Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Mila was living peacefully with her family in a small village, but they were forced to join a group of refugees due to the war between France and Germany. During their journey to Paris, they faced many challenges such as bombings and difficult conditions. However, they were able to find some comfort and support from their friends along the way. Mila beheratzeron gauzita meretxean bandalunit robuen taldean zitatu zuten eta ondorioz familia zoa ara juantzen. Geratatik hies egiten zutela uste zutenean irailaren hiruan, Frantziak eta Inlakterrak Alemaniari gerra deklaratu zioten. Bandalunitra gudua familia frankoren gandik hies egiterakoan, izulerrekin egin zuen topo. Haien bizitza, bombardeak eten tarteak, ziren eta egoera txarrera juantzenea, robenetik Parizera mugitu ziren. Han aldirikatekin hiena izan omen zuen, lagunekin iguratuta.