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Episode 1

Alma ExpressionsAlma Expressions



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The podcast hosts are discussing the pillars and values of their Alma Expressions podcast. They emphasize the importance of authenticity, alignment, acceptance, and love (amor) as the foundation of their work. They believe that being true to oneself and finding balance and harmony are essential for personal growth. The hosts also highlight the significance of accepting oneself and showing compassion and grace. They believe that these pillars will create a safe and empowering space for listeners and participants. Hello, everyone. So we're here on this podcast to talk about album expressions and what this will be. I'm excited. Yes. I'm excited. And now that we have expanded, right, and not only has it grown, so now there's co-hosts to this, you know, it's also going to be more than that. But that's what this episode is about for us to talk about, like, how we got here. What are the pillars for this? What is our foundation? What are our values or mission? And where do we see this new container going? So we're really excited to express this to everybody. And I think it is so important to have the pillars and the values and the mission, just because it's so much grander than we are. Whenever you invite someone into a space and they know, like, the intention of that space, the experience for everybody is just so much better. Like, it's enriched with life and vitality and direction. And so it gives direction to us, but it also gives direction to you. And like, we can stay centered and grounded in something that's so important that, again, it's bigger than just us. I'm really excited that we have thought so intentionally and we can offer something that to me, in my opinion, is really beautiful. So it's definitely like I think going to be and is the best work that we will do, hopefully. Yes, for sure. And it's going to be very transformational, you know, not only for us, but for everybody that steps into this campaign or alongside us, you know, like, whether you're sitting here and you're just listening to this podcast and you're following our journey, or you start coming to the events that we'll start hosting that go along with the podcast or just go along with our lives, right? Which is one of the things that we're doing. But before we get all the way over there, you know, the Alma Expressions podcast is going to be something between Arelis and myself. My name is Ashley, right? Which will introduce ourselves in later episodes to get deeper into our individual stories. But for now, we're the co-hosts of this container. And because we're two different people, even though we're sisters who probably look alike, and people say that we're twins, whatever, we actually are twins. We're twins that are six years apart. Yeah, from Puerto Rico. We both bring something slightly different to the equation. We can start there. So Arelis, what is it that you bring to the Alma Expressions podcast? First of all, I want to acknowledge that it is so beautiful that we bring something that's completely different. And I really actually love that. Like I love when you start something and then I just put like two cents in, and then you put two cents in and then it becomes like this beautiful little pyramid, like it's like us two. And then the result is like the point that just always seems so centered because we are both, you know, different, but we bring something so powerful and beautiful. I think that for me, what I'm bringing is just my devotion is creativity and my devotion is very grounded. And right now, like this human experience, like how can we be spirits in this life as souls and the complexity of that. But I also know that you can piggyback off that because that's also really similar to you. So it's interesting because we have, we're very different, but we're also very similar. I think my creativity, like helping others find their authenticity for me, it's like the biggest thing. Yeah. I also agree with the authenticity part. Um, I think that's something that we both have funded foundationally with each other when it comes to that. Right. But then how is it that you find your authenticity? How's that? I found my authenticity and the biggest way that I personally found my authenticity through this journey of life, this journey of whatever you want to call it, is through finding balance and harmony through being like a Gemini and the true definition of a Gemini. Like I see both sides of the story and then I try to meet somewhere in the middle. That's something that I think that I bring. And by the way, this is a beautiful segue to authenticity and the authenticity that we have as a pillar. So we have authenticity, alignment, and acceptance. Those are our four pillars for the Alma podcast. Authenticity, alignment, and acceptance really are the bridge of both of us. So I think that since we were talking about authenticity and we had such a great segue, we can really just dive deep into why we picked these four pillars as our Alma Expressions Foundation. Yes. Yes. Yes. Authenticity is the first one. And then we also have alignment, we have acceptance, and we have amor. For me, that just looks like a beautiful cake of perfection, to be honest. It just is like this cake of love and empowerment that allows you to be, you know, who you truly are. It creates a safe environment. It seems super sacred to me. And I would love to hear your viewpoint. Why do you think that authenticity, alignment, amor, and acceptance really is a great foundation? I think that when you look at the words authenticity and alignment, they kind of go very good hand in hand. And you can even say, well, alignment could be authenticity, authenticity could be alignment. To me, I think they're different sizes of the same coin. Like the more authentic you are, the more in alignment you will be. And the more you try being in alignment, the easier it will be for you to be authentic. So authentic or authenticity, it's just you being in your highest self-expression, your true self-expression, right? What is it that you truly want to experience? What is it that you truly want to do? And when you're in alignment, it doesn't mean necessarily that you're like, straight, like all your chakras are aligned, everything's good. Not necessarily because sometimes maybe you're on your divine masculine energy, and you're going on a go, go, go, you're hustling, you're being super logical about it, you're learning. And in that time period, you're giving space that divine masculine energy to really flourish and be the forefront of what's happening in your life. Versus your divine feminine energy at the time is taking like a backseat. And that example in itself could be seen as something that is unaligned, right? But not necessarily, if it is in a healthy way, not necessarily if that is what your authentic expression, your highest self needs for in that moment. And then the same thing is true as well. Like if you have to put your divine feminine in the forefront, and make sure that you nurture yourself, make sure that you're supportive of yourself, make sure that you do self care, you meditate, like you take extra time to meditate, you take extra time to sleep, you know, you take extra time to nourish your body with like soup and warm food. And then you leave your divine masculine behind. They're not like 5050. Right? They're not quote, unquote, aligned. They are still balanced, though. So for me, alignment is more of that harmony and that balance of everything that makes up within you as well as they're all working together. Versus like the overpowering that can happen when we're not in alignment. I feel like when you're not in alignment, it's where that overpowering of the different forces can come and take over. So the more authentic you are, the easier it is for you to understand the ebbs and flows of your own mosaic of energies that you have within you. Yeah, I definitely love that. And I love how you mentioned the difference because they go hand in hand. It's like the chicken and the egg. But I do think that they're distinctive, they're distinct enough, like the chicken is not an egg. And for you to be aligned, I love how you said that the balance and the harmony of that, because I do think that like, it ties into our Veda practice that like, what's happening in your life right now in that moment, yes, it would be perfect for you to wake up at six, and then get all the sun and then go like they have a very strict routine in Ayurveda. But what if you just had a child? But what if we started a new job? So it really is alignment to what current circumstance is. And really, the ultimate part of what's going on in that current, the bigger picture of that current situation is to help you learn a lesson to take you on a journey. So it's not like you're supposed to be perfect, right? Like alignment isn't what you said, right? That your chakras have to be perfect, and you have to have no problems. Like, no, no, no, no, it's more just being like aligned to what you need at that moment and aligned to the energies that are present in you. I think that amor and acceptance really is the foundation to even be aligned to even be authentic. Because like, you have to accept where you're at, that life experience, that circumstance that the lesson or whatever the fuck you're going through, even if it feels like shit, or even if it feels unbalanced. Because, for example, being a new mom, how are you going to balance that or stay in a routine that's quote unquote, perfect, there's like, just no such thing. And then having grace and compassion, which is what I believe amor is. And the love that I've that I've received, that's been the most transformative is that grace and that compassion. That's been again, the foundation where I can be authentic, like accepting someone, me or accepting with love, someone is really I think, what flourishes into that authenticity and alignment. So I love what you said. And it does also tie into the other two pillars. Yes, for sure. And just in case if anybody here is listening and doesn't speak Spanish, amor is love in Spanish, which is why you tied it in with love and grace, you know, and compassion. So I think that authenticity... That's a hell of a throwback. Anyways. So I think amor and acceptance have a similar relationship of authenticity and alignment, like amor and acceptance are also tied to the same coin in a way like, the more you love yourself, the more you accept yourself, and vice versa. The more you're willing to accept yourself, the easier it'll be for you to have self love. For me, amor, which is love, has to do with you being able to have that unconditional love, that unconditional amor that helps you for you to maybe love someone that you're upset with, love someone that you're mad about, love someone that you're happy to be around, right? And just love the situation. And the more love you infuse into things, the more love you accept for yourself, the easier it'll be for you to go through the fears of your life, because the opposite of love is not actually hate. The opposite of love is actually fear. And the opposite of fear is love. A lot, sometimes, not a lot of times, sometimes the things that we have that fear towards, we don't accept. And whenever we don't accept something in somebody else, it's because we don't accept it within ourselves, because we don't love it within ourselves, as a part of ourselves that we don't love. Even though acceptance, accepting something and loving something, seem like they're two different actions, which they are, I believe that they have the same foundation. And by you practicing one, you'll get the other, and vice versa. Mm-hmm. And of course, there's boundaries that come into play. It's not that I'm saying that if I accept this in you, that means that if I love you, I can't have boundaries. I wanted to say that just because if someone is listening, and they're like, oh, that means I have to accept this person, even though they X, Y, Z, that's not necessarily what that means. Yeah, honestly, I am glad that you said that, because that brings up a good point. For example, there's people in everyone's lives, I think, there has to be someone, at least at some point in your life, that's not the healthiest person. They push your boundaries. They're not someone that you should be around, really. And if you're able to start the relationship with them, that's great. But in some cases where it's not that easy to start that relationship with them, because you're a coworker, or because maybe, for example, they're in an organization with you, or because they're a family member, or whatever that may be, when it's not that easy for you to be able to cut off all contact, maybe acceptance isn't like, oh, I accept who you are, and you're always going to run me over. No, no, no, no, no. Acceptance is, I know who you are, and I'm not going to expect something different, and I'm not going to get my hopes up, per se. And let me, I feel like I have to go a little bit deeper than that, honestly. I have to be a little bit more transparent, or honest, and blunt. So what I'm talking about is, for example, let's say you have a parent, and this is just the easiest thing that I can come up with, a parent that maybe isn't honest with you. Maybe they just hide the truth, whether it's because they want to protect you, whether it's because they love you, whether it's because they don't feel like it's appropriate for you to understand the truth, whatever it is. But then you notice that as you get older, and as you become an adult yourself, as you become a mother yourself, as you become a grandmother yourself, or whatever, like, maybe this parent always continues to keep things from you, always continues to lie, continues to manipulate the situation, right? Acceptance is, okay, this is the behavior that they're going to have, and maybe understanding why they act that way. They act this way because maybe they didn't have a beautiful relationship with their own parents. And right now, the way that they treat us is better than the way that their parents treated them, right? And it's not about losing hope, that things are not going to get better. But it's also not about getting caught up in the hope that things will get better. It's accepting things as they are and choosing peace in the situation. So sometimes acceptance is just that, you know, try and find your own peace. That, to me, reminds me of, like, in relationships, when someone's trying to change someone to be a certain type of way. Or like, you know, in middle school and high school, whenever, like, you have the boyfriend, and you're like, oh, but I want you to wear this, or I want you, whenever just like that really young love, and you don't really know, you kind of start modeling what your parents do to you, which is, you know, they're like training you. But yeah, like to change someone to be more of something that you envision as your mate. But it's not really correlated with what, who they are. If you have those individuals in your life, where's the love in that? Maybe there's self-love, and there's no love that should be given out, which is okay. Like, cutting ties, if that means more love in your life, that's okay. We only have so much energy in the day. So if, like, all of that needs to go to you instead of that person, and you're going to make that call, that's okay, too. In terms of this podcast, and this platform, and this environment, it is saying that, okay, we're going to accept you for who you are, we're going to love you for who you are. And that's going to be the foundation of your alignment, your authenticity. And if there's something in your life that isn't accepting you for who you are, isn't contributing to your alignment and your authenticity, and isn't giving you love, we hope that we can give you the power and the empowerment and the, and just the support to be able to step into or help your intuition nudge you in a way where you yourself feel like you can do it, stepping away from something that just doesn't serve you. And so I do like that we did talk about boundaries. And we did go into that route, because that is real life. And we are in real life. And those are things that do actually happen. We're here, you know, in a community to support each other no matter what in those valleys and waves and whatever life may bring. Yes, yes. And just like how, you know, we're talking about acceptance and love and grace. And let's, let's be real, too, you know, like, we all go through different situations, obstacles, initiations in our life. Like the first one can be when you're hitting puberty, and you're trying to find your own beauty. Then the next one is like when you have your first real heartbreak in a relationship. Maybe you get a divorce, maybe you get, you know, someone's unfaithful. Maybe you are a mother now and you give birth, you lose someone that you love, you know, like, there's a bunch of different things that we go through in life that have different lessons. Some of them we all experience. And so it's easy for people that have gone through it before to guide the next person, and so on and so forth. And there's other ones that it's only, it's not for everybody. But there's like a smaller amount of people that go through that. And with that being said, it's like, you know, I've gone through my own experiences so far. And I have more to go and more to come. And with everything that I've done so far, I've gained an X amount of knowledge that I know is going to change over time. And as I am accepting myself, I also would love for you all to accept that as well. Like when we hold this podcast container, and event containers, we're doing it to build community to build a circle of people, not necessarily like a hierarchy of like, Oh, I'm better than you. I'm not better than you. At all. There's people that I know, that are not in like the quote unquote, spiritual path that are Christian, for example, I have this lady in my head right now. She's Christian. She doesn't really know much about chakras. She doesn't really know much about like meditation and stuff. But she is one of the most kind hearted women I have met. And she is very loving, and very pure and very genuine. And she does understand the power of movement. She doesn't understand the power of expression that's art. And she's not in the same quote unquote community that I'm in. Even though I've received trainings and stuff like that, and she hasn't. She has so much wisdom to share. Why? Because of her own experience, because of her own knowledge, because of her own gnosis, her own relationship with her divine creator, because of her relationship as a mother as well. You know, so it's kind of like we have gone through certain things that I know that after I've gone through, you know, not the easiest time, I looked at my life differently before. So also with that, we're still human, we're all human, regardless of how enlightened you are. We're all human, like literally, so we're all bound to make mistakes. And we're all bound to learn from those things. So I just wanted to say that as well. This space is to accept who we are, and who you are, and just accept everybody. And I'm not saying put up with anybody, I'm just saying accept. That was a chat talk, mic drop, and it's like, I respect you, I honor you, even if I don't agree with you. I like how you said the whole Christian thing, because yes, we all have different experiences, have different cultures, have different practices, have different XYZ. The people that we are, the souls that we are, that's what is important. We are petals on the same flower. We are honest together, we come from the same light. The rose for me is just so important, because you see a flower, where does it start? Where does it end? Like we are one before we go into the I am mission. I do have to give a shout out to my grandmother. Because when you talk about someone having a different religion, and practice, and past, and age, and experience, she's who I thought of. That love, that grace, that kindness, that acceptance, her being so aligned, her being so authentic, like that's the experiences and the people in your path that you just don't forget. They just impact you so much, because they do share their experiences in a way that it can resonate with you, and it meets you where you are at. Like that's just so important, to meet someone where they're at, and that's like really what we're here to do in this community. And also what you said about sharing our experiences, like I have different experiences than you do, we all do, and that's why we are more powerful in numbers, and that's why it's so important to have this I am mission, and be together. And that's why it's so important to have this podcast, I think, because like for centuries, people would share stories with symbolism, and in the tribes, that's what they would do to teach one another, you know, different initiations, and different life experiences to help guide, and to have that guidance. And we now, we have the choice to do that easier than ever, because of technology. And that's the amazing advantage of technology, so it's like why not take advantage of that, and then create something that can be those oral messages of love and light that can help someone through your own experiences. And that also actually reminds me of Women Who Run With the Wolves, and the Ugly Dug, the Ugly Dugly, which we discussed before we did, we started this podcast. And I do, before we move on to the I am mission, just want to read the quote of acceptance and acknowledgement, because I think it's really on brand with like the reason why it's so important to us. And it goes from Women Who Run With the Wolves. The other important aspect of the story, the Ugly Dugly, is that when an individual's particular kind of soulfulness, which is both an instinctual and a spiritual identity, is surrounded by psychic acknowledgement and acceptance, that person feels life and power as never before. Asserting one's own psychic family, so a community like what we're building right now, brings a person's vitality and belongingness, which is just, if anything, the reason why I'm here. That to me sounds like something that I want to be a part of, that to me sounds like honestly, like what makes the journey worthwhile. So I do want to share that. Yes. So for me, whole connection thing, community thing that you mentioned, I think it's very important that we understand the power of community. Because, I mean, we already do. If you're here, you probably already think community is amazing at some point. Not only because we're able to learn different things from each other, but it's also because when we're in community, like we are in a collective circle of collective energy. And even though, yes, I can do my yoga practice at my home by myself and watch YouTube, right? And like, maybe I don't have anything that I need to learn, I guess, you know, like if you're like a super amazing yogi. Or maybe you're the best person meditating, right? Like when you do connect in community in a circle, to do a collective meditation, or to do a collective yoga practice, whether you already know it or not, whether you are, quote unquote, getting something out of it or not, end quote. By you being in a circle in a community, now it's like you have multiple generators of power connected to one intention. And instead of you using maybe like 60% of your own life force energy, now you're using 6%. Because now there's a bunch of other people with the same intention focused on the same goal in the same sacred container. So it's, you even get out more out of it whenever there's a circle whenever there's a community, because you have to have to exert less energy into it. And I'm not saying that, you know, it helps with making things easier or whatever. Or like, maybe you go to a circle and you're like, well, I feel like I'm just as tired or I'm just tired or whatever, it doesn't matter. The point that I'm trying to say is like, the more that I've gone to circles in community, the, I noticed the difference when I'm doing something on my own at home, for my own practice, for my own meditation, for my own manifestation, versus when I'm doing it in a community setting where everybody has a similar intention. It's like, the more that I do it individually in a community, the more I notice the difference of energy that I have to exert into the situation. So I just wanted to point that out. Like, you're always going to get something out of community because we're human, and we're meant to be in community. Yeah, I think that really also ties into like, we're meant to be in community because we are community because we are an extension of the same thing because we are the same petals on the flower because we are an I am, and it is, you know what I mean? Like, it's like, another mic drop moment. But right, like, we just are and we are enough. Like, we're more similar than we are different. And I think that's why this I am mission is so important because acknowledging that and like, really honoring that just has ripple effects of loving like, with the same intention, like how you said, and if we want heaven to be on earth, and we want the golden age of miracles, I think a part of that and I believe a part of that is this I am. Yes, and I love how we've been able to talk about this and connect everything together. Because again, this podcast is just sharing how we came to expanding the podcast to Alma Expressions and how Alma Expressions is not just a podcast, it's going to be a community, where we're going to be able to have multiple people come and interact, you know. So we've talked about the pillars, you know, we talked about the I am mission a little bit. Is there anything else that we would like to add regarding the purpose of this podcast? You know, the what we're trying to do or trying to go? Um, I think that we really explained it. Well, just as this is a part of us, it's a part of you. And just as we grow, this will grow. And just as you grow, you know, we will too. And we're going to do it together. And it's going to be just really exciting. I think it's going to be really great. This impact, even if it's one person that listens to it while they're on their way to their car, and that has an effect on them, and then they have an effect on the people that they see that day, then those people have an effect on their families. I kind of just wanted to mention how even the small things are big, and what is small and what is big. So we're just here together. And I'm excited to go on this journey with you. This is something that I feel really, I said it when we began, and I'll say it again. I think it's going to be, and it makes me a little emotional. Oh, my God, the Pisces in me is coming out, the creative in me is coming out, just so much water trying to ooze out. And this is going to be really, really important in my life. And in our life. So I'm really excited. And yeah, it's good to spread. Yeah. And I thought about you being a Pisces. So I do want to at least talk about the fact that when we did first meet and started talking about this and start planning everything and become clear with the foundation, the pillars, everything that we're kind of sharing and more that we're not sharing, but we'll come, you know, if we, there's so much more. Little side eye emojis. Yeah. So I do want to say that, you know, again, like what at least brings to the container, what I bring are, I think rooted within the same seed, but they're different flowers that come from the same ground. So for example, what does Alma Expressions, what does Arelis channel through Alma Expressions and this platform? And it is expression. It is the creativity. It is the fact that she, Arelis, has the power to create worlds with her words, you know, and like, she has the true idea of success. And as a Pisces, she is able to truly connect with the dream world. And because she's human, right? How can we bring that into the earthly realm? How can we bring that into something that is going to be fulfilling, successful, that is going to last and be a legacy? And that is what Arelis brings to the equation, right? That dream, that dreaminess and being able to truly connect with your dreams and truly connect with that through your expression. So I just wanted to bring that in. And also, what do I bring, right? Like I bring, again, the harmony. And how do I bring the harmony? Well, I bring the harmony specifically through the introspection part. And you're seeing where you might be, you know, psyching yourself out. So because you need both, right? You need to see your dreams. You need to figure out how to get there and how to manifest them. And you need to introspect, see what might be holding yourself back from yourself. What are you blocking yourself from? So you can move forward. So with both sides to this, we're bringing this harmony to this container to help assist not only us, you know, between each other, but also anybody else that's going to be in this community. Yeah, and to add to that, first of all, thank you. So I'm like humbly accepting all of that. And I'm really grateful. Thank you for catching me up. Thank you. I'll keep my head in my head. Isn't that what they say? That I'm getting a big head. You'll never have a big head, you'll be good. And I want to also add that you are so balanced. Like you are like this infinite flow of giving and receiving. And I see that in you, like how you mentioned in the beginning, like that gemini that you have, I really do see that you are just like the perfect balance of giving and receiving, like you know your body so well, you honor yourself so well. And that for me is like a great role model. I see you in your power and I'm like, shit, you are so balanced. You are such a Gemini. Like you do see the logical and emotional, the feminine and the masculine, the up and the down, the as below and so above, because you're so attuned. I think that like you are, as you are spiritual, you're human. So putting that out there as well, that there's a lot to offer and there's a lot to give and there's a lot to receive. So fuck yeah, let's hit this shit. Let's get that submission post going. Thank you. So for submission post, what does that mean? Submission post means that as part of this podcast, this is our first podcast that we'll be posting, is that we have a section that is going to be dedicated to you and your questions. Both Arelis and I, Ashley, are intuitive card readers. So you are able to submit a question on a form that we'll have linked in our bio, where you can write your name, your email, whatever, and the question that you have for us to answer it with cards in this podcast. We're not going to say your name. We're not going to share your name, but we will share your question. If you want us to call you by a name anonymously, you could write that in the, in the quotes, like, Hey, like, please call me by this name. So I know it's me, but yeah, just putting that out there. And with that being said, we're going to transition to our first question that we're going to be answering in this podcast, because we did a little, you know, preview to some people that we kind of know. So the question that we have here is, in this time of transformation, both individually and collectively, internally and externally, what guidance does spirit have for me? Can you just read that out again to really, you know, oomph in it? I'm going to read it one more time. So we can truly connect. As we're connecting to these cards, we're connecting to the space, we're connecting to the love and light of the universe to be able to provide beautiful guidance for the highest self of this person and the highest good of everybody and anybody that might be involved. So the question they asked was, I welcome a collective breath. Yes. All right. So again, in this time of transformation, both individually and collectively, internally and externally, what guidance does spirit have? So I'll start, I have two different cards. And I'm going to begin with the Oracle card, because that one is a little bit more straightforward. And when I first saw this question, I thought of the Kali energy. Like literally, I just said, that jumped at me. So this is a card from the Kali Oracle deck. A predestined series of events is due to occur according to divine timing. This has been orchestrated at a higher level to integrate the paths of people with whom you have soul contracts in this lifetime. Trust in the doors that close just as much as in the doors that open for you as a result. So that's beautiful right there. That's strong. Yes. With the transformation. Yeah, I agree with you. I mean, I just think that that's like, I'm giving it a moment of silence. I'm like digesting it. I mean, I just think that's really strong, because it's wide. It's like letting the things go. And then just stepping into who you are. I got the Queen of Fire and then Four of Water. And I really think that what you're saying about stepping into who you are is the Queen of Fire to me. And then like trusting that what's coming into you and what's going out to you, that trust is really feminine. And the spark of the fire is, you know, showcasing different ways, like creating what you want and planting those seeds does mean that shit that doesn't serve you will go. And then for the Four of Water in relation to that, it's like, okay, well, you're like focused on all of these things that are just not serving you. But then like spirit and your life and the universe or whatever you believe in the greater, the greater love and light that's working for you, is presenting you with an opportunity. So how can you tune into that, and tune into the opportunities that are being presented to you and tune into who you truly are, instead of like what you're accustomed to, or what feels comfortable, or what has served you in the past, because like, the past is going to change, because you're stepping into that Queen of Fire. And to really be that baddie, to be that bad bitch, or to be, you know, the coolest fucking bro, I don't know what y'all call each other, bros. To be just like, and just as the best individual that you can be. It is about being determined and devoted to what's being presented to you, and whatever that means. And maybe it's going to be a lot of turbulence, but it is serving for your greater good, and it is serving your greater good. And just like really anchoring into that, even if there is the flows of the water, and it feels like, ugh, look at that, look at that, focus on, like it will serve you, and you're going to, it's going to be great. Because it's the Queen of Fire. Yes, I love that very, very much. And to go off of that too, you know, the other card that I got was the Seven of Pentacles. So to take back off of what you were saying with like, trusting what doesn't happen and what does happen. The Seven of Pentacles has several messages. And I think for right now is that you did plant seeds to grow. And some of these seeds have flourished into a beautiful plant. But some of these plants don't align with who you've become, from the time that you planted the seeds to now. So it's just kind of like when you have plants or flowers that are annual plants versus ones that are seasonal. Maybe some things that you've done were seasonal. Some of the seeds that you planted were more of a seasonal thing in your life, versus some of the other things that you planted are more of a annual or lifetime thing that you're going to go through. So right now, going back to the Cali thing, again, some of those are closing someone's openings for you to continue going down this road. But also making sure that you tend to the things that you do enjoy, to the seeds and the flowers that you have right now that still bring you that passion, that still bring beauty into your life, that still add to your life. And you are that Queen of Fire energy, you know, you have to be devoted to yourself first. So that's the little last thing that I have there. That's just fucking brilliant. I swear it's in the air because the goddesses that I went to Scotland with were literally just talking about this, about like, maybe you don't know what you need to take out of your life, but just do what feels right. And that's gonna, you know, stir you or you know what you don't want. Okay, then just don't do that. And that will stir you. So yeah, I think that's a really strong answer. I was gonna say potent, pungent. You know that word? What is that word? Potent? Potent. That's a potent answer. Mm-hmm. Perfect. So with that being said, we hope that these cards and these messages have helped you. And I guess individually and collectively, because that's what this question said, individually and collectively. So whoever's listening to this, this message was also for you. And whoever asked this, this is especially for you as well. But yeah, hopefully this brings some peace and solace to your life, some authenticity, alignment, amor, and acceptance. Thank you so much for trusting us to even, you know, pull a card for you. I'm really grateful that you've listened up to now. Like, your time is so valuable. So thank you so much.

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