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A & A Speaks Energy Work 3

A & A Speaks Energy Work 3




In this A & A Speaks episode we continue to explore energy work. What it is, how it works, and how it relates to the individual. We discuss intentional and unintentional consequences, sigils, constructs, spell work and rituals. Mr. Mage joined us as a guest speaker to expand our understanding from his journey and personal exploration with energy work. Feel free to join our Discord community, Empathic's Journey. You can find us on Discord or through Disboard. https://discord.gg/X2RnSje74T

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This is a conversation about energy work and how it relates to different aspects of our lives. The participants discuss examples of energy work, such as prayer, creating sigils, and performing rituals. They explore the idea that energy is a fundamental aspect of these practices, and that attention and intention play a role in directing and attracting energy. They also touch on unintentional activation of sigils and the potential for unintentional use of energy in our emotions. Hey, Mr. Mage. Welcome, Mr. Mage. You're welcome to talk until you have to leave if you'd like. We'll go ahead and get started. There you are. Here I am. Okay, we'll get started. I'm Adfang. And I am A.K. Lady. Welcome to this week's episode, a continuation on what energy work is, what it means, and how it relates to each of us. Welcome. We have a guest speaker with us that'll be here for a little while, Mr. Mage. That's me. Welcome, Mr. Mage. Glad to have you here with us again. Yeah, it's a pleasure. All righty. And this week's episode of ANA Speaks, Adfang, would you like to lead us off? Sure. So we've been doing a small series here on energy work and kind of what it is. I think today let's focus on other things that require energy or maybe use energy just because of the way it works. We were talking a little bit before this and an example that, just getting right into it, an example that I gave is whenever we pray to a deity we're doing some type of energy work because we're giving our intentions and sending them to whatever deity asking for something or whatever. And that's a good example of either unintentional energy work if people are not aware of it, but there are others. We discussed some other ones. Do you want to speak about some of the other ones? Yeah. We talked about creating sigils, constructs, spell work, or any type of ritual work are other ways that we use energy in a way that we may not necessarily be aware of because it's the thought and the intention. And I'm going to actually ask Mr. Mage to share his thoughts and ideas on that with us as well. On sigils specifically or... Let's start with sigils. Okay. And kind of how that relates to the energy work. Okay. Yeah, sigils are interesting because on their own they are a drawing. There's nothing necessarily inherently magical about ink on a page or paint on a canvas. And I think something that a fair number of people kind of understand intuitively is that it is your interaction with these artifacts that makes them magical or makes them work, however you decide to explain that functionality to yourself. So if we understand energy as in energy work as the ability to... sorry, like the fundamental description of energy is the stuff you need to do work essentially. So if we're defining that energy as the ability to cause spooky action at a distance, the resource used for that, then inherently you have to assume that that is involved in the functionality of anything, whether it's sigils or rituals or anything else. It's a matter of paradigm, of course. Not everyone agrees that energy work is... or that energy is central to everything, but I think there's a pretty compelling case that whether it has to be or not, it certainly can be used as sort of a universal way of understanding and interfacing with all sorts of different paradigms, which is relevant in part because sigils are really a mainstay of chaos magic in which the central stated goal is to understand sort of the metamagical principles that are common between all systems. So I think energy work and chaos magic go kind of hand-in-hand just because of their mutual attempts at universality and sigils, especially with their degree of proliferation today, fit right in with that almost no matter what your personal background is. Whether you're a Tumblr witch or you've been making sigils since you were doing acid in the 80s, sigils are kind of everywhere among practitioners these days. Thank you for sharing that. I'm going to ask you one question, though, because you said a Tumblr witch. Could you enlighten me on what that is? Just to clarify, do you not know, or do you want me to clarify for the audience? I honestly have not heard that term before. I'm totally curious. Are you familiar with Tumblr? It's sort of a social media micro-blogging thing that was really popular around, I guess, like 2010 to 2014. So it would be like any social media type? Yeah, like a TikTok witch. That's what I thought. I just wanted the clarification. Absolutely. Thank you for sharing that very in-depth understanding of sigils and how they go hand-in-hand with energy work. I know that Ed Fang brought up prayer as a way that we use energy and maybe are not exactly aware of the energy or the infusion, the intent that we put into it as a means of asking or receiving guidance, information. I think that's pretty well clarified. Ed Fang, would you like to talk about constructs? Yes. We've talked about constructs multiple times on the podcast. It's basically just taking energy and making it do something or have it do an action for you, whether that be shielding, whether it be attacking. I mean, you could literally, anything that you can think of, you can try and make a construct to do it. So the act of making a construct inherently has energy implied with it. But yeah, I mean, energy is definitely part of making a construct. I don't know if I'm missing anything there. Basically, you can do anything that you want with it to try and make it do something, and then you just need to see whether or not it works. Beautiful. And I know that I threw out spells and rituals as a way of utilizing or harnessing energy where the practitioner utilizes the intention or the use of specific thoughts, motions to create that energy. So like in a cord cutting, right, it's very cut and dry what we want to achieve. We're very clear in what we set up as the outline for what we want to achieve. And I think that for me, and I'm going to ask you guys both to follow in with this, because to me, in these aspects of energy work, we are dealing with thought and intention. Would you agree or disagree? What is your stance, either of you? So an expression that was really popular for a while back, quite a few years ago now, I guess, is that energy follows attention. And so this was sort of big when everyone was talking about, I don't know what it's called, the secret, I think that's what it was, is that the things that you're giving attention are things that end up drawing energy both from the world and from you in kind of a more direct way. So yeah, no, I think there's definitely something to be said for that. I don't know, I'm kind of interested in the idea that either if everything is fundamentally, if you drill down deep enough, a function of energy, or that it's in the opposite direction, that maybe it's like a convenient not scapegoat, but filler for just whatever we don't know how to explain, and maybe there's a ton of different discrete mechanisms in place that we just can't understand, so we just call it energy. But whatever is going on, attention and maybe farther than that, will, like the focused, intentional attention that we use in, or that some people call gnosis, or whatever you want to call it, trance, et cetera, that we use to enact magical change clearly directs or channels or attracts energy in some way. To follow, I have a tangential question to this topic, which is we know people who, like an energy vampire, who may be taking energy from you, or things, but whenever it comes to something such as, let's say, you look at a sigil that the activation mechanism is looking at it, would you agree that that is, somehow, someone may unintentionally activate a sigil? Like, is that a possibility? Sure. Yeah. Kind of the same thing happens when people unintentionally get cursed, or people unintentionally pick up a spirit somewhere that pays attention to them. Inherently, anything that is made of or functions with energy is going to function with some level of consciousness, and it's going to function based on mind and attention, whether that was the design or not. So, yeah. No, certainly. A sigil could be activated, you know, incidentally. Probably not, like, remotely close to it completely, as if you were doing so intentionally and, you know, following protocols or whatever. But you can certainly sort of brush up against what's going on in the background very easily, very unintentionally, and I think a lot of people, especially sensitives, tend to experience that. You know, they walk into a space where people practice all the time, and it's a lot. It's not necessarily that whatever's going on is paying attention to them. It's just that they inadvertently sort of automatically, just by being in the space and paying attention to it, are interfacing with those things going on in the background. Yeah, kind of going along the same tangent and staying on topic is our unintentional uses of energy that may happen whenever we're maybe angry, even happy, pretty much any emotion towards something. We could unintentionally psychically attack someone just because they make us very angry and we don't really think about the, like these negative thoughts that we have towards them could manifest in some way to perform some negative action in their life somehow. Same thing could go with like being happy and you could experience something that gives you joy and it maybe kind of makes you radiate this energy so other people may be able to feel it, especially those that are sensitive. That was something else that we were discussing before we began the podcast. Yeah, for sure. Like I feel any time that we, especially if as sensitive, if we are in a highly charged or in an emotional state, it kind of, for lack of a better term, could leak off of us and have unintentional consequences. So you're feeling very euphoric or you've had really great news, something really wonderful has happened and if you kind of take a step back and observe people around you, they definitely start to respond in a positive way where everybody's in a much more lighter or brighter mood that can be the opposite of the anger issue, right? Yeah, definitely. Sometimes you can just walk into a room and just notice that someone just is happy or angry or whatever and it's just because whatever has happened has made a significant impact on their current state of being that they're just releasing that without even knowing it. Yeah, exactly. How would so we would classify that as unintentional use or awareness of energy, right? Even though the person that is exposed to it can subtly pick up on it but not necessarily be aware that they are utilizing or interacting, maybe I need to say interacting with energy, correct? Would we all agree with that? Yeah. Something that I just thought of that may be relatable is if, I'm sure everybody has watched Scrubs or a majority of people have watched some episodes of Scrubs, there's an episode where J.D. says that anger travels and throughout the episode it starts with one person who's very angry and then they do some type of mean or hateful act towards another and then it makes them angry and then it cascades down all the way through the ranks so throughout the day everybody gets angry for some reason or another and it just messes with everybody. Yeah. It's not like everyone affected by that was even aware that that's what was affecting them. That's very much in line with the reality for empathic populations. I agree 100%. That's a great analogy too. Thank you for sharing that. I think it's important if we're feeling some way, if we randomly feel happy or sad or angry, we should look and take a step back and go, am I being affected by something else that has happened today or is there someone around me that's bleeding through and affecting me instead of just letting it affect us as is. Are you an energy worker or a therapist, Ed Fang? Come on. Yes. I am not a registered therapist but these are good things to keep in mind, especially those who are more connected or empathic. Yeah, for sure. It can be, for me, it can be a different place of work. We need to be aware before you go into work to understand your mood or what frequency you're in and watch how it progresses throughout the day. Or it can be as simple as going to the grocery store and how were you before if you notice a change as opposed to how you were when you left. But for me it's really important for people to understand that even though we may be bombarded by other people's energy, frequency, whatever, however we want to talk about it, we still have control over what we allow to affect or how we do allow it to affect us. If we are aware or self-aware, then we can shift in one way or the other. Go ahead. You go ahead. I was just going to say I think making self-awareness a habit is useful kind of across the board in and out of metaphysical contexts. Correct. My only comment was going to be that if you work from home even though you're not physically around other people but you're going to be talking to other people, you may still see that happening. Which would seem kind of weird because you're not around them but really you are because us speaking is transferring energy unintentionally but also sometimes intentionally. Someone definitely who is not more cognizant of what's going on, they may be talking to you very angrily over the phone and sending a whole bunch of negative energy and you're like, wow, why do I feel like crap the rest of the day? Well, because someone did that. 100%. The more we are aware and start to understand energy and what it may mean or how it relates to us will, in all aspects of life like Mr. Mage touched on, it will make a difference in how we can continue to move forward in the exploration. Yeah, and I do make a point whenever I speak to others, even in work, in energy work, just in general, I try to make sure that whenever I say things, either the energy that's implied with what's said is either there on purpose or if it's not, try to make it a more positive experience. Even if whatever is being discussed may be something kind of negative or bad, trying to make sure we keep that negativity as low as possible. Alternatively, you can weaponize your bad emotions and be an asshole. As much as we do try to promote feeling good, being good, being kind, that is occasionally the right solution. It's important not to take that off the table. There have been situations where no amount of being polite or being kind would solve the problem, but about 20 seconds of appearing to be a threat would completely solve the situation. I don't think that's a good first option. I don't think it's healthy or awesome, but it's an option that we shouldn't ignore. Yeah, I agree with you. That's a really good point to make because a lot of times we may be too focused on not trying to cause harm that the fact of causing harm may actually be better in the long term and stop potentially the act of sending out those negative thoughts or maybe getting into a heated argument before you have the chance to maybe address it in a different way is more like nipping it in the bud rather than letting this continue and elongate through. I think especially if you're a manager or if you're someone who looks over other employees that's probably something that you have to do a lot is to make that judgment call of how you're going to address a specific issue and the whole way that it's addressed is going to impact not only yourself but also the trajectory of that person. Tough love, definitely sometimes a little further. It's all situationally dependent. Correct, and I agree with what you said and also what Mr. Mage said because I really believe that we have all the gambit of emotions that we experience for a reason. Sometimes anger is required whether it's to fuel a fire, whether it's to spur action, whether or not it is utilized in a way that is natural to the person experiencing it. Now, that's not to say that we want to get stuck in a loop because just like any emotion it can be a detriment if we just solely rely on one and we're not balanced but I do feel that it definitely is important to allow yourself to experience it because it will help you process and discernment. Everything that we do we should be utilizing some level of discernment and knowing that each situation is different and therefore we shouldn't shy away from something just because somebody tells us it's a negative emotion or it's bad or wrong because we are supposed to experience them in the entire gambit in which they flow. So that was a great segue. So I greatly appreciate Mr. Mage's input on that. Let me ask you because we had talked about energy work and you brought up the telekinesis and psychokinesis. Was there anything that you would like to share or elaborate on for everyone here? I got side pulled onto something else. No worries. Before we move on I had something I wanted to say about what you were saying. If I can remember what it was. I think it was I've lost it. I wish I could remember it. I got pulled away for a second. It will come back eventually. So it was about the necessity of utilizing our emotion? Yeah. I've lost it. I had it and I lost it. It's okay. It obviously wasn't important so we can move on. So you were asking about psychokinesis, telekinesis and energy work. So psychokinesis for those who aren't familiar is basically moving something with the mind. Also known as telekinesis. And then there are people will try to give them subgenres. So like aerokinesis would be moving the air. Pyrokinesis would be moving fire. Or not necessarily even moving, just using energy to do something with it. So for pyrokinesis you can see people sometimes create a fire. Or like light a candle is a really good example. Or move a candle flame back and forth. The thing to keep in mind with this is that these skills are still kind of under the umbrella of energy work. So to move air with your mind is going to require a good understanding of how energy works, how you're able to kind of flow the energy through you and the ability to really focus in and have that goal in mind and that intent and be able to transfer that intent into energy and make it happen. So going into these physical abilities, psychokinesis, is going to require that underlying understanding of energy work. And I think that gets overlooked some. And this is also not to say that someone who doesn't practice any other type of energy work at all, they can just do psychokinesis. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that you could definitely go along and do nothing but make a pencil roll or move something in the water. I mean, there are countless things you can do. But understanding the underlying energy work below it and practicing and doing other things with energy is definitely going to help you get your goal of doing psychokinesis. Excellent. Now, there are other ways besides telekinesis and psychokinesis. I'm going to ask you because my brain blipped on a thought process when you were talking about PK. So we talk about energy healing, right, distance energy healing, all of that type of work, which to me is kind of classic energy work. But it also, something sparked that it felt like energy healing could also be or is linked with like PK. Does that make sense to you? Do you understand? Yeah, I understand where your thought process is going. There was an arrow kind of drawn. It's not maybe the same thing but it would be adjacent to perhaps. Would you agree with that? So let's look at it from the perspective of someone who is just sending energy to heal someone. Let's say their mom is feeling sick and they just know with energy they can send energy with the intent of healing someone and it kind of does its thing. For all intents and purposes for that person that can work and that's great. Under the hood, so to speak, we can look at things on a more biological level. So let's say for instance you have someone who's having maybe like a migraine or a cluster headache. We know that this is caused through all kinds of reasons. They could have it due to too much caffeine, a lack of water, just all kinds of reasons that can cause that headache or migraine. So what we can do on an energetic level is not only sending energy for healing but have that energy specifically work on that specific mechanism of action. If they have a lack of water, try and move some water somehow through the body to get to their brain to kind of diminish that headache. Is this going to harm their body overall? No, it's not. You're just redirecting some things that may not be used elsewhere. But ultimately what does the person need to do? They're going to need to drink water because we can't transmit water non-physically at least as of yet. So we may be unintentionally performing psychokinesis on others when healing just based off of our knowledge of biology and our knowledge of what's going on with the person. Thank you for expounding on that. Like I said, it was kind of a weird little tangent that popped up. So thank you for exploring that. This is a good example of how you may not know how energy is doing something, but you still have something in mind that you want to get done, and the energy does it for you. So this can be done for anything. You can have some idea of what you want to get done. So for instance, let's say you want to move some water inside of a container. Just giving the intent to the energy to move the water, the energy will more or less do what you want it to do with your intent, but with more practice and experimentation and figuring out, well, whenever you do this specifically, it causes a greater effect. That's just through experiencing things and learning from what you've done previously. But it's totally okay if you're just saying, okay, I want to move the water, and you know what happens, however that works for you. But it can be with anything. So don't feel like you need to have an in-depth understanding of how absolutely everything works with everything that you ever work with, because the energy will do what you want it to do. It may not be as effective, but it will get the job done. Correct. Now let's talk about someone that's fairly new to energy work, and they're starting to explore and understand things that we did not necessarily realize were possible or possible, such as sending energy to help heal different things for other people, because that's generally, in my experience, that's kind of where it comes from. It comes from a place of caring and concern for people that we care about, right? So we're like, okay, that person isn't feeling good. I'm going to send you energy. Let's talk about some consequences when we're still trying to figure out our own energy system and how energy works and flows within us with the exchange. Are you open to doing that? This is a fairly in-depth explanation, because it depends on what's being done. Are we going to use the example of healing someone? We can use whatever example you feel comfortable with, and we can maybe elaborate in a further episode if we feel like it would be determined that it would be important to do so. But I think that there are unintentional issues that may arise that people are not necessarily aware of, so I think it would be wise to expound and share with others what potential pitfalls or experiences could be. Let's use the example of fixing a migraine. That's a good one just to start with, and we can always have a podcast dedicated to healing at some point in the future. But let's pick the migraine. Someone who is just starting will know you can manipulate the energy in your body. You can use it to do something to make constructs. The first thing that someone may notice is that they may be using their own energy to do the healing, which in turn may cause them to get some type of side effects, such as getting tired. It depends on if they do it a lot, if they use a lot of their energy. They could experience tiredness. They could develop a headache, depending on how intense the healing goes. They could, you know, all kinds of side effects from using too much energy. I think specifically what should be what should be sorry, got a call come in, what should be looked at is that you don't necessarily have to use your energy to do what you're wanting to do in energy work. So, for instance, you may have let's say you have like a storage device that you collect energy in. Instead of using the energy that's inside of your energy system, you could use an external energy source, such as this storage device, or pick anything else, and you can use your intent and then send that for the healing, if that works for you. That way you're not going to drain yourself of a ton of energy and possibly cause side effects. That may be the first thing that people may notice when doing some type of energy work for healing or even doing anything else. Yeah, I agree with that. Usually, I think the overexertion of energy use workage for healing and different types of things, one of the first things I think that people start to notice, one is fatigue, and two is usually some type of a headache. Because we are not sure exactly how we're using the energy, we just know that we are setting the intention and doing so. To me, I like to describe it as kind of pathways. We're creating new pathways within our energy system as we start to develop. Be aware of potential outcomes that you may not be used to. Yeah, definitely. Another thing that people may want to be aware of with healing is, and this is going a little more advanced, I guess, whenever we either connect with someone else or we work with someone else, there are some unintended consequences that you may have, such as if you're helping someone with one issue, if you're not careful with the way that you work, it could kind of trail its way back to you, maybe not as severe, but once again, a headache is a good example. You working with someone to help their headache, but in the process, you may kind of fix their headache, but then you start to develop one because the connection, it kind of trails back to you. I'm not sure if you have that experience or have experienced it. No, I definitely am familiar with it, especially in the beginning of my understanding of energy work for myself. Yeah, that's kind of where communication is really important, too, because I'm going to roll back to shielding. For me, who is a person that experiences migraines consistently, I am very careful and protective of those people that connect with my energy. If we want to relate it to shielding, I kind of keep a bubble up so that someone else isn't necessarily or unintentionally affected by what I experience. Does that make sense? Yeah, you create kind of a buffer zone, so to speak. Yeah, exactly. Working with my shielding, it's really important that I don't allow people to really connect to get to that buffer to my energy because it would not be fair for someone else to experience that. It's very similar to me with emotion. Emotion, right? Because there's this infinite or finite balance between understanding what we experience and being able to connect, which allows us to potentially experience what someone else is experiencing. For a really long time, it was really important to be up front with the person that's connecting with you or reading you because it's like we are doing energy work right now, right? We're doing energy work right now, right? We're doing energy work right now, right? We're doing energy work right now, right? We're doing energy work right now, doing energy work, and it's like, whoa, all of a sudden I feel like this contact high or I feel kind of floaty. It was really important to be able to communicate so that the other person would be aware and not think that the experience was not explainable. Does that make sense? Definitely. Right? So it's not just about consent, but it's about being open and allowing the other person to understand that they may experience something because of this. It's like if I meet somebody who drinks a lot of caffeine or is extremely nervous, right? I feel like I can feel the pounding in my chest. I can feel the fluttering and then it's like, oh, or anxiety even. If you connect with somebody with really bad anxiety, it can be a wild experience because all of a sudden you're taking on all of this energy and this experience that goes along with whatever they may be experiencing, right? I agree with you a lot on this. There are a few things that I slightly disagree with, and that's whenever we're going to scan someone else, I think that if the other person is experiencing something such as they're under the influence of some type of drug or substance or if they're having just a really bad day or something's going on, I think, yes, that that should be mentioned beforehand for the other person. In the same token, and I don't mean to be contrary, if you tell someone that you're experiencing these things, then it's going to alter what they're looking at whenever they scan you. There's kind of a fine line and a balancing act between getting that accurate scan or reading while maintaining boundaries on both sides. I think in that instance, this would be a good reason that you should develop some type of good shielding to prevent that stuff from coming to you. I agree with you, and I don't feel that you are being contrary. That discussion came about because when someone is new and learning and practicing and beginning to develop and understand, there should be some kind of communication. That doesn't mean that it has to be disclosed because when I offer readings for people, I always clarify, I'm not going to tell you. I can't guarantee who, what is going to come through. There are things that I say, but when I connect with a person's energy and I feel like, yeah, I do have a buffer, but I also know that I need to experience because it validates what they are experiencing. Say I'm reading for a sitter. I will know right away. I'm like, okay, do me a favor. You're not quite grounded. Let's take a deep breath because this is what I'm experiencing. It feels like you've drank way too much caffeine today or had a pot of coffee or quite a few energy drinks back-to-back. That will be a way to open the door so that they know I'm not, I hate to say it, but scamming them. Do you know what I'm saying? I just drank a Monster and a Red Bull. Okay. Wow. Okay. Thank you. It gives confirmation, but in a space like this where we have new people coming through and may not be aware of what they might experience, I think that it can go either way. If you feel like you want to disclose, that's one thing. If not, and you want the other person to experience it because you're not sure how to shield either or, one party or both parties are not sure necessarily how to create that, that can be a different experience, but it can be a very validating one. That used to be a rule, and then we've backed off of that. It's also, if we look at fairness, if somebody is reading for someone and they're not quite sure what to experience or they feel like they've gotten slammed with something or they feel high on something, it's kind of like a contact high, right? That may be a little troubling for the other person, so it's going to be per individual per experience. Does that make sense? Yeah, and I agree with the shielding or some level or aspect of it because it doesn't deflect because we're still allowing the experience to happen. It just may mitigate some of the experience. Do we have any questions? We have a couple of people left in the audience. We have Grace and Sketchy. Do we have any questions that you'd like to ask before we close down this week's podcast? Any nuggets of wisdom from you, Edfang? Again, I'm going to put that on a t-shirt. Don't spill your drink and you won't get wet. No, I'm just going to put um. Okay, Sketch has asked to Edfang, that's me, what do you recommend for shielding so that you are blocked from things like people under the influence but it doesn't block the information you can get? That's a very good question. Personally, I can't tell you of the way that's going to work for you because whenever we start with blocking things from other people, we are inherently going to start blocking information that we could potentially be gathering. So, you are going to have to find that balance between blocking out that sensation or blocking out anything they may be experiencing and that you're going to get back from that reading or working with them versus the success of what you're trying to do. Anytime we deal with blocking something, preventing something from coming through, there is going to be that tradeoff. There are other ways to approach that other than shielding that are a little more complicated so that you're not affected by them and I think we should just leave it there for now and we can maybe discuss those things at a later time. We can go back to, I would say maybe not necessarily focus on blocking things out. I know the question was not directed to me but I have to share my two cents anyways. I would think of more like implanting a type of limiter. So, you're still receiving but the intensity to which you are receiving would be slightly limited or not enhanced but dehanced. I know that's not a word but Great question. So, I think we can end it for today. As usual, we're going to go over to or at least I'm going to go over to the general voice chat for any further discussions. Our little after party so to speak. But otherwise thank you guys for listening. I'm Matt Fing. Thank you for being here with us today. I'm AK Lady and thanks for joining us. We'll see you guys next time. Bye.

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