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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is Bruce Koneckne. Welcome to my podcast One Man's Voice on amvoice.org. Today is May 9th, 2024. One of the things I want to talk to you about today is there was an article in the paper. Here are the top 15 entry-level jobs analyzed by Glassdoor that offer the highest medium salaries in 2024. Entry-level jobs, understand that? That's where you walk in, you don't have no experience, and you can work. Here's the first one. Primary care physician, $130,000 a year. Pharmacist, $120,000 a year. Software archivist, $120,000. Product manager, $110,000. Software engineer, $100,000. Data engineer, $93,000. Attorney, $90,000. Hardware engineer, $85,000. These are entry-level jobs, okay, that you can get. Now, out of the 10 million illegals that have come into this country, how many qualified get into an entry-level job? And with the incompetence of our college campuses today, how many of our graduates are able to get into this? They're taking DEI courses, they're taking Let's Feel Good courses, they're not taking courses that are helping anybody, and they're certainly not taking any sort of courses that are going to get them high-paying jobs. Entry-level jobs. You know what I used to think of an entry-level job is? Walking into McDonald's and starting at $5.50 an hour, that's entry-level, and then working your way up. Or now and today, it would be $20 or $15 an hour, and working your way up. But you need an education for it, you just can't walk in and say, duh, I didn't graduate high school, I want to be working for $15 an hour. It's absolutely ridiculous, okay. These may be entry-level jobs, but they're college-educated jobs, and it's not for the normal people. Why doesn't the newspaper that put this out go out and find entry-level jobs for the common people? Okay, this is not for common people, this is for educated people. And I find it insulting that they would even put this in there. But that's like, hey, go out and buy a home. It only costs $450,000. Who's got $450,000 when you get out of college? Okay, nobody. You've got $100,000 plus college loan you got to pay off. And you're starting in, if you can get an entry-level job like this, it's okay. But if you can't get an entry-level job like this, you can't afford anything. And with the unemployment rate at 3.9, you don't have enough people out there. With the economy as high as it is, the inflation rate, you can't afford to live, let alone buy a home for $350,000, $450,000 a year. This economy has gone berserk. And it's because we have a buffoon sitting in the White House thinking he knows better than everybody else, that he can do things better than anybody else. And that is absolutely sad. It really is. Because that's not the truth. Now, if you want to continue to elect Democrats in the senior positions in this country, you're going to continue to promote socialism and communism in this country. One of the things that a, or a totalitarian government, totalitarian governments go out and arrest their political opponents. Well, they're not arresting political opponents here, but they're prosecuting Donald Trump on outrageous situations that there's no reason to put them out there. Okay? There's no reason to prosecute them. They're doing, states are charging felonies and they're doing it in state courts. You can't do that. You have to go to a federal court. But Bragg thinks he's going to, he's going to beat Donald Trump. And what he's done is made a mockery of the judicial system. The judge in this case is sitting there allowing salacious information that has nothing to do with it. And when called for a mistrial, goes, no, it's all right. Let's continue. I mean, he's making a mockery of the judicial system, but that's what the Democrats do. If it doesn't fit their narrative, they mock it. They ridicule it. They put it down. That's what they're doing with the Republicans. You're talking half of the nation, people, half of the nation who care about this country, who care about both Republicans and Democrats, as well as independents, who care about people succeeding in life. And this president leads the way in demoralization, putting them down, creating havoc. Is this the kind of government we want? Is this the kind of leadership we want? Well, gee, listen, we can't go, we can't put them in jail. Hey, let our legal system prosecute them on ridiculous charges. And maybe that way we can put them in jail and it won't be that we're going after our political enemies, our political opponents. No, it's the same thing. And it all adds up to what? That's right. Election interference. Okay. The Democrats have nothing to run on. Oh yeah, we support abortion. You support the killing of innocent, unborn children. You are very smart people. Yes, we should allow women to kill their unborn babies. Yes, that's important. Women should have the right to do that. Oh, but women don't have the right to have a locker room without male interference. No, no, no, no. And women don't have the right to say anything against males coming into their sports and playing in their sports. No, no, no, no, no, no. But hey, go ahead and kill your babies. It's okay. We will support you on that, but we won't support you on anything else. Do you understand how stupid women are when they sit there and listen to this and think that it's and think that it's okay to kill their babies and to think that the federal government of the Democratic Party is for them? There isn't any reason for you to support the Democratic Party. They are a party of failures, absolute failures. Okay. And Mendez, Mendez still hasn't been charged with anything. He still hasn't gone to court. He's been caught in a corruption scheme with gold that he got, and nothing's happening to him. I'm innocent until proven guilty. But no, not Donald Trump. The news media is tearing him up. He is guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. But Mendez, when he actually physically got caught with the evidence, well, I'm innocent until proven guilty. And lawyers can prolong court cases, and he'll never be tried. It's a ridiculous situation. It really is. Now, let's talk more about the riots that are going on on college campuses. Now, we're discovering in Washington State that Antifa is out there in their black garb, going out, creating havoc and problems on the college campus. Ladies and gentlemen, the Democratic Party is doing nothing about it. They don't want to do anything about it. They want the disruption of colleges. They want the disruption of our society, because they believe that's going to help them win the election for next year. You've got to open your eyes. You've got to see the truth. You don't have to believe me. Just go in, read the articles, understand what's going on. Don't listen to the news media, mainstream news media, because the mainstream news media, as we talked about yesterday, has proven that they are so biased, they won't even allow Republicans to join on the news so that they can get another opinion. And that just goes to show how biased they are, how socialist they are. We are the propaganda machine in the Democratic Party. You have to listen to what's going on out there and take it with a grain of salt and do what you need to do to support those leaders who are willing to take care of us. One of the things I saw on the campus, one of the newsreels, someone sitting there said, where's the cop? Oh, there's one cop. There's one cop here. This is defunding the police. This is defunding the police. One cop, and he can't do anything in a riot situation when people are beaten. All he's got to do is sit there and watch him. He can't do anything. I'll take notes later, because I'm not getting myself beat up or killed for some clowns, and I don't blame them. I do not blame them at all. One of the last things I want to talk about is a young kid was suspended from school for using the word illegal, and the parents are suing, rightly so. They should sue. Now, what happened was, according to the story, I wasn't there, is that the boy walked in and they said something about aliens, and he said, are we talking about UFO aliens or illegal aliens? And they suspended him because he said illegal aliens. He's questioning. But when you talk about illegal aliens, you're not talking about, and they charged him with, they suspended him because it was a racist remark. Illegal alien is not a racist remark. Okay? Anybody can be an illegal alien. Alien is not a racist remark. It's in the dictionary. That's what they're saying. You're suspending my boy for using a word that's in the dictionary. And they're suing, and rightly so. And what you should do is sue for enough money to start up a school to pull kids out of that school to stop them from getting brainwashed by these moronic idiots that we call teachers. Now, I have a family of teachers, okay? I really do. And I'm telling you, I don't care. The brainwashing that's going on, the dumbing down that's going on, the destroying of our youth, innocence that's going on is absolutely ridiculous. Now, I saw on a, to talk about the destruction of our youth, and it's controversial. It really is. Because I looked, there's this one article, and it showed all of the teachers that were charged with sexual assault or rape or whatever against their students, okay? 95% of them are women having sex with young boys. Now, here's where the controversy goes with that, ladies and gentlemen, is that young boys, when they're in their teenage, can't seem to keep it down, okay? It's a fact. A lot of the boys will sit there sometime during the day, bong, up it goes. No reason, it just does that. And it might be a feeling, a sensation, it might be a thought, it might be something that they see that gets them excited. But that's natural in the boy. And years and years and years ago, there was talks about how fathers used to take their sons to burdelos and have them teach their son about sex. Okay, that's, father knows about it, okay? But when you get 13, 14, 15-year-old boys, and the teachers are coming on to them, and the teachers are having sex with them, that is a gold star for the teenager, okay? It's wrong for the teacher. It really is. And the teacher should stop. But it's a gold star. They got, they had sex. They had sex with their teacher, two gold stars, okay? They've had sex with their teacher multiple times, three gold stars. And it's like, oh, well, you're destroying their future. No, you're making them a man when they're supposed to become a man at the age of 12, 13, 14 years old. See, on women, if you bleed, you're old enough to breed, okay? Well, they don't say that about guys, but about guys, they said, if you can squirt, you're old enough to breed, okay? And it excites young guys that they're doing this. Unless they're being abused, I would say 95%, 100%, unless they're being abused, 100% of the guys are enjoying the fact that they're having sex with their teachers. But it has to stop. It really does. Because what that shows is that our 20-year-olds that are out there in the education system should not be there. They're not mature enough or responsible enough to handle their duties and responsibilities. So they don't need to be there. If they want to have sex with kids, that's wrong. I mean, there are plenty of men out there that want to have sex. And because they're doing it with students, that means they don't want to have a commitment. And there are plenty of men out there who want to have sex without commitment. So go find older guys, okay? And I understand, ladies, it's making it very difficult because when they get dumbed down, when they get stupidized, which is not a word, but when they're made stupid, they don't know how to act. They don't know how to treat a woman. They don't know how to really communicate with a woman. And so why have a relationship with young, stupid men like that? I can understand that. I really can. And for the older men that are out there, I, being that I do taxes, I talked to some of the younger men or younger women, and I sit there and say, you know, if you ever watched the movie Fiddle Around the Roof, what that shows is that the oldest daughter, 16 years old, they were trying to marry her off to the butcher, who's at that time might've been in his fifties. Okay. So why? Because securing the future of the daughter. The butcher has money. He has a house. He has all sorts of things that can take care of his daughter. So yeah, marry her off. Today, you should be looking at the same thing. You have a lot of older men who have businesses. They have homes that they own. They have money in the bank. They have transportation that they can give you. And they can take care of you financially and physically and emotionally because they're mature and responsible. So why go out with 20 year olds or 25 or 30 year olds? When those ignorant fools want nothing more than just having sex and say, see you later. If that's what you want, get into the profession like Stormy Daniels did. Just go have sex and get paid for it. Okay. Don't worry about it. But if you want a serious relationship, if you want to be treated like a woman, you want to be treated like a lady either or, because there's the difference between the two, then go out with a more mature, responsible man. And it might be in their sixties or seventies, but they'll take care of you. And that's what you want in the future is to be taken care of. You want to have a future. Okay. You marry, you live with a guy or you marry a guy or you inherit the estate of an elderly man who's got a house, got money and you're set. You don't have to work, but you struggle along with the youth. And that's wrong. Until we start teaching our young men to be responsible, to be respectful, to be loving and caring adults, you're not going to find a good young man or they're very few and far in between. Okay. So get over yourself, ladies. You want it one way and you want everything. You want you want everybody to bend over and kiss your butt, but you don't want to put any effort into it. You want a responsible man, but you go after teenagers. And as the scientists say, the mature brain or the brain does not mature until they're 26 years old. And if you're going after somebody below 26 years old, you're talking about someone who's not mature and responsible. And that means you're not mature and responsible because your brain doesn't mature until 26. So what do you do? You're in a conundrum. I understand that. You have young men that are idiots and morons. You don't want to go out with them. So go out with older men. Don't try to take them for a ride. Let's see how they treat you. And if they treat you with respect, if they treat you with love, if they treat you with dignity, then stay with them. Yeah, you might only be around for 15 years, but hey, that'll be great 15 years for you. And you're left with a future. You hook up with a young guy. I mean, I've seen cases where young couples, a young 18 year old got hooked up with this 22 year old. She got pregnant, had the baby. The boyfriend takes the baby for the weekend, comes back. Baby's got bite marks all over its body. The father's biting the child. They had to go to court to keep the father away from the child. This is sick. This is sick. But she thought he was a mature, responsible individual. If you're under the age of 30 years old, you're not mature and responsible at all. And even that, I would say go 40. If you're under the age of 40, you just, you have no future until you wake up and smell the roses. So ladies stay away from them. Go older. Nothing wrong with that. If you don't want to have sex, go out with a 70 year old. 70 year olds seldom want to have sex anymore. And they want mature, responsible women. Are you mature enough to go out with an older man? Or are you just a child? See, the complications in relationships are far beyond, far beyond what we consider. But if you think you're a mature, responsible adult that you can handle going out with an older man who will take care of you, who will love you, who will provide for you, then go for it. But if you're a child, don't waste your time because they'll turn, they'll have you for fun and then turn around and leave you. Just like you would do to a guy. We have problems in this country. And believe it or not, it all comes back to the Democratic Party. When the Democratic Party dumps down young men in high school, in elementary school and high school, they get dumped down in college. They're not mature. They're not responsible. So they don't know how to act. We used to have a system here, and I wrote about it in a book called Street Corner Sermons, where women would teach the children up to the age of 13. And this is going along the lines of the Jewish faith and how they do it. And what happens is the mother teaches love, respect, loyalty, dignity, honor, teaches them all of the emotional feelings. So they can respect people when they get older. They can respect women when they get older. And then after 13, they go over to the father and the father teaches them the ways of the world and teaches them how to be respectful within the world. And then you get good quality men and women, the next generation, living a good life, doing the right thing, and providing for families. Some go into government and they're good leaders, but they're far and few in between. You know why? Because the political machine, the propaganda machine, excuse me, of the Democratic Party wants to destroy everybody unless you believe the way they do. So good men and women who deserve to go into Congress, who can do a good job for us, are denied because they want to tear them apart. They want to make them look like fools and idiots so that the fools and idiots actually get into Congress and they're manipulated by the leadership to do what the leadership wants. And that was good for the people. I mean, these are some of the problems we have within the country and nobody's doing anything about it. No one's speaking up about it. And it's time that we sat there and said enough is enough. It's time we said violence in the streets is not going to happen anymore. Antifa needs to be taken down. They need to be locked up. They need to be thrown, the key needs to be thrown away. These Muslim radicals that are supporting Hamas, they need to be deported back to their home country. We don't need them here. We don't need agitators in this country when we're trying to build a universal country where all people are accepted for whoever they are. But violent people don't need to be here. Agitators don't need to be here. And you see, that's what the world hates. It's because up until 9-11, we were living in peace and harmony with all races and with all religions. And we were getting away with it because we believed in respect. We believed in honor. We did the right things, not the wrong things. But the Democratic Party turned that around. We started to believe, and to bring back Jim Crow, oh my God, you know how the 1960s, and for you younger kids, you don't even know. And you haven't studied the 60s. You don't know what happened to Jim Crow. You don't know it was Republicans that were marching in the streets, not Democrats, Republicans marching in the streets with the blacks asking for equality. They were getting their heads smashed in as well, because the Democratic said, the leadership says, we have to stop this. I mean, you don't know the truth. The media is not going to tell you the truth, and the government's not going to tell you the truth. They're going to tell you what they want you to know so that you can live by their rule and not by the rule of God. And the rule of God is to love everyone, no matter what. Remember the opening remarks of Biden when he took office, I'm here to unite the country. And all he did was trash, mega, trash mega. And what is mega? Make America great again. Not in that we are racist, but make it to where we're a strong nation, where the leaders of the world again, we're not the leaders of the world anymore. China and Russia are taking over that role. And you have Iran is out there setting up, getting their nuclear weapons so they can become a power. Do you understand this buffoon that we have in the White House has destroyed it? I mean, if it was John F. I know he did John F. Kennedy, he would have done things a whole lot different. And under John F. Kennedy, we had a growth rate of 5% under him, which was one of the greatest things. I think one of the reasons why is he didn't go along the Democratic Party. He went his own way. That's why he was assassinated. He supported the unity of blacks and whites in this country. And the KKK didn't want that. And they're talking to CIA killed them. And if the CIA killed them, it shows that there are people within the political system using other government agencies to do their bidding. And they continue to do that today. Look at Ray, the head of the FBI, Federal Bureau of Idiots. They go after parents who speak out at school meetings. And they label them as homegrown terrorists. They go after and they infiltrate churches and go after people in the churches who do nothing. While Antifa runs around in this country and destroys it. When the Muslims call for the death of Americans. And while the Hamas calls for the death of Americans and Jews. That's okay, you can do that. But hey, don't talk bad about Democratic Party. You'll go to jail. Don't be a God-fearing man, you'll go to jail. Don't speak out about your daughter being raped in school by a transgender boy. You'll go to jail. We have allowed violence, hatred, discrimination, to run rampant in this country under the Democratic control. It's time we took our country back. And with that, I say thank you very kindly for listening, ladies and gentlemen. Have yourself a great day and live in peace and harmony. I should remind you that if you lose any portion of this podcast, if you want to hear more, but you go to amvoice.org and I keep a list of all my podcasts there. If you want to make any comments to me, constructive criticism is fine. Criticism, I will delete. Violence and hatred, I will delete. It shows because you're cowards who come out and threaten and everything else like that. Do not do it under your own name. We know that. You're too afraid to speak out under your own name because you know what will happen because you're a violent individual who hates people. So leave comments if you want to. Send me emails through the website. And if you believe in America, join me. I would appreciate it.

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