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In this podcast episode, Adi discusses the Notes app on iPhones. Adi uses the app to write down their feelings, make grocery and to-do lists, and de-stress. They talk about their worries and stress, the responsibility of parenting their own parents, their mental health struggles, being overwhelmed by other people's emotions, the need to prioritize self-care, making time for others without rushing, and the importance of having supportive people who encourage and affirm them. Adi concludes by expressing the desire to surround themselves with people who can give them a push and boost their self-esteem. Hey everyone, it's Adi, and in today's podcast, we'll be talking about the Notes app. If any of you are not familiar with this app, it's an application that's usually on iPhones. And a lot of people use it, sometimes they don't even know what this is all about. But for me, when I discovered it, I realized that I like to write my feelings in the app, as well as put down a grocery list whenever I go out, just so I won't forget what I need. As well as a to-do list too. But most of the time I use it for de-stressing and writing down some of the things that's been going on in my head. So for this week, I will be discussing about what I wrote last week and what this means to me. So the first one is, there's a lot of things I'm worried or stressed about. I feel like every time I write in my Notes app, that's the first thing I usually say, because I'm such a stressed person and I overthink so much about the little things that it... It just takes over my brain, especially at night. I have such a hard time sleeping nowadays because of how much stress I accumulate at night and it just keeps me up. The second one is, there's not a day that goes by that I'm tired of parenting my parents. I feel like this is a personal one because I feel like there's a lot of people that don't do this, but for me, I've always had to parent my parents. Meaning that I always have to correct them or I have to talk them through emotions that they usually don't do or have to make sure that they're on top of things with bills and just that type of stuff that parents should be doing themselves. But because my parents didn't know how to do that, I've been helping them ever since. The third thing I said, my mental health is not okay. It hasn't been for a while, but slowly but surely I'm figuring out what helps me out with talking to people that I trust or talking to my teachers. Also prioritizing myself has been helping me out. Fourth one that I mentioned was, I'm so tired of feeling every emotion that enters in me. There's no explanation besides what it says there. I feel like there's so much emotions that I feel. I pick up on a lot of things of other people's emotions and I just feel like I'm so tired of feeling those feelings of other people. It's very tiresome. I don't know why I'm like that, but I worry so much about other people, especially those who I care the most about. The next one I wrote was, I need to start taking care of myself. I have a hard time with prioritizing myself again and I don't take care of how many hours I sleep, what I actually eat. And this is all because I feel like social media plays a big part of what it makes me think of what I should be doing. But at the same time, it's just a self-destructing thing with social media. So I decided to delete TikTok and not pay attention to social media as much for a while. I'm not that religious, but I felt like deleting that app specifically helped me out with already starting to take care of myself. So that's a start right there. The next one I said was making time for everyone comfortably. I feel like I always try to make time for other people, but once I'm with them, I feel like I'm on a rush. I was like, okay, let's do the next thing. What's next? Just like always trying to see what's next when I hang out with someone, but I should just be in the present with them as well as enjoy the time that I have because as I'm getting older and realizing how busy I am and everyone else too, like everyone's trying to figure out what they want in their life. Prioritizing or making time for everyone comfortably would be helpful for me to just enjoy the time that I have with them because you never know what could happen next. And the last one I wrote was I need a push from others. I recognize that I have low self-esteem and having those people around me that encourage me and they give me words of affirmation and they reassure me like what I'm doing is actually good for me. I feel like I need to surround myself more with those type of people that will push me and be like, hey, you're actually doing a really good job because sometimes I can't find that in myself. So that's my topic for today talking about what do we have in our notes app. Thank you for tuning in.

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