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faux newz 2.0

faux newz 2.0

A VanopolisA Vanopolis



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Fox News is often seen as a trustworthy conservative outlet, but it is actually controlled opposition that supports establishment crooks. The network pretends to be anti-left with figures like Tucker Carlson, but it aligns with the establishment. During the 2020 election, Fox dismissed claims of fraud and sided with Biden, except for Tucker Carlson. This exposed Fox's true nature and disappointed its viewers. People who watch Fox are looking for a refuge from government corruption, voter fraud, and fake news. So news, fair and balanced. Many conservatives venerate Fox News as if Fox were a cool glass of water, shimmering alone brightly in a vast and arid desert of propagandists. Fox may seemingly wave the flag for right-wing causes, but in reality, it carries water for the crooks in the establishment just like CNN. Fox News placates its audience with anti-left aesthetics by featuring culture warriors like Tucker Carlson. The network frequently aligns itself with rational and right-side causes, but that's what controlled opposition does. I distinctly remember when the 2020 election was swiped away from President Trump in favor of the cerebrally fractured and permanent politician, Uncle Joe Biden. Fox pundits eviscerated anyone suggesting the appearance of foul play or citing voting discrepancies. The only Fox associate that didn't throw Trump beneath the bus and claim that old man Biden won fair and squarely was Tucker Carlson. The 2020 election heist was what really lifted the veil surrounding the Fox network, as they chastised both President Trump and his supporters for questioning the election results. In conclusion, expecting the Fox faithful to accept this unsettling revelation may be a tall order and this is understandable. The typical Fox viewer has been woefully disenfranchised by the tyranny of government corruption, voter fraud, and the infestation fake news. They are simply searching for a refuge from the increasing insanity of this broken and bizarre new world.

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