that you don't intend to give it. See, your mind is like a kitchen garden, we call it. You know those small gardens that people grow to provide fruits and vegetables for their kitchen, for their home? It's just enough to feed the family. We call it a kitchen garden. But that kitchen garden is comparable to your mind because it's there for a specific purpose, to serve your needs. But guess what happens? You plant your food, your crops and they grow. But while they're growing, what happens? Weeds grow amongst them. And if you do not weed your garden, the weeds will kill your crops. Even if you water them and they get enough sunshine, the weeds will grow up and they will stifle your crops. So what do you need to do? You need to be constantly and consistently weeding your garden, making sure it's well maintained in order for you to get a successful crop to satisfy your kitchen needs. Well, it's the same thing in your mind. You have to constantly be refreshing your mind, feeding it positive thoughts and positive ideas that will eliminate and overrun the negative ones. Because if you don't do that, the negative ones will overrun the positive. So you have to be constantly nourishing your mind, reading positive stuff, listening to positive tips and audio, reading good, positive and mind enriching words. Staying away from negative people and negative environments, things that will trap your mind in the wrong section of positivity, which is negativity. That's what you have to do. You have to treat your mind like you would treat a kitchen garden that feeds your family. You have to keep it well maintained with the positive. Now, we talked earlier about vision. Vision is where you use your mind to think, plan and see yourself with your goal, having accomplished it. Have a vision, not sight. Vision. Sight is just seeing what's in front of you. Vision is seeing what's not in front of you. Seeing what's not visible to your regular eye. OK, that's what vision is. But there's another side to vision. This is the greater side of vision and it's called visualization. It is a form of vision. But now what you do with your vision is that you attach emotion. So you want to get a big home. You want to get a multimillion dollar home. That's your goal in life. You have to envision it and you have to see the rooms. You have to smell it. You have to see the neighborhood. You have to see the colors. All of those are things that you envision. But you also have to feel it. You've got to feel the emotion when you finally achieve that special dream. You've got to see and smell and feel and taste what it's like. That's how you attach the emotion to it and that's where the visualization comes in. You not only envision it and see it and plan it, but you attach to emotion. You have to see yourself there and how you're feeling when you finally use your key to unlock that door. You put the key in your wife's hand or your husband's hand. That is where visualization differs from vision. You have to attach emotion to it. And that emotion that you attach to your vision is what helps bring it to your realization faster. Very important part of achievement. So to come to the end of this session, we're going to talk about something important. It's called seeing the light. Now, here's the thing. Remember what we said. We said have a positive thought process. Right. And you want to visualize. But you also want to see the light. There's two parts to seeing the light. The first part is this. It is seeing that light in the darkness. You know, sometimes people talk about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes they add something to it. They say, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope it's not a train coming to run me over. See, that's negative thinking. You have to see the light because the light is what's going to lead you out of the darkness. And you have to do that with a positive mental attitude. That light you see coming, don't even, don't even entertain the possibility of it being a train. Just imagine and envision that that light is there to lead you out of the darkness into the full light. That's what it's for. It's how you view it. The second part of seeing the light is to becoming and in becoming enlightened. You are on a path along your journey to reach your ultimate destination, your purpose. And along the way, you're going to have challenges. One of the things you want to do is you want to become educated. That's what I mean by enlightenment. You want to become enlightened about the process, about the goal, about the target. Whatever you're trying to do or whatever challenges you face, you want to be enlightened and educated to help you to get through the process and to overcome your challenges. Not only do you want to become enlightened and educated about whatever you are trying to accomplish, but you also want to become enlightened about yourself. That's important. Know who you are. Know your strengths. Know your weaknesses. Know who you are. That's important. Because once you know who you are, then you know where you need to spend your time and put your focus. You want to spend your time on focus on improving your areas of weaknesses. Your areas of weakness. You want to focus on that. You don't want to spend all your time just doing what you're good at because you become better at that, but you're not going to do anything else. You want to become enlightened about yourself. Know your weaknesses so you can build up your weaknesses so you can become better. And that will get you faster and easier to the promise land. And what's the promise land? Your future. Your purpose. Your ultimate destiny. That's the promise land. Because that's the promise you give to yourself. That's what you committed to. And that's the process you started. The journey you started. And you must finish it. That's the end of episode 2. We will move into episode 3 on next Monday. And we will talk about some things that are very important that you need to take with you along your journey so you can get there successfully. I'll speak with you in episode 3.