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A & A Speaks 5




A & A Speaks Episode 5 Astral Projection Series: 2 Further discussion, exploration of AP methods. Answering community questions. Sharing personal experiences and examples. Come on and join us in Empathic's Journey https://discord.gg/X2RnSje74T

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Condescending. Welcome Bark and Bite. AK is having a little bit of technical difficulty. AK, try leaving and rejoining and see if that fixes it. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Mr. Mage, those are currently in process. They'll be posted eventually. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? A little wine. We're going to be right back to figure this out. Give us just a few. Okay. Checking now. AK is going to come back. All right. Can you hear me now? Yep. It's working now. Oh. Gotta love the chaos. All righty. Wow. How about we begin by saying welcome to A&A Speaks. I'm AK Lady. And I'm Adfang. How's everybody doing today? I'm doing all right. How about yourself? I'm doing well. Cannot complain. Craig is a trooper. Craig was one of the first ones here. I think Mr. Mage beat him by a little bit. Yes, he did. We got a thumbs up from Mr. Mage that things are going all right. Perfect. Well, it looks like we lost Roo and Bark and Bite. But that is okay. This week's topic for our podcast is a continuation of our series on AP, astral projection. So we wanted to talk about different techniques, share some experiences, and where there might be crossovers. Does that sound good, Mr. Mage? Do you have any questions? You are an attentive audience. Thank you. Adfang, would you like us to start with covering Splash's questions? Because she asked a whole lot of questions in our A&A podcast questions channel. Let me take a look. They were pretty good ones, actually. Yeah, we can cover these. So their first question was, does the overall vibration slash frequency of a person affect the AP experience of a person, like in which realm he may go to or how easily he may AP? That's a good question. Do you want to start with your thoughts and opinions? Oh, no. You go ahead. Thank you. I think that yes and no. So I don't know that necessarily the frequency of the person, if they're emotionally bogged down or really heavy, where it may be suboptimal. I'm going to put it like that. So the higher, you know, the more open you are, of course, the easier it becomes. It's like being able to get into that relaxed state to allow things to move forward. As to what realm a person may go to, that, to me, that kind of filters into setting intention. And I guess maybe if your frequency is really dense or heavy, you may stay in the lower aspects. But still, astral projection is really connecting with your astral form, part of your light body, which allows you to kind of go into other spaces. So I don't want to get too much in the weeds there. So I hope that helps. What are your thoughts and opinions on that particular question, Adfein? Yeah, so I'm going to say that yes. But I would say for people who are just starting out projecting, it's not going to be in any meaningful way that's going to affect them. It depends on where you're trying to project to and what you're trying to accomplish. And just taking the vibrational state that they have or the frequency that they would have just as one parameter of everything else that's going on, I don't think that it's going to be a big influence on where they may land or how easy they're going to have the time for projecting. I think your vibrational state is going to matter maybe on some more in-depth things that you may be doing while projecting, but not for your overall experience. I agree with that, especially when you're kind of in the beginning of understanding and getting a hang of it. It's just kind of important to see what you experience. Their second question, and thank you for answering that, Adfein. Their second question from Spiritual Splash is, what is the role of astral projection in one's spiritual journey? What new experiences is a person open to when he or she is able to astral project versus when they are not able to astral project? So, I mean, astral projection, you're going to get out of it whatever you want to get out of it, I guess. It's not a uniform answer for everyone. I can't say that everyone is going to get these three specific things out of it. It's really dependent on how you want your journey to progress and the goals that you have in mind. As far as things that pretty much are uniform, you're going to probably get better at scanning and sensing just as that's kind of part of the process. You may also find yourself getting better at energy manipulation and just general control of energy just because of the way that things transpire on the astral or whatever plane you're going to be projecting to. But as far as what you're going to get out of it, it's going to be totally dependent on what your goals are and what you're trying to do. I agree with that as well. The role of astral projection in the individual spiritual journey, it's going to vary on the individual. It's dependent on what your goals are, what you're seeking to achieve, what you're hoping to develop or understand. That totally is up to the individual. It's not necessary, but it could be a helpful tool in the toolbox. Yeah, the experience definitely, it will help you scan. It will help you, in my opinion, it helps a person understand how energy may move and how energy from individual to individual can interact together. It can be used to understand, for me, flow, connectivity, and kind of how we are more aware of the universal kind of grander scheme of things. That would be what I would say would be a big experience to someone. It brings some clarification in some aspects to someone who is able to AP versus someone who is not practicing AP. I hope that has some clarification there. Those are just my ideas and opinions. I agree. To add, Feng, the third question Splash has, if one is a psychic reader and wanted to expand their practice, help others giving them readings or healings, what role does AP play in this? Then she says, in parentheses, summoning up the last two, so question two and three, what is the potential of AP is kind of what she is trying to get at in total. Yes, so I think there are – it's got multiple questions inside of the one question that they asked. If you're a psychic reader or – I don't know if they're asking if they're a tarot reader or if they're a medium or anything of that sort, projecting can have all kinds of benefits to your practice by being able to find other entities and speak to them. It's – yes, as far as giving people readings or healing, sometimes it helps people if they can get more of a link to that person, so they could project to that person's physical place or wherever they are, and they may feel a stronger connection for them to do their work. So it's kind of an open question that I'm not sure I can answer for a general person. It's going to be different for everyone. Yes, I would agree with that for sure. Yes, it is kind of a sticky question because it is very open-ended. I would say in my experience that it definitely – being able to astral project when you're connecting with a person for healing purpose, I would say that that is extremely beneficial because it'll allow you to have a closer understanding maybe of what the issue is that's going on instead of just like feeling if you can connect and then move yourself to that location where you can also observe a little more directly. It'll allow some fine-tuning. That would be what I would say about that one. What is the potential of astral projection? Unlimited. It's as limited as you decide that you feel it should be limited to. It can be very beneficial, and it can be very helpful in any and all aspects of spiritual practice, work, psychic, any type of whatever psi avenue you want to fill into. It can be very beneficial. Yes, I agree. It's hard to state what the potential of a specific skill is or a specific thing that you can do because you can do pretty much anything with anything really. It just depends on whether or not that's going to be the correct avenue or the best avenue to go about something. I would agree that you're kind of limitless in a – I would want to say level-headed way, I guess, just to keep that in mind as well. But you can always try anything and see if it's possible to do or if that's something that works for you. Never be afraid to try something. Exactly, yes, because then you're just holding yourself back. Splash's fourth question, is it possible that some people AP very effortlessly and without their own knowledge? If yes, how can they become more aware? So I've met people who – and myself, and I guess you sometimes too – will find themselves projecting somewhere. They start being able to kind of sense different surroundings, different things going on, and be able to describe them and then come to find out that, well, they're actually half projecting somewhere and they're able to pick up on details that just kind of happen. I can't speak on how common that is or how often it happens. You may have a little more insight to that. But I wouldn't say it's too uncommon for you to find yourself kind of experiencing or sensing something that's definitely not where you are and find that you're actually maybe half projecting. Yeah, I agree with that. I will say that not too long ago I think I came across a study that cited that 11% of the population astral project at some time, whether or not that's a single one-time use path, whether it's spontaneous, that was kind of the theme of the study, as opposed to people who are working on it. If you're consistent in your practice from the research, I recall, then that doubled the amount. It went from 11% of the population across the world would say that they had a situation where they became aware that they were projecting someplace. Then people that kind of focused on it or a little more started to practice, it bumped up to like 22%. Statistically, and this was a random study, the numbers stuck because I was like, oh, that's pretty interesting. Is it possible? I think that people do, and I'll use the term spontaneously project in different ways. I think it's more about becoming kind of conscious or aware that you're doing it. Because I think a lot of times it will happen for people either in sleep or in a dream where then they become lucid and then we have that out of body and we're in a different plane type of experience. When I realized that I thought it was, I'll be honest, I actually reached out to Ed Fang and was talking to him because I thought it was remote viewing. But in the same time, I was astral projecting and it was really kind of surreal. It's a little disconcerting because it's like, oh, why is this happening? Then we just, you kind of have to sit back and decide whether you're going to be scared, whether you want to continue on or you want to try to harness and see because why is it happening, right? What's the why? Why is it happening? Some people can do so without becoming aware, and that's okay, too. It's all about practice. If you want to become more aware, then stop and look around. Pull your consciousness back in and realize that we're a little more than just our physical frames. Be willing to be open to explore, right? Then like everything that we kind of seem to talk about, it's exercise, it's practice, it's development. The further you lean into it and find a method that works for you, you have more control. Then you get the ball rolling where it becomes much more easy because you don't have all of the hangups and the fears and everything that are kind of weighing you down, and you're just like, well, this is really cool. I want to see how far I can take it kind of thing, right? Right. So hopefully that helps. Since you mentioned this, remote viewing while APing, and I'm guessing they're asking, can you remote view or is there like a similarity between remote viewing and astral projection? In my experience, yes. So you shared with me the term bilocating, right? I'm going to ask you to give your definition because it is a little more clear than how I would describe it, but can you do that, and then I'll follow up with your tangent. So I would describe bilocating more as moving your consciousness to another location while still physically aware. So you're not actually projecting there per se, but your consciousness is. Okay. Okay, gotcha. So when we talk about remote viewing, right, we're talking about sending our consciousness out to connect with, look at something, find something that may be hidden, connect with different things, seeing something that is out of our physical parameters, right? That's kind of remote viewing in a nutshell. Yeah. I think it's important to note that astral projection, remote viewing, and bilocation are all very similar. And you can say that some of these can do similar things that all the other ones do. So let's say, for instance, you wanted to bilocate to a friend of yours and like tap them on the shoulder. A simple way, you know. You can do that by a bilocation, you know, bilocating to their location. You can also do a similar thing with astral projection. So you can project there or half AP and do a similar thing of trying to make, you know, make them sense that tap. But for remote viewing, you would be able to see the person, but you wouldn't be able to interact with them. So I think it's just – I think bilocation is essentially, you know, moving your consciousness there but not projecting there. Remote viewing is simply taking a look at it and then astral projection is actually projecting to the location. So in all cases, I would say that you are essentially remote viewing. And while astral projecting, you can also be bilocating. So some people say that it's kind of the same thing, that astral projection and bilocating is the same thing. But I wouldn't say bilocating is necessarily the same thing as astral projection. And that's really getting into the weeds of what each of them are, but hopefully that's a little clearer for people who are wondering that question. Yeah, no, and that's a great description. You know, it makes a little more understanding or the ability to understand because there are very finite differences. So, like, I would say a person is in meditation. They are in their physical body. And then all of a sudden, they spontaneously pop astral project to another location. And within that secondary location that they're astral projecting in, they can discern something or have their attention called to something. And then you can – that you feel is – so it's kind of like triangulation, right? So you can see something else, and then part of your consciousness then focuses on that while you're in your physical body, you're in an – APing in a different location, and then you're kind of hyper-focusing on what item or object that drew your attention. So that could be a way to kind of understand the connection between remote viewing and APing or being able to remote view while projecting. Is that – does that make sense, or is that too kind of woo? I know. I definitely get it. Okay. So let's go back to Splash's questions. Let's see. They are asking what they call a very sci-fi movie type question, whether or not we can see future and past timelines while projecting, and if we can see various future timelines in AP. So I'm guessing they mean, like, if you didn't step on the butterfly, what would have happened or what – you know, that kind of thing. I'll let you start. Thank you. That's a really great question. It depends on the person, and it's going to depend, I would say, on how finely tuned some of your other abilities are. And is that your intention? So, like, are we talking about potentially tapping into the Akashic Field while astral projecting? Then, yes, you definitely could, but you definitely need permission. I would say that the various future timelines in AP would be more along a vision quest. So I'm – I don't want to say no, but I want to say that would be – a very tenuous place to be, and I would be curious as to the reason behind it. So, like, we can go to other planes, other locations. You can go to different dimensionalities. So if we're looking at it from that aspect, 100 percent, yep, because you can see different variations. But then again, it's a little bit difficult to say yes or no. It would have to be how a person is actually tuned. That's going to be where I'm going to leave it. What about you, Adfane? So I'm going to say this is a very interesting question, and I can see the appeal for such a thing. I'm going to say no asterisk. And the reason why I'm going to say that is because projection and the astral plane itself, theoretically, since it's just more or less kind of a transient state of consciousness that can be changed on will. And I would say there are limits to that personally, but in this particular situation, we're talking about – and I think they're alluding to maybe something like dimension shifting of some sort. I think that it would be more probable that you could see past timelines because they are things that have previously happened. But as far as trying to delve into the future, I mean, you would also kind of argue that, well, it's kind of, you know, if you can see into the past, then you should be able to see into the future because it's kind of, you know, the opposite of each. Our minds are super inventive, and they can come up with lots of things with very little information fed to them. So I would be wary of any type of precognizance that you would try and gather while astral projecting. I think developing actual precognizance outside of the astral plane and outside of astral projection would be more in line with, you know, actually seeing potential future timelines, potential future things. So, yeah, I'm going to say no, but I'm going to asterisk it by saying that technically yes, but the use of it is not in any real tangible, you know, useful way for you. Yeah, 100%, because, you know, future is, it's always in flux, right? And unless you're going to make the choices and decisions for whomever, whether it's yourself, which you're only going to still be able to see certain outcomes. So it's a very ineffectual way to look at things or to even kind of waste a whole lot of time, thought, effort, and energy by something that consistently shifts. So, yeah, I'm kind of with you there. Yeah, I'll also say that just because you and I kind of agree on the more or less the uselessness of such a thing doesn't mean you can't try and see if it's something that does work for you. It's just, I mean, I have tried to do something similar, trying to see either future or past timelines while projecting. And it, our mind is too wrapped in, you know, other things to give you a good idea without being, you know, front loaded or having analytical overload or analytical overlay, if I can speak, gosh, big words. Then it's not going to be very useful just from that standpoint. But if you can somehow get past that and you're able to truly, you know, pick something and see. The other thing is with any type of precognizance or any type of divination like tarot, I Ching, or runes, it's more or less a guide and it's not going to be strictly telling you exactly what's going to happen. So in that sense as well, if you are thinking of this and seeing a future timeline, there are infinite future timelines that you have not seen. So you can't tell for certain that this one event is going to happen because you're looking at one specific thing. So unless we were, you know, omniscient and we knew everything, then future, looking into the future is really not going to be that helpful except for possibly being a guide. Yeah, exactly. So their sixth question is, is there any connection between quantum leap and AP? What I think by that question is they're more asking, and I may be wrong, but I think they are asking about the dimensional shifting aspect, if I may be – if I'm thinking of that correctly. And with my understanding, the whole idea of a dimension shift is that you're essentially moving into another reality or into another universe, but it's still your same body, I guess. It's just a different – or it's a different body, but it's your same consciousness. I would say that something like that really isn't possible. As a permanent thing, whether or not we can shift into another dimension temporarily and see what's there, I would say that that's probably possible, but it's not a long-term thing. So it's kind of like just peeking out the window while you're flying by something is how I would see that as. It's not something where you're going to just suddenly be in a perfect world where you want everything – where everything is the way you want it to be. Yeah. Yeah, I'm struggling a little bit here with the question. I would say – are we referring to quantum jumping, which is similar to what you described or how I understand it to be? But that's more – for me, it's more like evolution of your body and kind of upgrading where you are currently to allow yourself to maintain a higher frequency so that you can potentially bump up to – and I hate to use it because everybody talks about it, but if we're talking about the whole 5D thing, yeah, like Adfang said, I definitely feel like you could poke around and look around, but there are quite strong differences. And so if you want a quantum leap or quantum jump, you know, hop dimensions, it's going to come from a lot of inner work and evolution and transmutation. So then we're going to talk about physical alchemy and different things. So I don't want to get too far off of astral projection, so I'm just going to stop right there. Okay. Yep. I agree with you. Discussing any type of dimension shifting, quantum leaping, that is a whole other conversation in and of itself, and also whether or not spending time doing that is even worth it. And I hate to say it that way, but just through my own personal experience and hearing experience from others, it's just something that you have to weigh how much time do I have versus what is my potential doing something else. And in this case, your potential of success or, you know, getting something useful out of it for you is going to be much lower than working on something else. Yeah, I'd agree with that. And it's one of those hot-button topics. It can irritate or inflame or, you know, incite in a lot of ways because there are people that are really attached to the idea. And therefore, they feel like you're discrediting. It can be a whole yucky thing, and that's not what we want to do. So the last question for Splash before we get into some of our other things is, she asks, is it okay, all right, or justified to take the help of spirit guides or deities in AP? And then she says, and I would also like to expand this question further, how much should one take help of their deities? To what extent? In which areas? How much space can we give them, and how much can we ask for them for assistance that's not disrespectful or over-demanding? Would you like to go first? I'll say that as a Christian, I have a different view on working with deities and that kind of thing. So from my experience in Christianity, you can definitely ask or pray for whatever you want, but it doesn't mean that God's going to answer those prayers. So I would broaden that to say, most likely for other deities, that you can worship, pray, or whatever to those deities as much as you would like, and they're only going to listen to what they want to hear. So I would not say it's disrespectful or over-demanding because they're only going to do what they want to do. I'm going to preface that because that would make sense for someone from a non-Christian background as to why we would talk about deities in a more expansive way. So, is it okay, all right, justified to take the help of guides or deities during astral projection? If it's offered, I can say yes, but where is the discernment? There's a very subtle difference in working with deity, higher being, spirit guides, and how they present. So just for a safety issue, I would say I would hope that you have felt connected and have been working with these beings prior to just asking or being offered assistance. It's kind of like personal safety. So make sure that you really understand. So you should have an idea of how they appear, but appearances can change. So more so how they feel, how they communicate, those would be key factors that you're looking for. And for how much help should one take or expect or ask, that's up to the individual. There is no definitive answer to that because it depends upon you, the individual, and your spiritual practice, and your connection, and what you're willing to accept, what you're willing to give back because everything is reciprocal. How much space can we give them and how much can we ask for assistance? You can hold as much space as what works for you. It's really important to have consistency in your practice or your devotion or even within your expectations. So if you are wanting an answer, you know, they're kind of busy. So they're not just going to usually drop whatever and attend to you, right, because there are millions or, you know, lots and lots of people that are asking them for similar things. So it's about creating that connection and being patient and doing what's best for you and what's best for your guide or your deity in the context of your agreements that you've created, right? I don't know that astral projection really has a whole lot to do with that. I mean, it can because, you know, from a Christian or Catholic background, I mean, you know, I'm very well aware of the Blessed Mother Mary appearing, you know, so would that be astral projection? Is that by location? So there we kind of get back into the weeds. But I feel like I think we've got a good section of answers for Splash's questions and for Bark and Bite. I'm going to look really quickly to see if there are any others. Oh, okay. And Raisine Fayo said some people talk about AP as a thing you do when you go to sleep and some talk about it as a thing one can do imaginatively while awake. What's up with that? I mean, you can – this would be good to discuss the differences between lucid dreaming and astral projection. I think those two terms often get combined or mixed together because of a kind of loose connection between the two, and I think that would answer their question. Yeah, I agree with you there. That's a good topic. I did a little bit of research because I wanted to kind of allow us to discuss or cover different methods and techniques to achieve astral projection. So the rope technique is one of the most common. Are you familiar with that one? Yes. I believe that's the one where you kind of reach out above you to an imaginary rope. Yeah, and you kind of pull yourself. That's actually developed by Robert Bruce, and I believe he's the author of the clinical book that Mr. Mage asked if either of us had read. Yes, Astrodynamics. Yes. So that's – the author also developed the rope technique. There is the Monroe technique. That's something that I have used consistently that links back to the Gateway Tapes Focus 21 series, which allows you to kind of expand your consciousness under directed relaxation and kind of self-guided hypnosis techniques, which I'm just going to pitch it. We do have a Gateway Tape selection here, and for me, it's been very beneficial. Lucid Dreaming Focus and OBE, Out-of-Body Experience. So here – and this is a valid technique where we're working on the lucid dreaming aspect and combining – wow, I can't speak either today. That's wonderful. Combining lucid dreaming intention setting and understanding of how to become lucid within a dream and then setting that intention once you become lucid within the dream, you push for that projection or that out-of-body experience, which is fascinating. There is something called a displaced awareness technique, and that is where you get into a trance or a hyper-focused state, and then you start to rotate your astral form 180 degrees. So you move your astral head basically slowly and steadily, consistently, to where your feet are, and once you've achieved that, you visualize, look around your room, and kind of gain your balance with your new perspective. So it almost sounds like that's a type of almost a partial or a half AP, but I thought that one sounded really interesting. There's also the belly button method. So you can use like a guided meditation or that kind of flow state, and you focus actually on your core around your belly button, and once you have connected within that belly button space, you start to basically pull out and feel and explore the astral body. So it's kind of like a – it feels like it's similar to a courting technique. Welcome, Bark and Bite. Welcome, Sandy. There is the hammock method. Have you heard of that one, Adfang? I'm not sure. Okay. So the hammock method is where you visualize a bright white hammock around yourself, and as you're sitting in that space, you sit back and feel everything brighten around you, including your own physical body, and then you kind of sink back into the hammock, and then eventually you kind of, like paper dolls, you kind of pull yourself out of the hammock, which I thought was a very interesting methodology. The herbal method, and I will tell you from personal experience, that's definitely something that I started without realizing because it helps me tap into and connect a little more when I'm working to receive information in the beginning. So I use herbal blends that I burn over abrasion, or I ingest with tea. So mugwort, blue lotus. You can use anise. There are lots of – no, no, no, no. Absolutely not. And they're very beneficial. They kind of, to me, they expand your consciousness, but there's none of the – there's no psychedelic, so it's just kind of like a slow and steady, or it's great if you do dream work to work that way. So yeah, just be real careful where you get your herb from. Yeah, yeah, I'm right there with you, Mr. Mage, with the mugwort. It's truly amazing. So then there's the mirror gazing technique, which, again, would kind of move back into the lucid dreaming type aspect. So you start to gaze into a mirror until you feel everything kind of soften and start to dissolve. And then you focus on your reflection and kind of, in essence, you can allow the separation of the bodies. There's also something called the forget-everything-you-know method, which, for somebody who's really stressing, I think that would be very, very beneficial because it takes the pressure off. It's like you stop focusing on getting it done, remove the expectation to the outcome, and then just, you know, if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. So hopefully, were there any of those methods that there are any questions on or that we'd like to touch base on? No? Edvang, you still awake? I've been asleep for the whole time. You're going to have to repeat everything you said. What were you saying? We were on astral projection, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, I was going to mention that, Mary, is the rollout method. Yep, yep. Go ahead and explain what that one is for us. Yeah, so the rollout method, I guess, is in a similar vein that the pull-up method, the rope method, except instead of visualizing that rope above you and kind of pulling out that way, you are basically rocking back and forth, like side to side, and trying to free your astral body from your physical self. And you slowly gain momentum until you finally, you know, either roll right out of bed or you kind of rock yourself free and then you sit up and then, you know, just leave your body that way. I'll say that the rocking method is the easiest for me to do. It's more natural for me. It just feels like that's the way for me. I've had success with, you know, the rope method and some of the other ones that you mentioned, but the rocking one just, it feels right for me. That's all I can say about it. There you go. Would anyone here in the audience, do you have any questions or is there anything that you would like to share or talk about with any of your experiences or any of these methods? Oh, that's a really good question. That's a really great question. So Mr. Mage is asking, have you ever had an AP session, air quotes, go bad, in a similar vein to a bad trip? Have you had any experiences like that, Bad Fang? Yes, of course. With anything that you do, you can always have a bad result. There's definitely a few that come to mind. I'll try and think of one to share. But yeah, any time that we're doing pretty much anything in metaphysics, especially whenever it comes to things such as astral projection, you can definitely have some unintended side effects or unintended results that you did not want to experience. And that kind of just goes with what we do and it happens and you kind of learn from what happened and then you move forward from it. So hopefully that's not to scare you into not projecting. It's just something to be aware of that sometimes things just don't go as planned. I will say it's more, at least in my experience, it's more likely for things to go a little more awry whenever you've been projecting for a while and you have a pretty good understanding of projection in and of itself. I don't think I had any problems starting out. I didn't have any bad projections or bad trips, so to speak, whenever I was first starting. But it was after I gained quite a bit more confidence that I had some bad experiences. As of late, I don't think I've had any bad experiences, but just knowing that the possibility is there and being aware of that. What about you, AK? Not necessarily bad. I think I mentioned already that I have a tendency to spontaneously AP at different times. And in doing so, I have ended up in places that were not the most beneficial or safe. And so that takes a little bit of finagling and a little bit of maneuvering as you kind of try to figure out how do I, how did I get here? And I'm not supposed to be here, so I need to double time it away from here, but without drawing attention to yourself. So with anything, it's really important to be aware of your surroundings and what's going on around you so that you can understand what you need to do. So just being aware. Yeah, I mean, there was nothing, like, really bad. It was just weird places that I definitely had the feeling and knew that it was directed that it was like – and then, you know, having voices say, oh, yeah, you don't belong here before you get yeeted. Yeah. I wouldn't be too concerned with people who are just starting out projecting to get into a, you know, have a bad trip, so to speak, or have a bad session. It's always a possibility, but every session you have will have that possibility. So I wouldn't be too concerned about it as long as, you know, shield beforehand if you have that concern. I would always suggest shielding and just going from there. Mr. Mage has asked if we've – if either of us have had experience interacting with a comatose person while APing. And then for more clarification, he meant medically, but I asked if he meant maybe just sleeping or unconscious, and he said that's interesting. Personally, I have worked with other individuals who were trying to project and APed to their body and took a look to try to see if I could determine if there was some weird reason why they were having difficulty. And I've – getting more into potentially more advanced things, helping people project by kind of trying to get them a little pulled out so they can complete their projection, that's something that I've done in the past. So the answer to your question is yes, in a way. Yes, assisted astral birth. You know, giving them just enough to be able to pop out on their own, and that is consensually, of course. And that doesn't work for everyone. It really just depends on, you know, your subconscious, how you work as a person. And, you know, sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. I've had it not work more times than it actually works. I think it's only worked maybe three or four times, and I've tried it dozens of times. But yeah, that's probably my only real experience with people who are comatose. What about you? No, not – definitely not well astral projecting. Now, you know, I've had experiences with readings, mediumship readings, where I connected to – this was back in the beginning of kind of the journey. And they weren't necessarily comatose. They were definitely trapped within their body. So there was a lot of extreme dementia. I found out after the fact, extreme dementia and not waking lucidity. So that was really weird because the person actually, you know, said – told me that they were kind of trapped, housed within their body, which I thought was interesting and so – but not through astral projection. Mr. Mage also asks if we've ever been noticed by conscious people while we were projecting and had it mentioned later. Yes. Yeah, so I have too. And a specific example I'll give is it was whenever I was kind of starting out astral projecting and kind of finally getting the hang of it, I astral projected kind of into a kitchen area at our house. And my mom had seen me and was like – you know, she was talking to me. And I couldn't really make out what she was saying because that barrier between, you know, physical astral projection kind of gets things garbled. So she turns away and then looks back, and I'm not there. And then she comes into my bedroom and sees me there, and she's like, were you not just in the kitchen? And I was like, no, I was not in the kitchen. So that was interesting. I don't know if she knows that I was astral projecting. I guess I could, you know, call her up and see what she remembers from that because it's been a long time. But, you know, there have been some other instances, but that's probably the most – the strongest one that I remember. Yeah. I've done it for one of my close friends a couple of times when she's really kind of needed some support. And she'll be like, it was like you were right here. And she's like, I was talking with you. I'm like, I know. And so that's kind of weird. For me, my middle son knows when I leave my body, which is really kind of weird. So he'll be like, oh, yeah, you were meditating. And he's like, and then you were no longer there. And I was like, well, how do you know? He's like, I don't know your presence, your energy, what you are. It's just – it's no longer here. Okay. Duly noted. Yeah. And he also notices when I come back. He's like, yep, you'll be moving around again, so. Oh, yeah, that's a great question, Mr. Mage. Any good interactions with pets or other animals while APing? Yes, most definitely. What about you, Ed Fang? Yeah. I can – I've been downstairs and basically started petting my dog. And I would basically be like, hey, you should come downstairs. And then all of a sudden, they'd come downstairs. And they looked at me a little confused, like, what just happened? I mean, I can't – dogs can't speak, but I've had that happen, which is interesting. Yeah, for sure. I actually have a black cat who from time to time will actually join me, which is really kind of wild. And the way he does it, because a lot of times, you know, I'll refer to everything as meditating because I do a lot in that space. And he'll come and he will lay on my chest, and I'll be like, oh, you want to go? And basically, you know, I get that kind of, yep, let's go. And, you know, I'll be in the astral. And then probably, you know, 10, 15 minutes later, like, I'll look down and he's right there by my side. So, yeah, I mean, it's kind of cool. With other animals, yes. I don't know if I should talk about it because it really sounds like I need to be committed. But I have – This is a judgment-free zone. Uh-huh. I've come across beings that, including animals, that we would assume are fictional, not real. I do have a connection with – it was a really bizarre astral projection because I came across a Cheshire cat, basically, and I was like, that was it. I was like, I've lost it. This is, you know, and I made some comment like, oh, my God, like, I've lost it. And, you know, no way. And then it was like – and then the next thing I know, he was like, yeah, no way, Jose. And he kind of snapped his fingers and I, you know, kind of did the little finger – and I was like, oh, my God. And so, yeah, that was his name. And terrible, terrible, terrible, bad joke. He wasn't like – he wasn't bad. He was just, you know – I know there's a lot of negativity kind of surrounding him, but I think he was pretty cool. And I'm responding to Mr. Mage. He said, why are the weird predatory astral entities cats? You know, I think because – Well, there are a lot of other weird predatory astral entities. Yeah. I also think it's a lot of our personal perception and how we perceive things. Yeah, most definitely. Most definitely. So, yeah, there's that. What kind of experiences have you had or overlap with any of the astral or the different techniques? Have you experienced anything else like that, lucid dreaming? What was your question? He said, have you had any other kind of overlaps that you might feel like sharing between, like, astral projecting or half astral projecting by locating or, you know, in connection with, like we discussed, a little bit of lucid dreaming or anything like that? Yeah, so we talked about it a little bit earlier that lucid dreaming kind of has some overlap with astral projection. Some people find that they're able to project from a lucid dream. I think personally my belief is somewhere in that, you know, lucid dreaming is purely in your mind, just like dreaming. While it's lucid, it's still inside of our mind, but the moment that we have awareness that we're dreaming, we can then shift into a projected state. So I think that they're still separate, but also they can overlap, if what I'm saying makes sense. So your lucid dream is not going to be a projection or something that's happening while projecting, but while lucid dreaming, you can choose to start projecting. Yes. Mr. Mage asked, excuse me, if I've had PK or psychokinesis experiences while APing. Yes, I have. Something that I used to test was trying to move a candle flame in a pretty still air room and moving it back and forth. So one of my methods was to project to somewhere else that I was not in, and then kind of guide the candle to be, you know, going one way or the other or making it flicker. Gotcha. That's impressive. That method requires two people or at least a camera set up during that time frame. And you also have to be careful with psychokinesis that there isn't, to the best of your ability, you're not, it's not being influenced by anything else like air current, the AC turning on, you know, a fan in the room, that kind of thing. Gotcha. And we can, we could do a discussion on psychokinesis or general PK. That's a good idea that we could do. Okay. So bark and bite, guide through, and her question is, guide through intention or physical methods through AP, PK? In reference to the story that you just shared. Yeah. Guide through intention or physical, both. It would be trying to literally push the flame, kind of, either by, you know, giving it a gentle, trying to blow at the flame and see if it would move, and also intention to have the flame move. I mean, in a way, they're kind of the, they're the same either way you look at it. APing to do PK, and you're trying to do PK while projecting, that is your intention. So it's not just, you know, it's not strictly one or the other. Gotcha. Great questions. Do we have any more? Does everybody feel comfortable? Thank you, Mr. Mage. Do we feel comfortable with the idea and the subtle pieces that fall into astral projection? Yeah, I think we're good. Well, thank you for the great questions. Like, it's really excellent to have participation. So thank you. Thank you to everyone that's been here with us. Mr. Mage, Bark and Bite, Sandy, I saw Sketchy had popped in, and Rue had popped in and out. So, you know, thank you guys for being here with us, for asking the great questions, being interactive and sharing space with us. I am very grateful to each and every one of you for your dedication and your time. And yeah, I really appreciate it. So thank you for being here with us today on part two of astral projection series. If you would like for us to cover more topics, please go ahead and share suggestions and questions in A&A podcast threads. And yeah, thank you guys for being here today. I hope that everyone has a beautiful rest of your day. Happy May 1st. It's on a Wednesday. How wild is that? Ed Feng, thank you for being here and sharing this space with me, especially with the weird technical difficulties, as usual. And yes, May Day, it's been fantastic. Speaking of that, has anybody done anything fun and exciting for this May Day besides hanging out with us cool nerds over here in A&A podcast? Not. Are you going to do anything fun? Are you going to go play disc golf or do something exciting? I'm not sure. The rest of the day is an oyster that I have yet to pop open. There you go. That's excellent. What about you, Sandy? Any fun plans? However, in true Rado fashion, I may go out for a nice walk and enjoy some nature. There you go. That would be awesome. I planted seeds this morning. Excellent. Well, everyone, once again, thank you for joining us here on, I think it's Episode 4. I swear it's 5, but Episode 4 of A&A podcast. And have a wonderful rest of your afternoon. We'll talk with you soon. Thank you. Yep. And if you're interested, I'm going to head over to our general voice chat if we want to continue any discussions. That sounds good. I'll meet you over there. All right.

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