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Partnering With Jesus in Soul Winning

Partnering With Jesus in Soul Winning


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everybody tried as much as possible to get somebody to succeed him in the family but it is only in the Christendom that most of us are comfortable and most of us are relaxed we don't ask ourselves who will succeed me you know there is this song that they used to sing shall I go to the Lord empty-handed without a soul to show for it the history had it that if somebody who was at the dying bed she was at the dying bed and she was asking this question Lord will I just come to you empty-handed no soul to show for it somebody spoke to you somebody took time and spoke to you about Christ and brought you to this faith and you are not asking yourself who will succeed me and most of us are comfortable most of us are sitting down most of us are not caring if you have a family and you are married and there is no child will you feel comfortable there you go on then some people will sell everything they have to have a child and this child is you don't know what that child can be it can become a well-willed child those kids that are staying in the beach those are souls and not for somebody but somebody will say even if the child should be a rabble let it be that people say I am I have a child but we sit down and we don't ask ourselves shall I go to the Lord empty-handed not a soul to show for it brethren I am talking to us there you are sitting what effort have you made to have a child a soul to yourself that you can say this is my son or my daughter in the Lord even if you have gotten remember a man a woman takes joy when she has her own child and sincerely you know exactly there are different means and ways of having your own child you can adopt a child you can go to the jail or something you can also have but these are different means but at the end of the day you can stand and say this is my son or this is my daughter if I ask all of us to stand up now and if you know that you have a son in the Lord somebody whom you are nurtured and you have helped to come to Christ we will be among those who are standing so this morning what we want to look at I will be very brief you know I am not a pastor so I won't take much of your time maybe in the next 5, 10, 20 minutes we will be over but what I want you to do is that as you are sitting down ask yourself this question what is my position in Christ am I a barren person or do I have somebody to show for it I just want you to read something that will just help us so that you know the heart of Jesus Christ as far as souls is concerned please let somebody help me read the book of John chapter 4 verse 34 and another person please help me look at Luke chapter 19 verse 10 the mission of Jesus Christ on earth ok my food is to do the will of he who sent me and to finish his work Jesus told them please can you get me the Luke also Luke chapter 19 verse 10 ok for the son of man hath come to seek and to save thus to save the lost see Jesus Christ was definite he showed what he was he said my meat is to do the will of God who sent me and to finish it and what is that meat he said I have come to seek and to save the lost that is the business of Jesus because I want us to know what are we partnering to Jesus left his throne he did not come here to amass wealth like most of us who look at it he did not come here to make friends so that he can have a lot of friends or connections or have what you may call political affiliation his only mission and goal was to win souls to Christ I said my own way is to finish that job and today we are talking about how do we partner with Christ in soul winning when you ask yourself what is partnership the way the economist and some of the business men here can define what partner means to associate and associate a colleague a partner and in economist you know that there are two types of partnership active partner and nominal partner why am I bringing it this way so that if you are sitting on your seat you can ask yourself which partnership do I have with Jesus Christ you know some people you may have your money and you don't have the time you can decide to partner with somebody I was talking to one of our deacons here I said my brother if they give you sand you can sell it to the seashore but people like me if you give me gold I may find it difficult to sell it to the needy person because I am not a marketer but if I want to do a business and I want a marketer I can collaborate with my brother and tell him brother though I cannot do it very well but I know you can do it therefore I am going to invest in this your business so that when they return will come out the path of it brethren we are talking about partnering with Jesus Christ in soul winning I was talking to my class this is the only generation which I have seen that does not for any reason consider the things of God as very very important I am talking to all of us I am talking to myself if you look at our seats you look at up immorality evil are so rampant outside here and all of us are very comfortable a man of God was praying he said give me Scotland or I die of what essence do I live why Scotland is not serving God Paul was talking you know what Paul said he said I prefer to die so that even the Jews will be converted to Christ that is in this mission where we are there is nothing like selfishness the Lord has told us what his mission is to save the lost and if you go to the book of Acts of Apostles chapter 2 when he was going when he was leaving he said go into the world preach this gospel get them as many as you can baptizing them by so doing the name of the Lord will be glorified I want to tell you that God is a business man and it is that business he is interested in and that business is soul winning we are talking about how do we partner with Christ how do we partner with Christ I would just want to let me just say I also read the book of Acts of Apostles chapter 13 verse 2 and 3 please Acts of Apostles chapter 13 verse 2 he said I found a certain Jews name 13 3 1 3 not 18 3 saying this fellow ok I then ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work where unto I have called them can you get to three ok and when they have fasted and prayed and lay hands on them they sent them away praise God there must be somebody some people must be an active partner in this soul winning like as I said as an active partner in soul winning when our brother was talking about we are talking about missionaries if the reverend is sitting or standing in this office you know because he is trained and is an active partner in this business he can talk and all of us will start clapping hands when our evangelist was talking that is the people that are trained in this active business but we ourselves there are some people who are gifted into going to places to preach this gospel and that is what we call active partnership and in Antioch when they were sitting praying and fasting the Bible says God said separate you Paul and Barnabas for the mission which I have sent them and when that thing happened the reverend did not say like some of us he said nah nah him brother John is going to Bible study the Bible says they gathered together they prayed with them and they sent them a church there are places you cannot be able to go to as a person there are some people or some language that you yourself cannot understand neither can you speak it and those people are there but God may raise somebody there and what you need to do is to partner with that person so that you can be part of that soul winning and in that case you are what they may call nominal partner I read a book about a man of God who was talking about his exploits in the Lord he said he was ministering in Asia part of the Asia country and at one of the ministrations that he had a lot of converts people gave their life to Christ and when he got to his hotel room that he lay down and said oh God of heaven thank you for today a lot of crowns look at what you have used me to do he said he had it clear the Lord told him and said man your interest in this soul you want is 20% that there is a woman who has 80% of this your soul he said father what is this daddy what is that he told him he said there is a woman what she does is that any day she sees your poster that she will lock herself up and start praying for that crusade until the crusade is over that that woman has 80% the man of God said as I am talking to you I don't know the woman but God is telling me that 80% of my job goes to her that is partnership she is partnering with the man of God so what she does is that once the man of God's poster is up the woman will just declare fasting and prayer and start talking to God brother I want to tell you there will be some surprises at the kingdom of God there are some people you may feel that they have nothing but before you know it the Lord is using them for greatness the question I am asking you are you among them some of us cannot go some of us cannot give money some of us cannot even pray everything is not their money how many times or days have you taken off to pray for the missionaries to pray for the minister who is talking to you let me tell you when everybody gathers like this and new converts let me use the word new converts or people that are around you can go on your knees and say oh God my father whatever that be coming out of the man of God may it enrich the people and may souls be warm yes I know that if this place is filled up with people they will not accredit it to you they will accredit it to the man of God and say ah the man of God really ministered here and a lot of people gave their life to Christ yes but there is God in heaven who is taking account of what is going on and who is crediting that to you but let me tell you their life is short Jesus was talking to his disciple he said soul you are laying your treasure in heaven I know most of us are thinking about laying our treasures in here when I was talking to my pastor I said the owner of AIT if money can buy life that man can buy life for at least 1000 years if you are talking about medical facility or whatever he can afford it but the day death knock there is nothing he left everything today all those works and everything he left it and sits below that's all but let me tell you what will survive and sustain you and work for you is the souls which you are for Christ I was on the school today I was talking about that lady who died I was asking my class I asked them I said come if you drop dead today what will people say about you what have you done for the kingdom of God will somebody say like that woman see what he has done see how he has bettered the life somebody will say my father in the Lord is gone somebody will say my mother in the Lord is gone or somebody will say I remember this woman the way she gave to the work of the Lord God Almighty the way he sponsored the missionaries or I remember this woman once there is a program the woman will pray the woman will cry or we would remember Adawah and everything this woman they complain this woman is a complainant everything she complain everything she complain why are you complaining but then make up your mind today to be a partner and associate with Christ because that is the only thing that can survive after you are gone like I say we are in the state and we still considering who will succeed us even to a point that even our children are leaving us you know the thing that pains me is that sometimes these children who nurture them bring them up before you know it at the inter-university or university they tell you mommy I am not following you there again and some of us will throw our hands up to the air and forget about it no it is not time to throw your hands up to the air it is time to hammer heaven and say God my seed will not starve the devil whatever it takes to get them back to Christ I will do it that is your money can go a long way to reach out to his soul it does not mean have millions any amount you have give yourself make it as a point of duty and say if I cannot go to Sokoto to preach and there is somebody preaching there if I cannot go to this place to preach and people are preaching there this my little money will go for it and what I want you to do is that you see don't ask how will he go the Lord knows how to sustain his own there are some people who are in the mission field and they are suffering what they need is your deal of make what some of them need is an encouragement, encouragement can come in any way it can come by words it can come materially even if you don't have you see that you are caught you see that you are caught you can look at even if it is the old one take it and dry clean it call the missionaries is there any place this one can go dry clean it very well put it I am telling you somebody in the mission field receives it he is encouraged wah he says oh so my brother knows that here what I am doing is good it is important ah you know somebody will say hey does that person not know that what he is doing is important ah he says you see sometimes even what you are doing is important but you appreciate when somebody walk up to you and say brother well done this thing you are doing is very very important it boosts your mind you try to do more because somebody is recognizing it in as much as heaven is recognizing also what you are doing brother we need to sit up we need to sit up you wake up in the morning sometimes I don't know whether you have asked yourself this question I used to ask it to myself you wake up in the morning you run run run run run you go back and sleep you wake up again you run run run and you go and sleep is this what God is this the only thing God has called you see if that is the reason the day you gave your life to Christ the Lord would have called you home remember what Paul says Paul says for me to die is death but to live is Christ the day you gave your life to Christ the Bible says you are a candidate of heaven you would have left the earth but because the Lord knows that there is something he wants you to do for him and what is that he wants a partner he wants somebody an associate he wants a colleague who will help him to get to the to the lost who will make him happy the Bible says there is joy in heaven of all those souls that gave his life to Christ brother sister wouldn't you want to put a smile on heaven wouldn't you want to make heaven to rejoice on your behalf so that when they are celebrating somebody will say who brought this joy and somebody will say his brother so so so his sister so so so how many times have their name been mentioned in heaven because of the soul which you brought there is joy in heaven there is joy in heaven over one soul that gave his life to Christ and he doesn't worry you he doesn't think he doesn't perturbed you that you have never put a smile on the face of the world on the face of your master who called you and saved you from sin so brother what I am saying this morning is this you need to partner with Jesus Christ in your little measure you can make up your mind and say 1% of my salary every month will go to the mission you can make up your mind and say 5% of my salary goes to mission you can make up your mind and say 10% of my money of my salary of my income every month goes to missionary and I want to tell you wherever that your money goes the man or the missionary that is working is working on your behalf he is working as part of you and two of you or three of you or a group of you are co-partner to Jesus Christ and the day that missionary will be presenting soul you will be sitting by his side or you will be standing by his side because you are part of them that enable him to go that far Paul would have not gone far as much as he did if there were nobody to send him the brethren sent him and Paul and the Abinadabas and the gospel of Jesus Christ is not there assuming there is nobody to send them do you think they would have gone no would the gospel have reached the extent it reached that I know even when Paul would be talking about the souls he made is he only him it is his partner that is why sometimes if you read the scripture it says brethren pray for me that the Lord will give me boldness and open doors he knows he is praying he was praying Paul was praying but he knows that his only prayers are not enough so he needed some people to pray for him sometimes when you are at your closest take your time and pray for the mission pray for the mission that God will prosper them that God will empower them that the God will provide for them and when it gets to a point that God wants to use you please don't close your eyes don't close your heart to that and let me tell you there is a reward God say have I asked Judah to serve me in vain God has not called you to serve me in vain I want to say it here and I want to maintain it brethren it is he pays to serve this God whatever you give to the followers of this gospel you cannot lose the reward because the God whom we serve takes record we are not talking about the quantity of the things you are giving we are talking about the quality of what you are giving because it is the Lord that satiates the heart if you don't have the money to support don't you have the mouth the knee and time to kneel down and pray for the missionary if you don't have the millions to give don't you have the one naira the ten naira the twenty thousand the ten thousand naira to support God like I said God is not asking you to give him what he has not given you God is not requiring from any man to give him something he has not given to you if God has given you ten naira he is not expecting you to give him a twenty naira no he is expecting you from that ten naira to give him something out of it but what is it is it that he cannot do it no God wants to partner with us he wants us to be God is interested in being a partner with us I want to tell you that even if you refuse to partner with Jesus Christ in soul winning even if you refuse God is ready to raise another generation or another set of people to do it but remember when he raised another people your position has been advertised when you are in a company and your seat has been advertised what does it mean that means your service is no more needed but may it not be apportioned in Jesus name my service must be relevant to Christ that is my prayer my position will not be advertised while I am still alive you know some of us do not know what God deposited in us but by exercising it sometimes kneel down and pray and call on God talk about souls talk about winning souls and you will see that God in his infinite mercy will help you I want us to just read this before I conclude can somebody help me read this in Daniel chapter 12 verse 3 I will summarize with that and they that be wise shall shine at the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness at the star forever and ever they that turn many to righteousness our times of people are saying sometimes God gives us opportunity to turn men to righteousness but we blow it off Philip today when he saw the man who was the Ethiopian Union that was passing some of us if we are invited to sit with a minister lets say minister of finance and he asks us please bro can you oh where are you going can you enter my car I will drop you and possibly the man is trying to misbehave how many of us will open mouth and tell him sir you need to give your life to Christ how many of us can do that before you get somebody to say no what we will be getting is oh God can I have your contact oh God can I have your contact but Philip looked at him and said do you understand what you are reading an opportunity came to turn somebody to righteousness and Philip jumped into it and said oh God do you understand what I did from there he pointed him to Christ and before you know it the man gave his life to Christ and was baptized most of us that opportunity will come on our way and we will blow it off because our eyes is on material things but let me tell you a spiritual man lacks nothing so Philip to conclude this message I am asking a question what is your position in Christ are you a non-linear partner or are you an active partner or you are not partnering with him at all are you a non-linear partner a non-linear partner may not be so active in the business but his finance his prayers and his encouragement is going into that business because you know that he has a vested interest in that business an active partner is involved in that business day to day running of the business because he knows both his salary and his dividends is coming from there which one are you or are you sitting on the fence pray you know pray give you know give where are you the bible says Jesus said if you can't go let something go for you Paul was writing when he was talking about the efficient brethren he said nobody in efficient he said nobody partnered with me except you the miscellanean brethren even in your lack you supported my ministry where are you what is your position what can be said of you what is heaven don't bother about what I am saying about you don't bother about what reverend or anybody is saying about you what is heaven saying about you as concerning soul winning and what are you saying about yourself the bible says if you judge yourself you will not be judged what are you saying about yourself judge yourself you can bend down talk to the lord if you are here and you are not partnering you can tell the lord from today henceforth I want to be a partner in this ministry you can make a decision like this church want to open a church in uh in uh in the state and we have gotten a land there is no church there but there is no money you can make up your mind and say this is what I want to do don't look at what your friend or your brother is doing it is you who are here before the presence of god each and everyone of us you can if for an adventure you don't have anything at all to give I want to tell you can decide to say once in a week lord I will be praying for this ministry so please I will call on bro Chris can you just come

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