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LDRS Podcast #2

LDRS Podcast #2

Allison Praul



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The podcast episode discusses the CliftonStrengths personality test and how it reflects the host's personality and leadership style. The host shares her five CliftonStrengths results: strategic, discipline, positivity, consistency, and woo. She believes that these strengths suit her well and can help her work in an environment best suited for herself. Additionally, she explains how these strengths can benefit both herself and those around her, creating a positive work environment. The host also mentions the influence of her family on her personality and talks about her limitations, such as the struggle to delegate tasks. Hi, everyone, and welcome back to the Senior Season Podcast, Leadership Edition. This is Episode 2, and I am your host, Allie Perl. And today, we're kind of shifting gears and talking all about personality tests. And the main one I'm going to focus in on is the good old classic CliftonStrengths test. I know as students at Virginia Tech, we all took this freshman year, and everyone had it posted outside their dorm, and it was like, ooh, let's get a glimpse into these people and who they are. And so today, I'm kind of going to dive into my results and almost analyze them and how I think they reflect me in not only who I am as a person, but as well as a leader. So to start off, what are my results? My five CliftonStrengths results are strategic, discipline, positivity, consistency, and woo. And I feel like these suit me pretty well, especially the discipline, positivity, consistency. Honestly, all of them. I think they do sum me up very well as a person. So kind of connecting this to leadership. So how do these assessments help me be a better leader and team player, and how can I see themselves benefiting me in the future in my future endeavors? So I think knowing these results can kind of help me work in an environment best suited for myself. So I know I want to work in a very strategic place that challenges me in my work environment. Also, I'm an extremely disciplined person. I am always finishing one task before I move on to the next, and I know that. So I know I need to be in a work environment where I can check off tasks day to day to know that I am being productive in what I'm doing. And by knowing these results, these five results, they can also help me not only benefit myself, but as well as those around me so that those people can play to my strengths as well. Knowing that I am a positive person and I need that work environment, those around me can strive to achieve that as well, knowing that if I do have a positive work environment, that's when I'm going to be at my best. So not only do these results reflect myself and who I am as a person and a leader, it can help those around me and overall just creating a positive work environment. So one thing that I really want to hit on is the discipline one. My personality is extremely disciplined. I cannot move on to one thing until I get the previous one done. And so I think this can help me being a leader because I know that I can get one thing done and then move on to the next and then move on to the next. And I think that for me personally, that's good and that's a good quality to have as a leader because you can lead by example in that way of making sure that the tasks are getting done as necessary. So also as a future leader, I think they need to be positive. So not only myself, those around me and consistency. I think consistency is huge in a workplace, within a group project, whatever it may be. Being a leader, I think being a consistent individual is huge. You don't want to have those constant peaks and valleys. You want to be consistent in your work and your attitude and everything around you. So I think consistency, whether it be having a routine and meetings every Monday, whatever it may be, there are so many avenues of consistency in life. And for me, that's huge. So I think that is definitely something that reflects how I work and my overall personality. And woo. So winning others over, I always aim to please those around me. I want people to like me. I want them to enjoy my company, enjoy working with me. And so that's definitely something that I am very aware of. But it also makes me be a better person because I want to be a person that people want to be around and that they want to be with. So winning others over, I think it has its positives and negatives. But I think it can make me a better leader because it pushes me to be the best version of myself. And I think one of these factors that kind of goes into all of this and these five results and kind of who I am as a person today, a 21-year-old in Blacksburg, Virginia, how the heck did I get here, I think it has to do with my family and my family growing up. So especially on one side of my family, I have six cousins, seven including myself. I was the baby for the longest time until the seventh one came around. But every summer we would go up to my grandma's house in New York and spend time together. And I grew up in a very competitive household but a very loving household. And it was genuinely the greatest thing that I could have asked for growing up. I have such an amazing relationship with my cousins and aunts and uncles. And that love but competitiveness and cheeky side really is who I am. And I would not be myself if it weren't for my family. And so I do think that these five results are a reflection of that and who I was growing up and my core values that I grew up with, not only from my immediate family but my mom and dad's side of the family as well. So lastly, kind of hitting on for today, some limitations to my personality. One of my limitations is also one of my strengths. It's woo. It's winning others over, kind of like I touched on before. I always strive to please others. So even though if it's not necessarily what's best for me, I may still do it because I want those around me to be happy. So like I said, one of my top five strengths could be my weaknesses. And just another thing is delegation as a leader. I struggle to delegate things to people. And that's because I'm just very consistent with my work and I want to do everything. The way that I like it, and I'm very aware of this, in my sorority when I was the recruitment chair, I had such a hard time delegating things to my chairs. And I was so aware of it and people would be like, you need to do this. And I struggled with that. But over time, I think I'm getting better with it. So I think that definitely is one of my limitations as a leader is that sometimes I do struggle to delegate things to those around me, even though I know that they have great capabilities. So that's all for today. My CliftonStrengths results, kind of in a nutshell. Where did they come from? How do they reflect me? Because I think they really do. So I cannot wait to talk to you all on the next episode of Senior Season, the Leadership Edition, with your host, Allie Pearl.

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