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Democary Under Attack

Democary Under Attack

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Election interference by the Democratic Leadership is destroying Democracy. The say we need to destroy Democracy to keep it alive. My question is how stupid are you to believe that.

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Bruce Koneckni discusses the concept of democracy and the importance of understanding it. He emphasizes that democracy is about the people and their ability to make decisions through elected representatives. He also mentions the need to address problems and make responsible decisions, such as having voter ID requirements to prevent election fraud. He criticizes certain statements made by politicians and highlights the importance of the electoral college in giving every state a voice in the election process. Overall, he believes that democracy is about continuous improvement and being better than before. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is Bruce Koneckni. Welcome to my podcast, One Man's Voice on amvoice.org. Today is May 7th, 2024. One of the things that's being tossed around out there is the Democratic Party are trying to protect democracy and the people from Donald Trump. And we have to ask ourselves, well, first and foremost, what is a democracy? Now, I have to ask that question only because I've watched these little shows on Facebook where they stand there and ask people, how many states are there in the United States? What state is this? And all sorts of other questions about America. And our society is stupid, or at least they show the stupid ones on that show. Every once in a while, someone answers the question correctly. So, I mean, I think they should ask the question, what is a democracy? So, we're going to go over to Copilot on my internet, and this is what democracy is. Democracy is a system of government in which state powers is vested in the people of the general population. That means all of us. Of the state. Under a minimalist definition, rules are elected through competitive elections. More expansive definitions link democracy to guarantees of civil liberties and human rights. In addition to competitive elections. In a democracy, the people have the direct authority to deliberate and decide legislation. In a representative democracy, the people choose government officials through elections to do so. Feature a democracy often included freedom of assembly, association, personal property, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. Citizenship, consent of the government, voting rights, freedom from unwanted government, depravitation of the right of life and liberty and minority rights. The notion of democracy has evolved over considerable time. Throughout history, one can find evidence of direct democracy in which communities make decisions through population assemblies. Today, the dominant form of democracy is representative democracy, where citizens elect the government officials to govern on their behalf, such as constitution or consensus rules. Okay, now that's, I think, most definitely that is a decision of what democracy is. And you can go to to just go online and say define democracy, and it'll give you the democracy but understand, it is the population. It is us we the people. That's what the Constitution starts with. We the people hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal. Now, it is a representative government that represents all of the people. And did we do that in the past? No, we did not. Why? Well, for all different reasons. The fact of the matter is, as a new nation, and I have to go along with AOC, this was a, what do they call it? An experiment. That's what she said. It's an experiment. And when you start off an experiment, you have trial and error, you have problems, you trash the old one and start with a new one. And you keep using the same stuff over and over again. The difference with democracy and irony is that if you keep doing the same stuff over and over again, and keep coming up with the same results, that's irony. Why are you wasting your time? But in our democracy, we're not doing that. We're improving every day. We're improving every year. We're improving every century. Because that's what we're about, is being better than what they were before. So understand what democracy is. It's the people speaking out through elected representatives to make changes in order to make everybody part of the whole. But then we have problems there. Okay, we do. And there's nothing wrong with having problems, but we have to resolve the problems. We have to make decisions. Freedom of speech, for example. Well, we can have freedom of speech. We can say, like me right now, I'm saying whatever I want to say. But I also have to be responsible in what I say, because if I say anything that causes someone to get hurt, injured, or killed, then that should be on me. I should take responsibility for what I say. The same thing with elected representatives. AOC, for example, sits there and says the only reason, as Trump is President of the United States, the only reason that unemployment is down, now think about that, unemployment was down under Donald Trump. And the only reason that happened was because people had two and three jobs. When in actuality, for an economics major in college, she should know that it's not about how many jobs an individual has. It's about how many people have jobs that cause unemployment for them. And then she came out with another crazy, idiotic statement, saying that we're going to destroy the world in eight years if we don't make changes. Well, why is that an idiotic statement? Because ladies and gentlemen, over that time period, from the time she made it, people have been buying homes and getting 15 and 30 year mortgages. Now, why would banks and finance companies finance new homes, or new homes for individuals, if we were only going to be around for eight years? They're not going to waste their time. They're going to shut that all down. You want to buy a home, you can then pay for it in eight years, then forget about it. Because you see, greed outranks everything, okay? Greed outranks everything. So, our democracy tells us that our legislative body should be making rules for the population of the country, not for individual groups. Now, in a democracy, everybody is counted. That's the election process. Everybody goes in and gets elected. And in getting elected, you represent the people, whether it is a state representative or a national representative or the president. You have been elected by the people. Now, with the exception of the president, I should put that in there. Because you see, the forefathers, when they, and think about this, they were not 60, 70 and 80 year olds running this country and making these decisions. They were 20 to 30 year olds making these decisions. And what they put into the Constitution was that the electoral college, because they knew that one state has more of a population than another state. And so, therefore, instead of saying it's the people that elect, we'll use the electoral college. That gives every state an opportunity to be part of the whole picture in the election of the president and the vice president. Only that one. You can win the popular vote. And Democrats will do that every single time because the majority of the left coast and the right coast are Democrats. So, if we allow the popular vote to be who nominates the president, then the middle of the country would never be heard. That's why the electoral college. Yes, the left coast and the right coast might be able to elect the president with the popular vote, but the electoral college puts it all together, giving every state the opportunity to voice their opinion. And it's the electoral college that finally makes the decision as to who the president is. Okay. Only the president. And we need the people to go out there and vote. Now, what the Republicans are saying is that we need to have voter ID. We do not want illegals coming into this country saying, hey, listening to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, whichever one might be doing it. I venture to say more of the Democratic, saying that, hey, vote for me, I'll give you $100. So, without the authority, they're giving a mail-in ballot or they're giving something to show that they can vote. And someone helps them fill that out. And that is an insult in itself. Okay. Because if you understand our immigration laws, in order to become a citizen of the United States, you need to be able to read, write, and understand basic English. If someone is sitting there telling you what to fill out, that's not basic English. You can't read it. You can't write it. You can't understand it. Someone else is telling you what to do. That is election fraud. Okay. And you can't have that. So, voter IDs, get a voter ID. Everybody can walk in. They're saying, well, they're not giving the Blacks the opportunity, which is a lie, ladies and gentlemen, because more Blacks voted in the last election than ever before. And they voted more for Donald Trump than they did for Biden. So, don't tell me that the Black vote is being oppressed. It isn't. But voter IDs will help get everybody there. Now, this mail-in ballot stuff, okay, if you're overseas, that's fine. If you're out of state and the ballot is sent from New York out to California or out to Arizona, yes, okay, that's fine. But to sit there and say, well, the elderly can't vote, so we'll send them out to the elderly, that's okay, too. But you need to have somebody prove that. And if they don't have voter IDs, if they don't have something showing their signature, it can't work. Now, one of the hardest problems that we're having today is now you don't need to sign anything. Everything's done electronically. So, you can probably get somebody to sit there and write your name, print it up, and put it on a ballot and saying, yep, there you go, she voted, and it's not the real signature. That's a problem, and that's where voter identification is important, for one. For two, you have illegals, you have people who are dead, you have felons who are not allowed to vote that are voting. How is that happening? Again, with this new mail-in ballot stuff, that's what's happening. And you have, in some cases, they're taking multiple ballots, filling them out, signing them off, and shoving them in some mailbox for the ballots, and they're being counted. But nobody's really voting. It's just a couple of people filling out the ballots. They've seen this. That's voter fraud. Now, when you start getting more voter fraud is when you start trying to destroy your opponent by lies and deceits. And with Donald Trump, they're doing everything they possibly can. The courts in several states said, we're not putting him on the ballot. Is that democracy? Is that the will of the people? That they can't vote for who they want to because the court says they can't? That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You'll do what we tell you to do. And the Supreme Court shot it down. Oh, now the Supreme Court is out of control. We need to put more people on the Supreme Court. In other words, put more liberals who are going to go along with the way the Democrats want things happening. And that's not going to happen, ladies and gentlemen. We need to get back to basics. We need to get back to the truth. Now, they have all sorts of different things going on with Donald Trump, because they're trying to keep them off the ballot to keep them from winning the election, because they know that's how scared and cowardly the Democrats are, the leadership of this party. They know Donald Trump can walk in there and take this country back again, because they failed to continue what he was doing. And that's keep prices down. That's keeping oil prices down. That's keeping our border closed. That's caring about the people. You see, this government now is not caring about the people. If it did, it would shut down the border. It would take a lot of the illegals that are here and kick them out of the country. Now, supposedly, opening the border was for South American people to come up here into America. But now we have Russians, and we have Chinese, we have Muslim terrorists that are coming into this country, and we're going to have some major problems in the future, especially if Donald Trump gets elected. Now, what else is fraud? Not fraud, but election interference. Maxine Waters, as soon as Donald Trump won the election, called for his removal, called for him to be impeached. And I said back at that time, how stupid is she? Because you can't impeach somebody who hasn't even taken office yet. But that's what she called for. That's election interference. We don't want this man. We don't recognize him as the president of the United States. Well, sorry, you may not like the idea that he made it as president. So what you need to do is come up with a better candidate to run the country for the people and make things better. Did they? No. What they did was they allowed Antifa, they allowed Black Lives Matter, they allowed the KKK to come out and create problems and havoc in this country, to destroy property, to take over communities, to kill people, and do nothing about it. We still have that violence going on today. Crime rate in America is higher than it's ever been overall. You have people walking down the street getting beat, and nothing's happening. You have people that are being pulled out of their cars in car hijacks, nothing's happening. You have massive riots going on on American campuses, and nothing's happening. Because the Democrats want chaos in this country in order to say, look at what's going to happen if Donald Trump and the Republicans win. And now Maxine Waters is out there saying these groups up in the hills are getting ready that once he wins, they're going to come down and start killing people. No, I guarantee you, I guarantee you, if violence occurs in the streets, it's going to be Black Lives Matter, it's going to be Antifa, it's going to be the Muslims, it's going to be the Chinese, it's going to be the Russians that are sitting there creating havoc in this country. In order to destroy the American way of life and destroy our democracy. I guarantee it, because that's what the Democrats want. They don't want Republicans running this country. They want to take control of the country because they're working towards global community. They're working towards a one world government, and they're working towards them being the sole governing body of this country, and making the laws, and if you don't comply with their laws, you go to jail, as we've seen with the January 6th. People protested. People entered the building. There are people that were arrested that did nothing but enter into the building. We have pictures of an individual called Epps, who was sitting there, edging people on to get in, get in, get in, create problems. How many FBI agents, or how many agents of the federal government were in that group? How many Antifa people were in that group, creating agitation to destroy? Okay? You had a guy that went to jail because he wore horns. He walked through the Capitol. He put his feet up on the desk. He never created any violence. He never did anything. He carried the American flag, and that was it. But he's for the Republicans, so we're going to lock him up. At the same time, we're allowing people who are killing children, raping children, out in the streets to go in the jail, get a little court order, say you come back in 10 days or whatever for your trial, and never showing up. Reduce bail until they say, okay, you don't need to have bail, just show back up again. You have murderers doing that. You have violence on our campuses in America. Now understand this. I believe, and since I spent 20 years of my life defending the Constitution in the United States Air Force, you better believe I believe in freedom of speech, but I also believe in responsible speech. And when you have groups on campuses saying we are Hamas, Hamas is a terrorist group, that's destroying democracy. And our president and vice president and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are supporting these people to the point where we're not sending ammunition over to Israel so they can defend themselves against Hamas. Do you understand that? We have Muslims in this country that are telling the American people what they can do and they can't do, and our government's listening to them and doing it. And that's wrong. Absolutely wrong. Freedom of speech means you go out there, you can protest, you can say what you want to say, but you don't encamp, you don't set up camps on college campuses, you don't blockade buildings, you don't destroy buildings, you don't take people hostage, you don't beat people. That's not freedom of speech. Those are violations of our laws. And they need to be arrested and they need to be charged. Now, if they are American citizens, they are charged and they either do jail time or pay a fine. If they are foreign students that are coming in here saying that they are Hamas, that we need to destroy Israel, that we, the death to America, if they're saying all that, they need to pack their bags and they need to be sent back home. And if you have agitators who are not college students on these campuses, they need to be arrested. If they are foreign nationals, they need to be sent back home after a short jail time. And we have to clean up the country. That's democracy, people. The people saying we need to clean this country up. We need to get rid of the hatred and the violence in this country that are being created by outside sources. But the Democrats need that hatred and violence and say, look what's going to happen when Trump takes over. They're not talking about how their borders are open. They're not talking about the fentanyl deaths. They're not talking about any of the problems, the high inflation rate. They're not talking about unemployment. They're not talking about anything that's important to the people of this country. They're talking about electric vehicles, DEI, okay, abortion. Those are important topics to the Democrats because abortion kills the American people. And they don't want American people. They want to bring in a whole bunch of foreigners so that they can turn them into slaves along with those dumbed down college students that we have out there. And let's talk about the slavery of this nation. Okay. I was listening to them question the head of the education department in Congress today. And what happened was that he couldn't answer questions. Okay. He's sitting there saying that we cannot protect a certain group of people or we have to protect a certain group of people. When the question was, who do we protect? And we protect everybody on the college campus. We don't just protect the Muslims from their attacks. And think about this. Okay. Think about this. When Israel was attacked, they were brutalized. Thousands of people were killed, beheaded, raped. They took hostages and they took them back into Palestine. Now, what it was in the beginning, which was fine, they're calling for a ceasefire. They're not calling for a ceasefire anymore. What are they calling for? They're calling for the death of Israel. They're calling for America to stop supporting Israel so that Israel can die so that a terrorist organization can take control of the area. And they're hollering out there, we are Hamas. We are Hamas. Those people need to go. That's not democracy. Okay. When they destroy property, when they take people hostage, when they beat people up, that's not democracy. That's terrorism. And that's what they're doing in this country. Terrorizing the American people and our leader, the buffoon that we have in the White House, is allowing them to do it. And not saying anything against it. And the leaders of the college campuses say, well, people have a right to free speech. Yeah, but they're not violating the laws. And they violated the laws. And the campus leadership should have taken care of that and removed them. But they didn't. That's not democracy, people. That's an attempt to overthrow our way of life. To put fear in the hearts of the American people. So, Maxine Waters, if there are people up there in the hills that are willing to come down and shoot this country up in order to protect the democracy, to protect our rights, to protect our three branches of government, I don't see a problem with that. And if you get attacked by those people that are trying to destroy America, I'll bet you you want those people coming down from the hills to protect you and your stupidity and your ignorance in the way you talk about this country. And same thing. Look at what happened. Oh, AOC on January 6th. AOC was in her office. Nowhere near the situation that was going on in the Capitol. And the police came in to talk to her. And she said, oh, my life was in fear. Of what? Okay. Of what? I mean, just when she'll know when she's in fear. Because when these radicals come to take her and use her and abuse her, she'll know what fear is all about. So, you better hope that those people up in the hills are there to stop them from hurting you. The American people are arming themselves. The American people will stand up for this country because that's what we do against foreign and domestic enemies. The Hamas that's here in this country are a foreign enemy coming here to destroy the American way of life. Anyone who supports Hamas is in support of destroying the American way of life. Not freedom of speech, ladies and gentlemen, your freedom to be who you want to be. Democracy needs to stand up. Democracy needs to be united with the people again and not the dictators that we have in the federal government. In the form of a so-called president, who's nothing more than a pile of dementia. And he says it himself. He does. Well, I'm not allowed to talk about that. I better not answer any more questions. I'm not supposed to. They won't let me answer questions. You see, he even admits, and you sit there and laugh about it. This is the leader of the free world. This is the greatest nation in the world, led by a buffoon who has no clue what he's doing. And the Democratic Party is supporting him. They want to release the tape of his interview, because in his interview by the Justice Department, he said he is incompetent. He's incompetent, but they don't want to release that tape. Because if they release the tape, it has proven what the Republicans have been saying about this man. He is incompetent. He cannot think for himself. That's destroying democracy. It is of the people, by the people, and for the people. That is what democracy is all about. When you have government leaders, this buffoon that we have sitting there saying, I'm wiping away college school debts, that's not of the people, by the people, and for the people. That's a dictator saying, I'll do whatever I want to do. And that was started with Obama. I've got a pen and a phone. I'll do what I want to do. And executive orders. And when he wrote executive orders, they were implemented, which is justifiable. When Donald Trump came in, he tried to get rid of some of the executive orders, and they said, you can't do that. Yes, you can. The Democrats wanted to keep control, so they forced the courts to tell him he can't do that. It's not up to the courts to tell the President of the United States what he can and cannot do. It's up to Congress. And so they turned it over to the court, because Nancy Pelosi was too scared to try to pass laws to keep the power out of the hands of the President. So now we have Biden in, and the first thing he does is wipe away 77, I think it was, of the executive orders of Donald Trump. But that's okay. He can do it. But Donald Trump can't wipe away the executive orders of Obama. That's not democracy, people. That's dictatorship. And you have been lied to constantly saying, we're here to protect democracy. No, you're here to destroy democracy, to turn it over to a dictatorship. They're lying to you constantly, and you're believing it. So you don't believe me, go online, read the definition of democracy, read the definition of some of these other totalitarian governments and communist governments and socialist governments, and see what their philosophies are compared to us. And if you've got a half a brain, why don't you read the Constitution and go in and study the Constitution and understand that from the time Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, they violated the Constitution constantly. They started an investigation, an impeachment investigation into Trump without the authority of the Speaker of the House getting a vote. And the vote had to be a bipartisan vote to impeach the President of the United States. Do you know how many Republicans supported the bipartisan vote to impeach the President? Zero. So therefore, it's not bipartisan. It's a partisan vote that we want this man out. And they couldn't do it. They didn't have enough evidence that they couldn't prove anything. And then they went after him again, after he was leaving the office, and they couldn't get him there again. They violated the Constitution over and over and over again. They violated the rule of law over and over and over again. And Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are sitting there laughing, joking how they control this country. And how stupid you are for listening to them and understanding them and allowing them to get away with violating our laws and our Constitution. They are the domestic enemies to the American way of life. They're allowing the violence and the hatred. They're supporting the violence and the hatred. And you're sitting there going, I love, especially the older women. Oh, my God, I hate the older women. They're sitting there. I love Biden. He's a great person. He's done so much for us. No, he hasn't. He hasn't. But until 20 years passes, and we look back, we will see the destruction of our country. I'm asking you to look forward. I'm asking you to open your eyes now and see what's happening and look forward to what's going to happen if we continue down this path. If you do, you'll understand. We need to make changes to this country. Donald Trump, although he's not the greatest, he's much better than Biden. And if Biden doesn't go in, you know who they're going to bring up? That clown that they got out there in California, the rich man out in California. Okay. Gavin Newsom, who's $70 billion in the hole because he ran the state of California into the ground. That's Democrats. And they'll throw more money at it, more money at it, more money at it until our economy collapses. And you suffer. You haven't been on bread lines. You haven't had to go without meals for the majority of you. You'll see. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening to One Man's Voice on amvoice.org. You can go to amvoice.org and leave me a text message, an email, not text, excuse me, an email. Let me know what you think of the program. Help me. If you've got positive comments, fine. If you want to attack me and threaten me and everything, don't waste your time because it doesn't bother me. Okay. But if you've got constructive criticism, let me hear it. And again, it's on amvoice.org. Thank you. God bless each and every one of you and have a great day.

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