Bible (ASV) 38: Zechariah

The "Bible (ASV) 38: Zechariah" is a book found in the American Standard Version of the Bible. It is believed to have been written by the prophet Zechariah during the reign of Darius the Great. This occurred in a time after the fall of Jerusalem in the sixth century BC. Zechariah's writings were influenced by the visions of the prophet Ezekiel and focused on dates from 520-518 BC. During this period, many Jews were taken to Babylon during the Exile. The prophets encouraged them to settle there as they believed it would be a long time before they could return to their homeland. However, in 539 BC, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and granted freedom to the Israelites. In 538 BC, the famous Edict of Cyrus was issued, allowing the first group of Israelites to return under the leadership of Shebazzar. After Cyrus' death, Darius took power in 522 BC and established a system